《Mud's Mission》28 Market


Many Sapient races have expressed dissatisfaction over the decades at the common practice of referring to all non-human Sapients as "demi-humans". The term itself is annoyingly broad, including such disparate races as the beastlike beings blessed by Yaldabaoth and the winged children of Tzevaot. Despite this rather reasonable gripe, even the so-called 'demi-human' races still often refer to themselves as such. Why is this, and why do the creations of Logos receive special treatment? The reason is, of course, the Akashic Record. Having been crafted by human mages, this system in many places shows a strong human bias. It's no surprise that when the omnipresent, seemingly all-knowing teacher for all rational minds uses a phrase, it sticks.

-Excerpt from History of the Akashic Record

In contrast to the rather lethargic feel of the slums, the interior of Geltheas was bustling with activity. Even on the wide main street extending from the archway, the citizens needed to weave and jostle for space to advance. Not that that applied to Mud and Jabrax; the crowd gave the duo a wide berth as they traveled down the cobblestone streets. Much to Mud's satisfaction, the streets were much cleaner here than in the slums. The golem didn't spot a single piece of refuse on the wide street.

Swiveling its head around to absorb as much information as possible, and to reduce blind spots in case of an ambush, Mud examined the composition of the crowd. The vast majority of the population appeared to be humans; only rarely did the golem spot the animalistic features or distorted profile of a demi-human. Among the humans, most had an olive complexion and curly black hair. Rarely, Mud would spot a human with vibrantly colored hair in various shades. These humans, like Mud and Jabrax themselves, were carefully avoided by the passerby.


In terms of fashion, light clothing in bright colors was the norm for both human and demi-human alike. Mud stood out from the crowd with its heavy black cloak, which would be stiflingly hot to any Sapient in the quickly warming and humid summer morning.

Having no specific destination in mind for the moment, the pair of monsters continued to descend the gently sloping path towards the west side of the city. After several blocks, the aged brick homes made way to storefronts and restaurants. Shortly ahead, another large road intersected with their own. Both sides of the thorofare were packed with carts and blankets filled with all manner of goods; from fruits and vegetables, to household supplies, and even live animals for sale. In the middle of the streets, large groups crowded around as buskers plied their trade, playing stringed instruments or performing feats of acrobatic prowess.

As the golem slithered forward to examine this exciting bazaar, its movements were halted as Jabrax roughly grabbed its arm. "Wait. Listen very carefully to what I say next."

Mud turned its attention towards its contracted demon. After lowering herself down into a squat to stare the golem directly in the eyes, Jabrax began speaking carefully. "Mud, the humans in the market will tell you to buy their products or to shop at their store. This is not an order. It is a suggestion. When they say things like 'get your fruit here', that's slang for 'you can get your fruit here if you want, but you don't have to'. Nobody here is going to give you an order, even if it sounds like they are. Do you understand?"

The golem took a moment to try to comprehend what its demon was saying. Mud would be getting things that sounded like orders, but are not orders? It seemed strange that humans would phrase things in such a misleading way. The demon was bound by a contract that restricted her from lying, so it must be true. Once again, Mud was perplexed by the irrational actions of humans. "I understand. The humans are phrasing things in a misleading way as part of their trading customs."


Jabrax let out a sigh of relief and stood up. "Good, I was worried you'd be running around buying everything if I didn't warn you."

"Yes, that would have happened," replied the golem in its usual monotone. At that, the group began browsing the market.

Over the next hour, with Jabrax taking the lead, the duo purchased large amounts of simple items that seemed useful. Foodstuffs, tea, bales of cloth in various shades, paints, and candles, along with other small items. Everything purchased was stuffed haphazardly into a large burlap sack, liberated from Bark when he came to extort them. Mud hefted the bulging bag, which was now larger than the golem, over one shoulder. The unusual sight of a heavily cloaked child carrying a burden larger than himself drew many curious glances.

Content that she had enough luxuries to enjoy herself for a while, Jabrax crossed her arms and nodded in satisfaction. "Alright, this should be good for a while. Let's head home."

The demon turned back towards the way they came, but was stopped by the monotone voice of her contractor. "No. I must acquire the Class."

Jabrax turned back towards the golem and pouted. "I was hoping you forgot about that." The demon began looking around, scanning the nearby shoppers. "Fine, you'll probably just pick something useless like 'Maid' anyway. Hey, excuse me!" Jabrax reached up and tugged on the sleeve of a scrawny teenage human who was trying to decide which cabbage to buy.

"Huh, yes?" The boy momentarily froze as he saw Jabrax. A light smile formed on his lips and a slight blush appeared on his cheeks. He brushed back his curly hair with one hand and slightly stammered out. "H-hi there, do you need help with something?"

Still holding on to his sleeve with two fingers, the demon leaned forward and looked up at the charmed teenager. "Well, I'm new to this city and I'm a bit lost. Could you maybe tell me where I can get a class change in this city?"

His smile grew deeper at the flattering attention of such a cute girl his own age. "Of course, of course. There's a few places in town, but the closest is probably the Delver's Association branch by the dungeon. In fact, I'd be happy to show you the way myself." The boy stood tall and thrust a thumb towards his own chest, putting on a display of bravado.

Jabrax opened her eyes wide and placed a hand against her mouth. "Oh, you would do that! You're so reliable! But I don't want to interrupt your shopping..."

The teenager waved both his hands dismissively and beamed brightly. "Not a problem, not a problem. It's no trouble, really. In fact, I'm happy to help! Come on, I'll show you the way."

"Well, if you insist!" Linking her arm with the boy's, whose face now resembled a tomato, the pair of monsters were led by the oblivious human towards their next destination.

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