《Pluto》Author Update & Poll


Greetings faithful readers!

I am still alive! I swear! Editing and finishing Nexus is taking longer to put together than I expected...but this is not a bad thing. By slowing down the pacing of the story, I've been able to do a lot more character and world development than what existed in my first draft.

The downside is...I'm not ready to start posting it yet. Which kinda sucks. I also don't have any cover art yet...finding an artist who can do what I have in mind for the cover has turned out to be surprisingly difficult.

Anyway...I thought I might post the first book of my The Kinnear Chronicles novels - which is already availble on Amazon and elsewhere - here for y'all to read while I'm working on Nexus. Thus, the poll below. I don't see anything in the Royal Road terms of service that says "don't do that," and I thought it might be a fun way to bring in some new readers (and maybe help me buff up the book a little in the process).

So go hit the poll and let me know what you think. In the meantime, I'm going back to work on Nexus.

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