《Luck Lockyer》Chapter 9 - Ethodthem
It is not power that makes one thrive. Never has it ever been. It is those already thriving that attain power. There is a difference. The System as we know it always awards one in the event of great feats. But to slay a dragon, or down a kraken, no random man can achieve such success.
-Uhet, the Guiding Finn, The Pools.
New System Update: Ethodthem
Large quantities of power spikes have been detected in recent centuries. Natural inhabitants of Aerae are insufficient for power growth. Ethodthem is insufficient with keeping up with power bestowals. Ethodthem will undergo complete overhaul, modernizing, enhancing and allowing easier interface with the System. Worldwide attacks have been implemented, probing the capabilities of all inhabitants of Aerae. Ethodthem will finish reboot soon, acting upon those encounters to further augment and supplement the update.
Time Remaining: 3:37:52
Luck's face twisted. He was still feeling his wounds, his burns.
Spirit. Turn the pain off. He thought through the stinging hell. And the next moment the pain was gone.
Opening his eyes, he could see where he was. If his memory served him right then he was in a temple a few plots down from Leah's. His state, evidently, called for special accomodations. He was lying in a small pool, in what he assumed was holy water, simply for it being in a place of worship. He rarely went to church and so was unaware of how such things worked.
"Is this going to a thing now?" A slow voice came from behind him. "Fainting?"
"Let's hope not." Luck answered ruefully, feeling oddly better in the calm water. The voice was a familiar one, one he had come to know in the recent days. It was Ace Vent. "What's happened since I've been out?" Ignoring the blue screen for now, he was more concerned with the current state of affairs.
The air was absent of anything indicative of anymore bedlam, so he could relax. But his amber eyes were drawn to the people. The majority were a hardy folk, hard people that looked like the type to grit their teeth and get their hands dirty. From the weapons slung across their bodies and the dirt on their face, it seemed like they did exactly that. Then Luck noticed the others. Faces and names were always easy for him. He could recognize every face here. They were people he met briefly, directing them to this very place. And they were looking at him, him and Ace. Luck turned to Ace, and after a while the people gave them their privacy albeit with hushed whispers.
"The snakes are leaving. Their eyes stopped glowing a while ago. Since then they've lost their frenzy. The larger beasts are still rampaging though, locals call them callamoths. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on where you are, the callamoths are going down the center of Peace. The temples are out of the way, so no one's expecting any to come this way." Ace explained. Inwardly, Luck was relieved at that bit of news, the snakes had left, meaning what he had done had some effect.
"Did you get this update?" Luck asked, referring to the strange blue screen still floating in front him. Bizzare. The floating message still felt organic, natural, even when its existence screamed that it wasn't to his logical mind. Nonetheless, there it floated, and once Luck finished reading, it dissapeared. With a thought it was back, and with another it was gone. Much more fluent, less clunky than the older messages he was given.
"Yeah, about an hour and a half ago. There's been quite a lot of talk since then." Ace said. Luck floated on his back, spinning around to look at Ace, who was sitting with his feet in the water. "The people are scared."
"I'd be too. Worldwide attacks?" Luck read, brow creasing. "This is happening all over?"
"There's no way to tell, currently." Ace replied. "But for a power so integral to Aerae... to update. Who knows how this can affect everything? And that line, 'natural inhabitants of Aerae are insufficient for power growth' is forboding."
Luck nodded. "With Leah's premonition it's all the more unsettling." He agreed, thinking of the implications. His interactions with the different gods gave him information to draw from, he felt he was on to something. Luck's mind worked fast, drawing from everywhere almost at once, a skill that was essential in piecing together the agendas of the underground. Leah's piece was the final part of the puzzle, that made everything fit just a bit better. "Diversi mentioned Ethodthem's purpose before didn't he? A power so encompassing and ancient even the gods know not its origins. I recall asking him why such a thing existed, a thing that granted power aimlessly, since it seemed rather... odd, I guess. He said he believed all of Aerae was an arena, used for entertainment. That was his theory, and he'd been stumped for eternity." Luck explained, speculating out loud for Ace's benefit.
In his experience, sharing your thoughts with someone else helped you tie things together easier, though he rarely ever did so with anyone but his family. He continued. "Jerxos had said the gods were bored, twiddling their thumbs and trying their best to stave off their boredom. I'm guessing he helped Leah more for his own benefit than wanting to actually help save lives, he seemed like that type of guy."
"This system update can't possibly be conincidence then." Ace added, his own expression speculative. "The timing is too perfect. Is it perhaps in response to Leah's involvement?"
"I'm not an expert on the powers of divine beings, but I don't think Leah's power has a flip side to it. She just ran out of power. Plain and simple. There are no other side effects to her power. " He got out of the water, sitting beside Ace.
"What are you talking about? Doesn't that explain why she felt such a build up of misfortune? I'd think using more power, then noticing a constant consequence explains the phenomena quite well." Ace reasoned, and although his friend brought up solid counter points Ace was always open to discussion. Luck respected that, being able to state your point in a relevant and concise way, but allowing yourself to be proven wrong. Luck was the same way, so everytime they talked it always bore fruit regardless of who was correct. "Although you're free to prove me wrong." He finished, proving Luck's musings.
Luck smirked, getting to his point. "Read the first two lines. No. The first three." He gave Ace a moment before continuing. "I had just enough information to form this hypothesis, just from my interaction with the gods. The System is pretty wonky from what I can tell. I've tried pulling up all of my powers at once and it doesn't work. That's decent proof that Ethodthem can't keep up with all the powers being bestowed. People achieving amazing things, overcoming feats and challenges. Getting stronger."
"Recent centuries..." Ace muttered, repeating the end of the first sentence. "...Didn't Leah say she was affecting fortune for about that long?"
"Yeah," Luck replied, "And I think that has a lot to do with the update. Her intentions were good, but she was giving these people extremely good luck, letting them accomplish things they probably shouldn't have been able to."
"Which made them stronger, recieving the rewards from Ethodthem." Ace picked up. "Which, in turn, prompted Ethodthem to enact this overhaul of the System." He finished, looking tired. "It's far-fetched." He said after a moment.
"The second line." Luck said. "The people here have become too strong for whatever normal dangers lurk in Aerae. Now, Diversi said that Ethodthem's purpose was to grant powers to those deserving. But what if it was to strengthen the population instead? To put power in the hands of those capable rather than deserving? If such a force existed why were only sentients reaping the benefits? Almost as if the monsters were placed among Aerae for the sole purpose of toughening them up. Jerxos himself told me the gods have nothing to do, nothing threatens them except boredom. And they were once mortal too, rising up to their place. In short, they're too strong, and, if Ethodthem works towards strengthening Aerae's population, then something has to happen to push that limit."
"The peak inhabitants of Aerae have nothing to threaten them..." Ace interrupted. "There's a problem though, there's no telling how long they were at their pinnacle. The time they spent at the top could've been thousands of years, and Leah didn't mention any other time Ethodthem took any extra measures."
Luck nodded, it was a valid point. "True, but Leah interfered with mortal affairs not godly ones. I think that was the tipping point for the System to reboot. When determining whether Aerae was strong enough it's probably more likely that the System took the average power of all inhabitants rather than just the top dogs." He explained. "This tide of misfortune Leah was sensing however... "
"You think the System is going to do something?" Ace concluded, to which Luck nodded. "You just don't know what form it'll take."
"That's the jist of it."
Ace sighed in a way Luck thought was either defeated or overworked. "So we know the source of whatever misfortune is about to befall Aerae is coming from something deeply intertwined with the world itself." Ace said flatly. "And, we have concluded that Leah's 'golden age' as she called it, facilitated the growth of Aerae's inhabitants, thus tasking Ethodthem with too much of a workload. Now that very force, which you believe works to strengthen the people living here, is updating itself and preparing to do just that, but better." He finished, neatly summarizing everything succinctly. Put together so shortly it seemed rather improbably, but Luck had just the right interactions and information that supported the conclusion he drew.
"Basically." Luck said, splashing his feet. "Leah thought her using her power was increasing the misfortune, but it was really Aerae's people getting closer and closer to that update."
"Well," Ace said, "we've got about three hours before calamity hits." He stretched out his muscles and reached into his pocket. Out came a small bag and smaller pocketwatch. "Took these out of your pants before I dumped you in the water. You seem to have mastered the pain again, so doesn't look like we'll need it."
"Thanks." Luck said, pocketing both. "I've got a few bunnies I need to relieve of duty." He smirked, Ace getting thrown off slightly. Luck enjoyed the look on his face.
"What?" Ace said confused.
"I don't just talk to trees." Luck reminded him. "I had the bunnies watch my stuff before we left Leah's temple. They're actually quite friendly, happy to do it even. I've got the cards there, Diversi's map, and the rest of my clothes, all bundled up under the pew. If we've got the time, I really like those playing cards." Luck said meaningfully.
"I see. Time magic, talking to nature, and healing. Oh, and a deep knowledge of... magical cures and botanical profiles?" Luck caught that he was referring to the curing of The Pools, The Forest of the Damned, and his sales pitch to Madam Savs earlier. His friend looked like he was confusing himself. "Yeah, the streets are clear. It shouldn't be a problem." He said, somewhat sour.
"You wanted to keep them secret, not me." Luck smirked, his eyes were laughing. On another level however, he had no leads on the rest of Ace's 'tools', which was frustrating. He did have a suspicion that one was accelerated learning however, but his fast pick up of Common might've just been due to his knack with languages in general.
Ace frowned in good nature. "I did." He conceded. "To Leah's temple then."
The temple that they were currently occupying was inviting and safe. The people filling it did not detract from that feel at all. The inner room gave a feeling of sanctuary while the outside was one of gentle beckoning. To accomplish that inviting aura while simultaneously having such a small entrance was something that Luck applauded. Ace, as if to befuddle Luck further, took only a passing glance at his dictionary, which he still used on occasion, before talking to the men standing watch at the entrance. One of which Luck remembered.
"The streets are clear. We need to depart. " Ace said, somewhat choppy in terms of grammar choice, but clear.
"Sorry-" but the gruffer man on the left nudged the one speaking.
He was the one fending off a tide of snakes by himself, protecting his own family. Luck had jumped beside him, and together they were enough to pick up his kids and outrun the snakes. "It's them. Let them through, they might be able to do some more good." Apparently, he had recognized Luck as well, hard to forget a pair of amber eyes. "Go on. We've been trying to contain the ansty ones, but for now it's safer in here. Best for the majority to stay put. You two though proved yourselves a while ago." He replied, nodding his head in respect.
Ace thanked him, doing the speaking for once.
It was a short walk, but it would've been shorter if they didn't take the precautions they did. They slipped into the secluded temple grounds, and Luck felt a presence to the side. A familiar one. Saga was resting on the clovers, off to the side and by one of the trees.
"I told him to stay here. Didn't want to risk panicking anyone. Earlier, those men at the door were a lot more jumpy." Ace explained, looking at Saga. The shar stared back before huffing and resting his head, aparently sensing Luck's intention.
Luck could feel that Saga was actually very alert, his eyes were closed but that was so he could focus on his nose and his ears. The shar was listening, smelling for the smallest change that might indicate danger.
He didn't bother to take his shoes off this time, striding across the clovers like a man whose name belonged among them. He quickly found where he sat previously. Luck grabbed his things from under the pew, thanking the white rabbits for watching them. He was about to bid them farewell, but paused.
"Why are you holding two bunnies?" Ace asked. It was a fairly sensible question as Luck walked out the front entrance.
The two were little fluffballs. One male and one female, but despite the stereotype of the sex lives of bunnies, they were the only two in there. Talking to them was trivial. They agreed to come with him readily enough. His One with Nature trait allowed him to communicate with them easily. They knew he was there to help. The male had speculated that Luck was One who Saves, but the female was too curious as to where they were going to pursue that line of questioning. Luck told them to calm down, they were going somewhere safe.
"I'm not gonna leave them there." Luck said simply. He probably seemed childish. Wanting to save these animals might've been completely ludicrous if he weren't completely capable. They were a drain on his person if he couldn't find somewhere to keep them.
After a searching look his friend replied. "Your call." Ace shrugged. "Just don't expect me to carry them for you."
Maybe Ace was just an understanding friend. Or perhaps he truly didn't care. But Luck appreciated his acceptance, he himself would've brought up some problems immediately if a similar situation happened and the roles were reversed, but Ace did no such thing. Ace was a good guy to have around, if he hadn't been always traveling Luck might've befriended him earlier. And now they were here. In another world.
Luck remembered the events leading up to waking in the water. "I stopped time." Luck said abruptly. "The woman that was on my back. I saw them. I saw the serpents going for her Ace and something in me just said no. And the world was frozen. The pocketwatch stopped ticking, snakes were frozen mid-lunge, and I could move about them. For all of three seconds, time had stopped."
Ace raised an eyebrow. "Do you remember the feeling?" He asked, not doubting Luck.
"I think so." He said, already focusing on what he felt.
This was different though. Yes, he knew what he felt when time stopped, but getting it to stop? The first time was in the heat of battle, of the moment, a high of emotion. Now? Now, he was trying to will that magic into existence. He needed to think about it. It was who he was. But in that moment, watching the mother, there was no thought, only intent, only feeling.
Small steps. First and most obvious was the timepiece ticking against his thigh. One. Two. He tracked the ticks, feeling each second. The bunnies in his arms shuffled, their fur brushing against Luck's burns with no consequent pain. Ace was staring at him, and he tried to picture Ace harnessing the lightning in his hands, the magic. The very first time he saw Ace hurl lightning, facing down eight or so Subaqa. Instead, he remembered that eternal moment. That glimpse into infinity. That second that lasted longer than the others before blue lightning tore through the air.
With a start he realized Ace had froze. But the bunnies in his hand were still moving. Luck moved to the left, seeing if Ace's eyes would follow. They didn't. He was paused. Time had stopped again. Too soon, Ace blinked and jerked his head towards Luck. "How...? You did it, didn't you?"
Luck smirked. "That takes a lot from me. Paused for three seconds." Luck could feel a slight exhaustion, slight but all over, both in mind, body and... somewhere else. Fortunately, Luck's other traits made up for his body and his mind was sharp enough to cut through the fog. The other exhuastion was new to him though. "You must've been truly been pushing yourself the day we met Savs. You kept alert, for what? Fifteen or so minutes? That would've taken incredible focus."
"I've pulled a lot of all nighters. There are few tricks to keep you distracted from falling asleep and a few to maintain focus as well." Ace said modestly. "From my perspective you just teleported. I was staring at you and then you completely dissapeared from my vision. What did it?"
Luck grinned lightly, hidden meaning to his eyes. "There is this particular moment in my mind, one that seemed to last forever in an instant. I thought of that, focused on that feeling. Then the world paused, like I just... slipped into it." Luck moved over to Saga, resting against the laying cat. "We've got about two and a half hours left. Take a seat Ace. I'm gonna experiment."
He seemed curious about the moment Luck mentioned, but Ace didn't inquire further. Ace walked over, lying down among the clovers, closer to Saga than he would've chosen a day or two earlier. "Two hours thirty minutes and three seconds for you if you can pull it off one more time." He smiled. "Wake me up if you need me. I didn't have the luxury to faint earlier today." Before Luck could retort the man had closed his eyes, and impossibly, seemed to have already fallen asleep.
"I guess it's just you and me Saga. And the bunnies." Luck smirked, letting the two white balls down. Saga snorted, the bunnies didn't seem as scared of him as before. Luck said as much, to which Saga nodded to the front of the temple. There were a few dead snakes there. Luck hadn't noticed them when he passed earlier.
"Huh." Luck twisted slightly, observing the shar, who was resting quietly even as the bunnies crawled over him. "Get some sleep bud. I'll keep watch for us." The shar opened an eye to look at him. Then his eyes truly closed and he was asleep too.
Luck ran his hands absently through Saga's fur. Spirit? The Deep Magical Integration is complete, yes?
Affirmative. In accordance with your previous request your time unconscious was devoted to this process. Previously unavailable, your recent unlocking of your mana allowed the process to take place. Perceptive inputs pertaining to magic have been unlocked and connected to. Host's mana has been connected to. Host's basic magical affinities have been revealed.
Go over those. Luck requested. And keep a constant scan on our surroundings for any hazards. Though Luck knew it would basically be his own senses watching his back, he kept a vigilant eye as well. These were his friends after all.
Affirmative. In the same vein as your physical senses the Mk3 can now access your magical inputs. This accounts for sensing ambient mana, fluctuations in the mana stream, spell effects, enchantments, and other such inputs. However, while the Mk3's general information package includes basic spells, implementing the magic and understanding how it works is up to the Host. The Mk3 will follow along, learning and memorizing. The Deep Magical Integration has only just been green lighted for actual use, thus the Mk3 has no previously installed knowledge and will learn magic along with the Host. Spirit's voice was informative as always, an androgynously noble and secular voice. Luck was still debating whether he wanted to change it or not, since it was possible.
Makes sense. Luck thought. I can't expect you to be programmed for magic. I'll keep that in mind. Next.
Host's mana has been connected to. To some degree, the Mk3 can draw from this and power itself, although at extremely insufficient levels. Through this link the Mk3 is able to glean magical inputs from the Host. Although the Mk3's capabilities are known, they are far down the line, must be learned and depend on how fast the Host advances in their own magical training.
So, the more he learned the faster Spirit would pick it up and the more he'd be able to have Spirit automate. It's not that he didn't trust the S.I. but he was always his own person. He didn't like relying on people when it was completely within his own capabilites. He had been an independent person early on, and in a dangerous environment too. Luck had a thoughtful face. Then again, Ace had been watching his back the entire time they had arrived and so had Saga. Without them Luck didn't think he could've accomplished most of what he had.
Next. He thought.
Basic magical affinities revealed. High affinities for Earth and Nature magics. No other affinities. Basic spells in both Earth and Nature magics are known.
Is magic rare in Aerae? And what are these affinities?
Magic is commonplace in Aerae, sometimes even interwoven into mundane tasks. Affinities are one's soul's compatibility with a certain type of magic. The Mk3 can only detect basic affinites and has been approved and tested repeatedly on this capability to become certified. In general, the layman has a natural affinity to at least one element, it is extremely more rare to have no affinities than to have multiple. However, those with high affinities are scarce. High affinities correlate to faster mastery and control over a given element. Where a moderate affinity may take half a century to fully master a magic those with high affinities take only a quarter of one.
So my affinities are rare? Luck asked.
Your circumstance is rare, but unsurprising. Your soul, affected by One with Nature and the rebirth process as it was, has been connected to Nature and Time, as apparent in your gifted magic and familiar bond. To some extent, this connection ties into the affinity with Earth magic. Of more surprise is the high affinity towards both. It is likely your soul harbored an affinity to the earth and nature before you were even rebirthed.
Luck thought on that. Strange given my upbringing, stranger given the lack of magic in my world. And this is out of how many different types of possible magics? Luck asked. He was of the opinion this was a vast world, of many magics. His suspicion was not unwarrented.
A soul can resonate with magic no matter its absence, it is not unheard of for individuals from other magicless planes to have affinities to magic. The basic magics account for a small percentage of all existing magics. There are seven basic magics. From there, other magics become either a combination of these basic magics or more specialized versions. Others exist completely independent from them. More so, these combined, specialized, and independent magics may also combine further on occassion. The seven basic magic affinites that you have been tested for are: Light, Dark, Nature, Fire, Earth, Air and Water.
So Ace's Lightning Magic? Where would that lie?
Lightning is a combination of both Fire and Air, and to some extent Light magic. Ace must have an affinity for all three for his Lightning Magic to function for him. Your Time magic had no place in the Mk3's database. Likely, it is an independent magic up in the advanced ranks as mentioned in the description of the tool given the System's window.
Thought as much. Now, on to another matter. Luck thought, trying to feel his mana. I want to see what I can do with both Nature and Earth Magic, but for now see if you can sense anything relating to my dimensional room. I need a place to let these guys sleep. Ace needs a bed and Saga's been on guard duty for a few hours. He thought, glancing backward. The bunnies had fallen asleep on Saga's face, the shar didn't even seem to notice. And Luck allowed himself a small smile at the sight.
Affirmative. A moment. Reassessing magical profile.
Luck raised his eyebrow at that, but would ask about it later. It was probably along the same lines as his biological profile. Zoning out, he was trying to empty his mind, staring at the temple grounds. If anyone staying here was unaware of the swarms outside, Luck wouldn't have blamed them. The place was peacefully secluded. His gaze roamed to the front of the temple, the snakes lying there. Or perhaps not. He spared Saga another meaningful glance. It truly seemed like they were old friends, but his familiar really wasn't all that familiar to him at all. The shar had a depth all his own. Mind wandering, he refocused on his own task. Sensing any connection to another space was as new to him as it would've been to Spirit. He decided to focus on that exhaustion that stemmed from neither his mind or body but somewhere else entirely. Inwardly, and as a complete amatuer, Luck did not have high hopes.
Despite it all, he felt something almost immediately. A thread. Or was it a tether? An anchor? Describing a sensation that existed on part of you that wasn't physical, Luck had never had to do that. And yet, this was just that. It was his mana, he realized. What else it could it be? It was a layer of...power? Potential? A layer of something with a subtle... capacity. Encompassing. It was mana. And it overlayed his physical body near perfectly. It was a thing of wonders and spectacles, possibilities. And mystery as well. But it was the tether he felt first and it was linked somewhere, dormant.
Magical links detected. Known familiar bond and unidentfied connection. Spirit broke his focus.
Of course. He had been immersed in a type of magic ever since he arrived. His bond with Saga. He tried to feel for that and found the familiar bond was both easier and harder to feel for. It was more natural, a part of him that he had unwittingly already accepted, and thus feeling around, he barely even noticed it. He was looking for something different, where that bond already felt like a part of him. There was a subtle exchange of power in that link, not so much a give or take, but more of a constant connection.
Was this his mana moving? That natural flow? The connection might as well have been connate. It was instinctive, like his body had accepted the bond as a new limb, supplying it with mana as if it were blood. So he tugged on the tether, a link to a place he knew was his. With that thought his mana moved on its own, flowing through that connection too. Still, nothing happened.
He stared at his hand. He couldn't sense the sensation in his physical body. There was flow, and he was feeling it. But lying down against Saga, it seemed that nothing changed. Saga. There was an intent he used to communicate with the shar. He had been doing it a lot, but if he really observed it... Saga opened his eyes. Yes, his mana flowed differently. What if he...?
And for the very first time Luck opened his dimensional room.
There. Hanging in mid air, suspended only a few feet from him, was a portal. A rip in space was the wrong term to use. A neat oval cut out, would be much more accurate. Saga stared curiously, sensing on some level that Luck was the one who did this. The bunnies, having fallen off Saga's face, thumped wildly, startled. In turn, Ace woke up as well.
"Lucky?" He asked groggily, despite his short nap. His eyes sharpened on the portal. "It's possible i'm dreaming but I quite doubt that. Your doing?" He asked, cautiously getting up.
"A homebase of sorts." Luck smirked, standing up. "Shall I give you all the grand tour?" He flourished, slipping into the portal with all his things in hand. Eager.
Luck glanced around, trusting the rest to follow him. It really was quite large, generously spacious. And there were things lying about he didn't place there, or could even say he owned, as he truly hadn't been here before. Bizzarely, the place agreed completely with his fashion sense, and all the furniture lying around was exactly how he would've placed them and arranged them. There were other things as well, that, for some reason, he could instantly glean their purposes.
"Base tool?" Ace ventured, peeking inside. Apparently he had come across something similiar with Jerxos. He was rubbing his eyes, in disbelief or sleep, Luck again found it hard to tell, as was strangely typical with Ace. Annoying, but that was quickly erased as Luck chuckled at the duo of bunnies riding Saga into the room,. Ace, still groggy, had to give way for them, being pushed from the portal. His face was a mixture of confusion, bafflement, and amusement at the sight, to which Luck enjoyed. It seemed the bunnies were having the time of their lives as well.
"Yeah. An evolving pocket dimension of my own." Luck smirked. "Although I have no idea where all this came from."
Ace stepped in and the portal closed on Leah's temple grounds. He turned around, noting that detail. "System messages still work." He commented. Ace glanced around, eyes taking in the decor. "You've been here before?"
"Not once." Luck replied, amused and pleased at the space. "Though it feels like home, or how I would model mine if I had one to myself." He said, roaming the place.
Ace stretched, being the first to try the large, comfy leather chairs. "I don't recognize it." He said, genuinely surprised, looking intently at the chair he sat in. Luck forgot, Ace was well traveled, cultured, and always hired by the wealthy. It wouldn't be surprising if he knew a few things concerning high end furnitures. "Is this custom?" He said, in shocked revelation. Conscientiously, he removed his black hoodie, which, although concealed, harbored in its dark color a few stains of blood.
Luck placed his bundle of stuff on a dark table near the leather chairs. "It's an evolving base. It's supposed to grow and change to suit my needs." Luck replied. "That in mind, its probably where all this stuff came from." He gestured around him throwing a lazy hand around. He moved to the other side of the room. To where a small door led to a greenhouse of sorts. He knew it before he even walked in. A large patch of fertile soil, a body of water took another portion, and other, different types of soil were sectioned off. There was a small shelf inset into the wall by the door. Luck put the enchanted seeds there, he'd plant them later. He walked back out, only taking a small cursory glance at the place.
"Evolving?" Ace said back. "I never came across those." It wasn't stated as a question, so Luck didn't answer. Ace was up now, running his hand across the furniture, the leather seats, black polished tables, a stand up mirror. He stopped purposefully at a particular piece of furniture. Luck was extremely happy to see it and Ace gave Luck a long look before moving on, shaking his head.
It was a card table, burnished amber it stood out among the darker tones of the place. And there were some engravings on it, similar to the deck he had just taken out of his pocket, a masterful craft. The cards and the table were a match made in fashion heaven. Unwilling to seperate them, Luck placed the amber cards on the soft surface. "Now this. This is something I can appreciate after two days of desert." Luck sighed happily.
"You'll appreciate this even more." Ace replied, having opened a white, polished door. "A-"
"Toilet." Luck grinned in satisfaction. He knew it somehow. He knew it was there and four days in another world really had him missing the small things. Evidently so had Ace, as the man had just entered, closed the door, and a click resounded that Luck knew was the lock. Luck smirked, shaking his head.
Another polished white door led to a bedroom. His bedroom. Not as dark as the rest of the space, less fashionable, and more comfortable. Softer on the eyes than the rest of the pocket dimension. Just how he liked it. He only took a short moment, nodding in approval before closing the door.
Saga had already found his own space. There was the living room which had the leather chairs, polished table, carpet and card table. Further to the side was the door to the greenhouse area, a place Luck suspected existed solely because of the seeds he had. There was the occupied bathroom past the card table and the door to his own bedroom to its right. Situated behind the leather chairs, a blank space on the wall marked the area a portal to the outside might appear. Although, Luck felt he could open that portal from anywhere if he wanted to. To the right of that, and beside the door to the bathroom was a patch of grass that Saga was laying on, a place Luck knew was just for him. Behind the cat was a small shar-door that was Saga's own room.
Upon the walls were colorful, but muted paintings of landscapes, done in different styles and textures. The types of which Luck loved. Perhaps that was why he so loved these paintings - his affinity for Earth and Nature Magic. The paintings were well lit, showing off their extravagance in full. Luck was a man who liked to dress dark, but only to draw the eyes to the bright things he wore. Often, the best show was one that came from somewhere unsuspected. His furniture reflected that notion, even if he hadn't had a hand it. The dark tones accentuated the light spots in the room, the card table, the paintings, the stylistic doors, and, to some extent, the people within.
Luck blinked. He looked up. Lights. Electrical lights. There was a switch on the wall too, almost perfectly blended into the theme of the whole pocket dimension, but not purposefully hidden. Beside that, a touchscreen resembling that of higher tech. Luck laid his palm on it instinctually, the screen was positioned below the paintings, to the left of the card table, and in front of the leather chairs. The center of the living space.
Compatible system detected. Interface with Evolving Dimensional Room - Unnamed?
Luck whistled low, this was unexpected. It seemed the evolving room took some properties of his S.I. as well. It explained the electrical lights, the only evident mechanical feature of the place aside from the toilet. At the same time that Luck confirmed the request Ace had exited the bathroom. No flush sounded, so Luck hoped the walls were soundproof rather than Ace having forgotten to flush.
As if a surround sound system was installed a strong voice projected from the walls. "Welcome, Master Luck."
Luck and Ace looked up to the ceiling and walls, no trace of any speakers. "Hello." He replied cordially. "Are you the base A.I.?"
"Correct, as of current I have no designation." The voice, unlike Spirit's, seemed expressive. Strangely, it was accented in a language Luck recognized as used by middle-class nobles. "Would you like to name me, Master Luck?"
"Sure." Luck waved. "Let's go with... Evodim." For evolving dimensional room.
"Acceptable. The Mk3 has already interfaced with my system. As an evolving base I have taken on properties of you, Master Luck. Think of me as a space enchanted by extremely powerful, rare, and intricate magic. My growth correlates to yours. I have one peculiar traitt however, as I have taken properties of the Mk3 Supportive Intelligence I have the unusual pleasure of being self aware. I am glad you have finally accessed me." Evodim spoke, and, internally, Luck dubbed the A.I. male.
"Mk3 Supportive Intelligence?" Ace asked, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.
Imediately Evodim rectified his mistake. "Apologies Master Luck. I was unaware your companions were unaware themselves of your capabilities."
Luck sighed. "It's alright Evodim. We were playing a game is all, trying to guess what each other is capable of. Though, with your blatant reflection of my traits i'm afraid Ace here will have a leg up on me." Luck said regretfully. He turned to Ace. "I've got an S.I. in my head."
"Basically an A.I. with little difference." Luck explained. "Although my other capabilities are up in the air for you to guess." To be completely honest, with that, Ace had unearthed all his tools. What was left was what he was capable of using those said tools.
Ace took in that information before adressing Evodim. "Does that mean this whole place regenerates?"
"That is correct Master Ace." Evodim replied. Ace took a seat, apparently loving the leather chairs.
"Ace is quite fine Evodim." He waved.
"As you wish Ace." Evodim said. "Shall I go over my current capabilities Master Luck? Of course, with Spirit this information is available to you, but nontheless." He trailed off.
"Please." Luck gestured, stepping back and taking a seat as well.
"First and foremost, as a dimensional room, I am available from anywhere. As such a portal to this residence can be opened in almost all circumstances. Second, time dilation. Normally, time moves twice as fast in here, but as..." Evodim paused a moment.
"Go on Evodim, he knows that much." Luck smirked, appreciative.
"Ah, I see. Through your time magic this dilation is slightly amplified. An hour outside equates to three in here." He said. "Third, I am an evolving base. The magic attributed to an evolving object is designed to link with a single person, and grow with that individual. As you realize and unlock your own capabilities I too can use your improvements and affect myself with them. Your connection with nature and earth, for example. I created a greenhouse area to be used at your discretion. Your fashion savvy mind allowed me to create furniture that agreed with such sense. I've designated your familiar his own area, as his bond allowed me that much. The combination of both your Troll's Blood and Exceptional Regeneration affect me significantly however. Everything created has some type of regenerative or replenishing property, and, along with the greenhouse, this means eternally fertile soul, with sufficient mana. By far the most impactful, however, is the Mk3's affect. I am self aware, more efficient at directing these resources and suiting your needs." It was a chunk of information, that Luck digested quickly.
"Can you move things? Rearrange and put things where I want them?" Luck asked, curious.
Ace was thoughtful. "Evodim." He said quietly,. "Quite something, Lucky. Quite something." He said appreciatively, but there was a hidden gleam in his eye. Jealousy? No, smugness? Give Luck any other person, he could easily guess what was on their mind. But Ace Vent was a different beast. One with a face, though not unexpressive, incredibly hard to decipher in certain circumstances. Luck gave him a sideways glance.
"Yes, but your presence interferes with my control. Should you be in a seperate room it would not pose a problem." Evodim replied.
"Plant the seeds in the greenhouse. I've placed them on the shelf there." Luck asked.
Spirit can you share the general information package with Evodim? Luck thought, addressing Spirit.
Affirmative. Commence data transfer?
Yeah, go for it.
"Evodim, you should be getting an information package from Spirit." Luck said. "The seeds have already been classified before, so you should be able to figure out where to plant them and how to care for them. I want you to prioritize highest nutrient values and shelf life. We'll be going on an eight month trip, we'll need the supplies. As they're already enchanted to grow faster and with less attention let me know how their growth rates look. And if they need care you can't provide, don't hesitate to let me know." Luck commanded.
"It will be done, Master Luck." Evodim complied.
"Also, is there anywhere I can practice basic Earth and Nature Magic?"
"Yes, of course. The most ideal area for practice would be the greenhouse room." Evodim replied.
"Damn. How long until you're finished planting the seeds?" Luck was eager to get started. He didn't know what he could be capable of, but some part of him was extremely excited. The same part of him that he never truly got to live. It was the child inside of him, the one that believed in fantasy before cold hard reality took over his life.
Evodim's accented voice replied bluntly, and perhaps slightly befuddled. "The seeds have already been planted Master Luck. Sorted by data on their nutrients, vitamins, and resistance to rot. And to your benefit, i've added taste as one of the criteria when choosing what to plant. From the Mk3's general information package I believe the room will have exactly what you need for practice. Though I encourage you to invite Saga, or alternatively, one of the bunnies with him." The accent, which Evodim took after, had a particular way to express slight befuddlement, or unsureness. It was strongly apparent, and Luck wondered if Evodim had assumed Luck knew his methods were instant. Because he did not.
Luck did not expect Evodim to finish so quickly. Fast was good in this case, however. "Saga." He called. The shar was resting quietly, but he opened an eye and padded over. Saga gave a passive look to the bunnies that followed in his wake, but didn't do anything outwardly that indicated annoyance. "Thank you Evodim." Luck said, standing up.
"It is my pleasure, Master Luck."
Luck had forgotten Ace, who was sitting across from him. His friend rose an eyebrow, getting up as well. "Nature and Earth Magic, huh? I've the feeling that's the majority, if not all of the tools you recieved. " He grinned, ruefully. "Unfortunately, you've surpised me before. To my regret."
"You can take a nap if you want." Luck suggested. "I'm just gonna try out some magic. I'll wake you once the apocalypse starts." The line, forboding as it was, was delivered with a goofy grin, and despite their situation, Ace laughed. The sound stemmed more from the craziness they had been through so far, the wonders they had seen, than anything else.
Still laughing, he looked to Luck. "Say that sentence again, Lucky." He smiled with a questioning expression, as if pointing out something obvious. "You said magic. Magic, man. Yeah, I've done it myself. But, come on. It's magic Lucky, there's no way i'm missing a second of it." Ace gestured, a motion that told him to get to it.
"Of course, of course. I forgot how easily entertained you were." Luck smirked, though he himself was just as excited.
Ace shrugged, his face exageratingly thoughtful. "Well, I have one friend in particular." He drawled. "The Amber Demon they call him, much to his chagrin. Now, that man is quite the entertainer. Not a dull moment with that fellow. Not one at all." He smirked. "In fact, he's such an entertainer, I wouldn't even mind being trapped in a greenhouse with the man and a large predatory cat."
"The famed mercenary Ace Vent." Luck countered. "A comedian as well?" He gasped, holding his hand up to his mouth. "The world has truly arrived at apocalypse. I beseech the gods, smite this man before his humor kills us all." A curve crept up the corners of Luck's mouth.
Ace chuckled, shaking his head and apparently done. Saga seemed dully amused with their antics, while the bunnies thought this was some sort of mating ritual. Luck quickly shut that down, asking the bunnies why they didn't have kids, to which they shut up. It was an extremely effective measure.
Smug, Luck walked into the greenhouse room.
The second time around, the first thing he noticed, unsurpisingly, was the distrubed soils. It was obvious that the seeds were planted. Some deep, some right below the surface, while others shone, completely visible. The next thing he noticed, having seen the shine from the shells of the exposed seeds, were the different lights above. They were brighter and more natural, electrical, but used as mimics for sunlight. They lit the room nicely, spreading light evenly along the harder soils, to the softest sands. Across the body of water that housed a few seeds, while avoiding a dark, shaded corner that sheltered plants that thrived in the shadows.
The seed bag, left on a shelf nearby, was about a third full. A quick peek showed glowing green seeds, nothing new.
Luck glanced about, intuitively, he took off his shoes and placed them on the shelf, near the seed bag. Ace followed suit. In the middle of the room there was a clearing of grass, while Luck was unsure of its purpose he did find it a perfect place to sit. The bunnies hopped around, happy with a large space. Saga swiped at them, pushing them away from unearthing any seeds. Ace plopped down beside Luck, arms extended behind him, taking in the place much the same way as the very first day they arrived.
Spirit? Luck asked.
1st tier Nature Spells include entangling roots and minor aspect of nature. 1st tier earth spells include earth dart and earth spike.
Alright, let's start with Nature Spells then. You can tell me what tiers are later.
"Spirit your S.I. then?" Ace asked absently.
"Yeah." Luck replied. "Helpful thing too. Surprisingly effective in a jorth chase, if you could believe it." He joked.
Ace chuckled. "That the reason you can ignore your burns? Or is that some other power or aspect of your regeneration?" He asked, not really expecting an answer.
Luck only smiled, focusing on what Spirit was telling him. "That's for you to discover." He said in a very particular voice.
"Oh, don't give me that Jerxos crap." Ace retorted. "Alright, I won't bother you anymore. Take your time, when I see it, it better be good." He said. They lapsed into comfortable silence. Luck looked like a man observing the grass, but Ace was familiar with the workings of the mind behind those amber irises. Luck was doing anything but nothing.
Spirit had been giving him very mechanical instructions for the magic, informative, but ultimately unhelpful in enacting the magic. Time magic was supposed to be advanced and hard to comprehend, but Luck had found out how to pause time already, had already unlocked one aspect of it. He knew how to make a moment last longer than it did, how to draw the passing eyes of a pedestrian, how to hold it there and build suspense. A moment as long as an intake of breath, and yet, somehow longer. Luck Lockyer lived for those moments. Maybe that was why, why one aspect of the magic came relatively easy to him. Because he had been mastering it even before he had known magic was possible.
So Luck focused on what he knew. The thing he was trying to focus on was demanding that he relax, or rather, made him relax as a consequence. It was just him, being. In this hideaway in his own home, where bunnies ran and plants grew. There was a life to it, hiding beneath the soil. So odd, that a man from the city could feel so right on a patch of grass.
Relaxed, he looked to that layer of magic on him. For minor aspect of nature the directions went like so. First, a subject, or target. He already took on some aspects of Saga as the shar was his familiar, so he looked to the bunnies instead. Second, manipulate your mana and send it out towards the target. The motion should be instantaneous, like a credit card swipe. The problem, for Luck at least, was the control. There was no physical manifestation of the magic, not until he was done. Nothing to hold in his hands, or moment to focus on. Ace had crackling power, to pause time all Luck had to was think on those moments, but for Nature magic, he didn't know.
Nature magic was basic, so unlike Time magic it should be within his immediate comprehension. Maybe, like One with Nature, it was the connection he was supposed to focus on? Perhaps it was that way with magic as well. That bond, the interconnection that made it seem like he was friends with every animal and plant he came across. No, that made them family.
Describing a limb that didn't exist, a motion he felt but didn't at the same time, and then attributing the motion to that nonexistent limb, now that was something Luck never thought he'd ever have to do. And yet, it was exactly that. It was his mana, he had moved it, somehow. It moved with direction, something he controlled, and it went straight to the bunny and back. A glob of mana that somehow wasn't mana anymore. With a grin, Luck realized, it was magic now.
Third, absorb the power. Effects should be random, but are always beneficial, so what Ace said next was confusing.
"You're furry." His friend said, his voice as hard to decipher as those times where his face was unreadable. "And white."
"Fuck." was the word that came out of Luck's mouth. Ace laughed deeply, true to his word, patches of skin, along his arms, neck and face, were all white with the fur of a bunny. He sighed, a lobsided grin on his disturbingly soft face. "Nature magic. I took an aspect of the bunny." He gestured.
Ace was catching his breath, and losing it the next second, in such a fashion that almost never happened in their lives, it never could. Yet, Luck watched Ace suffer it, a smile creeping up his very own face. An outpouring of sheer laughter, a noise so foreign in their past lives, it was like a rarity, a gem. And here, it came in shuddering waves.
Ace finally caught his breath, and held onto it. "I know I said it better be good." Ace breathed deeply. "I didn't expect it to be quite so great, though." He laughed, not mockingly, just joyfully. "Thanks man, didn't know I needed that."
"Anything for a friend." Luck waved, his smile less embarassed than it was lighthearted. Even as he replied, the fur faded, lasting maybe at most two minutes. "A few minutes at best." He commented.
"Try Saga next?" Ace suggested, the man was sitting back up, he had fallen over previously. Pragmatic as he was, Ace's suggestion was practical, the former mercenary was already looking at the combative implications of such a magic, in the same way he had likely done for his own lightning. His eyes were mirthful, and although they weren't dishonest, behind them hid a colder, slower, thoughtful version of Ace.
Luck noticed in seconds, it was next on his list anyways since entangling roots might mess up the seeds. He let Saga know before his mana touched him. Curious, the shar went alert, but reported nothing as Luck declared it was finished. Luck noted that he could hold on to the magic with little effort, storing it perhaps for later use? Meanwhile, Saga had padded over, eyeing the chastised bunnies, the large cat was curious as to how Luck would look after.
Absorbing the magic, Luck's vision went sharper immediately, not the way Spirit affected him, almost five times sharper. Looking over to the shaded area of the greenhouse room, he could easily see the plants in the alcove. Night vision. His other senses seemed unnaffected as far as he could tell. He was cycling through them, using his new awareness of his body after the Deep Physical Integration, until he got to touch. Claws. He had claws. And, instinctually, he knew exactly how to use them.
"Your eye's are slits. Amber still, but... feline." Ace replied, when Luck gazed around the room. "A little unsettling, but I've gotten used to the amber gaze a long time ago." He shrugged. Saga walked around Luck sniffing him, and peering into his eyes.
"The amber gaze?" Luck asked, mildly curious, meeting Saga's questioning gaze with one of his own. "I've got claws too." He said, flashing the weapons, for that was what they were. Saga seemed surprised, or rather, impressed, before displaying his own.
"You know, the Amber Demon's amber gaze." Ace's tone implied it was obvious, but Luck's said the opposite. His expression froze a moment realizing that, before he shrugged. "It went with the name." He said in dismissal. "The claws though, those might come in handy." He gestured to the things.
Saga seemed to agree, licking Luck's fingers roughly before leaving in approval. Luck held up his hand, staring at them. "I'm best hand-to-hand. Never was good with a knife, but maybe claw-to-hand might change that a bit." He knew he had them on his feet too, with a thought they were out as well. "Without guns, I was kinda dreading picking up a sword, these'll do though." He smirked, brandishing his claws.
He got up and stretched, his body wasn't any different than from before, it retained some augments from the familiar bond, but the enhanced vision and claws were completely new. Trying something different, he let go of the magic, shedding it like a coat of fur. He was back to normal in seconds, with no discomfort, although that could've been Spirit numbing his pain sensors. His back still kept its burns.
"Congratulations Master Luck. You have made good progress, I sense my enchantments already reacting to your growth." Evodim informed, his accented voice seemed to drift into the room, somehow fitting given the natural scenery.
"Many thanks Evodim." Luck allowed himself a small smile at the praise. "Let me know of any new developments."
"As you wish, Master Luck."
Ace looked around lazily. "Helpful fellow isn't he?" His friend yawned. "I think I'll take that nap now. Unless you have other magic to show me?"
"I do actually. Earth magic." Luck replied.
Seemingly torn, Ace got up. He looked to Luck, that torn, indecisive look on his face before finally answering. "I really do admire those leather chairs." Choice apparent, his friend walked off, yawning once more.
Luck chuckled to himself. Effectively, he had six hours. Sitting there, he thought of his family. They only had two. Only two to prep in whatever way they could, if they even knew, or suspected, what was going to happen. He'd have to trust them to survive, eight months away, there wasn't really anything else he could do. He grabbed the pendant on his neck, as of now, the lights were dead, having been that way since he entered his dimensional room. But they were pointing Ardun's way. And that was literally the only city in that direction. So, only one question resounded in his mind, staring again at his hands.
How much could one man do when all went to hell?
- In Serial202 Chapters
Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY
Fight your war and I will fight mine. If I ever fall, you will help me up and I will do the same for you.
8 833 - In Serial6 Chapters
Mana Pool Snippets - Keystone
Scott, Katie and Jaruka’s slow day became eventful when a family friend’s daughter breaks into the house. She just turned thirteen and gone through terran transformation, but her parents threw her out of the house for being a magical freak. Can the three settle the dispute and bring peace? Or is the damage to great to heal when the alien mercenary tries to help?
8 112 - In Serial23 Chapters
The shackles of destiny (Permanent hiatus)
[Previously named the successful failure]-------------------------------------------------What is the meaning of power? Is it to be able to protect those dear?Is it to be unrestrained and frivolous? Is it to be the judge over life and death?Is is to be respected and worshiped?One's star is one's future, evolve one's star and evolve oneself to reach the pinnacle of strength!Follow Philip on his journey to the summit of cultivators and discover the earth-shaking secrets hidden within his bloodline.Here is my webpage where I will always keep an extra chapter out!Don't forget to bookmark it or follow it! ;)https://westernxianxianovels.wordpress.com/
8 146 - In Serial15 Chapters
The Tales of the Revolution
Synopsis: As a scholar of science and technology, Joseph Algorith was a man who pursued his dream in unrealistic methods, using his intelligence to surpass all hurdles in this Galactic Era. He was an idealist that combined his thoughts with realism. However, unbeknownst to him in how it had happened, he had gained the opportunity to research a new system, a massive planetoid shrouded in mysteries and magic. However, to fully realize his ambition and creativity, he must save the human race of this magical world, filled with different races and monsters. “The Heavens had forced me, so I shall propose and never will be disposed of.”- Joseph Algorith Spoiler: Basically, he is reborn, with his knowledge as a scientist of the galactic era, into a new world with magic and aura powers. In this world, humans are part of the 7 major races, but two (or three) are planning to enslave them, while the others are watching on the sidelines. His plans are to develop modern weapons to strengthen the human nation because the mages and aura users aren't immortal or have steel flesh even as they get more power to the point they can deal damage of a howitzer using special moves. Though it doesn't mean that there aren't magical armours (and other things)... Extra: I'm not sure if romance will be in this. Depends on whether you, the readers, would like it or how I develop the story further. And there won't be an exact release schedule as I prefer my pace of writing and because I'm busy in life (school and extra activities, FML). If you find any mistakes, please remind me. Also, my writing style and the pace of the story may be slower than other stories you might have read on this website. Though I may make some revisions with the story, considering my editor's thoughts. Also, my story has some concepts from RTW in terms of the idea of creating weapons in a magical world, however, the plot is mine. After reading, tell me, what do you think of the beginning? What do you think your rating would be.?If possible, comment down below anything that could help me improve or to express your thoughts. Lastly, please NO COPY AND PASTE!
8 86 - In Serial14 Chapters
Falling for you
Alli Stubbins is Tommy Stubbins older sister who is pretty much a sassy, stubborn girl who only believes that you only have a one true love once in your life which she thought she had. While one day she, Tommy, her uncle and cousin who Alli finds annoying may I say as they're trying to turn Tommy into a hunter but she understand that he wants to help animals just like Alli did but stopped for a while. What happens when Tommy accidentally shoots a squirrel and they follow a parrot to a house that Dr. Dolittle lives in. What happens when they both fall for each other but don't realize it but Tommy and the animals do.
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Chaotic Pens
A diverse poem collection, centering on nothing but also everything . You might wanna stay glued to your seat while you read this .
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