《Luck Lockyer》Chapter 6 - The Smallest Candle
"Death tokens?" Borg raised his brows, still focusing on his work. "It's just money. Worth more in certain circles but that's about it. It's like any other currency ye'd find anywhere." The man had a steady hand, surprising from the amount of alchohol he had ingested earlier.
"And the betting?" Luck was only partially invested in the conversation. He was looking around the room.
There was a lot more equipment than he expected to see, even now Borg was holding up some strange pencil and drawing some symbols in the ground. They were magical, he still couldn't feel anything but they were glowing so it was fairly obvious. He just didn't know what they were supposed to do. Weren't they supposed to be teleporting?
"That be the only one way to make money 'till the crowds come along."
Nayah chimed in before Luck could ask a follow up question. "Every now and then prisoners of war or hated enemies will be captured and brought here. Some really disgusting people. Dersoc is uniquely situated and tolerant enough to meet the demands of their captors. There was one today in fact. Public humiliation- "
"Yeah, we saw them. Executions." Luck responded grimly, putting his hands in his thin jacket pockets. "Can't they do that themselves though?"
"They could. But would it truly be revenge?" Borg was throwing some yellow dust on the symbols. "They used to throw their captives down the river, let the serpts sick 'em. When the city was made crowds demanded a hole and a stage. Place became a buildin' n' now we charge. Easy business."
"What a weird place. You get that Ace?" His friend was standing nearby, a little more interested in the process of whatever they were doing than Luck was. Ace was exposed to things extremely more often than Luck ever was, perhaps it was simply due to finding something new that he was so interested?
"Quaint." He answered. "A city that thrives on executions."
"Not the best service to sell."
"Won't matter much to ye. Ye caught us on the day we were leaving. Won't be here long. Ye should've stopped to finish the show though." Borg said.
The show he referred to was brutal murders for public entertainment. Luck sighed, right now he couldn't do anything, but that was how the world worked. He had seen people die in front of him before, but there in the pit was different. He had no chains, if he wanted to he could've tried. The chains restraining him had come off but he was still in a cage. And there wasn't much he could do from inside.
For now, he watched Nayah place her hand palm down in the middle of the room.
"And that should... " Then the symbols flashed bright blue, circles of light surrounded them and connected others until Luck was looking at a large glowing circle.
"What is this?" Luck took a step back warily, knocking some items around on a shelf behind him. Focusing on a handful of items scattered around the room left only question marks and blank boxes. This room was filled with rarities or obscurities unique enough that the general information package of the Mk3 didn't include them. Some of the few things identifiable was the pencil, which was in fact something called a mana stencil and some wands in the back corner.
Wands of all things. Luck guessed they probably helped magic somehow but further than that he was clueless.
Ingredients and symbols aren't listed in any general magical rituals. Spirit interjected. No data on current happenings.
I thought we were going to meet a mage, perhaps someone powerful enough or specialized to teleport us? Luck replied mentally.
Alternative methods of teleportation are within the realm of possibility.
Borg stood up, dusting himself off and looking at Luck like he was stupid. "It's a teleportation circle. Are ya daft?" It was almost like he could hear Spirit.
Luck pursed his lips.He really wasn't expecting that. This was extremely more complicated than a flash of multicolored lights. He had only been teleported by gods before so... this was out of the blue, literally. The place was shining blue.
Still aware of the presence below him Luck finally decided to just ask. "Can I bring my cat?"
He was met with blank looks and a chuckling Ace.
It was Nayah who finally broke out of the stupor. "Sure?" She said hesitantly.
It took a good chunk of time. But after heated debate, mainly between the the blue eyed bartender and the gruff drunkard, they decided to just rip open the floor in the corner of the room. Nayah screamed when Saga shot out of the opening, breaking through the small hole, a lithe figure of dark green. Eyes the color of intelligence, the shar regarded the two with a calm indifference an emotion Luck often used. Borg had jerked in place, positioning himself slightly closer to the alcohol of all things.
"What in the hell?" Borg's voice was almost comically soft.
"Meet Saga. He'll be coming with us."
"Are ye out of yer mind? That ain't a fucking cat!" Borg's breath smelled like death, the flying spittle didn't help. He waved his hands around in protest.
"No, it's a cat." Ace, who had never really talked much at all during the conversations in Common, spoke his line perfectly. It was enough to shut Borg up since Ace still had that quality to his voice even in other languages.
Borg looked at him incredulously. "That thing is huge. It destroyed the fucking floor!"
Luck laughed.
"O-okay, everybody... in the circle." Nayah said meekly, coming in from the opposite side, furthest from Saga.
The shar, who was still being watched intently, strided over the blue symbols taking his spot lining the inner edge of the circle with his body. Ace walked unassumedly between Saga and Nayah and didn't seem to notice the huff from Saga and the release of breath from Nayah.
Meanwhile, Luck was chuckling internally. He had a familiar smirk on his face. He realized Saga was basking in the same amusement. And not even the stink eye from Borg could detract from the upwards curve of his mouth.
One second they were surrounded by equipment both magical and mundane. The room they had been in was large enough for the circle and a few extra feet past the circumference. Surrounding the edges of the room were shelves stocked full of purposeful looking items. Nayah and Borg both had plopped out of the circle to retrieve an item from a random shelf enough for Luck to know most things in there served a purpose. The place was lit by the dim glow of blinking magical equipment, or so Luck assumed.
Now he almost blacked out. Last time it was nausea. Teleporting by circle felt like your brain was disconnected and reconnected in a single second. It was as if his body lost all power and regained it the next moment.
Sensory deprived, temporary nerve shutdown, temporary muscle unresponsiveness. Autonomic and Somatic Nervous Systems experienced a hiccup in sensory info. Spirit informed. No apparent lasting effects. Temporary effects catalogued, teleportation circle method recorded. Visual data on ingredients recorded.
Thanks Spirit.
The others didn't recover as fast. Ace was on the ground. As was both Nayah and Borg. Saga apparently had managed to stay on his feet, the shar glanced at Luck and gave something the equivalent of a scoff. Luck could sense the unease from the familiar link though. The shar had recovered just as fast as Luck but was undoubtedly affected. That had been his first time teleporting, and while he understood what was happening through the link, that didn't mean he was ready once it actually happened. Luck rubbed Saga's back, offering comfort. They were strangers given an intimate bond, but Saga accepted the patting.
Data displayed over the the group. It was labeled 'teleportation sickness' and it was a giant box that each of them connected to, listing all the effects they would be going through.
Spirit anything on our location? Luck wondered exactly how well Spirit could determine their position. Basically, he wanted to know if Spirit or Ace was a better wilderness guide.
Luck gave the SI more data to work with and turned his head around, blinking at the bright sun. That brought the temperature to his attention. It was burning hot. It looked like they were in the middle of... Luck paused.
"Woah." And he realized he still couldn't hear... sensory deprivation he recalled. It was no wonder he didn't notice this immediately.
From earlier records of Diversi's Map and the surrounding mountain ranges, my best calculations suggest we are somewhere called Hydr Valley, approximately two months closer to the unexplored region on the map in which lies our destination. There should be no known settlements here.
Well, the map needs an update. Clearly.
He arrived facing forward, seeing nothing but shrubbery, desert, and pockets of slim trees. And then Luck turned around. People would not be the right word. Peoples would be more accurate, but still terribly wrong.
The large, bustling mass that was behind him was a mix of people, sure, but he wasn't quite sure that they were all 'people'. For starters, not everything walking by had two legs, and that would be fine, Saga was one such character after all, but these things were clothed and talking to each other in languages Luck could fully understand. A man with stone skin walked by, equipped with a sword and tight clothing. He was talking to a very small person. Not short. Small. Luck supressed the urge to gape as his hearing was returning to him.
"Welcome to Peace!" Borg yelled over the din of the crowd, his voice a little louder than it had to be. The man stood unsteadily, but drank from his bottle and seemed better for it.
Exceptional Regeneration and Troll's Blood's effects have not been fully catalogued but I have reviewed their descriptions and have prepared to account for their properties in any unforeseen healings. Your dulled senses are coming back clearly faster than the others. In addition, I believe you were able to stay standing due to the improved balanced from the familiar bond. Saga seems to have recovered in the same vein, the bond is both ways, it is likely he adopted some of your healing traits.
Spirit's voice was still as he had set it. Informative, secular, to the point and helpful. Although, those last two aspects were because of its nature as a Supportive Intelligence rather than any personality Luck had instilled. If he even could.
Noted. He responded.
"Peace?" Ace asked.
"Peace! The most bloody, vicious, barbarous, ferocious, and savage battle arena in the world! And it's run by my mom!" Nayah puffed out her chest and ran into the crowd. A man covered in blood turned around in annoyance, but instantly backed away, going so far as to push a man to the ground in his rush to move. The felled man didn't even bat an eyelid, he scrambled away as well the second his eyes caught the source of the commotion.
What should've been a sweaty wall of meat parted like butter to a hot knife. Nayah was the knife. Everyone made way for the blue eyed bartender, even the children seemed to stray away, not even their child like innocence was spared, it seemed like they learned at an early age not to bother the daughter of whoever ran the show here. Here, Peace, which was a bloody killing arena.
"Follow me!" She called, waving like a maniac among a sea of armed people.
"Uh, Borg?" But instead of responding the man followed in her wake, taking another, smaller sip from his bottle, as if content to watch the show. "Borg, who the fuck did I just agree to teach bartending to? Borg?"
Saga shook his head in an extremely human gesture and followed Borg. It seemed the locals didn't even care for the shar, he was treated just as commonplace as Borg and Nayah had assured him. Why was Nayah so scared of the cat if she could walk through this crowd so obliviously? These people oozed danger. Not only that, the mystery that came from just how they looked would be enough to unsettle someone, there was an assortment of species apparently. Spirit tried to display some but the crowd was moving too fast and Luck could feel an ache in his head before the feeling and the displays stopped at the same time.
"Now you've done it Lucky." Ace rolled up the sleeves of his hoodie.
"Yeah, I've done it. I've done and got us two months closer to Ardun." Luck replied defensively, unzipping his jacket and airing out.
"Like any Lockyer needs saving." He said simply, alluding to his family. The former mercenary took out a small book, it was the dictionary he got from Uhet, and began the challenging task of reading while walking.
Luck couldn't really say anything to that. But memories of his family less alive flashed into his mind, how did they get caught so off guard that day? That day he was being pranked by Quick, being lead on, but he had seen through it. It was a mystery, but they wouldn't make a mistake like that twice, and given a second chance it would never happen again. He would trust them though, he could do that. But the mystery of that day was something he'd just have to ask them.
He began to follow Ace. His friend looked the picture of unconcerned. And while Luck had the same demeanor currently, it didn't change the fact that his hairs were on end. At least Ace had a weapon to use, despite his apparent focus on his book, he could probably blast anyone with a weapon away before they got to him. As of right now Luck only had his hands and his wit.
He felt like prey.
But he was born a hunter.
What he'd do for a gun right about now.
Through ramshackle, dusty stands, through resting men and tired women, they followed the girl. The city was large, situated between two mountain ranges that Luck could make out from any point in the walk. The mountains were looming, but the sun's course, almost mockingly, fell through the gap between them.
Borg grunted, playing tour guide. "See how the buildings lengthen? They shade the ones behind them, well and good since the twin mounts' don't do shit." The man squinted and then took a swig of some alcohol he produced fom his clothes.
The construction of the city, the theory behind it, is sound. The tallest building in the middle produces shade for buildings in front and behind depending on where the sun is. Spirit was taking advantage of the settings that Luck enabled, specifically the one called 'advance action'. Particular buildings are slanted so that all find shade.
Luck eye's were just tracking the buildings, tall, precise, but seemingly cheap, which is why he found Spirit's interjection very helpful. If the sun was on the far side of the city he'd still be shaded, but even with the sun roughly above him angled buildings provided shade all around. Even now some people, likely participants in this 'battle arena' were resting in those spots. They spared Saga a glance but didn't really pay any attention to Luck or Ace, and were looking pointedly away from Borg and Nayah.
Hard and wooden described the city. Hard in both the materials used in the buildings and the look on the patrons' faces. Wooden in the sense of tiredness that each man possessed and for the dominant building materials he witnessed. Hard and wooden. He would argue for cheap if not for the tower up ahead.
"Borg." Luck addressed, his eye catching something else.
The man peeked at Luck between swigs and let out a refreshing sound before responding. "What ye want?" He burped.
Luck noticed the way the man seemed more relaxed and less annoyed. While they started off on the wrong foot he didn't seem to hold any grudges. Which was surprising since he had fought Ace, and Luck had threatened to kill Nayah earlier. Luck wasn't naive enough to think a few served drinks had them on equal ground.
"What are those?" He pointed to some curved structures that were a cut above the rest, trying to see through the man.
He looked. "Can't blame ye for not recognizing the temples, they're extra fancy here. I don't believe in those gods myself but yer welcome to visit, many of the fighters here do." The structures weren't in the shade of other buildings but they created shade all their own, he couldn't quite see but there was a stream of people heading into a few. It seemed the crowd wasn't as evenly spread as Luck thought it would be, there were apparently a few gods that were most worshipped. And as Luck had guessed, there were a lot of gods. Even now, there were people, people that seemed like they were starving, praying at the temples. A veritable crowd of them. A few bodies lie on the floor, shriveled up in the sun.
Luck watched Borg, catching a moment where the man stared at Ace's back before taking a drink, not even sparing those people a single glance. Anyone would've thought Luck had an abundance of friends, and they were right, in the general sense. On the surface that was exactly how it seemed but it was hard to make any real friends for many reasons. The primary one being having thorough training in sniffing out motives. They were nice to him for the benefits. Almost always.
But Borg didn't know that, or who he was. Not that it would've mattered.
Luck shrugged. "Ace, stay on your toes. I'm still not sure why they're being so nice to us." He called in English. It was funny how he could declare his distrust of his group out in the open without their knowing. As it was Ace was in front of Borg, whom Luck was behind.
In answer, Ace gave a thumbs up and flipped to the next page.
He needed to visit one of those temples. Was there one to the Goddess of Fortune? Perhaps the God of Variance? He'd even take one to the God of Rebirth. Luck was still slightly anxious for messing up Jerxos' title in farewell, but he doubted he cared, really.
There was more though. He needed to see Leah. He only remembered asking why. Why was he given the chance he prayed for? The tilt of her head, the lowering of her eyes as she looked away. Pain. So much pain, and heavier than what he felt earlier that day. Heavier than the death of his whole family. 'A chance to right my wrongs' she had said.
If there was anything that Luck hated, even on par with his distaste for poor fashion, it was being in debt. And the Goddess of Fortune had put him so far in debt he felt he would drown and die. He would pay her back. He would. And he wouldn't stop until he felt he had. That was the thing with these deals, there was nothing concrete, but the goddess wasn't expecting him to pay her back so the sole judge of the debt would be Luck himself. And Luck never went easy on himself, not when it came to these things.
His smirk got a little bigger. And if that meant he had to suffer the presence of the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes upon, so be it.
He would return to these temples and find out what he could do for her.
It didn't take long after passing the temples for the surroundings to shift from general shops and random stands to specialized armor, weapons and equipment. Here, the bustling crowd returned, but everyone was more energetic, like they were on an adrenaline high. Closer now, was the large tower that provided shade for most other buildings. Homeless men and women rested against the shade, very still, as if conserving every bit of their energy.
"Any hides here! I'll make something worth your coin!"
"Arrows of all sorts. All below a piece!"
A gigantic hammer caught his eye, mainly because it took up most of his view. It didn't look like it was meant to be wielded but people walked up and tried to pry it from its stand. He could read the inscription on the rock below it as well. 'Free to the man or woman who can lift it a single inch' it read. As he read a man tried to lift it and flew backwards as his grip slipped.
"Told you. It's impossible." His companion shook his head before they walked off.
Another shop was selling a bunch of random sacks laid out upon a table. From the leakage, Luck could only guess they were all filled with glitter. From the customers, he assumed that they perhaps were more useful for smaller fighters. Whatever they were.
"Distractions galore! A dustbomb for every situation!" Distractions, evidently.
No guns from the looks of it. Unfortunate, but he wouldn't give up the search. From his time with Jerxos he encountered one of those 'base' type tools and it mentioned electrical structures. If that type of tech existed, along with the Mk3, then guns had to be somewhere in between.
A purple shockwave burst forth into the air. There was yelling and general chaos but the commotion died down just as fast as it started.
"And that my dear customers was naught but a cantrip! Browse my wares, please, just know I am watching or you'll end up like this man." He gestured to a corpse, purple. The dead man, who was curiously purple, had an item clenched in his fist which the shopkeeper pried away. He turned to the customers having caught their attention. Some were stolen from other vendors, even some passerby came from the middle of the road.
Luck, however, was good at keeping on task. It was important during the dead hours of his job to stay on task. Otherwise he wouldn't get any sleep. So he continued to follow Borg. Ace had glanced up from his book, looking around again in that way he did. Business, the actual term not the job, was different here. Luck hadn't been anywhere where prices were haggled for regular items.
His musing was cut short however. Nayah had cut a sharp angle for the tallest building around, the one providing shade for most of the city, the tower. The particular entrance was one of many, lined along a ways to his left and right.
"In here!" Nayah shouted as a man stepped away from some hanging curtains.
They were already here, already two months closer, so Luck could've easily left and lost the girl and Borg in the crowd, but Luck owed them now. So there really was no choice but to follow her in despite his misgivings about the whole situation.
The girl waved the thin curtains to the side and walked in the doorway.
Opulent. Without the ostentatiousness. The inside of the other structures were a mystery to him, but if this was any example then the inside was lined with wood and built with some type of hardened sand. And yet the apparent dirt structure was laid with rich fabrics and high paintings along the walls. Classy crystals hung from the ceiling, guards were posted regularly and there was a dull sound vibrating through the walls.
The abrupt change in scenery and volume startled Luck. The bustling of the street almost completely died the second he passed the curtains. More so, it was cooler here. Warm now, but not hot at all. Luck shared a look with Ace who had pushed his sleeves back down.
"Magic?" Luck asked his friend.
Ace shrugged. "I can't tell."
The second the blue eyed girl walked in every guard was at attention. Although, that could've been from the shar that followed her in.
She looked to and fro, sure that she had their attention and declared "Bring me to my mom!" for all to hear.
The effects were immediate. They were rushed in some sort or escort, passing easily through what looked to be security checkpoints, and other such measures. Amidst all the chaos Borg matched Nayah impatient pace with a strong stride. Ace was reading his book again and Luck manuevered between the contingent of guards with ease. Saga had a handful walking purposefully beside them. They passed under countless precious crystals, paintings and fancy objects. Small golden figurines of warriors locked in battle were popular among what he saw. Taken as a whole, Luck was still deciding whether he liked the style of the place or not.
Eventually they came to a large ornate double door with two dangerous looking men on either side. They eyed the procession, lingering on Saga before meeting Nayah's eyes and nodding to each other. "Madam Savs." One said, before allowing all four of them to enter. Their escort surrounded them and the rougher looking men, scarred and muscled, took up the back flanks as they entered.
Luck could feel their eyes on him and, likewise, kept his peripheral on them as he passed. He walked by aware of the danger they posed but not really expecting any action from them. He kept the smirk off his face though, to avoid any negative pretense, this was a first impression. And those were important. So intimidating gazes were met with unconcerned composure as he passed. The particularly dangerous looking me followed behind them and shut the doors, positioning themselves behind the group, nearest to Luck who was the furthest behind. Borg took a spot beside the woman inside, putting himself between Saga and her.
"Nayah, child, you've returned." The lady, who could've only been Madam Savs, greeted them. "And you've brought guests." She said, clearly annoyed.
It was then Luck decided he did not like the style. It was as if the rug that led to the ornate doors threw up into this room. Whoever designed the room had realized its gaudiness, tried to fix it, and failed miserably. And it was a mess, as if throwing valuables across the floor was a show of power, rather than the disgusting practice that it was. Untidy, shiny, and dull, that was what this room was. It was a vulgar way of showing power that would've been scoffed at anyone who had any experience in such things.
The woman standing across, for there were no chairs, had a composed, almost pained look on her face. Like she had just noticed how terribly ugly her room was. The daughter had her blue eyes, but while they inherited a warmth, Madam Savs' were cool. She had sharp features and her eyes were hard, giving her a harsh look. The woman wore a dress that neither complimented her body nor concealed anything. At the very least, she knew how to dress but Luck did find it odd that he didn't find her clothing alien. Borg and Nayah themselves were wearing clothing that would've stood out, if not would've taken a passerby's eye for a few moments. But the woman made up for it with her stark hair. It was white. Like snow, a soft contrast to her harsh eyes.
"Again, my dear? More?" Madam Savs said, exasperated. "How many times do I have to tell you child? You will inherit my position. You must stop bringing these people here." She looked down to her daughter.
"B-but mom he's a bartender! The greatest I've seen! He's pulled off a swirled mix that changed colors!" She waved her hands around wildly.
"Nayah." Her voice cut.
Immediately the girl went on the defensive, pleaing her case. "Mom please. I can't live here, it's too hot here and everyones scared of me! You- "
"Nayah! This is it! The last!" She bursted in outrage, cowing Nayah nearly to a ball. "If you do not come to your senses I will throw you to Peace's Arena Fields myself!"
Nayah was crying. "M-mom, I don't want to do what you do." She whimpered. "I want to do something else! I can bartend, i'm good at it mom! The best i've ever been at something!"
"Enough! I will not have my daughter serve swill to rambunctious commoners! First a blacksmith, tailor and scribe. Now bartending? What is wrong with you child? I'd have allowed you to be a warrior or mage, an adventurer to travel to Ardun, but you refuse? Content to try your hand at jobs only commoners fill! A disgrace, what will the Peace's people think of that?"
Nayah, whom Luck had assumed was well-spoken, intelligent, independent and maybe a little oblivious, was a mess of snot and sniffling.
The whole time they were being ignored, as if they weren't even present as the argument escalated. The only thing that marked their attendance and witness to the argument was the rapid flipping of a dictionary's pages. Ace was trying to translate the conversation real-time. Luck chuckled. An unfortunate mistake.
"And who are you?" She snapped. "Please, share with me what exactly is so funny. And think, for your answer might land you in the arena." But she was already using Shadowspeak. The absence of chairs were explained in those brief moments, you could say more standing up and walking around than if you were sitting. For example, 'Seize them, they're to be thrown into the arena.' was easier to sign while standing.
So Luck cupped his hands behind his back and signed to the rough men behind him. "A moment gentlemen." And seeing as he wasn't being seized he answered the woman.
"Well, I hope so. I've come to participate. Regrettably, I could not contain my laughter at the nature of your punishment for your daughter, what would be a reprimand for her would be a reward for me." Luck answered, stepping forward.
"Cease." She signed in Shadowspeak to those behind him. "I thought you were a bartender? Surely, you are not a warrior." Madam Savs leaned against her bed frame, intrigued. Beside her Borg was squinting, untrusting since he knew Luck had planned to go to Ardun, not participate.
"I commend your intuition, for my companion here could easily have been the bartender as well." He gestured to Ace.
"His body is that of a warrior's and if that were not enough his companion says much." She scoffed, like it was obvious. Luck felt slightly insulted. Ace was reading a book after all, what warrior does that? Saga just happened to be closer to him.
"To jab the Amber Demon and get away with it. If I only had a pen, I could take some rather useful notes." Ace chuckled in English.
Luck ignored him. "Ah, the shar. Saga is my familiar, if you'd believe it. But I digress." He said, untroubled. "Are you a betting woman Madam Savs?"
Amber eyes roamed across the valuables strewn across the room, unimpressed.
Madam Savs noticed that look on his face to Luck's pleasure. Her brow rose and eyes narrowed at nearly the same time. Could a poor man look at those things without a hint of desire? Could a man of no value have the eyes of one so rich? Those were the questions that Luck instilled. In truth, he really had no idea the worth of such items other than their apparent luxury. There was a moment where it clicked, where everything fell into place, and he knew his answer. It was in the way she looked at Luck. The way cool eyes regarded his own amber irises, the way they moved and tracked his gaze. He smirked.
"Then I propose a wager. One that will allow me to teach your daughter the art of serving rambunctious commoners." Luck said, to which Madam Savs scowled. Luck didn't miss a beat though and continued effortlessly. "But also haughty nobles, elegant monarchs, working farmers, bloody warriors, intelligent scholars, mischevious thieves, and powerful mages. All are weak to the lure of good drink. And all are equal under its effects." He smiled.
She humphed. "Guards." She declared with a wave, pulling up her crying daughter by the arm.
Luck frowned and blasted into movement. not sparing a moment, he ducked the fist aimed for his head, but didn't expect subsequent kick as it caught him in the kidney. He lurched forward as Saga's body slipped under him and held him up. He gave the shar a mental thanks and prepared himself for a more defensive battle, quickly turning around, head swiveling to assess the fight.
Surrounded, but not helpless.
He widened his stance, spread his hands and faced his opponents, all armed with steel weaponry and leather armor. The two, more dangerous looking men who had already been there, were standing off to the side, content to watch but seemingly bored.
"Watch the one in black!" Borg yelled, referring to Ace who was already holding a sword somehow. His book was gone and in its place was a fist as he swung into a man.
In the same moment, Luck caught the blade of a charging man, twisting it in his grip, breaking the man's arm and shoving him into the approaching guards behind him before setting his stance once again. Wide and low with splayed hands.
"This one's dangerous too!" One man yelled. "Careful with him!"
Saga lashed out, swiping at a man and ripping into his leather chest armor, the man was thrown downward as Saga tackled another guard. Snarling, the shar had no space to maneuver and was clawing, swiping and shoving at anyone who got too close. Madam Savs was watching the fight from her bed, where Nayah was now sitting sulkily, Borg beside them. The room was large enough that the everyone could fit in half the space with room to spare.
Luck twirled into a guard's range, taking a slice across his back, ripping into his jacket and shirt. The guard swung his sword vertically, but Luck dodged it, hoping Saga would have his back for the moment. He stepped on the sword, and the guard who refused to let go was pulled low enough that Luck could knee him in the face, knocking him out. Another man rushed forward, sword first, and Luck couldn't do anything in his position so he tried to slap the blade away, his finger broke and his palm was sliced open. He gritted his teeth using his opening to smear blood on his attacker's face. The man growled as he was blinded with blood, but shoulder checked Luck in the jaw, sending him stumbling back. Luck twisted in place, taking advantage of his momentum and kicking the man's sword out of his grip, at the same time he kicked the unconscious man's head, breaking his neck and killing him.
Luck got stabbed before he could do anything else. And that was his world for those short moments. Like his world was gray and the only color was pain.
The sword came out of his stomach. He could feel it move inside him, sliding through him. His vision went blank for a second until he followed what regular knife fighting would reccommend in the situation. With pain, he twisted his torso and kicked the man behind him in the knee, breaking his leg. He screamed in pain, but his scream was cut short with a gurgling.
"Holy shit." Luck gasped, still standing. "Fuck. Saga, pull it out." The guards had backed away. Something gripped the hilt with a little too much dexterity for something without opposable thumbs.
Blunt trauma to kidney, healed...
Right index finger broken, healing...
Sliced right palm, healing...
Warning! Impaled stomach, loss of blood, healing...
Foreign object removed...
Whole body, bruising, healing...
Tracking effects, isolating magical and physical effects...
Exceptional Regeneration effects catalogued...
Deep Physical Integration suggested for in depth analysis of effects...
Troll's Blood effects catalogued...
Deep Magical Integration suggested for in depth analysis of effects...
He didn't bother to read the rest of the log, there were enough boxes coming off of his body for him to know how damaged he was. Looking down at his stomach, he watched the sword shrink rapidly until it left him entirely with a disgusting squelch. His whole stomach tensed painfully, muscles that were severed tried to flex and succeeded only in squirting blood out of the wound. He'd seen wounds like this before, the blood spoke for the severity itself, this was fatal. If it was any other person, but he should be fine right?. Luck grunted, gasping and falling to his knees as the sword left him. Getting stabbed straight through was like a ragged gunshot that was both slower, larger, and psychologically, extremely more terrible. Feeling a bullet enter and exit your body in an instant was a pleasure compared to this slow piercing invasion. The pain was the only problem, he should be able to move, but he had just been stabbed hadn't he? His mind wasn't accepting it. His hand went to his stomach and came back dripping with dark scarlet blood, a puddle in his own hand. Troll's Blood.
"Holy fuck." There were no better words to gasp at that moment that accurately described his pain. His regenerative abilities didn't do shit to suppress pain.
Saga growled low, his body pressed up against Luck. The shar was staring down the guards, is that why they stopped? It eased the pain surprisingly, having him there, through no magic but that of emotional support. Luck noticed the deep cuts in Saga's side and his anger flared, but even as he watched they were healing, extremely slowly, but he could see it. And he could feel it too, somehow, through the link, his familiar was healing. The shar was panting heavily and looking back and forth from Luck's stomach wound and the guards, growling low, angry.
"Get up man. It's only our second day here and we have to fight our way out of a city? I was hoping to play tourist a little longer." It was Ace, sword in hand, coated in Luck's sparkling red blood, he had apparently lost the other one. Actually, Luck thought, it was probably the one sticking up from the gurgling man behind him. No doubt, this was the man who had unsheathed the sword from Luck's stomach.
Despite wanting to banter with him Luck was still on his knees. Gasping.
"Can't. Just got stabbed Ace." He tried to grimace and scowl but only got the grimace working. "That sword? It was just in my stomach Ace." He said, pointing weakly to Ace's weapon.
"I'm not blind. Thanks for the sword Lucky." He replied. "It was quite the find."
His friend's face was hard though. His posture, aggressive. His light tone, a contrast to his features.
The guards. Why weren't they fighting? They had killed about a third, six or so remained plus the two men that seemed to be guarding Madam Savs personally now. But then it hit Luck all at once. Ozone. It smelled heavily of electricity. Had he missed the sound of lightning? Did the pain distract him at that moment? There were two dead men, the one who's neck Luck broke on the floor and the one who had stabbed him. The last one was the answer, the man who was still smoking, a charred body, lying dead, cooked in his own armor and skin.
That was the reason the guards were standing back, warily. Lightning magic.
There was a moment when the rumbling sound from the walls stopped, when there was a silence. Dust, like wisps, came down between the two groups, alighting on the floor to the same effect a tumbleweed might have. The leather clad guards were tense, eyeing their fallen comrade. The rougher men behind them had no such posture, yet they were alert nonetheless. Madam Savs was sitting straight. Nayah looked horrified and Borg was sitting forward, leaning on the bed frame much as Nayah's mother was.
But Ace, it almost seemed like time had stopped just for him, his breathing was slow and focused, even the way his eyes scanned the crowd was slow, deliberate. But perhaps the most unsettling feature was his mouth, curved in a way that suggested he very well believed he could kill them all. The wild smile of a man unpredictable, the cool gaze of intelligence. Shuffling of feet would draw his gaze, the twitching of tentative guard would do the same, but the silence would reign. Luck knew not how magic worked in this world, only that he would've been scared too. Ace gave off the impression of someone as unpredictable as crackling electricity, but his eyes hinted at someone in control. Luck sensed, to the guards, that that was much more frightening.
In that moment, Luck could see an almost primal fear in the eyes of their opponents. And something else, an opportunity.
So Luck rose slowly, sluggishly, managing to stand with Saga's support, like a man defeated, standing for something greater. His flair for showmanship ever present.
He met her eyes among the stilled crowd, utilizing the temporary stalemate. He began inquisitive, playful and slow. "Tell me, are you feeling lucky Madam Savs?" Luck asked, grinning the tired smile of man in control. "Because i'm rather curious to find out whether my friend can kill you before your guards kill us. Shall we bet on it do you think?" And as if on cue Ace's hands flashed with lightning, striking the bed frame, splintering half the wooden bed and sending items flying. The men beside her tensed, late.
She flinched, either at his friend's expression, the violence, or the sheer power.
"Or would that be unfair?" Luck's mouth curved playfully, but it might've easily been mistaken for sinister if one didn't catch the twinkle in his amber eyes.
She only frowned, narrowing her eyes. Cornered. Luck could sense her trying to find an answer as she inspected her wrecked bed, whether it came in verbal retort, physical action, or giving up, was up to her.
"More than that, how are you standing boy? You were stabbed straight through the gut." Her expression was controlled but there was a modicum of disbelief in her eyes, and fear. Luck smirked.
"Ah, a trick of the trade I'm afraid." Luck replied, ignoring the pain that threatened to take over his face, warring with the control he presented. "Perhaps I can teach your daughter the ways of bartending?"
"Doubtful." She replied, a few noticable tells of deep consternation on her face and in her posture. Still thinking.
Madam Savs didn't seem as fearful as Luck thought someone should be in the face of their imminent death. Ace could kill her in an instant, although maybe it was the fact that after her death there wouldn't be a way for them to escape as her guards would detain them, that she was keeping calm. Luck had already decided, she would live or they'd both end up dead. Maybe he'd walk away initally, but it wasn't a large effort to send someone after him.
A box stemmed from Ace. It didn't look like his friend took any grevious injuries. But mana fatigue was notably new on the conditions listed.
Spirit? He inquired.
Using mana without properly replenishing it will slow the mind and tire the body at alarming rates. Extreme focus is needed to function past that level. Ace is showing visual symptoms, tired eyes, slight swaying on his feet, even his grip on his sword is lax. Deep Integrations are reccommended for further analysis. Curious, Ace's focus seems to be maintained however.
As his job required it to be.
The woman's response cut Luck's mental conversation short, apparent she had decided she lost. "You've won then. Leave. Do not come back." Madam Savs' breathing was irregular despite her collected demeanor and Luck didn't even need Spirit to notice that. "We'll not bother you on your way out."
Nayah, whom Luck had barely even talked to, was sitting beside her, wide-eyed. And there it was again, bright orange. There was no doubt about it, but her hair flickered again and he couldn't determine the color of it anymore. So strange. Blue eyes caught his and he was tempted to just leave, but he was in her debt, and this was how he was raised. It would save him a lot of trouble, he knew. He could visit the temples, find somewhere to hunker down and initate the integrations Spirit has been so pressing about. If he just left he could spend time figuring out his Dimensional Room and how to access it, maybe even doing the integrations there since they required him to sleep. He sighed. For all the trouble it would save him, it wouldn't match the trouble of two months travel. Not nearly. He owed this girl and he knew it. Which meant the only way they were leaving in peace was by striking a deal.
"No?" She asked shakily, hands resting petitely on her lap. She sat on the unruined side of her bed. Not as composed as she let on.
"You've not answered me." Luck said quietly. "Are you a betting woman Madam Savs?" He interrupted himself. "And this time Madam I want an actual answer. Yes or no." Luck clutched his stomach, feeling better but still like he was just stabbed, which he was. Saga purred gently, only loud enough for Luck to hear. He appreciated it.
She breathed out, unsteady. "I'd say so." Her hands folded over themselves again, finding another comfortable position. "Yes." She finished.
"Then let's make a bet." Luck began. "For your daughter's freedom in choosing her profession."
That made her eyebrows shoot up and gape like a fish for a half second. "M-My daughter?" She asked incredulously, still looking at Luck's stomach, as if expecting him to die any moment. "You can't possibly expect me to believe you'd go so far for my daughter. Are you a suitor? Seeking her hand in marriage?"
Nayah rose in her seat, focusing intently on the conversation now more than ever. She was a small girl, the only thing that made her stand out was her happiness and energy. Here, crying and sniffling, she was almost a ghost. She wiped her nose, but Luck stopped looking at her lest he see either hope or disgust. He wasn't interested.
Ace chuckled, covering the sound with his fist, to which Luck could do nothing. He did shoot him a glare though, he had to keep in character. He didn't have time to do the same for Saga, who had let a feeling of slight amusement fall through the bond. The familiar seemed to enjoy these moments, laughing at his bondmate.
"No Madam." He tried to supress the sigh that came with his voice, but came it did and pain shot through his stomach as he used muscles he didn't have. "Nayah has done me a large favor, I had planned for Ardun before coming here." Luck continued, tiredly, his stomach was closing up, and he was acutely aware of the feeling of his guts reassembling. He tried his best to ignore it, which was not much. He grimaced. "And she had saved me two months off a much larger trip."
"An adventurer then?" She perked up. "Perhaps you might- "
"Our bet Madam." Luck interrupted. "I'm not foolish enough to believe you would let us walk so easy. Neither do I doubt the actions of your guard should we indeed kill you. We agree on a bet or I will have to kill you." He ended in the same polite albeit tired tone he started, but the words froze blood. The guards stiffened, Borg crossed his arms, and the two men on either side narrowed their eyes. "And that's final." He said.
After a second Madam Savs replied, somewhat stiffly. "And what might you have of value to wager for something so precious to me?" She was skeptical, pointedly looking around at the items strewn about her room, her valuables. Her pathetic attempt at a power play.
Luck thought for a moment, but he already knew what he was going to offer. "How do you get food to Peace? Hunting, farming?" The question caught her unprepared.
She answered quickly enough, the words coming before she could stop and think about the question. "Hunting. The surrounding terrain isn't fit for farming. The city's diet consists only of meat."
"And the supply of food?" Luck probed.
She answered, but seemed annoyed and relieved at at the same time. Annoyed because of the random questions, relieved that her life was safe. "Low, but travelers bring their own. As is custom for anyone traveling through Hydr Valley. " She replied, still not understanding Luck's line of thinking and breathing more steadily despite trying to hide it. "I don't see- "
"Then I doubt many stay for very long, if at all. It's decided then." Luck declared. "Seeds, I'll wager seeds." He said.
She stared blankly. "I will not risk my daughter's profession on the chance to obtain seeds." She waved her hand, disregarding the wager. "I've told you already. The surroundings of Peace are a desert. Nothing grows here except the native plants; none of which yield any fruits. Seeds are useless to me and Peace."
"Seeds," Luck continued, "enchanted by a plant mage to require less care and grow faster. Some of which are plants that already hail from desert regions. All of which yield edible foods. And forgive me if i'm wrong, but I do believe having a staple here in Peace would bring more profit to the city, yes? What with adventurers having something to live on rather than having to leave as they starve."
The white-haired woman deigned to comment on the possibility. She was still hesitant however. "I've no way to identify that." She said in lieu of a response.
"Ye can always ask Putt, Madam." Borg interjected, having been silent the whole time. "But watch this one Madam, the lad knows Shadowspeak."
At that Luck felt that his bargain got a little weaker. He had no idea why but the attitude shifted slightly into the negative. It was apparent in the Madam's posture change, a subtle alertness, a piqued interest, a wary eye.
"Ah, I forgot about Putt. Still, Shadowspeak is quite suspicious... "
"I'm a linguist Madam." Luck said in way of explanation.
She scoffed. "A linguist doesn't learn Shadowspeak, boy."
"Not unless they strive to be the best. Or are already." He replied smoothly. Luck could afford to be cocky, Omnilingual allowed him that luxury.
"I doubt it." She stated, in some rumbling tongue that sounded like the dull noise from the walls. Roke, Luck realized, a language more guttural and low than anything else. Like... rocks perhaps? On a hunch he listened to the walls, no such luck, it was some other commotion.
"Your doubts are unfounded. I am a master at what I do." Luck responded in kind, perfectly shifting mid conversation, not a pause or hiccup to notice. His face was that of easygoing, unruffledness. Though his eyes might have sparkled just a little bit. "Shadowspeak is among one of the subjects I studied." Although he knew nothing of its origins, only the language.
"I thought you were a bartender." She added. "Now a linguist who knows Shadowspeak? I don't believe I can trust such a man to deliver on a bet."
"You need not trust. Only see."
Luck was standing, slightly hunched over his stomach. Which a man, just recently stabbed, should not have been doing. Conceding his apparent reaction at his own stab wound, the rest of his body exuded an almost still calm. That was what he did. It was what he excelled at and had taken to. His best asset, his most relied upon, was the thinnest of veils. Deception. For although he was, admittedly, not in the best position to make demands, Madam Savs had already given in. Power was not something material. It wasn't a gold coin on the floor, tossed about like a common household thing. It wasn't exuberant paintings, stashed against the walls seemingly meant to be hidden but visible all the same. Neither was it an expensive ornament hanging from the ceiling, or a collection of golden figurines. Or the guards surrounding you, the men you employ, the hands that work for you. The decorative swords, the ornamental armor, not even those were what defined power. No.
Power was demonstrated in the way you carried yourself. The way your actions spoke to those around you. The man that was something larger on the outside. A twisted thing that people twisted for. It played kings and queens, drug lords and business men, thugs and civilians. Everyone was swayed one way or another. Power was an illusion. A weapon.
And Luck wielded it like a master.
"It's not like you really have a choice." The words rang true. Eyes flicked to Ace, who didn't look the least hesitant.
Madam Savs hesitated and he needed no further prompt.
At that Luck pulled out the bag of enchanted seeds. He peered into the sack and pulled a handful of seeds out. They were all regular, at least they seemed so, but they all glowed with a very faint pulse of green, nearly invisible. It wouldn't even be recognizable if Luck didn't check them during his stay at The Pools. They were indeed all glowing, and almost all of them were identifiable by Spirit. He even went so far as to gift Uhet and the Subaqa some underwater plant seeds that seemed like they would be great additions to their home.
So Luck pulled them out and started to present them as Spirit listed their qualities, happy to have his product speak for itself.
The first was a fuzzy, dull brown seed. "Ruy Root, found in the Ahari Sand. Not only is it edible, but the plant's strong roots break up rougher terrain, allowing easier planting of any other crop."
Madam Savs began to sit forward slightly. Her interest was particularly peaked during Luck's presentation of a more magical plant that produced varying quantities of water. So he continued, naming the plant, its qualities, origin, and usefullness, and he went without interruption. From the Ahari Sand to the Wet Sands, the places named were nothing that he knew, but the way he talked seemed like he had been there himself. Within the first minute it was clear that Luck knew what he talking about, that these seeds could be planted here easily, and that Madam Savs was deeply interested. She even went so far as to have Luck elaborate on a few aspects of some of the plants, which was easy given Spirit's help, and extremely fortunate given that most of the seeds were common plants that just happened to be rare in Hydr Valley.
Ace looked at Luck strangely but shrugged, he was the one who suggested they keep their secrets after all. If that meant finding out your friend had an intimate knowledge of plants, then so be it. Luck did notice Ace's fatigue though, the man was a little slower than he should've been, even with the amount of focus he could see in his eyes.
"But this is irrelevant without being verified." Luck remarked when he was done, hoping to set the deal before they realize Ace was on his last bit of energy. He began to place the seeds back in their bag.
"Well?" Madam Savs turned to one of the men on her sides. "Putt?"
The man, who seemed to be the older of the two dangerous looking men, Putt evidently, simply nodded. If that confidence came from reading Luck's body language then Luck could've just blasted off nonsense and sold the whole act. If it was a more magical confidence then he was simply lucky he had actual enchanted seeds in his pocket. And if it was from intimate knowledge of plant life, and Luck severely doubted the man was a botanist, then he was extremely lucky to have Spirit. Nonetheless, the man verified Luck, though it was a mystery through which method.
"Then we have a bet." Luck replied, standing straight now, fully healed. The movement did not go unnoticed by the white-haired woman. "Now what's the challenge?"
She eyed Luck's bloody stomach. "I'll save you any underhanded methods. We of Peace like to settle things with bloodshed, ironically. I've seen you fight, so i'll give you a fair bet. This comes more from the fact I feel that our wagers are skewed in my favor, those seeds are more useful to the city than my daughter's path." Nayah didn't even seem to care at that comment, only happy she might have her choice of being a bartender. "This is a calculated business deal. If you can last two rounds in the Arena Fields then you win. If you die, are incapacitated, or give up, then I win and the seeds are mine. If not, my daughter... becomes a bartender." She frowned.
"Just me?" Luck asked.
She pursed her lips. "Bringing your friends puts you in another tournament, one involving monsters and teamfighting. A single entrant fights other entrants." She said. "Even with your lightning mage one round would be the fair bet. "
After some discussion in English, a very short discussion, Luck answered. Ace was more than ready to jump into danger and Luck eyed him oddly for agreeing so fast. Saga threw in his lot with Luck as well, since Luck had asked him too. In the end, they both agreed. Luck felt they didn't put enough thought into the question and also slightly guilty that he might've been taking advantage of Ace's tired state. Their decisions were there own though and Luck wouldn't mind some company.
"We'll do the group tournament then."
Moving through the halls, closer to the center of the tower, it was clear what that dull sound reverberatin through the walls had been. Cheering. Like a stadium. And Nayah was bringing them deeper. The girl was silent as Luck tried to determine if her hair was the orange he had seen or if it simply wasn't. She was young, and her motivations were a mystery, but that could've easily been a girl just trying to find what she wanted to do with her life. Luck's eyes were on her hair for the majority of the walk, only coming off when he saw a particulary interesting piece of furniture, or tasteful decoration.
"Still feel like a tourist?" He finally asked Ace, knowing that he did himself.
"After learning some of the language, less so." He responded, sluggishly.
He was no expert on mana fatigue but Ace looked tired, more than he should've been after that short fight. Luck didn't really know how much mana one person had but Ace had demonstrated his magic earlier that day. Then right after he practiced it constantly on the trip to Dersoc, whatever mana was he was probably running low. Which means that during the fight he probably didn't have much in him for another blast.
His clothes, unlike Luck's were not in tatters. Additionally, they were only slightly bloodied, whereas Luck's were crusted in blood. Against Ace's black hoodie and dark blue jeans the blood was barely noticeable if you weren't looking for it. Luck frowned in disgust, only the second day and he needed new clothes, his loose white shirt was completely soaked in blood, his grey jacket, covered in the stuff. The only saving grace was that his pants were black, and that his other items went undamaged. He was lucky his playing cards didn't get ruined, being placed in a pocket on his side. The seeds, if they were damaged, would have been terrible. Diversi's Map was less of a risk to lose however, since Spirit had memorized it.
Luck pulled his neckace to eye level, glancing at the lights that told him where his family was. It was pointing down the valley, if his spatial awareness was correct. It was pointing the same direction it had pointed two months away. But it meant something else. He was closer. A single step closer to finding his family. How would-
"What is that?" Nayah asked him, fully turned around. They had apparently arrived.
They were in a dirt hallway, dirt doorways, no furnishings, just dirt. She was standing in front of one of the rooms, the rest of which were sealed. Luck paused in his observations to answer her.
"Nothing." Luck threw the necklace behind his bloody shirt. "Is this it, one of the arena rooms?" He asked, looking into the only plain dirt doorway open, above him something thumped and dust flittered down from the low ceiling. There were no decorations in this section of the tower, and the muffled sound of cheering was significantly louder here.
"O-oh. Yes, this is your room. Labled 283. It's better to just stay in here until your fight. The other door inside will open when it's your turn. You'll stay here for the duration of one match, but your turn won't come until tommorow. So until then you can relax in here. Rest assured, my mother and I will be watching closely. And don't worry! I've already talked to her, she's good on her word she won't be trying anything tricky! All you have to do is win one round! And then..." She quieted.
Saga padded inside, taking his spot at the foot of the bed. Ace followed close behind, slumping onto the bed, not fully relaxing in the presence of Nayah should anything happen.
"What?" Luck said after a while of her silent scrutiny.
"Will you really teach me bartending?" She asked, hopeful.
Luck smirked. "It shouldn't be a problem. As long as you've got the alcohol." In truth, Luck didn't really think himself that great a bartender, above average? Yes. Incredible? Not nearly. Anything was possible though. Maybe a mediocre bartender from his city was a god among men here. Nonethless, he would do his best, even if his best was mediocre.
"Really?" Nayah didn't seem like the type of person that had things go their way very often. Luck frowned slightly at that, but kept his expression neutral.
"It's thanks for bringing me two months closer to Ardun."
"To complete your dad's map right?"
"To complete my father's map." He confirmed, remembering the story he gave them. He still didn't truly have a reason for that, hiding his motivations. Old habits.
It likely wouldn't matter since he wouldn't see these people after he set out. If he could get through this arena then he was good to go, and with Saga and Ace he felt he could do it too. He would have his debt removed, helped a girl and would be free to travel to Ardun, past Hydr Valley and to his family. Hopefully he could talk to Leah in some capacity before the journey. If that was at all possible.
"Is there anything else?" He asked, The girl jerked, she was watching Luck explore the room and note the metal door on the other side.
"N-no. That's all." Then she left. She was more fidgety than how she was back in her bar in Dersoc. An effect of Peace? Or maybe having her dreams lie on Luck's shoulders?
The door closed. Luck walked over, opening and closing the door, just to make sure they weren't tricked. The door opened. He closed it.
"Well," Ace said, "looks like it's just us again Lucky."
"You know, I wasn't expecting to be doing this four days ago." Luck said, already expecting a comment in the same vein.
Ace chuckled. "Me neither, things happen though. You meet a goddess, get reborn into another world, what can you do?" Ace raised his hands, temprorarily shutting the dictionary. "We were quite helpless."
Luck laughed. "Quite helpless indeed. There was nothing us poor mortals could have done." He smiled.
"Do you mind if I ask why we're helping the girl?" Ace looked at him slightly curious. Dust fell from the ceiling again. "Although I'm with you all the way. Since I've no other arrangements."
"Remember why I named him Saga, Ace?" Luck said, walking over and patting his familiar's head.
There was a lot of effort in the way that Ace's brows scrunched up. They had been through a lot today, and if mana fatigue was any indication, Ace had been through his fair share. From the bar fight with Borg to the executions, it felt so extensive, but didn't last long at all. Seeing themselves in the mirrors earlier today, it was like seeing the ghost of man from another world, the man looked healthier, stronger.
More suited to the craziness that happened today.
He had bartended in another world, he realized. He had been freed of his past burdens, he knew. He had failed to save a group of criminals, he accepted. His body had been changed, for the better. He had a Supportive Intelligence in his head. He had been put in the debt of a goddess and an orange haired girl. He had gotten closer to his family.
He had made a friend. A friend. Another strange event, he thought. Watching Ace muddle through the events of the day he could see some of the same emotions play on his face. A smile here, a look of wonder, awe, and more. The man's face was lax, sleepiness was one of the easiest 'emotions' to recognize, and Ace screamed it. He must've been really pushing it Luck realized, but the man had a spark of wakefulness when he found his answer.
"You wanted to help people." Ace smiled tiredly, eyes fluttering. "A story of heroic achievement... " He slurred, but the man had already nodded off, asleep on the bed before he could say anything else.
Luck smiled softly. "Exactly."
Spirit. Activate Deep Physical Integration. Put me to sleep. He looked to Ace, then to Saga and let his familiar know what he was doing.
Saga nodded and rested his head, watching over him like a parent.
Today, he had set himself a few short term goals. Initially, helping the girl was a necessity that he had to take care of. What he didn't expect was for it to allow him to do much more. For there was another reason to why he struck the bargain with Madam Savs and it had to do with what he told himself he'd be doing when he came here. He saw the homeless, the starving men that lined the temples, that were inbetween every building, every corner that was shaded. And while other's eyes moved past these people, much as his would've done once upon a time, now, amber eyes lingered. He knew that these things happened everywhere. His idealism had died during the his time working, his realism winning out, and that killed a small wonder inside of Luck, that thing that believed. Somehow, he kept the optimism if not the idealism, and he attributed that to his mother. Remembering the people earlier today he could almost mistake them for his home city, the same rags, the same sunken features, the same sadness. Suffering looked the same everywhere. And while he hadn't allowed himself to think of any huge, radical changes in the past, he was different now. The world here, Aerae, despite being completely disimilar, had the same problems. The world was different, he was different, but he was in the same exact position he had been in regards to these things as he had always been. In a position to do some good.
5, 4...
The only difference now was that he had the desire to do something, the ability to try, and a way to succeed. A small way to carve something good out of a world he knew nothing about. He thought he might as well start now.
In Peace.
3, 2...
Because whether she knew it or not Madam Savs would get those seeds irrespective of whether Luck won or lost. Winning the match was just another way to help another person. And with a small smile, he realized, that was enough for him.
Then Luck was out like a candle.
A flickering flame, trying to set the world alight, unlit for now.
And so ended his second day in another world.
- In Serial327 Chapters
The Mysterious Black Magician
7.91 1623 - In Serial22 Chapters
The Hawkshaw Inheritance
The Hawkshaw Inheritance is a completed story, with twenty chapters in total. For as long as almost anyone can remember, a small percentage of people have possessed fantastic gifts. Superhuman strength, speed, and smarts are just a few of the many such abilities on record. Some choose to exploit these powers for personal gain, but most use them for the benefit of their fellow man. Thanks to these people, who we call superheroes, the world is safe. The reality is a little more complicated. Most heroes are content to stop the supervillain and pose for the cameras. But it takes more than a few costumed cops and superpowered celebrities to save the world. Humanity is in danger from forces that ordinary heroes are woefully unequipped to handle. But neither they nor the public will ever be aware of the danger they are in, thanks to the efforts of the Council. For more than twenty years, the world's most powerful, influential, and intelligent metahumans have worked tirelessly in secret to protect the world, and subtly steer it on a better course. Six months ago, one of their number, the infamous vigilante detective known as Hawkshaw, disappeared without a trace. Now it falls to his protege to take up the mantle of Hawkshaw, learn the truth of his mentor's disappearance, and uncover the secrets of the most powerful people in the world... as well as what they're willing to do to keep those secrets buried.
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Villain Tries Farming: A LitRPG Adventure
Our newly appointed Villain dreads the sight of blood and is prone to fainting. When he counts the number of his minions dying from the attacks of the sleazy players, he feels like someone is driving a nail into his heart.Peace is what he seeks. As such he must become skilled at agriculture to sustain the monster clans that he rules. But will he succeed?(if you wish to read this book in one go you can check it out on Amazon HERE)
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The Hotel With No Name
In the hallways of your mind there is a hotel with no name.For years, Naomi Hudson has been dreaming of this place: a labyrinthine, impossibly big hotel for wayward dreamers. She knows these hallways, the rooms, and their secrets better than anyone. She knows the fake people, and the body in the pool. She knows the road. Nothing ever changes, here. Until she launches a blog to discuss the hotel with no name, and attracts the attention of forces beyond even her knowledge: a secret society intent on gleaning everything they can from this place, and, worse, something ancient. Something vast. Something hungry.Don't open the door.(COMPLETED; in the process of editing so if there are typos please ignore them lol)
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IT (2017)- Pennywise Vore
Here is a vore compilation for the 2017 version of Pennywise, where he eats the members of the losers club, including Henry Bower's gang and Georgie. (I may include some side characters from the movie.)
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