《Transcripts》Disparity - Chapter 20: Partner


Beau lay in his bunk bored out of mind, he had been scrolling through the alien tablet (after Ryo had given him the instructions on how to activate the thing), but there wasn't enough content downloaded on the thing to have kept them busy for the two weeks they had been trapped aboard.

The content itself wasnt exactly to his liking, giant lizards and other monsters tearing each other apart in some sort of blood sport. It didn't do much to endear the aliens to him, they literally grew monsters in vats so life was obviously on the cheaper side to them.

There was one short file about two bugs in long togas clicking angrily at each other, but without his own alien transplant there was no way hed understand.

Beau asked Ryo to translate, but the kid hadn’t been in the best condition as of late.

He was worried.

Ryo had barely left his bunk in the week they had been travelling, (he had been keeping track of the hours since there wasn’t much else to do) mostly resided himself to an ‘awful headache’ and kept muttering something about ‘dreaming of math’.

The ship while in motion hummed and pulsed much like the station, underneath it’s steel and ceramic veneer was more living tissue. If he concentrated, Beau could feel the vibrations through the air, like a slow heartbeat, the kid was probably reacting to whatever it was giving off.

Ryo refused to discuss it further, only coming down to eat before climbing back up to sleep. Sleep, or just lie there in pain, occasionally he’d yell at someone to fuck off in his dreams, well, the Japanese equivalent anyway, Beau couldn’t speak the language, but he understood a ‘fuck off’ when he heard it.

Poor kid must have been more messed up than he let on, the thing in his brain causing more trouble than it was worth.

But it was worth noting the aliens had been rather amenable since, He hadn’t seen their bug leader, Mr ruby broach had kept his distance but a never-ending rotation of sentry guards kept peering in out of curiosity.

While they were not treated as prisoners, Beau had tried to make it clear an invasion of their privacy was not welcome. There was only so many times he would tolerate being woken up by the door opening and a strange face peering in, if he had anything worth throwing he would have done so, multiple times.

Usually all it took was for Ryo to rear a death glare and the alien quickly excused themselves and was on edge for the rest of their shift.

Even when in power armour, any sentry that stood after Ryo’s glare could only stand to be around a matter of hours before shift change, and they always looked exhausted. Just one of the many things Beau’s had been keeping tabs on.

How many shift changes, how many soldiers, the different kinds of aliens, how many were in their area at one time, whatever he could keep tabs on, and what might come in handy in the future.

He even attempted to walk around the ship and while he was free to leave his room, it was clear without access to an alien translator he wasn’t getting off the storage floor.

Glass elevators were creepy anyway.

Beau rolled out of his bunk and pulled on his ill fitting pants, and checked in with his friend.

“I’m stepping out for a bit, want anything?” He was expecting the usual groan of rejection from his companion, but Ryo actually sat up and faced him.


“no i’m good,” came the reply, almost as surprised as he was

“You’re speaking to me again, always a good sign,” Beau smiled.

Ryo nodded.

“Headache gone,”

Beau noticed the vibrations in the air had come to a stand still.

‘Finally’ beau thought ‘maybe now we can make some progress,’

“aight, well, wanna go for a walk?”

Ryo nodded and slipped down off the top bunk.

“Wash?” was the first question, and Beau had to laugh.

“There’s a car wash in the corner, it is not fun.”

Ryo grimaced, likely from the smell of himself.

“Walk then,”

“Walk it is!”

As they stepped out a tall lanky abominable snowman stood guard, white fur and beady black eyes stared curiously. Beau gestured they’d be doing a lap, but there was no real communication between them. He’d try sign language, gesturing, mimicking actions but it was useless.

The guards were dumb as bricks.

Ryo however, only had to look at the guard funny for him to be scared straight, the 7 foot yeti whimpering like a dog who’d seen the devil. Ryo groaned and rubbed his temples.

“He says Lieutenant is coming,”

“Mr Ruby broach?”

“Uhh yeah, him,”

“About time, tell him we’re getting bored, there’s only so much alien wrestling death matches a man can watch,” Beau commented, Ryo just stared back before rolling his eyes and telepathically passing on the message. The guard suddenly began cowering even further and ran off towards the elevators.

“Message sent,” Ryo replied with an underlying smirk.

“You cold bastard,” Beau laughed and he took the lead walking around the storage floor.


Nako was furiously getting through the docking reports and mission statements when he got an urgent message from his crew members.

Nakos shoulders slumped and he sat down defeated.

Tifera patched through the message

“Sir! The humans are saying if you don’t appease them soon they’ll start tearing apart the crew like they’re competing in a hunt!”

That caught the lieutenant off guard and had him gripping the edge of his table in fury.

No one threatened him within his ship.

“They want appeasement fine, Tifera, contact Engineering and tell Namegiver Jasmine I have some guests for her to entertain,”

“Yes sire,”

And with that the lieutenant readied himself to head downstairs and rid himself of the rotting eggs sacks he stowed away on board.

Nako didn’t so much as see the humans as he did smell them. The entire floor reeked of a potent musk and sweat.

He found the two humans, waiting for him perched up upon cargo cases, talking amongst themselves. They didn’t formally acknowledge his arrival, forcing Nako to talk to them first, a petty power play on the sour prince’s behalf.

“Lord Ryo, Lord Beau, I’ve come to understand you’ve threatened my crew with dismemberment,” Nako said sharply, staying a good metres distance.

“(I didn’t say that exactly) Ryo projected, shrugging his shoulders, “(there must have been a misunderstanding, sarcasm can be difficult to translate.)”

“You are in no position to terrorise my crew, if you must sully your reputation with insults keep them to those who can defend themselves,” Nako scolded.

“(The power of words leaves deeper scars than any steel,)” Ryo retorted with prose, “(I’ll save the best for you then, lieutenant,)”

Nako’s antennae twitched.

“We’ve docked your honour’s, There will be fresh food and attire waiting for you, but I must insist that you wash before we leave,” Nako growled, never had he wanted to swat a being more in his life. The young prince was being provocative on purpose, for reasons beyond Nako’s understanding.


“(What’s the matter? Cant stand the smell of real men?)” Ryo smirked.

“Animals and savages sleep alike young lord, and my generosity has a limit,” Nako warned, “wash and i’ll have your garb sent down, onc you are presentable I will take you to meet Namegiver Jasmine,”

“(Alright then, don’t get your panties in a twist, we’ll go through the power wash, these new clothes better be worth it)” Ryo sighed before translating, “Wash, we get new clothes,”

Beau protested a little, but eventually they headed back, the idea of fresh, fitting clothes too tempting for either of them to turn down.


The shower was like being hosed down with a fire-main that could aim for your asshole, overall a very unpleasant experience but at least they were clean and didn’t smell like a football locker room in summer.

Outside, as promised was their new attire, what Lieutenant bug failed to mention was that the new attire was power armour. It matched the same style as the lieutenants, although the colours were different, military black and green hard plastic or carbon fibre with a white half cape on the shoulder. Ryo had to be impressed, it was way more than either of them expected. Beau whistled, impressed and giving it the once over like you would a new car.

“Climb in and press the button, the suit will snap into place.” Nako instructed, “Your segmenter swords can attach at the hip if you’re insistent on keeping them.”

“(Oh were not letting them go easily,)” Ryo retorted but was eager to try the suit on.

He’d have to demonstrate how Beau could put it on anyway.

It was uncanny how well it fit, was light to the touch and for the first time in nearly two weeks they were actually dressed. The capes were neatly folded to the side, one for each of them, the suits had clips specifically designed for the fabric to click into.

It was like they stepped out of a comic book.

Ryo was content to just let it hang over his shoulder, Beau took the time to pleat it, he got four or five fairly neat tucks before draping it over from right to left, leaving his right arm clear. Easier to get at his weapon that way.

“If you are ready, your honour’s, this way,” LT Nako directed them, in a rush to hand them off to whomever the ‘Namegiver’ was.

The Ship’s docking bay was wide open for them to walk through, and it was an impressive sight.

Fully enclosed steel dome, bioluminescent lights turned the dim into day as hundred of suited soldiers made their way across the bridges and platforms of the complex.

It was hard not to be awed by the experience, the Lieutenant was gracious enough to let them gawk for a moment.

“There will be plenty of time to take it in once were at our destination,” Nako stated quietly, “but your blaring curiosity will only cause disruption on deck, if you can keep your emotions muted, that will draw less attention,”

Lieutenant Nako, however, despite his words of warning proceeded to strut down the runway the crowds before them parted like the red sea.

The three of them walked through the alien military halls and it felt as if they owned the place, other soldiers just moved out of their way, others bowing and cheering as though they were celebrities. Ryo could hear the clamouring of steel suits in the distance, shocked talk of the lieutenant gathering more humans, and the loud roars of ships and soldiers alike.

The aruas he felt off the other people, he could close his eyes and pinpoint every one, like small fires of heat and vigor. His own presence was very dark, cold, but stronger than anyone else he could feel, Nako was the only one who came close to his own. Ryo Supposed that’s why the guy had his own ship, the more powerful your aura the more respect you commanded.

The realisation hit him.

He had a fucking power level in this place!

And he had protagonist level power, maybe this shitstorm was a dream after all.

The station was huge, corridor after corridor of steel plates and scurrying aliens, it seemed like they had started walking forever ago and lost count of how far they had actually walked.

The permeating sense of boring, bland discipline that these aliens gave off faded into the background the closer they drew to their destination. In its place was warmth, safety, a welcoming glow drawing them in, for a brief moment, he didn't dread what was going to happen.

He stopped in his paces when he noticed he wasn't miserable, and the Lieutenant had the gall to look over his shoulder and snipe.

“Something wrong young lord? Not used to the presence of real power?”

Ryo shuddered, trying to shake it off; now that he knew the warmth wasn’t ‘real’.

“(Nothing I can’t handle,)” he snapped back, Beau none the wiser at all.

The closed corridors gave way to an open hangar, rows and rows of abandoned cars and sitting pretty in the middle was a massive super yacht.

Beau whistled again,

“Hot damn…” he muttered under his breath, "They startin’ a car yard?”

But Ryo didn’t answer, he was too busy trying to pinpoint the source of the aura.

“Ahhh, it appears she is on her way,” Nako stated absently, “She is probably eager to meet you,”

Ryo spotted a vehicle coming towards them, some kind of red 4x4, music blaring over the atrociously loud engine. It screeched to a halt a hundred meters in front of them, the right side driver door opened up and its passengers piled out.

A human, an alien and three dogs came bolting towards them and Ryo was engulfed.

The bright, blazing aura nearly blinded him, the alien world around him replaced with the hot, exciting brilliance of a summers day. The woman who exhumed this sensation was running towards them, shouting and waving, but before Ryo could even take a step forward Beau charged ahead screaming at the top of his lungs.


The scream startled everyone except for the solider and his partner, the full-sized German Shepard barreling into the brick shit house of a man, the pair colliding in a burst of overwhelmingly pure joy.

Ryo stared as they rolled on the floor, Spades licking Beau’s face, body spasming from excitement Beau squeezing the dog so tight he might of snapped him in two. Friendship, loyalty, hope relief, so emotions flooded out of the large dog…

It was beautiful.

“Hey…” The woman’s voice floated in his ears with that quiver they had before crying, her arms opened wide and she embraced him, sobbing in his ears.

A warm, loving embrace.

When was the last time someone, anyone, was that happy to see him?

It was nice…

He lifted his arms to return the embrace but then she cried.

“it’s okay, you’re safe now,”

Safe? Safe?!

Ryo shoved her away, the harsh, cold reality breaking the dream like glow.

“(Dont touch me)...” he snarled.

She was momentarily startled.

“I’m sorry,” she cried, wiping away her tears, smiling widely the entire time. “It's just, it's been so long since I've seen another human, got a bit carried away.” she offered him her hand, “I’m Jasmine, welcome to branch!”

Ryo warily shook it, only to be betrayed when she pulled him towards Beau and the dogs, they were all in a big pile.




Ryo’s eyes nearly popped out of his head.

“(Are the dogs talking?)”

Jasmine beamed, nodding her head violently with excitement.

“Yup! This is Kimiko, Sieglinde and Spades…” she looked over to the grown man on the floor, “And you must be Beau! Spades has told me so much about you!-”

“Told you?!” Beau snapped up, “You're the one whose been looking after Spades?”

“It has really been the other way around,” She reached down for a handshake and to help him up “Name’s Jasmine!”

Beau shook her hand but didnt need it to stand up, Spades still wriggling joyously in his arms and licking the mans face.

“Beau Mathews, good to see a human face in all this,”

“It’s good to hear another human voice,” She sighed, relieved “The dogs will be happier too… wait, Beau, do you not have a translator?” Jasmine asked, frowning curiously.

“You mean the creepy ass thing they shoved in Ryo’s brain? Nah, i aint got that in me,” Beau answered, shaking his head.

“Oh, well we can fix that-” She began.

“Nuh-uh, I aint getting no pulsating alien squid in my head, no thank you,”

Jasmine looked disappointed,

“Are you sure? It may be a little weird at first, but it doesn’t just let you communicate with aliens…” she paused for the dramatic reveal “You can talk to dogs with it too,”

There was a brief pause, as Beau stared into the golden brown, puppy-dog eyes of his partner.

“I can talk to him already,”

“(He doesn’t need it,)” Ryo snapped, folding his arms and scrutinising the woman, “(but you have some explaining to do)”

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