《Transcripts》Zero Chapter 5: Auction


Nako sat in his quarters aboard Branch.

His room was the only place where he was allowed to relax. The only place where he could indulge in activities that were not related to his calling as a Knightly Ranger.

Namely puzzles.

Small games of skill that one could argue were training tools for military strategy, Nako found more personal enjoyment in figuring out the games. Getting into the designer's mind and determining how to solve the puzzle. Setting up his own pieces and watching the play unfold. It was even more thrilling, to imagine what it would be like to play with real parts, to have the stakes hold higher than the simple accomplishment of the task at hand.

It was his right as a lieutenant, after surviving the gauntlet of an interstellar skirmish, to have some ambition. He needed to be confident he was making the right choices to fulfil his greater calling, one that had always lingered since his maturity.

The game of coloured lights before him blinking. Waiting for him to issue his commands. He could stack three orders at a time, in the hope of outwitting his opponent.

Attack, defend, move forward or back. There were enough moves to keep it interesting without having to put too much thought into it.

Moving first he could ambush his opponent, defend when the inevitable retaliation occurred and then defend again while the opponent tried to move forward and cancel the advance.

Or he could move back, upset the computer and leave the enemy attacking nothing, move forward while they attacked the empty space and then launch an attack of his own while they tried to consolidate.

It was a game he had played a thousand times before, thankfully the devices own organic brain had not started degrading for overuse. Likely the thing would outlive him, he’d paid enough credits for it.

Nakos quarters were decorated with more such things.

Capes of rank and formality, swords gifted and purchased. More than one physical puzzle sat on the wall shelf next to the banners of the ships he had commanded and served in his career. Emblems of the Galactic Council, they weren't nearly as lavish as the ones in the Arvas Imperium. Solid colours with geometric shapes, easily identifiable numbers and sigils at a moment's glance. His favourite, however, was one gifted to him by a Knight Commander of the Imperium. The same skirmish that granted him his promotion to Lieutenant commander, to have Tifera as his captain and forever earning Kotorn's scorn.

Truly it was more like a tapestry than a banner.

A sword held by six hands between two moons, the image was stitched with the most beautiful purple thread against the blazing red banner silk. Beads of colour gave the hands the shimmer of finely oiled chitin, silver leaf coloured in the blade. Words of courage and honour were sewn around the edges. It was art, a banner to vow your will to.

"You are victorious." The computer announced dully.

The Prince clicked his beak in disappointment. He was hoping the game would fire him up for the evening's meetings. Help him to forget the frustration of Korton's short sighted anger. The fury lingered in his own thoughts, he could have taken the time to exercise the rage with a duel down on the training deck. But he didn't want to give the impression that Kotorn’s passions could rule over him. He served as was his duty, not his want.


Nako returned the game to its position on the shelf, facing it to fit with the others before getting ready for the day's proceedings.

A formal blue cape neatly pressed and embroidered from its wardrobe. He didn't need to wear the regalia armour today as it was official notice now that the Lieutenant would not be leaving the station, a short blue tabard to match was all that was required.

He picked up a small vial of mineral oil for his exposed chitin, careful to not waste too much on the application cloth. Such preening could be considered vain, but he'd look better in the holo-conference footage. Politicians and companies alike were easily impressed with such things.

His Captain stood outside his door, waiting for her Lord.

She never left her own regalia, she had little need to. Ranger Regalia was designed so that it could be worn permanently, a relic from the Painful Dynasty’s wretchedness. Nako made his way to the conference room, and Tifera instinctually followed.

"How many companies have responded to Kotorn’s request?" he asked.

"270." Tifera answered dutifully, "But we whittled it down to the major 6 through auctioneering."

Nako's pace didn't falter, he expected the larger companies to show interest. They were the ones who would have the necessary tools to accurately dissect and break down a Rajavan vessel. Extract its ship brain and retrieve any useful information out of the immortal grey mass. But Kotorn ordered that the contents be auctioned off, he said nothing about the ship itself, only that it be stripped. Engine Lord Viitoic had best be happy with that little piece of malicious compliance.

"Aecom, Kyukage, Soto'um, Traavuis, Tak-dak and Aku'Ra, there due to simulcast in [20] minutes." Tifera responded.

"Do we have a report from Viitoic about the cargo?"

"Not yet sire,"

"Good, we can derive a higher price if it is of unknown qualities." Nako commented.

Tifera stopped as they reached the conference doors and the rangers on duty either side. The younger Arvas guards saluted their superior officer and stepped aside.

Nako paused before the open doors.

"Captain, would you accompany me?"

"Of course Sire."

Nako positioned himself within the holoprojectors field of view. Tifera acquainted herself with the standard projectors controls, and the pair rehearsed an intro before opening the Branch address.

The 6 companies all dialled in immediately.

Creator species all of them. Stared back at the Lieutenant. Company sigils looped in the back of their portraits, all of them with lowered heads.

"Salutations Citizens." Lieutenant greeted first.

"Salutations Commander." They answered unanimously back.

“Knight Commander Kotorn has requested you here today because you are the companies who will be able to provide us with the data and the assets we, the Galactic Council Rangers, need to continue to restore and consolidate the great Galactic Council." Nako gave a quick flourish of the cape for presentation sake."I have in my possession, 23 stasis pods, collected from a Rajavan troop vessel. Each pod is large enough to hold a Sulin Vassal, and is equipped with its own stealth system-" Nako watched as nearly 20 pairs of eyes widened and muted orders were given at his mention of the unknown addition to the tech. "-The contents of each stasis pod are unknown, but we have reason to believe that they are all unidentified organisms. Unknown to the GC and Military databases."


He paused once again for display sake, reading each and everyone of the representatives, setting up the pieces and goading them into his play.

"I shall open the floor to an open bid."

The comms exploded with requests, but no Companies representative could be heard until Tifera gave the permission.Nako studied the expressions of the company drones before him, and signaled to Tifera that the skinny Zenthi of Soto’um Corporate be allowed to speak first.

The captain highlighted the corps holofeed, and everyone heard the Soto’ums representative and her bold offer.

"Soto'um will have a new line of soldiers readily available in 2 [weeks] if we are given access to the 3 largest specimens!"

Another uproar of requests flooded in, Tifera looked to her liege. Nako felt that the Aecom’s Sulin representative and his bared teeth looked the most puterbed by the statement and signalled his turn for the floor.

"2 [weeks?]" The sulin of Aecom gawked. Pale green scales matching nicely with the company's logo behind him. "Surely Lord commander not considering such a blatant farce? This is not the first time Soto'um has tried to pass off inferior prototypes in hopes of securing funds-"

"That's slander!" Soto’um’s employee retorted.

"Government bodies can afford such risky tactics, we at Aecom don't have such backing, we rely on our results." The Sulin snarled.

"How dare you?!" Soto’um snapped, slamming her hand on the table in offence.

"Representatives! Calm yourselves." Nako silenced them. "Soto’um, I will grant you the 2 largest specimens, and I still want my ranger prototypes in [2 weeks]."

"Of course Lord Lieutenant!" The zenthi immediately accepted, bowed her head and out of the conversation. The rep of Aecoms sneered silently.

"The second largest specimens can go to Aecom,” Nako continued “If you're insistent on your quality I expect a rivalling Ranger Asset from you."

The rep perked up and bowed with a hand across his chest.

"Thank you for your patronage Lieutenant."

A representative of Corp Kyukage signaled violently for a turn to speak. Tifera looked for her lords approval, and let the Rep say his peace.

“Let us hope that Aecom and Soto’um are exaggerating their capabilities." The Sulin rep wore his company’s colours with pride, handsome blue streaks ran down his olive green scales. "Kyukage is currently working on a new design, and if any of the organics meet those requirements I am happy to negotiate a trade deal.”

“And what exactly are the requirements you seek?” Nako probed further.

“If they're unknown fauna they may contain alternate chemical reactions. Any of the specimens with a particularly active hormone system will be fine.” The Rep flashed a list on his holofeed. “If so, I am willing to offer up [5 years] worth of medicinal product toward the branches assets."

It was a very interesting proposal indeed, if Kyukage could provide any remedies to what the Rajava had invested their time in they might have a chance to retaliate should the worst come to pass.

"I shall have the engineers run the data for you,” Nako replied. “Is there any objections?"

A few murmurs here and there but no open contest to the Kyukage Sulins request.

Nako listened in to every offer intently, he had to make sure that the pods were evenly distributed to get the most data possible on the unknowns for his own curiosity sake. He would need to run that data against his own from Esaander.

"Tak-dak simply requests 5 specimens, no special requirements necessary. I pledge [3 years] of ship maintenance and repair products, complete with immediate staff upon request."

"Accepted." Nako announced suddenly and the conference exploded into a frenzy, offering up [years] worth of services and goods in exchange for their own share of the cargo.

It wasn't long before the rest of the spoils were divided amongst the voracious companies.

"... and that brings this conference to its conclusion. I would like to thank you all for participating in the proceedings. The cargo will be awaiting your carrier ships. May your paths be clear."

The company representatives all said their farewells and disconnected from the conference.

Nako and Tifera allowed themselves to relax a moment.

Tifera stood in awe of her lord, he had managed to negotiate nearly [15 years] worth of goods from the stasis cargo. She was very fortunate to sit in and listen, to better serve him and the Galactic Council.

“Well done Sire.” she approved.

“Let this be a lesson Captain,” Nako instructed “You do not need to control the situation with Freq if you understand your opponent.”

“Of course, Sire.” Tifera bowed her head again, and on doing so noticed several more request lines blinking. “Sire? I’m getting several incoming requests for an audience?”

Nako’s shoulders slumped slightly, he wasn’t expecting interview requests to come in so soon, had news spread across claimed space already?

“I’ll allow it” he answered and prepared to answer questions about his most auspicious victory.

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