《Transcripts》Transcripts Chapter 27 : Forward


Rynard returned with the last of the staff members he had carried out of the habitation wing, carefully placing the unconscious bodies into the emergency recovery pods scattered in the observation room.

Krydon’s Medical wing was now in a state of emergency; seven staff members in total had been on rest break when Jasmine had let off the weapons-grade pulse. Most of them had been resting so the Captain was bringing in comatose patients in desperate need of cooldown meds. Krydon and Pa swiftly checked over the new patients, administering meds where possible before Nu evaluated their condition. Xant had been hastily recruited to administer and monitor the more stable staff members, including some of his own research division.

The Doctor realised he had not stepped foot into his own department since they had implanted Jasmine with the Zenthi translator. Familiar faces laid still in recovery pods, Norais Foorlan, Tyda Fen, Bramon Vuulsi. Xant only knew their names and areas of expertise; until now his only interaction with them had been to issue work orders and congratulate them professionally on their accomplishments. How had he lived so long in such an isolated existence? He wanted to know now, how did they decide what professions they desired to pursue? Did they have plans once their benefactor debt had been repaid? Did they have plans to stay with Esaander for the length of their residence? Laandi was right, he had changed. He no longer sought to distance himself from others and the world around him, his passion for his work had returned now with more vigor than ever before. Xant ran a hand over his poor ears, they were beginning to ache from constant flexing.

“That’s the last of ‘em…” Rynard muttered, standing over Xant’s shoulder. “You alright Doc?”

Xant nodded, folding his hands behind his back and taking a moment's reprieve from attending the Freq wounded.

“I am doing much better than I anticipated,” he confessed, after the initial shock his body had only held a small quiver, he was still able to function and had not succumb to VEFS. “I must be building up a resistance.”

“And how is the Director?” the Captain asked, looking over his shoulder at the other doctors checking up on patients.

“She is stable.” Xant answered, leading Rynard over to the second patient room where Laandi was sitting up in her pod. “She is speaking now, but her hands are still trembling.”

“Hmph.” Rynard snorted, accepting the doctor’s prognosis. He stopped before the door, not quite ready to head inside. “Neither of you should be standing,” he stated, voicing his concern. “I can still feel an aching in my chest.” A single claw tapped his chest plate slowly. “And If I’m still feeling the aftereffects, then you shouldn’t be able to do what you’re doing now.”

Xant took the Captain’s words into consideration, he would need to examine his own neural growth rate. The doctor had been in close proximity to the human with constant minor and major bursts for an entire [week], experiencing no less than three major cases of VEFS. Duuarn had gone through major neural changes after one pulse. Xant couldn't perceive a scenario where he could have avoided any sort of reconfiguration.

“Laandi mentioned that my personality had been altered, she framed it as a positive development.”

“I’ll say, you’ve talked more to me in the last few days than you had done to anyone else the previous 4 [years] on the station.”

Xant had to stop, looking up at Rynard. He had never considered Rynard took his well being into his itinerary.


“Was my seclusion that noticeable?” Xant asked sincerely.

“You were borderline creepy Doc,” Rynard scratched a spot on his neck, looking toward the second patient door. “It was like you were one pulse away from becoming stiff.” The Captain was there to ensure his physical safety, but to know he kept tabs on his mental state as well? Was that why the Captain felt comfortable making obscene comments around him and Jasmine? Thoughts of Jasmine’s condition derailed his curiosity toward Rynard’s actions, he reached out for the door sensor. Adding before they stepped over the threshold, “Thank you for your honesty, Captain”

The door slid open automatically. Laandi was sitting up in the pod waiting for their approach, her hands twitching in her lap ever so subtly. Kimiko had curled up on the edge of the bed, tail slowly sweeping over the old Qzetillain’s feet.

“Captain, Xant,” she greeted, nodding her head with respect, her face beaming with pride and gratitude. “Thank you for your decisive action. Without it we certainly would have lost valuable assets, including myself.”

“Just doing my job, Director,” Rynard replied humbly, Xant nodded his head in turn.

“We only did what we thought was necessary.”

“What was necessary,” Laandi repeated with a sigh of accepting defeat. “I thought it was necessary to inform Miss Howe, and look what it has brought us.” Sweeping her hand in a grand gesture, the Director gazed out the window to the chilling chaos of the Medical wing. “Has Isk arrived yet?” she asked expectantly.

“No, Director,” Xant replied.

“He will be here soon then,” she related, smile still on her lips as she lowered her head. “No doubt he will want my resignation, and I’m inclined to give it to him.”



The Director chuckled, happy with the reactions of her subordinates; she would be missed.

“Perhaps not right away then,” she assured them, weighing the decision in her mind before speaking out to her associates. “It will take time to organise a replacement, someone with more vigor and forethought.” But until then, she was still in charge, they looked to her for leadership and guidance. “There will be major repercussions for Miss Howe.” Laandi postulated to the pair. “As much as we wanted to ignore it and contain it, she is too dangerous as she is. Isk was right to put the precautions in place and yet we strove to dissolve them. I will be contacting Lieutenant Commander Nako about his contract; it can no longer be held as private and must be negotiated to government. We need military assistance.”

“Will we still have time,” Xant spoke up, holding out his last glimmer of hope, “To finish the Citizen tests before the Commander's arrival?”

“You're quite insistent, Xant,” the Director folded her fingers together, surprised. “But there is no longer any doubt, Miss Howe is a Military Grade organism, and we do not have the proper facilities to hold her.”

“Then we will restrict her to the Security wing until the translator has been designed and-”

Xant continued to push his agenda, the oath he had made to himself for the human’s benefit but Laandi interrupted with the hard truth.

“The Lieutenant isn’t going to wait that long.” She shook her head, closing her eyes as the scene played in her mind. “The moment he senses her, she’s going to be transferred to the closest Ranger branch. Sir Nako was already enthusiastic about speaking with her, His Honour wouldn’t want to be confined to this Citizen bubble.”


Xant couldn’t argue with Laandi’s logic, a military Commander confined with Citizens for long periods of time was prone to outbursts. Not unlike those Jasmine had been throwing around.

The Doctor could not keep ignoring the facts, Jasmine was military in every aspect but personality. She moved effortlessly in armour, commanded the respect and loyalty of everyone around her, and wielded a Frequency of unnatural power. He could not hold her to standards she had already and ultimately eclipsed, and as he was now, Xant would not even be able to follow in her shadow. The realisation had been inevitable, and yet it still left him with sense of loss. Their careers would diverge and they might never meet again.

“Then allow me to be the one to inform her,” he proposed, clasping his hands in front of him in an effort to appeal to her logical side. “Since the Captain and I are the only ones capable of withstanding her pulses.”

Laandi pondered before giving her answer, “Very well, but only if you are willing to follow the necessary protocols.”

“I will abide by any terms necessary,” Xant replied vehemently. Laandi accepted the reply and turned her attention to Rynard, her smile turning into a smirk.

“Captain, you are to escort Dr. Xant to Security and issue him with Military Grade armour casing.”

The Captain grinned widely, standing to attention at the exciting new orders. “Yes Director!”

“Military Grade armour?!” Xant was shocked.

“Isk stipulated that we take every precaution necessary, and if you are to be interacting with a Military Grade organism it is good protocol to have the right equipment.” Laandi elaborated.

“Do we have the budget for that Director?”

“If I recall correctly, Isk syphoned a considerable amount of department funds for Security reasons,” The Director smiled slyly, “I can’t think of a more responsible use of that credit than to protect the company's most valuable asset.” Xant was stunned, the company's most valuable asset? His own set of Military Grade armour?! Such equipment was worth more than some entire departments. Laandi’s smile grew into an amused chuckle. “I trust that shouldn't be too difficult for you to organise Captain?”

“Not at all Director,” Rynard nodded his head a little too quickly. “Come on Doc, it’s gonna be fun suiting you up!”

“Speaking of protocols,” Laandi moved her feet from underneath the large pup. “Xant, I think it would be best if you were to escort the User out of the Medical wing.”

Xant took a moment to come to his senses, acknowledging Laandi’s request.

“Certainly Director, we should be able to quarantine her in the Security wing whilst negotiations with Jasmine unfold.” Xant lowered his head, to be eye to eye with the seemingly bored dog. ‘(Friend?)’ Xant addressed her. Kimiko snapped to attention immediately, looking at Xant inquisitively as Sieglinde had done on their first meeting.

‘(Friend?)’ The dog answered.

‘(Would friend like to go for a walk?)’

‘(Walk?! Yes Friend!)’ Without prompting the Akita jumped down off the pod’s mattress and stood wagging her curved tail before the pair of large aliens. Xant looked around him, the eager Captain, the knowing Director and the enthusiastic User, all of them ready to take the next step. His ear stalks rose and he folded his arms behind his back.

“We’d best be on our way then. Thank you, Laandi”

“May your life be balanced Xant,” offered her departing words, and Xant returned them with sincerity.

“And may you find your place with the One.”

It had been a long while since Xant had been anywhere near a fabricator capable of running such complex programs. It was, after all, a weapons manufacturer. Tubes of liquid matter pumped into the enclosed machine, piece by piece growing a suit of armour with fully realised military functionality. A carapace hard enough to deflect a segmented sword, and resistant to most corrosive compounds, reinforced to multiply the strength of the wearer almost five-fold and equipped with enough combat stims to ensure his body would still be moving long after his brain had lost consciousness.

Citizens were not physically built to be able to wear such armour, and those that could were those who had visited black market surgeons out on the fringes of the GC reach, raiders and pirates.

“You’ll be fine.” Rynard assured Xant, dismissing all the evidence to the contrary. “You’re still standing after a Freq-bomb that gave me the jitters, so the only thing we’ll have to worry about is muscle tear,” the Captain demonstrated a combat strike of his right claw, launching his arm through the air. “Don't do anything strenuous until we’ve given you proper strength training, else the suit might rip the tendons from your skeleton.”

“That is truly horrifying Captain.” Xant observed.

“It happens,” Rynard shrugged, “The suit would dose you up so you won’t notice though, which is the dangerous part,” the Captain rolled his shoulders and flexed his arms, displaying the raw strength of his physical make up. “I’m going to get suited up myself, break the old armour in. Notify me when your suit’s finished.”

Rynard didn’t wait for a reply, he took his leave to the private room of the Security department, leaving Xant and Kimiko alone. It wouldn’t too long before the fabricator finished meeting his specifications and who knows how long Rynard would need getting into his combat gear.

The Doctor had only one conversation with the Users so far, and he felt it was time he got to know them, and the relationship they held with their human Namegivers a bit better.

Xant made himself comfortable on the floor and looked the dog in the eyes as he had seen Jasmine address them so many times before, a hand ready to pet her should the dog require it.

‘(Friend, I am Friend Xant, friend of Namegiver Jasmine)’ Xant greeted, trying to remember the user's speech patterns.

‘(Friend Xant?)’ She sniffed the alien ‘(You do smell of the Namegiver, Friend, Friend Xant)’ The strawberry blond Akita sat down and tilted her head to the side. ‘I am Friend Kimiko’

Kimiko, the name was a pleasant familiar rhythm, Uru’Nav, Kimi’Ko, if Xant had not known better he would have thought she were Zenthi. He thought he would start off with one of the dog’s more knowledgeable subjects.

‘(Friend Kimiko, what are your Namegivers like?)’

‘(My Namegivers?)’ The dog began to open its mouth in an excited expression. ‘(My Namegivers are good Namegivers, they give me many names. They chose me the same time they chose their cub!)’

Xant pieced this together with what Sieglinde had told him, Humans ‘choose’ their User counterparts and then treated them as though they were the same social standing regardless of intelligence or status. The more names a dog was given indicated the level of perceived acceptance.

‘(How many names do you have, Friend Kimiko?)’

‘(They call me Kimiko, ‘Ko, Big-sister, Sister-Ko, Motosuwa, and Silly dog!)’ Xant wasn’t sure if that last one was supposed to be a compliment but it was interesting that the Humans would consider the dog ‘sister’. Xant had not spoken to any of his own siblings since his departure of the Growcentre it was strange to think that a world away Users and Creators thought of themselves as ‘family’.

‘(How many Namegivers in your pack Friend Kimiko?)’

The dog stopped and tilted her head

‘(There is Grandma-Hikeka Ma-Kyoko, Pa-Haru, Sis-Tomoko!)” Her ears drooped, ‘(No more Grandpa-Yuuki)’

Kimiko had mentioned ‘grandpa’ during the howl, the doctor hoped it would give him some insight.

‘(Friend Kimiko, what is the howl?)’

Kimiko’s ears laid flat and she lowered her head sadly.

‘(The Namegiver Howl, it is sad, very sad.)’

‘(Why is it sad?)’

‘(Namegiver Howls. I heard Ma and Grandma Howl. Grandpa had gone to sleep. He did not wake, he did not breathe. He lost his scent. No more walks, no more treats, no smoke.)’

Xant knew Jasmine would be upset at learning the history of the GC but, the reaction she produced was even stronger than the memories of her abduction. That all encompassing fear he got to feel first hand, it was nothing compared to the Pulse he had felt in the habitation quarters. She was grieving; those she had lost and were close to, it was likely they were dead. A sorrow so strong it was painful, his very being shuddered at the thought. Xant wondered, would Jasmine be the same? Would she still be pleasant to converse with? Would she still have her patience after performing this howl? Princes and Princesses were known to stiff themselves in the heat of unrelenting battle, to freeze their Freq impulses to the point of only being able to broadcast one emotion. It was safe to say the human could easily stand in their ranks.

‘(Friend Kimiko, do Namegivers recover from the Howl?)’

‘(Yes.)’ The dog replied, ‘(It takes many days, and many sleeps, but my Namegivers can say Grandpa’s name without sadness now.)’

‘(I understand,)’ Xant nodded, reaching out to touch the furry creatures head. ‘(Thank you Friend Kimiko)’ She let him pat her awkwardly, he was still unsure how much pressure he was supposed to apply for a suitable interaction.

‘(Thank you Friend Xant!)’

The private door slid open without ceremony and the Captain stepped out in full plate glory. He stood extra foot taller in the gunmetal blue suit, proud and menacingly. Small interlocking plates mimicked the overlapping growth of Sulin scales as though he were encased in a second skin. His claws were coated coated in steel, his helmet opened just at the jaw so all Xant could see of the Captain was his teeth. The rest of his face hidden behind a blank plate of steel, six cameras like Arvas eyes mounted on the sides. The insignia of the Galaxy Council Rangers had been scrubbed free from his chest plate but his serial number was still emblazoned on his left shoulder. C2-E4-203080. Creator level, Sulin, Equalizer class level four, Manufacturer code. A ragged green and white cape was folded like a sash over his right shoulder, covered in acid spots and sword burns, battle damage worn with honour.

Xant stood and stared, he had not seen a Sulin Ranger in full armour since his time on Jothram. It brought back a lot of unpleasant memories of his own.

Kimiko hid behind Xant, unsure of the hulking beast that smelled like the larger Friend.

“That’s not the usual reaction I get when wearing this,” Rynard joked, striking another pose, arms stretched above his head.

“I have seen Ranger regalia before Captain.” Xant informed him.

“When you were fending off Vassals eh?” Rynard pushed.

“Yes.” Xant answered, looking over to check the fabricator’s progress. “Its ready Captain.”

Rynard authorised the release of the suit, pink fluid vacuumed out of the fabricator, and blue coolant pumped in. The fabricator opened to reveal the suit flayed, ready to wear. Xant hesitated, there was one more thing military armour had over Citizen armour. The needles that hooked the nervous system into the suit's operating system were larger. It was alright for most Military built organisms, they didn’t feel pain, Xant would have to dose himself up before he let the [2mm] gauge needles pierce the main nerve points in his body.

Rynard noticed the hesitation.

“Are sure you wanna do this Doc?” Rynard asked as Xant reached for his medipen. “I can go and speak to Jasi, no need to put yourself in harm’s way.” Xant administered the last of his depressor medication in preparation, folded his hands behind his back and sighed deeply.

“I’ve been in harm’s way before Captain;” Xant replied facing down the hardware, “I made the decision to see this through a long time ago, to the end or to mine.”

The Captain gave an amused snort. “Any oaths I should know about?”

“None that should put me in harms way with you around… Capt.”


Xant stepped up to the intimidating suit and slid his hands slowly into the splayed out hardware.

It was cold. His skin shuddered against the unactivated leather, unused to the temperature change as he stepped into the armour. Xant laid his tail down and rested a moment, bracing himself before tapping the sensor. The suit’s blue light activated, the servo batteries hummed as they powered the circuits for the hybrid suit; chitin and tendons alone could not support the power armour.

The steel plates clamped and folded over Xant’s body in sequence; one by one the needles pierced his skin, connecting his nervous system to the internal hardware.

The doctor grit his teeth, allowing his vocal cords to rumble with discomfort, his ears flicking up with each consecutive needle. The pain soon passed however, for with every pinch came the soothing warmth of chemical assistance. Xant’s entire body jolted forward as the back plates connected, the thick plates sliding over like scales, protecting the brain that grew along his spine. When the final plate locked into place, the suit’s rigidity released. Xant was no longer a prisoner in the steel, but one with it.

The shock almost had him fall over, but Rynard was there to catch him. A single claw was enough to hold the Doctor up.

“Stand first before you try to walk!” The captain laughed heartily.

Xant could only nod in reply.

It wasn’t like a set of gloves or even the Citizen armour he was used to in the field. Military armour was something else; his feet didn't feel like they were touching the ground, like he was floating several [centimeters] above it. He shifted his weight to regain his balance, everything was out of place.

“I’ll get you to take a few steps before I cover your snout,” The captain prompted, taking a few steps back himself. “Slowly now, slide your feet across the floor.”

It was embarrassing.

Xant was a fully grown, capable sentient having to learn how to walk again.

But he refused to give in to indignation.

He outstretched his arms and tail for bearings as he inched his foot out toward the Captain. Slowly, steady, reminding himself that any sudden jerk could tear his physical makeup.

Rynard was nothing but supportive.

“Not bad, not bad, now lift your feet, like you're walking on a gel mat.”

The Doctor shouldn't have been surprised, but the Captain was awfully good at giving directions.

Pretending he was standing on a rest bed was almost exactly what it was like wearing the armour. Xant wasn’t sure he would ever get used to it, and wondered if all military engineered organisms were naturally adept at it.

He took his first steps, the suit making a loud clang when connecting with the floor. The weight of his resting foot didn’t match up with his own perception, another anomaly to get used to.

“Good good!” Rynard chuckled “We’ll be able to deploy sooner than I thought! Now do a lap around the room.”

Xant hesitantly followed the Captain's orders, trying to get into a rhythm that would allow for his natural step.

Rynard watched for the first quarter circle, before giving another bout of encouragement.

“See? Nothing to worry about at all! Right, now pick up the pace, you have until I open the glass to get back to the front of the room.”

Xant had little time to protest, the Captain was already across the room.

Rynard stood in front of the glass safe.

Uleesia’s Station had very little weaponry; there was very little traffic out in their empty part of reclaimed space. In the [9 years] he had spent in his employment with Esaander he had never had to turn away a smuggler’s ship let alone a full brunt pirate attack. The Rangers in the area were good at their job.

Now he got to open the case, break the glass a little and let loose.

His claws itched to hold a weapon, the memories of holding his melter, waiting to board a rogue ship were an adrenaline rush in itself.

But he only authorised the stun rifle.

He didn’t really want to dispose of Jasi and he figured the bulge brains would be mad if he sprayed her body with acid. She was to be contained, not cleansed.

“You’re…” Xant’s cautious voice broke Rynard from his thoughts. “...going to take a weapon Captain?”

Rynard noticed the slip back into formalities.

“If Jasi’s gone into a VEFS state, as a Princess would, then she could have turned herself into a walking bomb.” the Captain explained, checking over the gun’s batteries. “Her stiffed nerves will only be able to give out the pulse that Freq-fried her system. Don’t matter if she’s happy or angry to see us, we’re going to feel a pulse like that Freq-bomb again, and this,” he tapped the barrel of the high voltage delivery system. “Is the only thing that’s gonna stop her.”

Xant's ears quivered with worry.

“But the armour, isn’t that supposed to protect us from the pulses?-”

“Yeah, the stunner’s just in case,” the Captain reassured Xant, “Hopefully she’s calmed down and back to Citizen levels.” Rynard’s toothy grin reappeared as he secured the charging gun to his left arm. “Now, let’s get that helmet on ya and go say hello.”

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