《Transcripts》Transcripts Chapter 5: Dominant Frequency


Jasmine placed her Dataslate down on the flimsy plastic desk in front of her and stood from the soft oval stool. Everything in the room that had been designated to her was soft edged and clinical white. Comforting yet empty.

Xant nodded his head and turned to the wide automated door, waving his four fingered hand over the sensor panel to the right of the arch.

“Living Quarters” The polite door reminded them of their location. Xant stepped out into the hallway, hands tucked behind his wide back and tail wagging subtly from side to side. Jasmine waited for his bulk to pass through the door before hurrying out to walk beside him. A single step from the Zenthi doctor was worth two of Jasmine's own, it was a little strange, not being able to step in time with the being beside her, even more strange that conversation on the way to Xant's quarters was non-existent. She had learned that walking and talking was not the etiquette aboard the station. Aliens rarely walked in groups and if they did it was single file, one after the other like elementary school children. Jasmine also noticed the sparse amount of crew that were on board, she had only met a handful of doctors and only four had given their names.

They didn't pass anyone as they made the turn to Xant's room. He waved his hand in front of the sensor panel and the polite door chimed.

“Doctor Uru’Nav Xant.”

Jasmine was eager to see the doctor’s living space, peering over his shoulder as he stepped through. The room was unsurprisingly larger than her own but laid out very much the same, desk at the entrance, sleeping hub at the far end of the rectangular room, washroom in the right corner, but it was everything else that Jasmine was interested in. The very first thing that caught her eye was the massive terrarium that took up almost the entire right side of the wall.

“Oh my god…” she gasped, staring as she stepped in. Instead of varying shades of green, the plants that filled the glass box were vibrant reds and purples, all manicured and arranged in perfect 'natural’ formations. It was clearly the feature of the room, the other wall was bare except for a small shelf, filled with about twenty or so other dataslates.

The centre of the floor was covered in a cream woven mat, thick strands like embroidery thread. Firm large pillows sat on each corner of the carpet, Xant had taken a seat in the upper left corner and waited for Jasmine.

“This is amazing!” she exclaimed, hands hovering over the glass. “(It's so beautiful…)” her mind echoed.


“Specimens from the planet Jothram. My first assignment with the Esanda corporation.” Xant explained without being prompted. “All of them contributed to pharmaceutical advancement, and lead to my outposting upon Uleesia Station.”

Xant watched as Jasmine continued to study the flora. “These plants are particularly fascinating to you?”

“Well yeah, most of the plants back home are green. We have a few flowers this colour but not entire plants this vibrant, they almost look fake.” She replied, most of their conversations were extended explanations, learning more and more about each other from simple interactions.

“Fake foliage?”

“Yeah for decoration, to make a room more inviting and well, livable?” Jasmine finally tore her eyes away from the terrarium and noticed Xant watching her. “But a lot of people don't have the time for real plants.” she moved to tuck her hair behind her ear, but faltered. Her hair didn't reach past her ear anymore, nervous habits didn't get the memo.

“Jasmine, could you please hand me the Dataslate upon my desk? I would like to record the meditation session for further study.” Xant asked. Jasmine was quick to fetch the tablet from the empty desk, but her attention was taken once again when her bare feet touched the cream rug. It was like silk, soft and luxurious under her toes, she slid her foot over its threads and let out a small murmur.

“(It's so nice….)” Her mind wondered, her eyes focused on the intricate patterns woven into the rug.

“It truly is fascinating watching you Jasmine, I've never known a being to be so dividedly distracted and yet focused.” Xant observed. Jasmine snapped her head up and froze in place. She knew he didn't mean anything by the comment, but sometimes his words came off a little concerning. He reached out his hand and she placed the Dataslate within it, taking a seat on the comfy pillow opposite.

Xant carefully tapped away on his Dataslate, noting that Jasmine sat in what he proposed was a ritualistic fashion rather than comfort, legs folded underneath her with hands resting within the lap, her eyes closing as if it was expected of her. He gave the final tap on the slate, beginning the recording programme.

Personal log of Dr. Uru’Nav Xant #3794 .

Xant: Now the recording has started, we can begin. Jasmine, if you could transfer over to your dominant Frequency channel?

Jasmine: Done (switching to mind speak… yay…)

Xant: From now on we will be using the dominant Frequency, I will help you to control and contain your thoughts.

Jasmine: (Okay… and I want to apologize for anything disturbing or embarrassing that might get thrown your way-)


Xant: What is the sum of 1 added to 1?

Jasmine: (2?... But what has that got to do with-)

Xant: What is 24 divided by 3?

Jasmine: (Right… … 8, 16, 24, it's 24…)

Xant: What is 5 multiplied by 8?

Jasmine: (... … 40)

Xant: … Now, I will say a number and I want you to reply the next corresponding digit. 23

Jasmine: (24… )

Xant: 56.

Jasmine: (57… …)

Xant: 49.

Jasmine: (50… … … )

[Long pause]

Xant: I want you to hold onto that feeling, the anticipation before answering a question. Your brain is waiting to process information, and so, is not focused on anything other than what it is waiting for.

Jasmine:(.... Hey… you've done this before haven't you?)

Xant: All masters were once students Jasmine, your mind simply lacks discipline.

Jasmine: (I'm sorry Xant-)

Xant: Do not apologize, you've never needed to control your thoughts until now. These are exercises you can practice by yourself, until you can exist with complete peace of mind.

Jasmine: (I'm not sure I'll be able to without you guiding me…)

Xant: All I ask is that you try.

Jasmine: (Do or not do, there is no try.)

Xant: … Jasmine, who was that?

Jasmine: (... Oh uhh, that was… Jedi master Yoda, he's a fictional alien who helps a human figure out psychic powers of his own...)

Xant: A memory from the past?

Jasmine: (Yeah you could say that...)

Xant: Then this meditation could be even more important, if your brain is uncontrolled you could broadcast more sensitive information-

Jasmine: (why do you think I wanted to block this frequency in the first place?! Human brains are notorious for being triggered by certain phrases -Phrasing!- See?? Now I’ve got interruptions within my own head, it's not hurting you is it Xant? Oh god I really hope my random brain isn't hurting you-

Xant: Jasmine you're becoming distressed again, what is 34 divided by 2?

Jasmine: (Right okay.. Half of 4 is 2 and half of 30 is 15, 15 plus 2 is 17… 17... breathe girl breathe)

Xant: What is 7 multiplied by 4?

Jasmine: (... its 28.. Inhale exhale inhale exhale….)

Xant: What is 22 plus 33?

Jasmine: (... 55)

Xant: …

Jasmine: (….)

Xant: Jasmine… I don’t want you to answer the next questions.


Xant: What is 5 plus 3?

Jasmine: (..Eigh-....)

Xant: What is 7 times 8?

Jasmine: (Sev-......)

Xant: 22 minus 4

Jasmine: (...)

Xant: Your favourite colour?

Jasmine: (.... …)

[Long pause]

Xant: Do you feel it now? Your heartbeat, your breathing cycle, your circulation, all of these things are you, but you do not acknowledge them… You choose to acknowledge, your own mind can be the same, not every question needs to be dignified with a response.

Jasmine: (...But.. I feel so rude not responding... )

Xant: Social constructs are the hardest barriers to cross, but, for your own well being you must.

Zenthi children need to be taught they are individuals… You must be taught you are part of the One.

Jasmine: () (The One?... I’m sorry Xant… But what you’re saying holds… Certain connotations)

Xant: Perhaps I am approaching from the wrong path. You may switch over to your speech channel now, I will have an exercise programme sent to your dataslate so you may practise in your own time.

Jasmine: ... (Okay…)

Xant: I will also speak to Dr. Jess, she is the Behavioral Studies expert aboard the station. She should have some logs about The One and the joining methods, I believe our sessions will proceed more smoothly when you have a better understanding of the philosophy involved.

Jasmine: Man, I feel like I just failed some sort of test. You’re not disappointed are you?

Xant: Never Jasmine. This has been an enlightening experience for me. It has been a few years since I shared wavelengths with another, I myself am possibly too eager to make a true connection. In the highest forms of joining we can transfer nerve responses and emotional memories. To find another species capable of this is, if you’ll excuse my phrasing, mind blowing.

Jasmine: No, mind blowing would be an accurate description of what.. All of this is.

[Session Ended]

Xant rose from his cushion, returning the Dataslate to its supposed rightful place upon the shelf before sliding out another in its place. Jasmine often wondered how he could tell the difference between each unmarked white tablet, but thought maybe it was something she couldn't see.

“We are due for the Perceptions Test in the medical wing” Xant prompted gently, his head turning to the side curiously “I hope I have not troubled you Jasmine?”

“No more than I have troubled you, really.” she smiled, but he could feel the strange tickling in his diaphragm, nerves. She didn't want to speak with him about it, she was trying to hide her discomfort for his benefit. He would need to talk with Dr. Jess sooner than he would like.

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