《Breaker of Horizons》Where I've Been


Well here we are again. Another hiatus tumbled past, like leaves in the autumn wind. Another time my big, glorious, stupid brainmeats decided to crap out and be a wet sack of grey shit for a while.

It happens.

By now, you can probably guess this will be a regular thing. I will vanish for some period of time, but I'll also come back. Breaker won't update until it does.

I'm fine with that, but I'd like to make it clear to folks who sub to me on Patreon that I ain't always gonna be able to deliver the goods with the consistency they might like. If you still want to support my art... Wow. Thanks.

Breaker will be updating three times a week for as long as I can. Hopefully, as I get back into things, this will go up to seven times a week.

Now, one more thing.

Just if you care.

A few days ago I started a new story. It's not really like Breaker, that much, but if you enjoy how I build a world and write a fight scene or a character, you might dig it. At the very least I'd love for you to give it a whirl.

King of Fools : Silver Tongue

That said, on with the updates.

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