

Hello all. As you've probably noticed, there hasn't been an upload in a while, and unfortunately that's not going to change for a little bit. To put it briefly: Menschenjaeger is going to be on hiatus for another few weeks. The story WILL continue, just not for a little while.

To anyone interested in why: Menschenjaeger is the first thing I've written to go longer than 10k words or so. I started writing it with only the barest semblance of an outline, figuring that I'd just work out the plot as I went along. Many writers can do this, but I've discovered that I'm not one of them. While it's amazing to see that something meant to be sub-100k words is now more than twice that and counting, it makes the task of reaching the ending I have in mind a daunting one, especially when I'm trying to write and upload new chapters at the same time. Combine this with cyclical burnout and some IRL injuries keeping me from doing the other things I enjoy, and you get a recipe for low morale.

I learned my lesson after starting Menschenjaeger, though, and my other work Lay of the Black Doors is fully outlined and should end up shorter than Menschenjaeger when it's finished. I've found that I can't write enough to update both works consistently. So here's what will happen: I'm going to take a little while off from Menschenjaeger to try and get LotBD finished or mostly so. Then I'm going to stop putting it off and finally hammer out a proper outline for the rest of Menschenjaeger, at which time updates will resume.

I'm sorry about the delay, and I'm thankful for all of you that have read, rated, commented and reviewed for sharing in my work.

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