《A Fungal Dream》Side Story 3.


King POV:

“Come at me!”

Swinging my broken sword, while applying my cursed flames on it, I drew an arc around me setting these monsters around, but these things didn’t stop and were coming in greater numbers, trampling, or adding their fallen comrades to their masses.

“This is nothing!”

Pushing ever more mana into my weapon. I released even more purple flames and made a downward slash,

Practically burning each of those fuckers into charcoal.

Once the flames settled and the smoke dispersed, the ash could be seen covering the ground.

“That’s that. “

I sat down on the ground to take a breather.

As I drank a mouthful of potion, I looked at the sorry state the buildings surrounding me were.

Most of them were entirely covered by the blackish mold or flowers, only preserving their outlines. Going inside of them was nothing more than suicide, the concentration of spores in them could easily kill someone, even if that guy drank a mouthful of the cure.

No, not cure. Suppressant.

We quickly learned that the shots that the bastard gave us didn't work entirely, it just kept the infection at bay. After a certain amount of spores entered someone’s body, they would die and turn like anyone else. The stabs were only good for us to keep breathing the air and move through the flowers, but we needed to take the injections daily.

Luckily for us, almost everyone took their injections and if the monsters didn’t kill them, then we managed to save most of them, forming a sort of survivors group.

At first, I wanted to have our group live in the castle but that was before I learned the truth.

Somehow, that bastard turned my castle into a monster.

The walls and the ceiling peeled off the moment we entered, showing greenish flesh which grew tentacles topped with harpoon-like bones.

That day we lost half of our people. I had to set my castle ablaze, but at the point we were, I could easily believe that the thing was still alive, slowly healing.

The memory still brought tears to my eyes, seeing the home I cherished turn into something like that rather than burning it with my own hands.

Right now, our safe house was located at the church where the sisters of Echidna erected a brier to keep the mold away, making it the only uninfected area of the city.

Still, our supplies were running out, as the food in the city was completely destroyed by the mold and the reserves of the church were limited, only lasting for another week if we don’t increase our numbers.

Some poor fools in their desperation tried to eat the flowers or the monsters. They died in sufferance as the infection turned from the inside.



I looked down at my left arm, seeing another flower burst out from my skin, its petals stained with my blood.

For some reason, even though I was infected with the stuff, my transformation into one of those things was slow and painful.

Maybe it was made so by that bastard, a gift to remember him by.

“Shit, it’s getting worse. I need to get ba-“


Through the wall of the house left to me, something broke through and pushed me aside.

“FoUnD yOu!”

The exhaustion from the previous fights made me unable to react in time, only letting me block the attack, but there was enough force behind the blow to push me aside.

From the hole one of those black knights walked out, but this one looked… disfigured.

Its left arm was devoid of any armor, it was just a mass of greenish tentacles that kept on twitching and swirling.

The black helmet was half broken, revealing the half-decomposed face of my attacker’s, its putrid flesh moved by roots of mushroom with its eye shining in rage and madness.

“KiLl. I wIlL mUrDeR YoU!”

The black knight was about to rush at me, its mace held in the air when something happened.

Accompanied by a very familiar feeling, the space in a 5-meter radio took in a purplish tint frizzing both of us in space.

“Seriously, you are lucky that we were nearby.”

Walking towards us was a group.

It consisted mostly of refugees, who were saved during our patrol.

At the lead was the one who just saved me.

A two-meter-tall cockroach, covering his body with a moldy cape, with two of its six arms, extended as he concentrated.

“I will do the thing!”

At his signal, my body could now move normally in this area.

At the same time, the abdomen of the black knight started to glow in a purplish color as its organs became visible to the naked eyes.

Knowing what to do, I imbued my sword with my flames and stabbed it into its stomach, setting the knight up in the flames.

Once I stepped back, the purple space disappeared and the intact body of the knight fell to the ground, smoke escaping from its mouth and eyes.

I breathed out and turned to my friend.

“You took your time.”

“We ran into monsters on the way here. Plus, I thought that the mighty king of this country would be able to manage a single knight.”

I groaned as I dusted off my armor.

“It caught me in surprise. It must have been there the entire time. You saw its body, right? Are these things evolving?”

You ask the wrong guy. I’m content with thinking about things like what are we going to do now. With these mouths to feed, we won't last long. Did you find anything?”


“Nothing. Everything is turned or absorbed. As I said we need to leave the city.”

The cockroach scratched its head and looked at the masses of refugees behind him.

“We need to get back to the temple first. We can think of other things after that .”

I nodded and with him by my side, we advanced back to the only safe place here.


Where once the colosseum was now nothing more than a crater, from which monsters moved in and out. Hanging in the midst of the crater was a cocoon-looking thing held up by several tentacles, which kept on shifting.

In it were hundreds of monsters, tending to their task, such as taking their prey into transformation chambers or maintaining the current state of their base.

In one of the biggest ‘rooms’ of this base, were several cocoons, pulsing and contracting as they let out green bioluminescence.

On the floor, which was a mixture of mold and white flowers, a rough shape of a being formed with the only features of three holes located where its e3yes and mouth should be.


From the ceiling, a tentacle descended which was connected to a molded skeleton head, which spoke in a deep voice.

“All preparations are going as planned. The spread of our territory has reached the outskirts of the city and we have started harvesting the living beings in the forest. Meanwhile, we also managed to find and occupy several dungeons. We are steadily receiving supplies and workers from them. Our numbers have already reached the hundreds while this facility soon is able to move.

“What about the resistance?”

“The distance is still active. They are still moving towards the city's edge, burning all the mold in their vicinity. They also use some sort of cloaking magic, making it incredibly hard for us to find them.”

“…Send more wields at them and pinpoint their locations. I trust that what we talked about is ready.”

“Certainly, they are prepared to be deployed the moment Father gives us the order.”

“The Father is currently occupied. He allowed me in his wisdom to act in his glorious name. By his will, I will send them out to bring us to our master’s property.”

“ …At your com-“

The skull suddenly became quiet, as its eyes lit up in a greenish light.

“Receiving report. The king and its group have eliminated a group of our operatives. We even lost a knight albeit a failed one. An airborne unit is currently following them.”

The figure looked at the pulsating tumors, in which the outlines of something could be seen.

“We will use them.”

“…I would discourage against this action. Although they have finished evolving, they are still unsuitable for immediate combat.”

“Don’t worry. They are the last masterpieces Father left to us. With the proper encouragement, I am certain they will do just fine.”

The being took a deep breath and with a booming voice, it started to speak.

“Awaken, Guardians! You who abandoned your master, rise once again, and fulfill your oath! Awaken and shed your blood in his name!”

In his words, the things in the cocoons started to move, beating against the sacks.

“Fight whom you receive your bodies! Bleed whom you received your mind! Die to whom you received your soul! Reborn for the Father!”

One by one the cocoons exploded, releasing their content together with a black-ish water.

Once the monsters stood up, they roared with their distorted voices.



On the walls of the hole in which the kayeri bass was, hidden behind rocks, several hundred tumors started to beat as the light started to escape from them.

The things in them easily tore through the fleshy membranes and screamed, their high-pitched war cry resonating with the air itself, signaling the last nightmare the Black Thong Kingdom will face before its extinction.




Patrick States:


Name: Unknown.

Race: Baby Giant Cockroach LV: 1/50 (0/50)

Main Class: [Journeyman]

Sub Class: [Apprentice]

HP(Health Points): 50/50

SP(Stamina Points): 60/60

MP(Magic Points): 20/20

Active Skills: [Basic Cleaving] [Basic Crawling]

Passive Skills: [Amplified Studying] [Basic Sponge Mind] [Mana Compatibility] [Trash Belly] [Poison Resistance] [Putrefaction Resistance]

Titles: [Outworlder] [Unlucky Soul]


King POV:


Name: Elizabeth Morgum ‘The She King’

Race: [Royal High Amphibian] LV: 345/ 100,000 (66,587/ 100,000)

Main Class: [Monster King]

Sub Class: [Magic Weapon Master] [Master Magician]

HP(Health Points): 57,345/ 57,345

SP(Stamina Points): 57,000/ 57,000

MP(Magic Points): 75, 000/ 75, 000

Blessings: [Blessing of Artemis] [Blessing of Anubis] [Blessing of Hephaistos] [ Blessing of Freya] [Blessing of the Devil] [Blessing of Macha] [Blessing of Poseidon] [Blessing of Echidna] [Blessing of Osiris]

Curses: [Curse of Aphrodite] [ Curse of Buddha] [ Curse of Athena]

Unique Skills: [Ultimate Survivor] [EXP Share]

Active Skills: [Universal Advanced Magic] [Skill Fusion] [Demonic Weapon Summon] [ Demonic Armor Summon] [Perfect Appraisal] [Status Display] [Dimensional Magic] [Inbreeding] [Gender Bending] [Weaponry Morphing] [Architectural Design] [Berserker Rage] [Basic Life Creation] [EXP Siphon] [Evolution Control] [Domination Magic] [Alchemical Knowledge]

Passive Skills: [Water Breathing] [Enhanced Swimming] [Dark Vision] [Bottomless Stomach]

Affinities: [Cursed Weapon Affinity] [Death Affinity] [Fire Affinity] [Archery Affinity] [War Affinity] [Riding Affinity]

Titles: [Possessor of Otherworldly Memories][Blessing Stealer] [Unique Skill Stealer] [Kin Eater] [Bloody King] [Enemy of Humanity] [Parent of Calamities]


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