《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 41. Musical feast


With the sound of trumpets and drums, the doors to the throne rooms opened, allowing in the parade of guests.

On the two sides, the well-dressed monster was waiting behind a line of colorful armors, holding different types of weapons.

As the guests entered, the people could see that they were all dressed in brown skintight leather armors and covered their heads with purple scarfs.

In the middle of the wave of exotic warriors, two women were carried by a pedestal, both of them dressed in exquisite dresses.

When the group reached the few stairs leading to the king who was sitting in a golden robe, his children and wives lining up next to him.

Slowly the platform was put down, letting the princesses get down from it and bow.

“ We are here, great the king! We are the princesses of the Dark elves of the Scorched Desserts!”

“We were waiting for you. I am so happy to see you all arriving without any problem! I know the gurney must have been long and hard.”

Several elves coughed, but nobody said a word, remembering the number of monsters they had to dispose of.

The elven royalties just smiled and responded with kindness.

“It was a pleasant journey; we saw such a beautiful sight! Your kingdom is in a quiet lovely place.”

“Yes, it’s my pride and joy, something that I wouldn’t exchange for anything.”

In the audience, a tall figure snorted loud enough that everyone could hear it.

“Well then, shall we proceed to the feast?”


I hate this.

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, we went to the dining halls where a literal feast was held.

The atmosphere was pleasant with music and the tables were filled with food.

As for me, I was standing behind one of the pillars.

As I was coming here, I had enough time for me to put on the brown cape to hide myself.

Next to me, one of my black knights was keeping me company while the other one was gathering my food.

Once I have it, I will infect some of the guests here and go home.

There was no point in me being here, why did the king drag me up here? I just can’t understand how his mind works.



I looked down, seeing something hiding the pillar I was laying next to.

It was not really looking down, rather tilting my body, but it worked.

It was a kid, wearing the same leather clothes the other elves wore, complete with the purple scarf hiding its face.

“What do you want, little one? Where are your parents?”

The kid shrieked, as he hid behind the pillars, only to look out again

Sigh, kids.

Smiling, I opened one of the organic pouches located on my body and emptied its content.

From the hood of my robe, a swarm of bioluminescent insects flew out, buzzing around my head.

These insects were a prototype of mine, intending to convert their insides into mold.

it didn’t work, and I could only infect their nervous system, taking over their movements.

I opened up the hive control menu and I started to move them around.

The mass of insects obeyed me and started taking on various shapes and sizes as I made them glow like a Christmas tree.

The sight made the kid come out from hiding and looked amazed at the sight of the glowing bugs.

“Well, what do we have here?”

From the masses of people, an elven woman walked to us, holding a glass of bubbly in each hand.


She didn’t wear the same thing as the others, instead, she covered her body with a bikini armor-looking thing, which reminded me of an exotic dancer.

The most eye-catching thing about her was her face.

Ever since I arrived here, I have met a lot of beautiful women, but they didn’t make me feel anything.

But she did.

Her brown skin looked like chocolate, her pointy ears, her dark eyes, and her shining smile.

My heart literally skipped a beat.

“He-Hello. Is this your kid?”

What? Hello?! What sort of lame line is that?!

“Him? No, he is one of the guards. He wasn’t even supposed to be here, he sneaked into one of the crates.”

“ Oh? Good?”



I made a coughing noise before speaking again.

“Allow me to present myself. I am called Philip Smith, physician of the royal family and leader of the kayeri tribe. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

I placed one of my hands on my chest and bent forward slightly.

“Hey, don’t need to be so tense! This is a party! Have a drink.”

she handed me over one of the glasses.

“Well, don’t mind me if I do.”

I took the glass and drank it with a single gulp.

“Hmmm, not bad. Did you spike it with something? I can feel something tingly in it.”

“Hehehe, you could tell? it’s my special breed, the strongest stuff in this entire continent.”

“Really? I wonder what the clean one tastes like.”

She laughed as she took out a flat flask from her pocket.

“Here! I am warning you that only warriors can handle this thing.”

“Good thing that I can fight quite well.”

I grabbed the flask and drank from it.

Yep, this thing was strong. It was spicy and strong, but also smooth.

“If there are more in your hometown I should go visit there, accompanied by a big sack of gold coins.”

She laughed at my joke, her voice making my heart beat faster.

What’s happening to me? Did she cast a spell on me? Is this a charming skill? I should go before things turn bad.

“Thank you for your drink.”

I gave her back the bottle, then I snapped my fingers making the swarm of insects return to my pouch.

“Sadly, I have things to do that cannot wait, so I must say goodbye.”

“Oh, that’s so sad. Why won't you stay with me for a little while?”

Yeah, why don’t I…NO!

“Milady, I found you amazingly hot, but there are things that I can not miss. I wish you a good party.”

I walked away from her, taking my black knight with me as I mumbled.

“Calm down, you. Don’t get distracted. Everything is ready, don’t fuck it up.”


Standing on the table, the king was holding a beer mug and had a disgusting drunk smile.

“All leaders of tribes prepare yourselves! The game will begin!”

“Game what game?”

Suddenly the air around me shifted and I was now standing before a roundtable, with other people who looked as confused as me.

“Hmmm. Hmmm? HMMM!?”

As much as I tried, I couldn’t open my mouth! What the hell! I am very sensitive with my voice! When I find out who did this to me, I will break its face.

“The game is simple! You're all going to sing one after the other with the theme and ending phrase the wheel of luck chooses!”


Over our heads, a colorful wheel appeared, with several words on it.

Without any force, it started to spin so fast sparks were flying, then it suddenly stopped, the arrow pointing at the words ‘ rule’ and ‘ My rule.’

Oh god, this is ridiculous and quite frankly embracing.

From the black ceiling, a spotlight fell onto the elven princess who didn’t seem fazed by it.

She just stood up and with a closed eye, started to sing.

I shall speak before any of you.

Since I have already played this little game.

You will understand too,

With a lot of benefits to gain.

Ever since I was a girl my own mother vowed,

I must find the way to power through a noble brow

I wished to marry for love, then my senses came

I must marry for the peoples' good name.

If the word of the subjects must be respected.

then a peaceful reign is expected.

You keep your ear open and your mind clear.

So that you can make your stance here

Govern them with a heart of gold.

Gide them all, they're not all alone

So, protect their spirit so they obey,

They'll follow the thing you say

Maybe you'd call it dull,

but others would call it rule.

My rule.

Ugh, her voice isn’t too bad, but there was any rhyme. five out of ten I am generous.

The spotlight moved to the one sitting next to her, which happened to be the king.

He acted smug and also started to sing.

Please step aside, my future bride,

so that I may speak while enlighten your mind.

People are nothing more than cattle.

Take their hands and guide them to the butcher.

Blind by our words of the future.

Lock them up, throw away the key.

Brown down their family trees.

Change it to my own favorite kids.

Whose shall become great queens and kings.

We shall rule the world, and drain it to dust.

So, we may satiate our bloodlust.

Work them hard 'til they fall in line

There's one way and it's only mine!

Take their freedom when they step out of line.

Immerse in this feeling that’s so great and unknown.

We can feel it coursing through our veins and bones

Now that you know, you won’t let it go!

Govern them with a hand of stone

Gide them all, they're not on their own,

So, break their spirit so they obey,

Now they'll do anything you say

Maybe you'd call it cruel,

but others would call it rule,

My rule

it was bad, no rhythm, the theme was cruel, and I am biased so one out of ten. Fuck you king!

After that fiasco, the light started to dash around, stopping at random people, who also stood up and started to sing, looking quite flustered or shocked after it.

As an avid lover of songs, it was torture for me, and I was starting to wish to become deaf

Then the light hit her.

Hmmm. WHAT?!

White long hair, pale skin, a simple white dress, and a shy face, with a little red under her eyes, which developed after drinking several barrels of alcohol. It was the ant queen, Mirmy,

What is she doing here?! She could divulge the entire plan if she opens her mouth! Fuck! Merde! As To Thialo! Sa Te Fut! Fick Dich….

As I was cursing with all the languages I knew, she stood up and started to sing.

I am Mirmy and I like to dig, dig, dig,

I don’t use shovels or picks, I just dig.

All-day long, all night long I make holes.

to see what the earth has in store.

As for me and my children, we make out home,

Enjoying my time with my children as we work to the bone!

Where I live sunlight has never riches so low,

but I dig, dig, a lot in my mine.

I only see the moon’s blue glow,

but I still keep my head high.

So that the stars may shine,

on the roof of my life!

Born underground, grown inside a rocky womb

The earth is my cradle; the ground shall become our tomb!

But until then, I Fill a glass and down some mead!

Stuff my bellies with tasty food at the big feast!

I am a queen and I do what I want,

while serving the day I die!

I shall build for my enfants,

so that they hold their heads high.

Maybe you'd call it fun,

but others would call it rule,

My rule

That’s… actually not bad. And she didn’t say anything that would endanger me. I will give her an eight out of ten, but I will beat her for showing up here.

The light flew to some other people, then it finally landed on me.

Feeling a pulse in my body, I opened my mouth and started to sing,

So, it’s my turn, even if I have nothing to tell

I am simply a man, who was thrown into this tale.

I followed your word, my king, and you made me feel.

I spent so many nights, lying on the floor

Looking for the knights, who will open up the door,

Till I realized I was a great fool.

Now I learned that the world can be cruel.

A game to which there are no rules.

Sinners are forgiven and judges are blind.

With nothing but the power that’s bound.

So, I cut them up till I find the key,

Laughing at their misery,

I passed through the doors lock up closed.

Making things that people opposed

I and my people shall plunder

Till we find the hidden treasure.

Locked away in your heart's center.

Your home now is dark, empty desolate.

And I will drink to all that!

Govern them with a will of iron

Gide them all, they shall not be alone

So, make their spirit so they obey,

Now they'll listen to what I say

Maybe you'd call me a fool,

but others would call it rule

My rule.

( My Rule by Biohazzard2021)


While the feast was still going on, the elven woman who gave the drink to Phill was now sitting on the roof of a house, flipping a golden coin in her hand.

“How did it go?”

Jumping from the darkness under her, a brown capped figure landed next to her.

She smiled and put away her coin.

“Easy peasy, lemon squeezed me. He drank the entire thing. If that thing doesn’t turn him into a demon, then that guy is a saint.”

“Perfect. If things go right, we can take him with us tomorrow.”

“… “


“…Am I hot?”

“What? Are you feeling sick or something?”

“It’s just something he said. Forget it.”



[Unknown substance is detected in the vascular system]

[Substance is currently rewriting evolutionary pathways.]

[System requesting support….]


Nergal POV:

“Hmm? That bastard drank THAT?! And so much of it? Damn, I can’t decide if he is reckless or just stupid. This is your lucky day, kid, I’m really curious what will happen to you.”


Airmed POV:

“Oh, poor boy, what did they do to you? Naturally, I will help, you are so close to your freedom.”


[Several data have been received by several gods]

[God Nergal Offered up his bloodline]

[God Airmed offered up her bloodline.]

[Unknown substance been identified]

[Substance contains Devil Blood]

[User has entered the bloodline of the devil]

[Starting bloodline mixture]


[New bloodline too powerful for current user]


[Downgrade complete]

[Continuation of evolution]

[End of evolution in 19 hours]




Author Note: I forgot to put this out, so I do it this here:

This is the mythology of Airmed:

Airmed or Airmid, is the Celtic goddess of healing and herbs. She is the Irish equivalent to healing goddesses like Eir in Norse mythology, revealing how important women were in ancient tribes.

Her story in Irish mythology centers around the jealousy of her father, Dian Cecht.

When King Nuada’s arm was severed from his body in battle, he called upon Dian Cecht as his Chief Physician. Dian Cecht wanted to replace the King’s arm with he fashioned from silver, however, Miach had a different plan. Miach was able to create an arm from the flesh, and Airmed used her healing knowledge to bring the arm to life. Their father became so enraged that he murdered Miach and buried him on the battlefield.

Airmed rushed to the grave and was so distraught that from her tears where her brother was buried, 365 herbs grew. There were 365 herbs that grew from her brother’s grave, one for each of his joints and sinews and one for each day of the year. Airmed then spread her cloak across the herbs to gather them up.

Dian Cecht also became enraged by this and mixed the herbs up, casting them across the earth. This is why they say to this day nobody knows all the herbs and their healing properties, only those that are touched by Airmed, or intuitive knowledge can know.

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