《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 36. Hammered


Where the fuck am I?

This place was a maze of concrete walls, industrial lights, and metal doors.

There was not even a sign, who built this place, a prison architect?

“Calm down. And think rationally. No matter what sort of building I am in, there is always a roof. I just Have to go higher and higher till I am there. Unless we are underground. Or under a lake….One problem at a time!”

I jumped again, using this body's lightness to float through ceiling number 5, finally arriving in a different place.

Imagine a hangar but the top is so tall you could barely see the top.

Now paint it gray, with several pips striking and slithering down the walls, some spilling mist out of them

Above my head, people could move around by metal bridges hazardously made of metal plates and cables, giving me vertigo, just by looking at them.

“Well…up I go.”

As I walked to a flight of stairs leading to the first bridge, I passed a man wearing a bright green overall, reading something on a clipboard.

When we were next to each other, from the depths of my heart and mind I felt an impulse, moving my body on its own.

I throw myself on the guy, with the cape open, putting myself on him.

For a second, I felt some discomfort, then my sense of self shifted, seeing, and feeling through the body which I possessed.

“Interesting. Hmmm?”

As I talked, the voice of the guy and mine overlapped, giving me that demon-possessed vibe.

“What with this voice… Ma. Ma. Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do. Do. DOOOOO! Fuck it's not disappearing. Back into being a silent character.”

“BOB! What the fuck you are wearing?!”

On one of the platforms, a man wearing a lab coat shouted down at us.

Wearing? Shit, did I deactivate the invisibility when I took over it?! Fuck this can’t be good.

Not wanting to answer, I spun around and started to run towards the stairs.

“I have no time to waste here! The exit, I need to get to the exit! If I can at least see it, I can separate from this guy and pass through it.

When I reached the first bridge, an armored guard stood before me, holding a plastic baton.

“Sir, you are not in your right mind. You need to take of tha-“


I inched towards his face, but this guy was seriously trained, he managed to grab my arm and push me on the ground, getting me in an armlock!

“Shit, somebody calls security! This guy is stronger than he looks!”

Somehow, I managed to turn back invisible, separating from the body of this guy.

“The fu-“

Quickly, I flew on the guard's head, enveloping him, before taking over its mind.


I let go of the unconscious fat man and started to run again.

I could hear the sound of people shouting with footsteps approaching me.

“Damn it, why did I arrive at a place like this?!”

When I turned around a corridor, a small metallic object flew past my ear.

It was a butter knife.

A butter knife was sticking out from the wall behind me, with its end slightly smoking.


“Damn it, I missed it.”

Now standing on the bridge I was, a man wearing a three-piece suit was holding a handful of knives, which looked quite menacing to me.

“Nope. Not dying today.”

Running like the wind, I discovered that this guy was quite athletic, Olympic runner level so.

Can this body do parkour? That would be cool!

Several other knives flew by me, it was pure luck for me to not be hit.

After a couple of turns and a flight of stairs, I was blocked by a group of armed guards, holding riot shields held before me.

“Out of my way!”

I ran straight at the shields, and when I collided, I turned intangible, dumped the body, glided to the farthest guy in the back, and took over him.

Once in control, I turned and dashed in the opposite direction.

“Shit, he switched!”

“Use the darts! Don’t let it change bodies again!

Suddenly when I was passing before a metal door, it opened, and a hand grabbed me and pulled me inside.


Before I could react, the man who pulled me exited the room and slammed the door, locking me inside.

“Let me out! Let me out!”

As I bashed the door, the familiar symbol showed on it, blocking me from passing through it.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

Suddenly, from the corners of the room, a thin white smoke started to be poured out, making me feel fuzzy.

“Gas? Do you- Do you think that- that-“


I was standing with the other researchers, looking through the secured glass window, looking at the still possessed man laughing like a toddler, while playing with the objects left in that laboratory.

“Are you sure that this is safe?”

Experiencing fully what this thing was capable of, I was holding the weapon in my hand, ready to draw it out.

“Absolutely. There is nothing in that room that can open that 1-inch-thick metal door.”

“Oh, bingo!”

The monster lifted a gas canister and connected a cable to it.

“Let’s see.”

Through the pipe, the man breathed deeply into the gas and started to speak with an incredibly deep voice.

“ Sulfur hexafluoride for the wine! Do you have perfluorobutane? I want to have a giant’s voice!”

“… Were we sure that this thing is intelligent?”

“Well, it did manage to escape. Maybe it just playing stupid to make us lower our guard.”

“…I hope you are right.”


Still hammered by the different gazes, the monster started to laugh uncontrollably, before falling on its back, wheezing heavily.”

“…What did we put into that gas again?”

“Holy water mixed with powerful painkillers and sleep gas. We might have gone overboard with the dosage, we went with an amount that could kill a gray mammoth.”

“…Put that thing back into containment. And fill its chamber with that stuff, till we decide when we start the experimentations.”


“AAAAAhhhhhh, my head.”

After I was imprisoned in that room, the gas must have knocked me unconscious, because the next thing I knew was back in my original room, still sitting on my throne.

“Okay, that world is a no go till I figure out how I will proceed. I should look for more drifter items to go to different worlds. If I could get my hands on one which is rich with medical and military technologies, that would be great.”


I breathed in deeply, trying to empty my mind.

“No more work today. Daddy needs some beauty sleep.”


Patrick POV:

“Wait! We need to talk about this!”

I grabbed Margaret’s arm, pulling her away from the entrance of the tunnels of the kayeri located in the arena.

“Let me go!”

She tried to force her way out of my grip, but I somehow managed to keep a hold on her.

Ever since she went to speak with the king, she has been agitated and wouldn't comprehend.

“Just tell me, what did the king say?”

“ We have no time! We need to save them!”

“Who's there?”

From the darkness of the stairs, a figure climbed out.

It looked like a tall, black knight, with green lights shining out from its vizors.

“Who are you, people? These are on lockdown. I recommend leaving as fast as possible.”

“I want to speak to Phil! He has taken various people as prisoners without any reason, and I demand an explanation!”

“I was ordered to not let anyone in. I won’t repeat myself again.”

“I am the daughter of the king! I demand to be let in.”

The knight stayed silent for a moment before he spoke again.

“A royalty? That’s different then!”

With a lightning-fast move, the knight punched Miranda in the face, the force was so strong it made her crash into me.

We slipped on the floor, making my head hurt like hell.

“It’s because of your shitty parents and siblings that this happened to me! I will make sure to make you pay in their stead!”

The knight slowly walked to us, cracking his knuckles.

Miranda, reacting like the warrior she was, jumped on her feet and grabbed the short swords hanging on her hips.

“You will pay for that! Sword Arts: Dancing Slashes!

With a purple aura appearing around her, she dashed at the knight, who used its bare hands against her.

As their attacks collided, sparks flew.

Not stopping the two of them exchanging blows, creating small fireworks between them.

“Amazing! This is amazing!”

The knight kicked away Miranda, who was short of breath.

He looked at his fists which were covered in cuts and bumps, but slowly healed themselves.

“This armor is a miracle! A farmer like me is now able to keep up with royalty! I will devote myself even more to master Phil!”

Laughing like a madman, the black knight ran towards Miranda, its fists now completely healed.

“Earth Magic: Quick Soil!”

Stomping her feet, the ground before her rippled as if it was liquid, making her enemy slowly sink into the ground.

“Bah, this will not stop me!”

Somehow, the knight stopped sinking but still advanced.

“No, but this will! Water Magic: Liquid Ball!”

Creating a small bubble of water around his head, the knight tried to get it off, but its head went through it.

After maybe a couple of minutes, the knight finally stopped moving, and the ground swallowed it, leaving no trace behind him.

“…Are you okay Patrick?”

“Yeah, I am fine. Just a little shaken.”

With her help, I got back on my feet.

“We should go. The king will certainly want to know about this guy.”

“You are re- WATCH OUT!”


From the ground something shouts out, stabbing her in the chest.


The thing that stabbed her, which turned out to be a red and green tentacle ending with a bone white spike, lifted her up, before throwing her in a corner of the arena, then from the same place it came from, something crawled out.

It was the knight, but it looked horrifyingly deformed.

The armor became smaller as if it fuzzed with its body.

Its limbs amended with white spikes and the helmet opened up revealing broken bones as teeth.

The tentacle, with a slithering noise, retreated into its body, into a hole in its stomach which was surrounded by sharp bones, which might have been its ribs.

“ AAAARrrrgggghhhh!”

Dripping black saliva everywhere, the monster ran towards it with incredible speed.

Towards me to be exact.

“In a panic, I picked up the sword Margaret dropped and held it in my many hands.

For the first time I came here, I felt sweat dripping from my body.

When the monster was a couple of meters away from me, the tentacle shot out with incredible speed.


The spike hit me in the chest, breaking through the chitin armor covering me.

Thankfully, it absorbed most of the blow's strengths, leaving my organs safe.


Filled with adrenaline and pain, I slashed at the thing, but it was too fast, it retracted and stabbed me in the knee.

Not being experienced in fights, I lost balance, giving the monster time to stab me in the left shoulder next.

“Shit…if this continues…I will die!”


Mouth dripping with black sludge, the monster was above me, its white spike-like blades at the end of its hands, ready to cut me apart.

“G-Get away!”

Then, at that moment it happened.

A shiver ran through my body as a see-through purpled dome formed around us.

In it, the monster was stuck in the air, as if it were frozen in time, while I looked around not understanding anything.

“D-Did I do that?”





Name: Phil Smith 'Plague Father'

Race: [Molded High Elf] Lv: 22/100 (52/100)

Main Class: [Life Father]

Sub Class: [Rouge]

HP(Health Points): 284/284

SP(Stamina Points): 70

MP(Magic Points): 204/204

TMN (Tamed Monster Numbers): [0]

Blessings: [Blessing of Nergal] [Blessing of Airmed]

Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [[Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field] [Basic Spirit Voice] [Aether Vision] [Steam Engineering] [Dagger Arts][Presence Concealment] [Lock Picking]

Passive Skills: [Body Knowledge] [ Plant Knowledge] [Medicine Knowledge] [Stamina Enhancement] [ Movement Enhancement] [ Reflex Enhancement.] [Basic Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind] [Music Instrument Knowledge[Healing Hands][Medical Senses] [Medical Mind] [Surgical Precision]

Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity] [Basic Death Affinity]

Titles: [The One Who Saw a Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master] [Giver of Life]


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