《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 33. Betrayals before peace.


I have been waiting for FIVE HOURS for this drunkard to show up!

Sitting in that dirty room alone, reading only the pornography I could find on the floor. Some were good but being a Kan-doll does ruin an experience.

At least I managed to find something useful while I was waiting.

Notes, schematics, and blueprints for various golems and weapons.

What interested me the most was the plans which were stored in a wooden chest, at the leg of his bed, which should be cremated in my opinion.

The plans were exactly the things I needed.

Artificial limbs for living beings.

With my skill [Steam Engineering]. I had some grasp on how they functioned and the problems they had.

Some had no joints, some had energy problems, while others weren’t compatible with human anatomy.

Keyword: human. Maybe by tinkering with them a little, I can apply them to myself.

Why would I just heal my leg when I upgrade it to an insane level.

I took the entire stock and hid it in my coat, just in time to hear the front door opening.

turning invisible and intangible.

Trying not to make any noise, I passed through the front arriving at the dirty kitchen, then moving to the living room, I sat down onto one of the least dirty chairs and waited.

Stumbling in here, was the most pathetic creature I ever saw in my life.

Small, fat, almost round, this old man had white hair and a cattail with two small horns protruding out from his head.

With one of his comically big hands, it dragged a bottle on the ground.

“Who da ‘uck are ya?”

Getting annoyed already.

“Hello. I am Phil Smith, alchemist, and doctor of the king, as well as the leader of the kayeri. I came here for requesting your talents of golem making.”

The old man slowly walked to the opposite side of the table and sat facing me.

“I’s that so? Wha’ do ya want?”

As he drank some more, I coughed and tried to sound as professional as possible.

“I heard from certain people in my entourage that you are a man of talent in building golems. You see I have a certain problem which requires your experience.”

“…Don’ hit around the bush! Tell me the damn thin’!”

“…Recently, I lost one of my legs. With some… magic, I managed to regain my flesh and skin, but there are no bones in it. I was wondering if a man as gre-“


I was out of words for a moment, but I quickly composed myself.

“May I know why you are rejecting my offer?”

“I don’t like you.”

The drunkard sipped from his bottle then pointed at me., speaking more fluently than before.

“I can smell it on you. You are a schemer, a liar, a troublemaker. A person who would drag others into hell just so he would escape from it. I have no business with people like you.”

What the fuck is this drunkard talking about?!

“Sir, as I said before, I am working for the king. Your help would not go unnoticed. Five-no, ten thousand gold coins, upfront.”

This was a real fortune, but I knew where the king’s treasury was, and I have confidence in robbing it.

“You don’t understand you brat. I don’t like you; I won’t help you. And that s final!”

Having a VERY long day, I put my hands on the table and spoke with a low voice.

“Listen here, master dwarf. I have gold and materials which you couldn’t ev-“


“I aunt a dwarf. I’m a brownie. I don’t need gold or money. And your attitude is really making my drink taste bad.”

In a second of anger, I tore one of my gloves off and slammed it on the table, spreading my mold all over it.

“…Excuse me.”

I sucked back the mold, bringing the table with it and stud up, throwing a few silver coins on the floor.

“For the table.”

I slapped the front door behind me and walked out, looking at the darkening sky.

“It’s true what they say. When you want to do something right, you have to do it yourself.”

I looked at my stick then at my flabby leg.

“…Well, there is nothing else to do.”

I have a bad habit when I am alone.

I start to think.

Having a leg back is great but not having any bones in it is inconvenient.

So, I thought, why not put a replacement in it?

Since the house was at the edge of the walls, there was quite an amount of vegetation around me.

I hid in a bush and pulled my pants off so that they wouldn’t get dirty by what I was about to do.

With a firm hand, I measured my walking stick and broke it in two.

“Here. I. GO!”

Clenching my teeth together, I jammed the pointy end of the stick into my knee. (Writers note: Don’t do this at home, kids. If you are thinking about doing it, seek medical help.)

Tearing up, I pushed the stick into my leg, then I grabbed the other half and did that again, making something like a wooden skeleton in my leg.

Once they were in, I poured some healing potion into the wound, healing it instantly. I could feel my muscles clamping onto it, and…


“…I forgot. Wood and mold, not a good combination.”

Feeling the wood slowly dissolving I put my clothes on and looked around.

“…What do I do now?”

As if to answer my question, I felt a pulling sensation and I found myself in the throne room.

That bitch she teleported me!

Around me were the children of the king and some other important-looking people, all as confused as me.

Wait a second…Are all the important people female?

Except for the princes, the other generals and officials were perky, beautiful girls.

The fuck. Is the king putting its harem members in all important positions? Am I in the harem?! Disturbing question later.

The king, laying on its golden throne, preached down on us, speaking with a booming noise.

My children and subjects! Some of you might have learned that I now have the opportunity to reach the rare class Emperor. To achieve this, I will need to complete several conditions. I did most of them, the only thing I am missing is sending out representatives too far away cities that will serve as fortresses for my Empire. To decide who will receive this honor, I decided to host a tournament! The three winners will have the privilege of having the right to rule!”

Yes, not interested. I’m technically a king already and I suck at it. Having to move to another place while bringing them with me, sounds like just too much work.

“But there are other matters connected to this tournament. The queen of the dark elf tribe has accepted my request of marriage on the grounds that we are able to beat all of her greatest warriors. So don’t deceive me and show them the strengths of our kingdom! In Four weeks, we will show them the strengths of our kingdom! For our kingdom!”


“Cut the crap!”

Before anyone ask me, this wasn’t me.

The one who was shouting just now was one of the king’s brats.

From where I was standing, I could only see that it was some sort of rabbit demi-human.

“You aren’t doing this for the kingdom! You are doing this only to feed your own ego! You would gladly burn down this place if it would get you more wives and power!”

W-Well she is right.

Sensing danger, I acted without thinking.

I gathered some of the energy I recovered into my functioning leg, dashed at her, grabbed her by her waist, and jumped, evading the huge stone shard which was launched in the ground where she studs a second ago.

“Heh, no mercy even amongst family members? That’s harsh.”

“W-Who the fuck are you?!”

When we landed, I safely put her on the ground and turned to the one who launched the attack.

To my surprise, it was the oldest prince, the one who I put to sleep a while ago.

Oh boy, I hope he isn’t pissed.

“What the hell are you doing?”

His voice was cold and menacing, making me slightly shiver.

“Can ask you the same thing. This girl here is a member of your family. Killing her before you king dearest would certainly be frowned upon. Think of it as saving her and you at the same time.”

I kept looking at him dead in the eye when I heard something.


It was a sizzling sound emanating from my left arm.

Without noticing it, a small girl of around three years old was holding onto it. She was entirely purple. Her hair, her skin, her clothes, even her eyes, and teeth.

The clothe where she was touching it, have evaporated and the skin underneath it was slowly burning away.

“Big Brother, please let my sister go.”

T-These people! I completely forgot they weren’t human!

Moving the muscles in my arm, I ruptured my skin around her hand, grabbing her wrist with some small tentacles, then after dropping the girl on the floor, I placed my sword’s edge on the back of her hand.

“Let go of my arm, before you do something you will regret later. ”

There was a dead silence between the two of us, then slowly she let go of me.

“Good girl.”

I retracted the tentacle and I looked around the throne room, the monsters around me staying silent like a grave.

“Phil Smith, you especially will participate in this tournament.”


I looked at the king with utter disbelief.

“M-My, king I couldn’t hear you from where I am standing here, could you-AAAAA!”

In a blink of an eye, the king was right before me, looking straight into my eyes.

“I said, you will participate. I allowed you to skip your mandated training and your contribution to this country is minimal at best. In the arena, prove to me that you are worthy of the privileges I gave to you.”

The king grabbed my mask, and tore it off my head, exposing my face to the people here.

“To motivate you, till the tournament ends, you are not permitted to leave the city or hide your face. Also, I exempt you from the findings of the kingdom.”

“Wh-What the fuck did I ever do to you?!”

To my words, he smiled as he was pleased by my reaction.

“You are disloyal, useless, and dangerous. I recruited you because you are a pioneer, but you only brought problems to me. Now, prove to me that I was wrong!”

“F-Fuck you!”

I grabbed the sword and slashed towards his face.

I could see the blade physical slow down before my eyes, stopping inches away from his delicate face.

“What did you even expect? You have no chance of ever laying a hand on me.”

“I get it already!”

I let go of the sword, which stayed in the air and jumped back a few feet.

“You want me to go?! Fine! I am out of here.”

“I can’t you do that.”

Snapping her hand, a ball of red crystal appeared in her hand.

“Domination Magic: Slave’s Mark.”

Before I could react, a burning sensation spread to my palm.

When I took off the gloves, I saw a red star being burned into my flesh.

“This will prevent you from disobeying me. I will tell you what will happen.”

As he talked, he slowly approached me.

“You will participate in the tournament. You will fight to the fullest of your capacity. If you win, I will take off your mark and welcome you to my family. If you lose, I will turn you into a mindless slave, without a hint of consciousness.”

This wore! How dare she!

Full of hate, I grabbed my marked arm, which happened to be my right hand, and started to pull.


Before everyone, I tore my hand off, throwing it on the ground, not caring about the spores or infection.

The audience looked terrified, some even threw up.

Even the king looked surprised.

“I will kill you. I swear, I will kill you!”

With my remaining arm, I gave them the middle finger and turned on my power, falling through the ground, falling down to my own home turf, planning out what the fuck I was about to do.


Ant general POV:

On top of his wall, the ant general was watching the movements of the creatures calling themselves kayeri.

They were strange creatures, nothing it had ever seen before.

They came in various shapes and sizes, some looking somewhat humanoid while others were nothing more than disfigured animals.

Staring at them, it saw as they spread some sort of black is green stuff on the floor, from which beautiful white flowers grew out.

Per agreement between the two of them, they divided the cave between the both of them leaving the middle part intact, which will be used as a negotiation ground for their leaders once they arrive.

Through to be told, the queen was already nearby, hidden and guarded by the strongest soldiers this colony had.

All for the colony. All for the queen.

As it observed the kayeri it noticed something.

From the hole from they came, something crawled out.

It was a giant with a dozen thin arms and its head entirely covered in holes.

The ants didn’t have the ability to feel fear, but seeing that thing, made them tremble slightly.

The giant kneels down slightly and said something to the green folk, before sitting down on the side of the hole, its arms playing with rocks and other kayeri.

All for the colony, all for the queen.

Soon, one of the small people, ridding on a twisted animal came to us, holding a white sheet in its arm.

“Father has arrived. He wishes to talk to the queen.”

“Will talk to the queen. Wait here.”

The ant crawled back to the passage which led to the colony and touched the antennae of a nearby messenger.

As a general, he was unfitted to talk to the queen, so it gave the message to the qualified ant and sent it on its way.

Soon, the messenger turned and touched its antennas, giving him the answer.

‘ She is coming.’

The general climbed back up on the wall and gave the information to the small one.

Not long after, the wave of soldier and digger ants poured out from the passage, tearing off the wall to allow the thing coming out to pass through.

It was a giant, pearl white ant, its eyes shining like rubies and its backside was slightly pulsing as it was making more and more eggs.

From the other passageway, more and more kayeri came out, and amongst them was a figure which was so strange it was hard to look at.

From what the ant could tell, the thing was some sort of green chair or throne, with four tentacles growing out from its back.

On it sat a humanoid, wearing an entirely black cloth and a white coat, its right hand missing, black blood spilling out of the wound.

“It’s a pleasure of meeting you. I’m Phil Smith, father, and leader of the kayeri.”

The man slightly bowed and waited for the answer.

For the first time, the ant general felt amazement. He couldn’t understand how a being like that could exist or even talk, with such a fresh wound on its body.


The top of the head of the queen cracked slightly before small chunks started to fall off.

Some ants, the general included, panicked, believing that the creatures before them did something to their queen.

They were about to attack, but they received a calming message from the queen.

From the hole of the armor, something emerged.

It was the upper part of a young girl, with snow-white skin and hair.

With her red eyes, she looked at the man and spoke in a soft voice.

“I am the queen of this colony, the queen myrminki. It’s also a… pleasure to meet you.”

The man seemed interested and used the tentacles on his back to raise itself to the same height as the queen.

“Well, then queen…Mirmy, let us discuss the treaty.


In the middle of the night, before the great wall of the kingdom two figures strolled out of the forest, each covering their bodies in black cloaks.

“Do it.”

The slightly smaller one of the due took out a golden coin from its pocket and flipped it in the air.

“Lucky Flip.”

As the coin flew in the air, a bird caught it in its talon and took it over the wall.

“You own me a coin.”

“Don’t be so pity.”

The taller one walked to the wall and placed its hands on the wall.


Around his hand, the wall started to crumble and a hole big enough for them to pass through the opening.

As they went over it, they saw several guards falling from the wall, landing on their own weapons, killing themselves.

The smaller one pocked the nearest one with a stick as it laughed.

“These guys surely have terrible lucks, don’t you think, Destruction?!”

“It doesn’t matter to us, Unfortune. Rather, help me find Putrefaction. “

“Alright, alright. Man, I was hoping to meet the guy already. I wonder what sort of demented things he is doing right now!”





Name: Phil Smith 'Plague Father'

Race: [Molded High Elf] Lv: 22/100 (52/100)

Main Class: [Life Father]

Sub Class: [Rouge]

HP(Health Points): 284/284

SP(Stamina Points): 70

MP(Magic Points): 204/204

TMN (Tamed Monster Numbers): [0]

Blessings: [Blessing of Nergal] [Blessing of Airmed]

Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [[Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field] [Basic Spirit Voice] [Aether Vision] [Steam Engineering] [Dagger Arts][Presence Concealment] [Lock Picking]

Passive Skills: [Body Knowledge] [ Plant Knowledge] [Medicine Knowledge] [Stamina Enhancement] [ Movement Enhancement] [ Reflex Enhancement.] [Basic Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind] [Music Instrument Knowledge[Healing Hands][Medical Senses] [Medical Mind] [Surgical Precision]

Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity] [Basic Death Affinity]

Titles: [The One Who Saw a Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master] [Giver of Life]


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