《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 32. Meeting



Don’t ask me how but I was flying.

Above me was the blue sky while the city of the monsters lay below me.


As I flew, the walls of the giant rock which served as the castle exploded, from it a murderous beast shoot towards me.


If I beat that brat to death, will the king forgive me? Probably not, but this was life or death. But what do I have? my saw is broken; I drank all my potions and I’m out of minions. All I have are my sword, a wooden stick, and my magic book… God, wherever or whatever you are, please be lenient with this sinner's soul.


I saw as his hands became covered in blue lights then-




From God-knows-where, two figures appeared between us, one grabbing me, the other blocking the attack of the brat.


“That’s Mother Alice for you, you idiot!”

The one who held me descended onto the ground and gently helped me stand up.

“You, okay?”

It was that insect girl’s mother.

She was the spitting image of her daughter, except there was a secondary pair of arms and she had insect wings on her back.

“I am now, my queen, you have my gratitude.”

“You idiot!”

With a loud thud, something got slammed on the ground not far away from us.

It was the wolf bastard all bloodied up, but still kicking.

Slowly landing was another woman who I couldn’t remember ever meeting. She looked like a blond hot with silver hair wearing the cloth of a nun.

She might have looked pretty if not for the pure rage displayed on her face.

“You stupid idiot! You just destroyed the castle’s walls! Who do you think has to fix that?! I will beat you till your head turns into a pulp.”

“...No…Even if it’s you I…I won’t lose! WIELD CLA-“

This time she hit him in the face, so hard he flew back up in the air, doing several black flips till he landed far away.

“Alice, who might have killed him.”

“That idiot? Not a chance with that stubborn head of his.”

Buffing her chest, I noticed that her eyes were covered by a black mask that had no eye holes.

What is she hiding behind that thing?

“Hey kid, are you okay?”

The nun called Alice stamped towards me.

“I am fine, my lady. A little tired after a long day, but nothing a little sleep cannot fix.”

“Even your leg?”

Getting sick about everyone eying it.

“Well maybe not that, but I am sure that I will soon find a prosthetic which will replace it.”

“No need for that.”

The nun clasped her hand and started to pray.

“Father in heaven, Mother in earth, heal our flesh and bones so that we may spread your holy word. High Regeneration .”

As she finished, particles of light surrounded me, slowly entering my body.


The sensation of burning spread through my body as if that cunt set me ablaze.

When the process was finished, I could see smoke rising from my body.

But I had my leg back.

Sort of.

The green flesh and skin were black, but there was no bone in it, making it impossible for me to stand on it, but this was better than the thing I started with.


The strange thing was that I could move it, even bend it in unnatural ways.

“Alice, what did you do to him!?”

“I just healed him! I didn’t know he would react like that!”

“I-I am fine.”

Leaning on my stick, I hissed myself to stand.

“The prayer brought back my flesh and skin, but I am afraid that my bones are missing. “

I showed them my leg.

“May I ask, do you ladies know a blacksmith who can build metal skeletons?”

Alice looked puzzled, but the insect woman came to the rescue.

“There is a golem craftsman who I know. He might be able to make you something.”

“Thank you. May you tell me where I can find him, I would be grateful.”

After she gave me the directions, we parted ways and I slowly went in the direction of the blacksmith. At least I parted with the insect woman.

Soon, Alice reaped tailing behind me.

From what I could tell, the air was shivering around her, the same way as it did with those black-clothed beast people, who would sometimes follow me around.

Do you think that by turning invisible, you will be able to follow me? Big mistake.

I stopped, flipped my book open, and read a prayer.

“Milord, hide my cursed self from the world, so that I may walk in the shadows as one of your kin of the night. Shadow Veil. “

Slowly my body was covered in a thin layer of black air, hiding me from the eyes of normal people.

To add to it, I turned myself invisible making sure that no one could follow me.

As expected, Alice looked around, panicked, and started to walk past me, probably going to the place the insect girl told us.

“…This was bloody pointless, wasn’t it?”

We are going to the same place, so why not just go with her. If she tries anything I will just run away or pass through the ground.

I undo the invisibility and the concealment and with my intact leg, I did a few leaps, reaching and grabbing her shoulder.

“Looking for me?”

“HIII, where did you come from!”

With a shriek she turned around, trying to slap me on the face, but I managed to evade it, by bending backward.

“I was always here. You just ran past me. Is there anything you wish to talk about, or do you also have business to do with the blacksmith?”

“…I was just curious.”

“About me? I am flattered.”

She stepped a few steps aside, looking at me.

“Why are you hiding your face?”

Why is she asking me this?

“I am not hiding it by choice. My species exhales spores which are harmful to other life forms. Same thing with physical contact. Remember when I arrived that I gave everyone an injection? That was for no one would be infected by it.”

“…Can be hard. Not showing your face or touching anyone.”

“You get used to it.”

Not knowing what to say I walked away but Alice followed me, staying silent.

“If I may ask, are you a human?”

“Me? No, here humans are the same thing as slaves. My species are called cycloros.”

“…No idea what those are, but they sound similar to cyclops. Is your species some sort of cousins of theirs?”


“No...I do not believe that we are. Me and that cyclops… we don’t get along.”

“Aren’t you one of the wives of the king?”

“No way. I am a nun of the temple of Typhon. I can’t marry anyone and if I have to choose, I will prefer a male partner.”

“The king is a mal…Or at least in the parts where it matters.”

“…Yeah, but the parts which don’t matter are the ones that bother me.”

“You said it.”

Before I noticed it, we were standing before a big wooden house which might have looked nice in the past, but now was in a depressing state.

“Is this really the place?”

“She said that it was here. Let’s see if there is anyone alive in there.”

We approached the front door, knocking on it.

On contact, the door slowly opened, showing us its dark interior.

“Do you perhaps know any exorcist prayer?”

I turned to Alice, as I grabbed the sword even tighter.

“Why would I know something like that? Typhon is the father of all the monsters, even ghosts, and demons. Why would he repeal his children?”

“A simple no would be enough.”

We pressed deeper into the building, pushing aside empty bottles of vines and alcohol littering the ground.

Fuck, this doesn’t seem good.

Looking around I could see the traces of life around us, like some food on a table, or dirty clothes laying around.

“It's too dark. Can you see?”

“That’s mean to ask a blind woman, don’t you think?”

“Sorry just asking.”

I pushed a nearby door open and carefully entered.


This place must have been the workshop, the only clean part of the building.

The floor was clean marble, polished to perfection.

In the middle of this room was a huge humanoid figure made from stone that was upheld by a chain fixed on the ceiling. It was missing its arms and its chest area was open, exposing the huge ruby embedded in it.

“Seems like we just missed him. Should we wait or return later.”

“You can go. I have nothing else to do.”


King POV:

The king, his sons, and the other leaders of his armies were sitting around a roundtable, an air of dominance lingering around them.

“Alright, now that everyone is here, it's time to discuss the matters of the kingdom.”

The attendants stayed silent, not daring to speak.

To break the silence, one wearing a silver armor, raised its hand.

“I want to discuss the problems the kayeri are causing to our kingdom.”

“…Very well, you may speak.”

Receiving approval, the knight stood up and started reading aloud from a thick stack of paper.

“Ever since they joined our kingdom, the kayeri have caused us an unprecedented number of damages and resources being wasted. People of our kingdom are scared by them and the epidemic they might bring. With the expansion of their underground tunnels, we might have gathered more metals and gems, but we aren’t able to verify the actual amount they excavate, so there might be a chance that they are ripping us off, not to mention that we are even unable to enter their territory with all the poisonous spores they release. If we let them continue this like that, the chances of them attacking us will be high.”

“Then tell me, what are you recommending?”

The king leaned forward with her index taping on the table.

“The military they provide us with isn’t something to laugh at. And what I heard; they just repulsed the attack of a dangerous mutant monster. If they wouldn’t be there, the number of casualties wouldn’t be something to laugh at.”

“I understand what your majesty is saying but here the risks outweigh the benefits. I recommend sending them away. Let them conquer a nearby city and have them occupy it for us. This way we will have the city without casualties of our own rank and the problem of the kayeri will be dealt with.”

“…But if we aren’t careful, they might detach from us, forming a separate community.”

“I have a proposal for that, but it’s a risky one.”

“Speak Gladart.”

“…Why not let Phil marry one of the king’s daughters?”

The second those words left his lips, he immediately regretted it.

A thick black aura enveloped the king, with red sparks flying around him.

“May you repeat it?”

“I-I wanted to mean that we could bind him to us with blood! If his first wife is a member of royalty, the possibility of him rebelling is much lower!”

“I will not force one of my kids into a marriage for political reasons. Make sure to remember that Gladart!”

“Ye-Yes your majesty!”

The knight sat back down and averted his eyes.

To his rescue, a goblin with a white beard lifted his skinny arm.

“What sir Gladart proposed isn’t all that bad. My majesty is planning to take the princess of the dark elves to the other side of the mountain range, I am not mistaken.”

“That’s correct. but what connection do the two have?”

“If my memory serves me right, the princes have a younger sister, we can just give her to the kayeri leader. He will be bound with the princess who will become a part of our family.”

“…I still don’t like this idea. Having that man be part of our family.”

“Either that or kill him and take his place as the leader of the kayeri.”

“…Good idea.”

“Wait my king I didn’t mea-“

“I will have one of my children challenge him in a fight. If he loses, we will take away his leadership. If he wins then we will let him into the family!”





Name: Phil Smith 'Plague Father'

Race: [Molded High Elf] Lv: 22/100 (52/100)

Main Class: [Life Father]

Sub Class: [Rouge]

HP(Health Points): 20/284

SP(Stamina Points): 70

MP(Magic Points): 0/204

TMN (Tamed Monster Numbers): [0]

Blessings: [Blessing of Nergal] [Blessing of Airmed]

Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [[Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field] [Basic Spirit Voice] [Aether Vision] [Steam Engineering] [Dagger Arts][Presence Concealment] [Lock Picking]

Passive Skills: [Body Knowledge] [ Plant Knowledge] [Medicine Knowledge] [Stamina Enhancement] [ Movement Enhancement] [ Reflex Enhancement.] [Basic Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind] [Music Instrument Knowledge[Healing Hands][Medical Senses] [Medical Mind] [Surgical Precision]

Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity] [Basic Death Affinity]

Titles: [The One Who Saw a Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master] [Giver of Life]


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