《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 31. Trouble allover


The air around the two was shaking as they faced each other, putting on pressure which made the core of the cockroach shake.

Th-These people are lunatics! If I stay, he-

“Weapon Summon: Sword of Hell.”


Out of nowhere, something fell next to the king.

It was a huge black broadsword, bigger than the body of the woman, with strange markings all over its edge.

In response, Phil sighed and pointed towards the sleeping prince.

“Water, Giver of life, nourish your lover. Water Bolt.”

A ball of water flew out of the tip of his finger, which made a perfect arch, splashing on the face of the prince.


Wet and in shock, the king looked around trying to understand what just happened.

“…My king, I believe that we are betting ourselves over our heads. As you may have guessed, I am still wounded from a fight, losing my main weapon and most of my potions. With the strengths you have displayed, I wouldn’t be able to entertain you for more than a minute. If I may, could we forget about this ever happening?”

After Phil said that there was a deafening silence for a whole long minute, then with a snap of her finger, the sword disappeared.

“Alright. But I will have you sanctioned. You said once that my books weren’t up to date, right? I will have you rewrite them. All of them. Immediately.”

“But my le-”


“…As you wish. My King.”

Bowing before the king, the physician disappeared in thin air, leaving the still trembling insect alone with a wet prince and a furious king.


This was scary! Thank God for the mask, all the respect that would have for me would have evaporated if she saw my face when that weapon appeared!

I slowly walked away from the throne room and went back to my office, hissing each time pain struck my body.

“Damn it! Need more alcohol.”

Once I reached my desk, I threw myself into my chair and breath out.

“I’m starting to miss my time in the sewers. So peaceful. No life-threatening moments. Paradise.”

Reminiscing about the old days, I felt something happening to me.

Yet again pain washed through me as if all the muscles in my body got tired of while I was set on fire by a napalm bomb.

“Shit! S-Side effects!”

It was sheer willpower that kept me from screaming.

Endure! Endure! You knew this was coming, so endure it for heaven’s sake!

In the end, I was biting into my desk through my mask when the pain finally faded away.

“Hah, hah, hah, it wasn’t so bad.”

Not knowing if the pain returned considering the number of potions I drank, I breathed in deeply and was about to get back to my chair when I saw something disturbing.

From the stomp of my severed legs, several tentacle-like appendages grew out, grabbing onto anything they could find.

“Disgusting. Interesting but not in the mood to research it.”

I grabbed the tentacles and ripped them off, before setting them on fire in my bin, before I sat back into my chair, to think about the future.

“So, I will need to work on the books. I know that I complained a lot about them being complete bull crap but making me do them is quite harsh. Still having me write it would help me get to know this world better. I already made investigations when I was examining the wives of the king. Speaking of them, I should check on them to see how the pregnant ones are doing….Drinking another healing potion wouldn’t hurt, right?”


Taking it out from my desk, I gulped down the green drink, healing slightly my injuries, but my leg was still gone

“Sigh, at least the wound healed. It's better than nothing I guess, but I will be living with a prosthetic leg from now on. I hope not, that would mess with my style here.”


[Due to excessive magical potion consumption, you received skill: [Potion Tolerance]]

After I changed my clothing, I went to the part of the castle which housed the wives.

Politely I knocked on the door with my can and waited for it to open.

“You? What are you doing here, Gyuuu?”

It was the mud slime girl, Sue, the one who I examined last when I arrived here.

During the time I was away she evolved into Queen Ground Slime, meaning that her appearance has completely changed.

She now was a brown-skinned beauty, wearing expensive-looking clothing which was slightly stretched by her big belly.

Respectfully I bowed before her then I spoke.

“My Queen Sue, I came by order of the king to examine you and ask you some questions for a project. May I come in?”

She invited me in, before closing the door behind me.

“What happened to your leg, Gyuu?!”

“It was just an accident in the mines. I will fix it later; your majesty needn’t worry. May I sit down?”

“Eh, yes! Please, Gyuuu!”

Once I took place on the well-furnished sofa, I sighed, acting as a tiered old man.

“How are you doing? Sorry, that I couldn’t see you, things have been frantic.”

“Oh, I have been fine! Since we parted I have also been busy with training and dungeon clearing!”

“…You didn’t make that sound. Did you grow out of it?”

“That? I became able to speak without it when I evolved, but it sometimes appears when I get too excited to be shocked.”

“Hehehehe, no matter how grown up you are, the children in our mind will remain with us till the end of time. “

After I said that, I took out a piece of paper and a pen which I carried everywhere with me.

“Speaking of children, I have some questions to ask about yours, if you don’t mind.”


??? POV:

“Fresh liver! Fresh boar liver!”

“Human meat! Soldier human meat here!”

“This-I have no idea what these are, but they are up to sail!”

This place was crazy.

The streets were taming with so many different monsters, selling and buying things, that I couldn’t process them all.

As I stumbled through the town, I felt somebody tapping on my back.

It was a girl, similar to me.

She had mandibles and antennas like me with her arms and legs belonging to an insect.

“You are the insect kin who came with the physicians.”

“Ehhh, Yes, it's me.”

“What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you before, and I thought I met all the insects in this town.”

Feeling nervous I clicked my mandibles.

“Yeah, I-I have been living in the forest till now. Mister Phil found me in a cave system while I was exploring! Hahaha!”

She looked at me suspiciously, leaning closer to me.

This isn’t good. I am a shitty liar; I will definitely be found out! Phil said that if they found out who I was, they would do things to me! I don’t want to have things done to me!

After an excruciating minute later, she finally leaned back.


“Sigh, it’s the first time I meet somebody from my kin who isn’t from a hive. I guess you don’t know this, but our kin usually lives in big groups. Well, I am also an exception, considering that I am living with several different races.”

“Hehe, ye-yes I didn’t know this! Thank you for telling me.”

The insect monster showed her hand.

“My name is Margaret.”

“Ehhh, Patrick.”

This was my name when I was still human. Guess it's good enough for now.

After I shook her hand, I wanted to go, but she held my hand tightly.

“Can I help you?”

“…No, nothing.”

She let go and was still looking at me.

Ugh, this can’t be good.


“-I see. Then What if you replace a part of your body with regular soil.”

“I would still be able to move the changed part, but it would be rigid. It would take me about an hour to convert the changed part into a real part of my body. “

“Alright, Alright.”

I wrote down the last of my notes and put them away.

“These are all the questions I had. Thank you, this will make my work a lot easier. Is there anything else I should write down?”

“I believe that I already told you everything I knew. As I said, there was supposed to be a big colony of slimes deep in the forest. “

“Okay, then I will leave you.”

I stood back up and left her in her room.

Okay, I now have the basic data from her, I will have to compare it with other slimes, to see if there are any differences.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

It was that wolf guy, the one who attacked me in my lab and harassed me in the bar. I kept my distance from him, making sure that I don’t even see him again.

It worked, till now.

“I’m here on the king's business. Nothing which should concern you.”

Being in my path I tried to walk past him, but he grabbed my walking cane.

“I heard that you put my elder brother under a spell. Even if my king did, do you really believe I will let that slide?”

Not wanting to deal with him now, I breathed deeply, and turned intangible, falling to the floor below us.

Sigh, it seems like I will need to walk invisible again. What a-


Over my head, the ceiling got destroyed, and amongst the dust, two red eyes were staring at me.

“…Fuck me.”


Deep underground, the kayeri were preparing for a fight.

While the wields were digging through the tunnels, the intelligent ones were wearing metal and leather armor and were holding weapons.

At the very back of the line, was a tent in which Igor was discussing the strategy with the other members of his race.

“First we will use the Wields as cannon folders to thin the enemy's number. Then once they are all in, we will send out another wave of the, strapped with the fruit bombs, turning the enemy to our side. Once that’s done, we will enter.”

Igor pushed some small stone figures on the table.

“We will separate into three groups. Group one will go to the Queen to secure her. Per the order of our Father, he has plans for her and we need to keep her alive. The second group will raid the nursery, kidnap any larvae you may find. The last group will go to the treasury. Each group will have five giants with them for protection. Any questions?”

The ones here shook their heads and left the tent joining with their groups to spread the news.

Feeling confident in this plan, Igor also left the tent and breathed in deeply.

In this tunnel, his army was ready to fight for the first time. The air just vibrated with excitement as the monsters prepared for the carnage, all in the name of their father.


Finally managing to clean the tunnels, the worlds roared as they rushed into it.

Soon we will conquer this place and present our tribute to our-


Surprised by that, he pressed through the crowd of kayeri, arriving at the mouth of the cave.

There he felt his nonexistent jaw drop on the ground.

From the narrow passageway, which was reported to him, now was a wide cave-like structure.

On the opposite side of it was something that reminded him of a wall made from a brownish metal and earth.

Before those walls, a dozen of giant ants were waiting for them each carrying a white sheet of fabric with its mandibles.

“The fuck is this?”

To answer Igor’s question, one of the ants slowly started to approach him.

This one was bigger than the others, probably functioning as the general of the queen.

Feeling some sort of kinship, Igor also approached him, trying to look confident.

When the both of them were in the middle of the room, they stopped a few steps away from each other.

“…I am Igor, leader of the kayeri army.”

The ant kept quiet for a while, then it started to speak with a deep, clacking voice.

“No name. Soldier for the queen. Sent as messenger.”

“…All right. What’s the message?”

“No war. Pointless killing. Request cooperation. Truce. Treaty between queen and… kayeri.”

“And why would we accept your proposal? The way I see it, we are an advantage over you.”

Behind him, the Wields groaned as some of the warriors hit their weapons in approval.

The ant clicked his mandibles again, harder than before.

“Protection. Resources. Cooperation. The Queen offered all this. Enemy coming from underground. Dangerous. Strengths in numbers. Need allies. ”

“What enemy?”

The ant now made some sort of hissing sound before speaking.

“Demons. Demons are coming from the Depths.”





Name: Phil Smith 'Plague Father'

Race: [Molded High Elf] Lv: 22/100 (52/100)

Main Class: [Life Father]

Sub Class: [Rouge]

HP(Health Points): 20/284

SP(Stamina Points): 70

MP(Magic Points): 0/204

TMN (Tamed Monster Numbers): [0]

Blessings: [Blessing of Nergal] [Blessing of Airmed]

Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [[Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field] [Basic Spirit Voice] [Aether Vision] [Steam Engineering] [Dagger Arts][Presence Concealment] [Lock Picking]

Passive Skills: [Body Knowledge] [ Plant Knowledge] [Medicine Knowledge] [Stamina Enhancement] [ Movement Enhancement] [ Reflex Enhancement.] [Basic Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind] [Music Instrument Knowledge[Healing Hands][Medical Senses] [Medical Mind] [Surgical Precision][Potion Tolerance]

Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity] [Basic Death Affinity]

Titles: [The One Who Saw a Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master] [Giver of Life]


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