《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 29. Hard Earned Victory.


Flipping through the pages, I slammed my hand in its middle, reading one of the prayers.

“Gaia, mother of earth, your disciple pleads for your blessing. Impale my enemies, so that their blood become water to the ground. Rock Impalement. “

As my mana was drained away, the ground slightly rumbled, forming several stone spheres which shouted out from the ground or fell from the ceiling.

The scared goblins tried to defend themselves, but their puny weapons did nothing to defend them.

Once the rumbling settled, there were only a few of them left intact, counting the green muscle tower.

The champion hissed, then roared with all his might, somehow healing all the wounds on his body.

“Regeneration. This can be tricky.”

My plan was to drag this out till the bleeds out, but if it can heal, then it’s pointless.

“Well, it’s a good thing that I have prepared for this kind of situation.”

I put away the book and grabbed my sword which I drenched in my blood.

“First, let’s try infecting it. Full speed!”

Rushing forward, I turned invisible so that they couldn’t see me.

Visibly angered, the big guy lifted his weapon up in the air and slammed it down on the ground, causing a small tremor.

What? Is it trying to bury us together? I get it that it was made to protect the dungeon but there is no need for it to act so violently.

I retreated a few steps and turned visible again.

“Let’s try something else then.”

Before I could do anything, the normal goblins rushed at me, probably seeing this as an opportunity to strike.

Yeah, not going to happen.

Maybe I wasn’t good with the sword, but I was quick, making it easy for me to kill these fuckers.

That’s when I realized something.

These guys bleed.

They weren’t made from mana, but flesh and blood.

I could see the entrails, the brain matter, the muscles of these creatures.

This wasn’t the same as when I was in the dungeon.

These were living, intelligent creatures.

And I was murdering them.


Without noticing, the goblin champion somehow stood before me, raising his weapon high in the air.


I wasn’t quick enough this time, my left arm got injured. From my shoulder to my fingers there was now a wound displaying my bones and squirting blood everywhere. I even lost my pinky finger and ruined the crossbow which still stuck onto me!

Fighting the pain, I grabbed one of the recovery potions and poured its content on the wound.

“Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!”

I am an idiot. If I weren’t lucky, that attack would have killed me! I am being too naïve! This is a different world, ruled by the strong. I need to forget the ethics of my previous world if I want to survive! So, grow up, Phil, and kill that thing before it kills you!

As I faced the monster it laughed at me, slowly approaching me.

I lost my long-ranged weapon, and my left is useless. But I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

I slammed my hand on the floor and shouted.

“Mold Field! Hive Repulsion!”

Using up a big amount of my mana, I created the field of flowers, while I expulsed all the monsters I had in my body.

The goblin champion roared again, so loudly that it shocked the ground.

In response, the wall of the dungeon, somehow shouts out a blue light onto the monster, changing it before my eyes.

It grew bigger, its skin became deep red, and now it had bony protrusions coming out from its shoulders, arms, and legs, creating a crown of some sort.


Seeing this transformation, the words of the system started to form in my head

[User witnessed a super rare event of a dungeon forcefully evolving a creature]

[Reward will be given after the combat.]


[Level difference is too great.]

It forcefully evolved it? Is it some sort of last result mechanism? Damn, this thing is fucked!

With this newfound power, the monster launched itself into the hoard of my monsters.

The Wilds bit, clawed, and harpooned it with their tentacles, but it was no use. The monster’s hide was too hard for them to pierce, and with it flinging its weapon around, they started to fall like insects.

Once, I exhaled all my troops, I grabbed my lab coat and put it on the ground so that I could access the potions inside it easier.

“If I want to survive this, I will need to use these.”

To Prepare these in case of a rainy day, I drank each potion.

Life enhancement, agility enhancer, Strega enhancer, Speed enhancer, High tier strength enhancer…

Each gulp made my body stronger and tingly.

“And the final one.”

I drank the last one, which I made myself a month ago. It was capable of enhancing one's mana conductivity to the limit, with some serious side effects.

Immediately, my mind became covered in a red fog, as my muscles grew, some bursting out under my skin becoming tentacles.

“Battle State: Potion Rush! ”

Raging with energy, I grabbed my sword with my now functional left hand, and while holding my bone saw in the right, I launched myself towards the monster.

The beast, smiling evilly, threw away the last of my troops and swung his weapon at me.

The moment we clashed, the whole cave shocked dangerously, with some of the spikes falling around us.

Not stopping, I continued the attack, trying to cut through the big brute but, his skin was ridiculously thought, and for some reason, it was getting hooter


The monster while lifting his weapon up, with its newfound strengths, crushed the handle of the axe.

using the second of shock, it created, I stabbed towards the two softest points of its body: the eyes.

The sword hit the left one, gushing out boiling blood out of it, making the monster cry out in pain.

In retaliation, it swung its giant fist at me with its right arm. I tried to block it with my saw, but the first broke through it with ease, breaking all the bones in my right arm with some of my ribs.

“Y-You bastard! I will eat you!”

Not caring about the pain, I stab towards its abdomen, but it released a surging heatwave, forcing me to back up.

“Right arm pulverized. Left-arm usable but wounded. The potions won’t keep me working for long, I need to end this right now. Desperate times desperate measures. Hive control! Merge!”

This was something I once wanted to try out but never had the chance to do it.

Connecting, I sent my orders into the mold, into the bits of the monsters the goblin killed.


Obeying my orders, the chunks of monster pieces slowly started to move to the same place, dragged by the newly formed tentacles. Not only were my monster body parts moving, but also those of the goblins, which got infected as well.

Soon, all the bits were now forming a giant mass of flesh, mold, and serrated bones, looking down on the red monster.

“…Buy me some time!”

While the red monster was busy with that thing, I closed my eyes and spoke in a faint voice.


“Gods, demons, anybody who has been listening. I have been hearing your prayers for a while now. I don’t know why but you need me. So, if you don’t want me to die here, please send me something which can turn the tides of this fight!”


In a dark cave, under reality itself, an entity opened its eyes. It was a giant monster, taller than any mountain, with most of its features hidden in the darkness, except for its glowing yellow eyes.

“That brat is getting greedy. Greed is good. I shall answer to your prayer, my apostle.”


“Come one come on- UGHH!”

This was different from other times when I received prayers. This was more primordial, untampered, yet familiar…as if I heard it before.

Not thinking about it, I concentrated and recited the incantation, while the monster was busy with the blob of flesh.

“Scourging sun on the field, burned flesh on the battlefield, rotting food on the table, disappear! My lord, my master, my ruler, gift me your mace so that they may join you in your kingdom! Swarm Call!”

As the words left my mouth, something happened to my body.

Before my eyes, my hands slowly flaked away, transforming into swarms of flies, buzzing like a cloud of locust.

The pain it caused me was horrible, slowly seeing my bones as my muscles turned into insects was something I didn’t want to wish for any of my enemies.

When the shock finally wears off, the cloud flew to the monster, who just ripped into two the mold monster.


Once, the swarm enveloped it, it tried to fight back, but there were too many.

No matter how many it crushed or burned, the insects eat its flesh, lay their eggs on it, so that they may hatch on it to eat more of it.

Yet, it still stood straight, and maybe sensing that I was the source of the attack, it slowly walked towards me.

“This is it? This is how I am going to die? ...Fuck that.”

Somehow, I bent down and grabbed my sword with my mouth.

I survived so much, I will be damned to die, in a dark cave!

Gathering the last ounce of strength in my legs, I rushed forward.

Do you know the times in the movies when the world slows down for an epic moment?

This felt like that.

I saw the world slower, as I was flying through the air, my blade aimed at the throat of the monster, as it tried to grab me with its flaming fists.

I felt the metal, slowly entering the living flesh of the monster, as its hand enclosed on my leg.




I flew through the air, his head separated from his body, my sword unusable from the heat its body produced.

As it fell on the ground, I saw my left leg was still held by its hand, torn from my body.

The insect quickly realizing that their dibber bell was ringing, quickly enveloped the body, clearing its bones from any meat.

“Ugh, what a horrible ending. May you rest in peace...Hehehe, since when did I become such a religious guy? These prayers are starting to rub on me.”

[Combat complete.]

[Calculating the total amount of EXP…]

[You received 2 152 Exp]

[You reached level 21]

[All stats increased.]

The swarm flew to me and entered my mouth, slowly making my arms regenerate, till it was back to normal, or close to it.

“Ugh, this was disgusting. I think… I can still feel them in there. I am going to throw up.”

Wiggling on the ground for a while, I breathed in deep, before laughing uncontrollably.

“I survived! Take that dungeon! I survived! HAHAHHAHAHAHA!”

Did I lose a leg? Yes. Did I ruin both of my arms? Yes. Will the potions that I just drank have serious side effects? Oh, yes. But right here, right now, I was alive.

Feeling relieved, I slowly looked around.

The pump was destroyed and there was no way of fixing it.

The ground was covered by the mold, and the pile of flesh slowly picked up the monster's bone, adding it to its mass.

“…Come here.”

Ordering the pile of flesh, it came to me, and gently picked me up.

Using my hive control skill, I transformed it a little bit, creating a chair-looking structure on which I sat down.

“This will do nicely till I heal up from this.”

I added a few things, like four leg-like structures which helped in its mobility, and two arm-like tentacles which helped me pick up stuff.

Once the whole thing took form, I felt something changing in it. It was hard to describe it, it was as if it became solid, not being able to be molded again.

To answer me, the system wrote in my head.


[You created a new lifeform.]

[New life form been named as [Mold Mimic] ]

[Several gods are disgusted by this]

[Several gods are fascinated by this]

“Yeah, well this isn’t a show. I need to use anything I can find. Speaking of finding things.”

I made the chair bend down and tilt so I could touch the ground so that I could absorb all the mold in here.

Once I cleaned up, there was no trace left of the fight, even the torches were gone, long extinguished by the fight, and the wood devoured by the mold.

“Now I only need to pick up my things and go- Oh Come one!”

Once I was facing the dungeon wall it was moving, forming some sort of puss which was glowing with a bright light.


Whatever that thing was, it cracked, drenching the ground with liquid mana and the thing which crawled out from it.

“You gotta be shitting with me.”

It was a giant cockroach.

The creature got on its hind leg, looking extremely confused, giving me the opportunity to quickly study this thing.

From that angle, it looked more like an insect that tried to take on the shape of a human.

It clearly had four hind legs and four arms, which looked more muscular and refined.

Its head was the most human, somehow, I could see the features of a man, under the brown carapace, antennas, and mandibles.

Then it spoke, in a clear British accent accompanied by the sound of clicking.

“W-Where am I? What happened to me? Who-What are you?!

Shocked by what it just said, I let down my guard a little.

“You are sentient?”

“Hmm, of course, I am! What did you do to me?!”

The insect looked panicked, clicking its mandibles.

“Calm down. Look.”

Slowly, I made etch tentacles, retreat behind the chair.

“I will not hurt you. Breath.”

“…What in the world are you?”

“Right now, it’s not important. Rather, tell me, what is the last thing you remember?”

The cockroach stayed silent, fixation on the ground before it spoke.

“I-I was on a train. I was… with someone. I remember we were in the middle of a desert. Then there were…blue flames enveloping the one next to me. I-I tried to help. The flames…they burned me.”

…Is he the same as me? Did he get his soul junked away just like mine did? How many people are there, out in this strange world who got dragged out into this world and cursed to be put into the bodies of monsters?

“Tell me, what was the planet's name and date?”

“Ehh? It's Earth obviously. The date is 1923 October 5.”

1923? Why is there such a time difference? No, that's not important.

“We need to talk buddy. You are no longer in Kansas anymore.”





Name: Phil Smith 'Plague Father'

Race: [Molded High Elf] Lv: 22/100 (52/100)

Main Class: [Life Father]

Sub Class: [Rouge]

HP(Health Points): 240/240=>20/284

SP(Stamina Points): 26=>70

MP(Magic Points): 160/160=>0/204

TMN (Tamed Monster Numbers): [0]

Blessings: [Blessing of Nergal] [Blessing of Airmed]

Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [[Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field] [Basic Spirit Voice] [Aether Vision] [Steam Engineering] [Dagger Arts][Presence Concealment] [Lock Picking]

Passive Skills: [Body Knowledge] [ Plant Knowledge] [Medicine Knowledge] [Stamina Enhancement] [ Movement Enhancement] [ Reflex Enhancement.] [Basic Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind] [Music Instrument Knowledge[Healing Hands][Medical Senses] [Medical Mind] [Surgical Precision]

Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity] [Basic Death Affinity]

Titles: [The One Who Saw A Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master] [Giver of Life]


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