《The Butcher of Gadobhra》Chapter 135: A Rising Power is recognized!


Runt was sitting in a mostly empty room on the third floor of the butcher shop.

His room.

Just this one thing meant a lot to him. It wasn't a handy hiding spot, or a cramped little area he could sleep without someone kicking him. He didn't have to hide the entrance.

His room!

Ozzy had offered him either the second or third floors of the shop. Runt had wanted the highest one. It let him look out over the town. Ozzy left to find him a bed and some other things that the Butcher thought he needed. Runt would have been happy with just an old blanket and the clean floor. As soon as Ozzy had left, he opened the windows and found the best escape route to the roof. The slate shingles was moss covered and slippery, but it was easy for him to navigate. Many parts of the dungeon were slippery stone floors, tilted at odd angles.

Exploring the roof, he saw he could leap to three other buildings and saw several ways to the ground. He'd find some rope and make sure he had a hasty retreat from a couple of them to the ground. Runt never slept in a spot with only one way in or out. That just lead to a beating, and loss of your blanket or pants.

He heard Ozzy clumping back up the stairs and slipped back inside. The Butcher had a small bed frame in his hands and a bag over his shoulder.

"Here you go Runt. The barracks had an extra bed and I brought some other stuff for you."

Runt understood all this stuff wasn’t free. He’d just have to work extra hard to earn it. He didn’t mind. What was ‘hard work’ here was nothing compared to living in a dungeon.

After setting down the bed, the Butcher put down the heavy bag, opened it up and proceeded to remove item after item. Several blankets, a pillow, a mattress, two smallish tables and four stools, three chests, and a bag of salted peanuts.

Run watched un-believing as item after item came out of the bag. He got close and tried to identify it.

Hefty Bag of Large Capacity (Legendary)

This sturdy travel bag made from the hide of a Rampaging Ur-Naga is nearly indestructible. Like other items of Capacity it may hold more items than the outside dimensions suggest. The bag itself will always appear to be four foot tall and a couple of feet in diameter. It's mouth however, can accept items up to four-foot by four- foot, and any length.

The drawback of the bag is its weight. Empty, the bag weighs 250 pounds and grows heavier as each item is added. It saves space, but not weight. Only the owner of the bag may take items out, or place them inside.

"Ok Smartass, tell me how a Tier 2 Butcher gets ahold of a Legendary storage item, and why hasn't someone killed you for it yet?"

Ozzy finished pulling things out of the bag and gingerly sat down on one of the stools. "Sort of a very long story, which I don't mind telling at some point. For now, let’s just say it was part of the reward for helping the Baron open up the city."


Runt accepted that. Everyone had secrets and at least this guy was offering to tell him at some point. "Ok, but do me a favor. Get a plain leather bag made that's a little bigger than the Legendary and hide the damn thing. Otherwise, at some point a high-level asshole will put a sword into your heart and walk off with it. Shit, not even an asshole. I’m sure Mother Agatha of the Holy Order of Good Deeds would find an excuse as to why she needed that bag. "

Ozzy nodded his head in agreement. "Sound advice. She'd have to be strong as hell with all the crap I tend to have in it. But if I'm dead, they could take their time." Ozzy looked out the window. "Nice view. See that little alley between those two buildings? That leads back to the barn where I'll be working today. When you get settled in, feel free to head to the tavern and eat lunch. It's free for Contract Workers. Then head over to the area by the barn and I'll introduce you to some friends and more workers. Don't worry about the shop much past noon. Most of the business is in the morning or end of the day. You can close up for lunch or to take a break with no problem."

That all sounded just fine to Runt. If lunch was anything at all like breakfast, he'd be happy. After Ozzy had left, he tried out the bed, and marveled at the pillow. He'd never had a real pillow. He lay back, taking advantage of being alone and knowing no one was going to be yelling for him. This Contract Worker job was just amazing. Which reminded him to take a hard look at his notifications again. Little things could really screw you up if you didn't read those carefully.

Bravo! It took a long time, countless years of grueling effort, but you have escaped the drudgery of being a lowly minion. The entire dungeon takes notice as you enter Tier 2 as a full-fledged Monst...WTF? is a Contract Worker...give us a moment please.


Status Confirmed. Welcome to ACME

You have earned far and above the amount of experience needed for Tier 1. Your rank has been adjusted to Rank 6. Additional Health, Mana, and Stamina have been added equal to the first six levels of Contract Worker.

Bonuses for attaining high levels in your stats during Tier 1 have been awarded.

Some minion skills may be altered or combined with other skills as needed.

Your relationship with areas outside of dungeons is set to normal default values.

Your relationship with Dungeon Minions is described as 'Envious and Malicious'

Your relationship with Dungeon Monsters is default for adventurers, generally 'Kill on Sight'.

Your relationship with the Butcher of the Pit is.... bad. Remember that kobold peddler who tried to sell his overcooked soy burgers to the Butcher? Worse than that guy. Good luck with that.

You have accepted the Tier 2 Class: Contract Worker - Butcher (Apprentice)


Keeps the skills you have honed as a butcher and take them into tier 2. Adds advanced meat cutting and shopkeeping.

Gain: +2 STR, +3 free stats. Gain: Precise cut, and Rapid Chop.

You will fill the role of Apprentice Butcher in the Town of Sedgewick. This may mean taking over for the Butcher of Sedgewick to give out quests, fulfill quests, and run the local butcher shop.

Acclaim and Glory are yours!

You have raised both your STR and your CON to 10 or higher and may claim the Perk: Tough

You shrug off small blows like they were gnat stings. Your tough hide gains +10 to universal mitigation.

More Acclaim and Glory are yours!

You have raised both your STR and your CHR to 10 or higher and may claim the Perk: Like a Boss!

Minions obey your orders when you yell at them. Others of your kind are wary of becoming your enemy, recognizing your rise to power.

You are seen as a good ally to have.

So much Acclaim and Glory are yours!

You have raised both your STR and your DEX to 10 or higher and may claim the Perk: Weapons Master!

The perfect balance is in your hands. All weapons that you choose to use will do +10 points of damage. Choose one weapon to further seek mastery in. That weapon gains +20% to hit and +20 to damage

Oodles of Acclaim and Glory are yours!

You have raised both your DEX and your CHR to 10 or higher and may claim the Perk: Trickster!

You excel at sleight of hand, games of chance, and causing small bits of trouble.

Huge Chunks of Acclaim and Glory are yours!

You have raised both your DEX and your CON to 10 or higher and may claim the Perk: Crushing Grip!

The strength of another is nothing, you endure and then crush their hand in yours, grinding knuckles to splinters. Count your STR as +10 higher when engaging in contests of STR such as arm wrestling, shaking hands, and crushing skulls.

We are running short on Acclaim and Glory, but what's left is yours!

You have raised both your CON and your CHR to 10 or higher and may claim the Perk: Abs of Steel!

Lean muscles and hardened abs show your strength and flexibility. You move confidently and with a sure step. You are much less likely to suffer sprains, pulled muscles or other minor injuries from exerting yourself.

By the Unholy Three! Raising two stats to 10 is difficult, three marks you one to watch. You are seen by Those In Shadow

They gift you with +50 to Health, Mana, and Stamina.

A Rising Power is recognized, Those in Shadow allow you to choose a blessing

For raising 4 stats to 10 or higher receive one of the following of your choice:

- A weapon of power!

- An intrinsic magical attack such as fire breathing

- A small horde of coins.

- +150 to either Health, Mana, or Stamina

After doing a little research, Runt had found out that weapons for Contract Workers were nearly as limited as they were for minions. He'd stick with his cane. Few suspected that his hardwood stockman's cane was a weapon. And if they did, they assumed it was just a club. This made it even more effective.

Runt didn't need the cane to walk, but a slight limp to emphasize his peg-leg was a great way to explain why he always packed his cane with him. He held up his cane in the air and chose 'Weapon of Power'. The cane glowed and there was a rumble of thunder overhead.

Crippling Cane of Sneaky Slashing

This seemingly normal cane, used for controlling animals, will only reveal its true nature to its owner. The wood of the cane has been strengthened to be nearly unbreakable. The small blade in the tip has been replaced by a retractable blade of 36" in length, allowing the cane to also be used as a spear.

-Damage from the cane is increased to a base of 50.

-Hits to a creature’s ankles or knees will cripple it for 1 minute due to the pain. Movement is only 25% of normal.

-Damage from the blade is a base of 30 and causes bleeding wounds.

"Man, I wished I had known about this Contract Worker loophole a couple centuries ago. There must be a ton of minions taking advantage of this!"

Runt went downstairs and saw a few adventurers were at the door. He opened the shop, made some small talk with them, and paid them for the rabbits and wild boar they brought to the shop. They'd just reached level 3 and were ready for a dungeon so he directed them over to the tavern.

After they left, he closed the shop and headed that way himself. Lunch was just as good as breakfast. In fact, it was pretty close to breakfast. Instead of griddle cakes he ate a half dozen groat muffins and some hard-boiled eggs.

There was also some tasty meat but it looked way over cooked and covered in some sort of sauce. He grudgingly tried it and had to admit it wasn't bad. It had a lot of dark mana in it, and the taste of that covered up the hints of smoke. If they hadn't overcooked the meat, it would have even better.

Betty was picking up dishes and hauling them back to the kitchen. Runt felt no need to help at all. The pull just wasn't there. It was like the job didn't exist and wasn't assigned. That was so strange to him. How did they get their work done? He thought for a moment and then wandered around grabbing some dishes and heading to the kitchen. It never hurt to be on the cook’s good side. He could smell the fresh muffins coming out of the oven.

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