《Book Of The Dead》Chapter 54 - Setting Out


With the light fading over the ruined farmstead, Tyron had the skeletons pull the cart up to the house and leave it against the north wall. After a quick stretch, he picked up Dove and headed inside and down into the cellar where he found an impatient Yor waiting.

"You're late," the vampire observed.

It was hard to look at her, dressed as she was in her simple farmer's dress, without imagining what she looked like underneath the cloth. Tyron coughed to divert himself before he answered.

"We, ah, spent a little time gathering supplies. I used most of the night preparing bones I can use on the journey. If I get time, I can study them and try to work out how the Death Magick is transferred between them."

The beautiful creature raised a curved brow.

"All of these things, and so much more, we would teach you if you accepted our offer."

It wasn't said in a demanding or demeaning way, simply as a statement of fact, and Tyron nodded easily.

"This stuff is all basic to you, I'm sure," he shrugged, "but I'll figure it out."

He wasn't actually as casual as he seemed. He burned to have access to the knowledge of Necromancy that Yor had tucked away in her head, but he had no means to get it that he was comfortable with. Left with no other option, he was forced to puzzle it out through trial and error on his own. He had confidence he would get there, but it would be a frustrating and wasteful process. He'd likely lose a lot of raw materials, but even worse, he would lose time, the thing he had least to spare.

"I need to take a nap," he yawned, "then I suppose we'll have to get ready to leave."

He paused.

"Are you able to travel with us? If we move during the day…"

She stared at him with her unblinking, wild red eyes.

"I will have no problem keeping up. Don't worry yourself," she drawled. "although, you may want to consider moving at night yourselves. I doubt you want to be found as you relocate."

A good point. They'd be safer if they travelled at night, though it would mean he spent more time with Yor. Tyron had mixed feelings about that. She was an enchanting creature, to be sure, but she radiated an aura of danger that disturbed him on a deep level. Being around her set him on edge, as if he constantly had her fangs on his neck.

"We should probably work out where we're fucking going before we leave, don't you think?" Dove chipped in for the first time. "Rather than just haring off into the wilds without a plan, perhaps we can spend ten minutes figuring out a destination and some goals?"

"That's also a good idea," Tyron agreed. "We'll figure it out in the morning. For now, I need to sleep. See you… in the morning."

His sleeping roll and blankets were still laid out in the cellar. Feeling a touch self-conscious, he stripped down and rolled in, making himself comfortable under the watchful eyes of not one, but two undead.

"You aren't going to take a bite out of him, are you?" he heard Dove ask.

"I am not so hungry, yet," Yor said. "Inactive as I've been, I do not need to drink often. I am not so young."

"I, uh, wasn't referring to drinking," the skull hinted, "I was meaning something a little more, pleasurable."


"Were you still a mortal, you would find that there is nothing quite as pleasurable as my bite," he could almost hear Yor's smirk.

"I'm talking about fucking! Why are you making me come out and say it, woman? It's downright rude, it is. It's enough to make a fleshless skull blush. I'm pretty sure the kid's a virgin and I wouldn't want him to die that way. You're a bit of an exhibitionist, I can't imagine you're that averse to the idea.…"

"Dove. I'm still awake," Tyron grated without rolling over.

"Of course you are, dickhead. You wouldn't want to get laid while you were asleep!"

Was this conversation embarrassing, humiliating, or infuriating? Perhaps it was equal parts of each. Tyron was certain of one thing: he hated it.

"There seems to be a misunderstanding," Yor said, amused. "I am Undead. I am not capable of coupling, as you might say. Nor would I wish to."

"Hang on. Then why the nudity?" Dove spluttered. "Why make yourself so attractive? I know you didn't always look like that, you said your flesh was formed. If you aren't interested in bumping uglies, then what's the point?"

"You think I appear this way in order to draw mortals to me, for sex? You are almost correct. I do wish to draw mortals to me. They are my food, after all."

The vampire sighed, sending a shiver rolling down Tyron's back.

"Such strange prey, you mortals. The only creatures who will throw themselves into the jaws of the predator if they find it attractive enough."

"So you draw people in, not to fuck, but to eat."


"… Makes sense."

Tyron was profoundly glad he hadn't tried to make a move on Yor. Though, deep inside, some twisted part of him still wanted to. It took him a while to get to sleep.

When he woke the next morning, he went about tidying up his things the moment he rolled out of the blankets. Yor was nowhere to be seen, oddly enough, and Dove remained exactly where he'd placed him the previous night. After he'd meticulously packed the majority of his things, he poked the skull awake.

"Wha-? Huh? Oh, that is still so weird."

The flames flickered to life within the empty sockets of the skull as Dove returned to wakefulness.

"Sleeping as an undead is just… strange. Should it even be called sleep? I'm not sure."

"It is a little curious," Tyron mused. "I mean, your mind isn't a physical thing, but rather a magick construct that has manifested as a spirit. Perhaps the 'sleep' you experience is…"

"Kid, shut up. I don't actually care that much, I was just thinking out loud. Let's not get deep into the weeds regarding skull sleep, we've got shit to do today. You've been packing?"

"Uh, yes."

"Great. Let's crack into that levelling ritual. I want to see some big fucking numbers."

"You really think I'll have progressed that much?" Tyron wondered. He was pretty excited to see how much he'd progressed himself. There was an addictive quality to it, gaining strength and new abilities as he went along. As much as not having access to a Class guide was maddening, it also meant he had no clue as to what was coming next, which added a certain edge that was exciting. He was only in the first tier, not having advanced his class yet, so the choices were bound to be somewhat uninspiring, but even so, there was still the possibility that a build-defining choice could pop up at any point.


"Hopefully a couple of levels, at least," Dove remarked. "You've raised a good number of skeletons and fought more than a few rift-kin. That should count for something. It all gets us closer to the level twenty mark, which is when things should get interesting."

"It'd be nice to have Yor's input on something like this," Tyron said. "She must know a lot about Necromancer progression."

"Pah. She might, she might not. To get that information requires that you pay a price you seem unwilling to pay. Best not to worry about it and get on with things."

"You're right."

It didn't take long to get a clean sheet of paper. Moments later, he enacted the simplest and most profound of all rituals.


Dismembering remains has increased your proficiency.

Use of the Magick Bolt spell against a living creature has increased your proficiency.

Your ability to appraise remains through means mundane and magickal has increased proficiency. Corpse Appraisal has reached level 4.

Your skill in preparing human remains for the transition to Undead has increased proficiency. Corpse Preparation has reached level 4.

Use of spell Suppress Mind has increased proficiency. Suppress Mind has reached 4.

Use of Fear has increased proficiency. Fear has reached level 2.

Application of the Shivering Curse has increased proficiency. Shivering Curse has reached level 3.

Your creation of new undead has increased proficiency. Raise Dead has reached level 6.

The use of Death Blades has increased proficiency. Death Blades has reached level 3.

Your use and study of Death Magick has increased your proficiency. Death Magick has reached level 5.

You have raised minions and they have fought on your behalf. Necromancer has reached level 14. You have received +6 Intelligence, +3 Wisdom, +3 Constitution and +3 Manipulation. At this level, you may choose a class ability.

Your patrons continue to enjoy your journey. The Abyss wishes once more to taste your thoughts. The Dark Ones watch your fate unfold with interest. The Court is delighted to have received your call. They are confident your struggles will amuse. Anathema has reached level 10. You have received +4 Intelligence, +4 Willpower, +4 Constitution. At this level, you may choose a class ability. At this level, you may choose a class feat.

Name: Tyron Steelarm.

Age: 18

Race: Human (Level 12)


Necromancer (Level 14).


Anathema (Level 10). None None (Locked)

Racial Feats:

Level 5: Steady Hand.

Level 10: Night Owl.




















General Skills:

Arithmetic (Level 5)(Max)

Handwriting (Level 4)

Concentration (Level 5)(Max)

Cooking (Level 1)

Sling (Level 3)

Swordsmanship (Level 1)

Sneak (Level 3)

Butchery (Level 3)

Skill Selections Available: 2

Necromancer Skills:

Corpse Appraisal (Level 4)

Corpse Preparation (Level 4)

Death Magick (Level 5)

General Spells:

Globe of Light (Level 5)(Max)

Sleep (Level 4)

Magick Bolt (Level 4)

Necromancer Spells:

Raise Dead (Level 6)

Bone Stitching (Level 4)

Commune with Spirits (Level 3)

Shivering Curse (Level 3)

Death Blades (Level 3)

Anathema Spells:

Pierce the Veil (Level 4)

Appeal to the Court (Level 2)

Suppress Mind (Level 4)

Repository (Level 2)

Fear (Level 2)

Necromancer Feats:

Skeleton Focus II

Anathema Feats:



Spell Shaping (Initial): INT +3 WIS +3

Words of Power (Initial): WIS +3 CHA +3

Necromancer level 14. Choose an additional Spell:

Shorten Raise Dead - A modified version of Raise Dead that is quicker to cast.

Bewildering Curse - Disorient and confuse those affected.

Flesh Mending - Repair dead flesh.

Bone Mending - Repair damaged bone.

Bone Armour - Form bones into a simple armour.

Please choose an additional Skill:

Flesh Crafting - Mould flesh as clay.

Empower Servant - Feed mana to your minions.

Undead Control - Better control of minions.

Flesh Joining - Connect multiple bodies together.

Anathema level 10. Choose an additional Spell:

Dark Communion - Beg intercession from the Dark Ones.

Air of Menace - Surround oneself in a dread aura.

Pain - Inflict the target with severe pain.

Invasive Persuasion - Open a weakness to manipulation in a suppressed mind.

Fear Implant - Leave an impression of fear within a suppressed mind.

Blood Healing - Convert the blood of others to a healing serum.

Eyes of Blood - See sources of blood nearby.

Anathema level 10. Choose one of the following:

Blood Magick I - Convert a portion of blood to magick.

Rot Aura - Promote decay in an area around you.

Abyss Flesh - The extremities of your body become malleable.

Drain Life - Striking a living foe with a damaging spell will heal the caster.

Skillful Tongue - Increase persuasiveness modified by Manipulation.

Scent of Sin - Find others aligned to your patrons by scent.

Storm Vision - Enhance the sensitivity of the eye to magick.

Wall of Thought I - Improve defence against intrusive mental effects.

Favoured Child - Learn all three Commune Rituals.

Such an incredible haul. Three full levels in Necromancer and a further two in Anathema. He had two Necromancer choices to make, along with a feat and a spell for Anathema. Even more pleasing was the continued progress in his fundamental skills. Death Magick had increased, Corpse Preparation and Appraisal had also gone up. His continued use of the curse and Death Blades continued to improve those spells as well.

He knew how important it was that he maximise his core skills before reaching level twenty. There was a long road to go, but he was walking steadily towards that goal.

The improvement to Anathema he was less happy with. Although some of the abilities had been useful (without the Repository ritual he would never have been able to save Dove), he didn't like having to rely on the 'patrons'. Even worse, the abilities he could choose from this sub-class were becoming progressively more disturbing. He wanted nothing of them. He was reluctant to even choose a feat.

Concentrate on Necromancer first.

He had two choices to make and it wasn't hard to see the direction of some of the new options. Zombie focused Necromancers seemed to come into a lot of power rather quickly, probably to make up for the weaker minions they relied on. With Flesh Crafting, Flesh Mending and now Flesh Joining, he surmised it would be possible to create Undead golems, a homunculus of several bodies moulded together to form a more powerful zombie.

It would be painstaking and difficult work to create one that functioned well… unless the body was well formed, the magick drained would be horribly inefficient…

Tyron stopped himself from thinking any further on it. He didn't need to worry, as his path was that of the skeleton. No matter what flesh-related skills came up, he didn't need to think on them. Indeed, why worry about that rubbish, when a spell he had long awaited had finally appeared. Bone Mending. Now, he could use magick to repair damaged skeletons! If he guessed correctly, not only did that mean he could mend damage done to his skeletal minions, but he would also be able to repair damage done to remains when he found them. No longer would he have to toss aside cracked femurs or tibia and scrounge around for replacements.

This was going to save a lot of time when creating new skeletons and keep the ones he had up and fighting for longer.

There would be limits, he was sure. No doubt it would be magick intensive to do, creating bone from nothing, and a bone that had been repeatedly repaired was likely to be weaker than a whole and healthy one. Even so, this was a momentous pick. He told Dove about it immediately.

"Fuck, yes. That's going to be more than handy. Keep the bony boys nice and stiff for a bit longer."

"Do you have to phrase it that way?"

"Get your mind out of the gutter boy. What else?"

"The Bone Armour seems useful. Do you think it's for the minions or for me?"

"Might not matter. If it's for you, great, a little bit of extra protection, if it's for the minions, also great, keep em up a little longer. Need to be aware of the costs though."

"You mean magick?"

"That, and also the bones themselves. If you need bones for skeletons, and also bones for armour, it'll put a squeeze on the supply, if you take my meaning."

"You're right…"

Still, anything that might help improve the minions would be worth it. Tyron happily put a mark next to Bone Mending and Bone Armour with his bloody thumb before he turned to the Anathema choices.

Many of the feats felt distasteful, and he wasn't sure which to go for. Ultimately, he decided that Wall of Thoughts I would be the best pick. The danger of being manipulated was high, especially considering the strange forces he was playing with in the Abyss and Court. Better safe than sorry. As to the spells, he honestly disliked most of them, and didn't feel like he could consult Dove about it either. Ultimately, he picked the final of the three initial rituals, more to avoid making a choice than from any desire to actually use it. After meeting Yor, he was cured of his need to attempt powerful, forbidden rituals for the time being.

After confirming his choices, he ended the ritual and tensed at the sudden rush of changes. It was overwhelming, but he remained aware during the entire process. When it was done, he felt substantially stronger, as if he were a different person than he had been merely minutes ago.

"Feels fucking good, right? Now we need to work out where we're headed next."

"I think we need to head south and east, into the foothills. That was my initial plan, anyway. The people there should have been spared most of the fallout from the break, and are reclusive enough that they may not have even heard of a runaway Necromancer."

"It's a solid plan," the skull agreed, "the trick will be making sure you still have access to what you need to progress, namely bones and rift kin to fight. So long as you don't go too deep into the mountains, you should be fine. We can basically follow the far edge of the kin who headed south."


Tyron looked around.

"It won't be long until I finish packing. Should we wait for Yor?"

"I don't think so, it's dangerous to hang around here. She said she can catch up, so you should get going immediately."

"Fair enough."

After another hour of gathering all the loose ends, Tyron jumped up into the cart, along with the bones, food and other supplies they'd stashed. As his minions got into position and started hauling, he set Dove into a good position to watch the woods roll past as they followed the trail back to the main road headed south.

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