Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO Chapter 168


Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO Chapter 168 – Lea’s Request

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lea did not walk too far off originally and was just hiding at the boundaries of Elvis’s territory. He could forcefully hear Gu Mengmeng’s voice from this distance and even smell her unique scent in the air sometimes. He gently stroked the beast-skin band that Gu Mengmeng gave him to tie his hair up and upon hearing that Mengmeng wanted to see him, he paused for a moment.

Then, he suppressed the urge to rush to her with all his might and jumped off from a tree slowly. He stood at the boundaries of Elvis’s territory and until Elvis agreed to Gu Mengmeng’s request, he then left for the cave.

This place that he entered a countless number of times made him feel a sense of unfamiliarity and expectation for the first time. He did not know what Gu Mengmeng wanted to tell him but to him, listening to her voice was great at the moment.

According to the rules, without Elvis’s consent, he could not enter the inside of the cave as he wished. So, Lea stood at the entrance of the cave and looking at the emptiness in front of him, he could hear Elvis tell Gu Mengmeng clearly, “He’s here, I’ll ask him to come in.”

Gu Mengmeng pulled Elvis back with her uncontrollably shaking hand. She made the decision to see Lea but when he was really here, Gu Mengmeng lost the courage to do so. If… if she said that she was willing to mate with him, what would she do if Lea still wanted to choose Nina? If that was the case, she would not even know how to imagine it herself.

“Hmm?” Elvis could not understand what Gu Mengmeng was thinking, so he looked at her while frowning.


“Lea, are you here?” Gu Mengmeng grabbed onto Elvis’s arm tightly with both her hands, not letting him go out and did not let Lea come in either. She glanced at Sandy who was standing at one side the entire time and Gu Mengmeng finally garnered up courage to ask.

“Yes, I’m here.” Lea’s voice was almost invisibly shaking while his expression was still nonchalant. Nobody knew how much strength he was exerting to appear without effort in front of others.

“If… I say if, I’m willing to mate with you… will you….return to my side?” Gu Mengmeng stared at the entrance of the cave intently and despite her sight not being able to see Lea’s expression or state, her gaze was still fixated at the center of the entrance. Her heart was raised to the tip of her throat and she swore that she was not even this nervous the day her high school results were out.

Lea remained silent. The news of Gu Mengmeng being willing to mate with him gladdened him and just two times of this stress made it hard for him to breathe.

“Mengmeng,” Lea’s voice was low and husky. At this moment when nobody was looking, he kept that refined smile of his for the first time and replied discreetly with the most solemn expression while frowning, “I can die in the battle of defending you but I’m unwilling to see you receive any form of hurt before I die.”

Gu Mengmeng was taken aback, clearly not understanding what Lea meant. She looked at Elvis out of instincts and realized that he was just frowning and not saying a word. She turned her head to look at Sandy on the other side and Sandy was just waving her hands, signaling her to listen to Lea’s words.


Lea’s hearing was very sensitive and he could clearly feel Gu Mengmeng’s state in the cave. So, he paused for a moment to give her time to think it through and cool down.

Until Gu Mengmeng’s breathing and heartbeat became stable again, Lea then opened his mouth to continue, “The Beast World is extremely dangerous. I don’t have the capability to protect you on my own. If you care for me as well, please accept the rules on this Beast World and start a strong family. So that I have family members whom I can rely on and need not worry that my partner will be hurt before I die or don’t receive anyone’s protection after I die.”

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