《A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale》Chapter 10: The dragon hunts the kobold, oblivious of the threat from behind.
I began this duel by casting [Fire] a couple of times. Due to his defensive skills, I don’t expect them to hit him, but to delay him long enough for me to reapply [Holy Protection] and [Haste].
Compared to the other kobolds, this one has a good variety of combat skills that will make him a slippery foe.
[Haste], despite being a super useful spell, unfortunately, decreases the time a stat-boosting, a.k.a. buff, spell can stay activate until I recast it. To stay safe, I need [Holy Protection]’s Vitality boost and [Haste]’s acceleration power-up.
The benefits are high but the mana costs will pile up, only if I’m messing around. This just proves that I need more mana. Much more mana!
Once reapplied, I used my increased speed from the Haste buff to close in the distance between us. I really just need one good [Smite] to hit for a kill, but he’s shown that he can avoid it with his [Prediction] skill. I also don’t want to continue casting [Smite] and hoping for a lucky hit.
This should be viable due to my high mana but powering through this fight with status alone would be boring.
Kobolds aren’t dumb. They are as smart as primitive humans, and with proper weapons, their offensive prowess is higher than a [Wind Raccoon]. I can’t let this chance go by. I waited for this kinda fight for who knows how many days or weeks, after all!
Hmm? One of my skills triggered and sent me a warning. Is it the newest skill? [Prediction] was it? Oh, that’s why!
I noticed something shining when I came in front of the kobold. I evaded out of instinct and witnessed the spear attack piercing the air and emitting wind pressure in its aftermath.
Woah, that seemed like a strong attack. There wasn’t any mana infused in it, but I definitely felt some kinda energy exploding during the start of the attack. Well, I can kinda guess where it came from.
Spear Technique
A skill that improves the usage of spear-like weapons
A weapon ability that shoots out a piercing attack
Weapon abilities! If you have magic for your mages, then your warriors need weapon abilities. The world is so game-like. There was [Unarmed Technique] in the 50 SP list. Might be worth identifying it later.
Acquisition requirement fulfilled. [Parallel Thoughts Lv. 1] acquired
Now that I think about it. This is my first time witnessing an ability being use and monsters with jobs. The kobolds that didn’t have a job had E rank worth of stats, while the ones with jobs had F rank stats. So, how do you get a job and why don’t I have it in my profile? Maybe I should identify it now…
Nah, just kidding. I’m letting my mind wander around too much now. During this whole time, I was evading the consecutive spear rush from the kobold, using ability and ability, trying to hit me with one of them.
I, on the other hand, was waiting for a single mistake. By continuing his assault, the kobold began exhausting himself and it slowed his movements enough for me to slash at him, carving a bit of flesh and blood away from his leg but not deep enough to cripple it.
Nice dodge.
I hastily cast [Imbue Fire] and pressured him with a flurry of flaming claws. The kobold warrior did his best dodging with an injured leg and blocked any other attacks with his spear. He was doing a really good job of avoiding any further damage, against my high Agility and [Haste] buff combo.
Unfortunately, I’m not a whelp when it comes to fighting anymore. Instead of using mana strike to attack, I infused mana into my front legs themselves to accelerate my movements.
Flustered by the sudden rhythm disruption, the kobold received my claws to his chest.
Using my pierced claw as leverage, I pulled myself closer for another high-speed strike to his throat; piercing it.
Experience has reached a breaking point. [Young Dragon *] has risen from [Level 14] to [Level 15]
Attributes have increased due to level up
Acquired 250 skill points
Max level has been reached. Evolution is now available for [Young Dragon *]
An expected but very fruitful outcome.
I mean you saw his status. Quality-wise, I was the clear-cut winner, no matter how you saw it. Still, the whole raid, from the start to the end, helped me gain a ton of levels and also skills, like Parallel…mhmmph!!!
Urghhhh! Cough, cough.
I-I even ki-killed the kids…
I can’t stop shivering. I really…did just slaughter them all. The warriors and guards were necessary, but how am I supposed to excuse the women and their kids. They were just celebrating…
I know I needed the experience, and from the looks of it, I wouldn't have reached the MAX level if I hadn't. Couldn’t I just have done a few more hunts, instead of all of this! Why was I in such a hurry?
I can still feel a burning pain in my throat, as I remember what I witnessed beforehand.
A celebration for a successful hunt.
The kobold tribe was frolicking around, like a huge family enjoying the festivities of a holiday. The kids played with each other, while the adults went wild around the food. I swear, if they had held cans of beer, it would have looked exactly like a large gathering of family members celebrating a holiday.
I wished I hadn’t seen it. If I went in knowing nothing of it, then I wouldn’t have sympathized with them…
But it’s too late for any regrets.
I’ve chosen to do this. Animals kill each other for survival. Monsters must kill other monsters to survive.
By killing all of them, I got to my next evolution so much faster. I worked hard for everything to work phenomenally, so why am I so unhappy about it.
The whole fight was thrilling, but this night is making me sick to my stomach, from what I decided on doing. Maybe I’m not fit to be a monster, but it is too late for any more regrets.
Danke schön and please accept my apology. I will make sure not to waste anything.
That’s the least I should say…
I think I should leave now. I collected all the bodies and the food stocks are…!!
Proficiency requirement fulfilled. [Enhanced Enemy Sense Lv. 6] evolved into [Enhanced Enemy Sense Lv. 7]
Huh?! There is a signal from…!
I can hear an explosion of wind! [Prediction] is warning me that something is launching towards me at a frightening speed.
“Dodge left!”
What came out of the forest was a shadow covered in dirt brown fur. The shadow bared its teeth at me when it pounced towards its next meal, me!
My new skill [Parallel Thoughts] screamed at me, and I dodged left using [Acrobatic], [Evasion], [Haste] and infused a high amount of mana into my legs. It drains my dangerously low stamina, but it beats having something bitten off me. However, even with all my defensive skills activated, I couldn’t dodge his left paw from striking me.
[Holy Protection] reduced a large chunk of the damage, but I wasn’t left undamaged. The smack sent me flying away. I wasn’t able to stop the landing momentum and ended up skipping on the ground, like a stone skipping on water, eventually stopping.
My body is aching. One of my wings was even twisted. I cast a [Modest Heal] to heal my wounds and used [Identify] immediately afterward to appraise the shadow.
Name: * Level: 1
Race: Garm
Health: 684/684 Mana: 442/442
Strength: 372 Intelligence: 241
Vitality: 304 Wisdom: 279
Agility: 451 Stamina: 410/410
Effects: None
[Identify Lv. 4]
[Identity Blocker Lv. 4]
[Stealth Lv. 5]
[Presence Killer Lv. 6]
Information Blocked
I monster wolf that hunts in packs to take down its prey. A Garm is a swift hunter specialized at taking down prey through stealth and ambushed. Able to use dark elemental magic. Its meat is very gammy but filled with mana. Rank D
A monster with the form and shape of a wolf came out of the shadows. It towered me, I guess it’s a bit larger than a horse, and slowly strutted towards me in an arrogant way. Its yellow eyes, the most conspicuous body part, were focused only on me…his prey!
Wah?! Wh-What is this thing and why has it just appeared right now? Co-Could this thing be the bad feeling I had ever since the attack? Could it also be the reason why [Enhanced Enemy Sense] had such a sudden surge of improvements?
What a ridiculous idea…but it would explain why the skill suddenly leveled up to level four and then a quick level up to level six when it just reached level five. This goes beyond just normal persistence…it's obsession.
How long has it stalked me!
I need to run!
But how am I supposed to outrun this? His agility is nearly 3 times higher than mine.
…The bastard is smirking. Is he enjoying this?
Verdammt, think! This isn’t the time to be taunted, I need to get out of here alive! [Parallel Thoughts] get to work. One mind focuses on the Garm, one mind will think of a plan. GO!
Haste, Firebolt!
I need to create an opening for me to run into the forest. In this kind of situation being proactive is paramount. I will die if I don't act.
My [Firebolt] was dodged by a hair’s breadth and his grin grew ever more provocative.
“Try shooting faster” is what I understand from that expression. Yeah, go fuck yourself you creep!
Fire, Smite, Rock Blast, Earth Strike, Firebolt!
My spells flew towards the Garm, but every single one missed. I can’t help but believe his confidence is growing, as his moves are becoming even more exaggerated. This guy is not even taking this fight seriously at all. He’s treating me as a play…!
With a sudden burst of speed, instantly reaching max acceleration, he appeared in front of me and bared his monstrous fangs, giving me no time to react to it properly. My parallel mind barely had the time to order me to dodge the attack using [Evasion].
As I was just standing at the spot, moving my body to dodge the attack in the last millisecond caused me to stumble and crash on the ground. The distance between me and the garm was minuscule, almost close enough for his snout to touch my reptilian face.
Tch, what a monster.
This might be improvisation, but I sure hope it will work here. If hitting him is impossible for me then I need to use a spell that doesn’t require aiming.
Once I had all my legs on the ground, I pushed my tail up towards the garm’s eyes.
My good ol’ friend, Shine! Burn his eyes!
Nice, it actually worked! The garm flinched backward and began soothing his eyes with his front paws.
[Shine] scorched his eyes, probably from the fact that Garms can use dark magic?
[Shine] usually doesn’t do any damage, besides if it is against somebody with an affinity to dark elements.
Well, enough explaining. I need to get the hell out of here, right now!
Guess my [Shine] was super effective. The garm only just now, got back in my sight, so I was able to run quite far away. But I think this is it.
I’ve gone over my mana capacity by speeding myself up and my head is now in pain due to [Mana Stress (Minor)]. I overspent my stamina to the point that [Exhaustion] reached the “Major “state. The only reason why I’m still running is due to [Adrenaline (Major)], literally, keeping both effects from affecting me. Holy crap, I can't imagine the pain I'll be in if I survive this. *giggle*
Verdammt, this is fucked up. I don’t want to die again! If I only had a bit more time, then I would have had a chance to evolve into something strong. I would have had no problems taking care of this damn mutt.
Why have only dogs caused me so many problems? Is the world trying to make me hate them? ‘Cause it's starting to work!
Although, I guess death isn’t the thing I fear the most. I don’t want to fail again. Why do I always fail, when I’m giving it my all? I just want to stand on stage once and perform…
What did I bump into?
…Nein…nei-nein, nein, nein. There is another one!
Name: * Level: 24
Race: Garm
Health: 1753/1753 Mana: 852/852
Strength: 1083 Intelligence: 598
Vitality: 768 Wisdom: 798
Agility: 1689 Stamina: 1400/1400
Title: [Pack Leader]
Information Blocked
Proficiency requirement fulfilled. [Identify Lv. 4] evolved into [Identify Lv. 5]
Scheiße! Scheiße! Scheiße! Scheiße!
Eiiiiiiiiiiee, t-th-this is too much.
Why…why is this all happening to me.
I instinctively stepped backward. I just had to. With a Garm coming from behind and the pack leader blocking my way forward. I know it’s futile to resist but…
I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die!
[Terror (Major)] inflicted on [Young Dragon *]
I sensed the first Garm finally arriving behind me, although, this time his grin was looking a bit pained. T-Tired, doggo?
“Grrrrrr. GRA!”
For some reason, the pack leader decided that reproaching the smirking Garm, rather than killing me, was more important right now. I guess they cornered me enough to act like that. No need to worry, when the lizard is on her last leg, huh?
Once the scolding stopped, the formally smirking Garm sauntered towards me, already knowing I was too exhausted to persist with fleeing.
Stay back...
With the clattering sounds of my teeth acting as the coda for this short life of mine, I shivered backward, my legs felt like they could collapse any moment from fear. My whole focus was pinned on the walking noose walking towards me, so I wasn't able to notice what happened afterward.
I tripped. Yup, I tripped. What a cliché way to die.
There it is. The outro for this final song.
It’s ok.
I died already and miraculously got a chance to live for a bit longer. Looking back on this short life, I did have some fun being a dragon, despite the unsanitary, dangerous, hazardous, horrifying and uncomfortable living environment.
I wish it could have lasted a bit longer, but my wishes tended to never come true, so it’s nothing new.
I wonder, would I have survived, if I hadn’t fought the kobolds? It is a bit ironic that I was treated as a plaything in my last moment, after treating the whole kobold raid as an easy way to get experience.
It’s not unfair. It’s just life.
…I just wish I wasn’t on the receiving end of this luck.
Hmph, seems like the gods put too much trust in me…
Mama. Papa. I’m sorry I disappointed you again…
…Why is it taking so long to die? Am I still alive? Hmm, Holy Protection.
Urgh, oh gosh, a massive headache…but it worked! Wait, why am I not…
*crash, crash, crash, crash, CRACK, thump*
Multiple proficiency requirements fulfilled. [Physical Resistance Lv. 4] [Pain Resistance Lv. 4] gained
Argh, blood. I can taste my blood in my mouth. Oww, I can’t even move my body at all. It felt like I fell and crashed on rocks. Everything hurts.
Modest Heal.
[Mana Stress (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Dragon *]
ARGHHHH! My head is burning. This is…mana stress? My…my mana hasn’t recovered one bit at all?! Why?!
I can’t see. Shine.
ARGHHH! Verdammt!
Urghhhh. Nein! Nein, stop… Just stop. I’m empty. Too much of a headache.
Fuck, why is it so dark. I really don't like the dark. Urgh…yup. Just like I said before; both the [Exhaustion] and [Mana Stress] are coming for me now, now that the [Adrenaline] is starting to wear off.
My body feels destroyed…as if my whole body was just rammed by a truck or something. This is greatest muscle aches; I have ever experienced. Nothing was moving, I can’t even more a single toe.
While I was suffering physically, my mental state wasn’t much better. I believe I have a fever. My thoughts are muddy. It feels like something is screaming in my head, right now.
Would you like to evolve [Young Dragon *]?
[Young Fire Dragon]
[Young Earth Dragon]
Huh? Evo…lution?
Huh? Why are you asking me that now?
I don't have the time for this when I'm this close to death I…wait.
Isn't this…the perfect time to do it? I'm not bleeding, so I won't die…but I'm also unable to escape with my current situation.
No matter what happens, I wouldn't be able to act on it anyway, so why not take this opportunity to evolve. It’s risky but I have literally no other options.
System Voice…I…know it’s ridiculous of me to ask you this, but…
Would you like to buy [Night Vision] for 200 SP? Your current SP is 1900
Uhh. Ja?
You have bought [Night Vision Lv. 1] Your current SP is 1700
Oh, I can see a bit. Not much, but I do feel a bit calmer now. It’s not what I wanted to ask but I won’t be unthankful.
Would you like to evolve [Young Dragon *]?
Back to this? I guess I should ask it now. What is the best evolution choice?
Will you take the default evolution choice [Young Dragon *]?
Is the default the best choice? I mean I could say yes, if you told me what the default choice is.
Urgh, why am I feeling so sleepy now? I need to make a choice. So sleepy…
Evolution choice decided. Commencing evolution of [Young Dragon *]
Hold up, I…
Title [The Light] description has changed
Title [Bearer of Kargryxmor’s Blood] description has changed
Evolution choice decided. Commencing evolution of [Young Dragon *]
Choice denied
Attribute change occurred. Evolution error. Evolution stopped
Evolution options updated
[Young Fire Dragon]
[Young Earth Dragon]
[Young Spark Fire Dragon]
Would you like to evolve [Young Dragon *]?
“…Urgh, I manage to wake up. I need to hurry. Ja.”
[Yes] chosen
Will you take the default evolution choice [Young Dragon *]?
“…Whatever, ja, goodnight…”
[Yes] chosen
Evolution choice decided. Commencing evolution of [Young Dragon *]
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Over 98K views and 1K votes, y'all! TYSM!! >;3*DISCLAIMER*These aren't mine. I found most of them online. :)The pic belongs to yandere-woman on DeviantArt.Enjoy, peeps!!'Shortie :P'
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