《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 61- Where a little quest begins.


“System, what are the rewards for class completion?” I asked the System

You do not have access to that information.

Nope, not giving up so easily

“System, show list of rewards available for class completion”

Rewards for class completion vary based on the class, time taken to complete and focus of the class

I knew it! The System was playing hooky! I can access this information!

“System, show list of rewards available for [The Known] class completion” I said

Rewards for class completion vary based on the class, time taken to complete and focus of the class

…I specified two of three things, System.

“System show list of possible rewards for completion of the class [The Known] under normal conditions.”


List compiled

Inventory contains 257 items divided among the following branches






…that was one big list that compiled basically every kind of item below Grade 2. Only exception was affinities that had Grade 4s like Order at 1-3%.

So, if it was increased I should get access to Grade 2 items? Or was it a specific increase? Like [Greater Order Affinity] would be granted? Though I suppose even with an increase it would at most be minor…

And penalise would put it at less than Grade 1? So only Primal Grade…that would be a great loss. But at the same time I had access to these Grade 1 items already didn’t I? Affinity potions, Skills, even these minor titles could be gained through my family.

So I wasn't really losing anything but was instead gaining access to more items and possibly even bonuses. Perhaps asking the system would help?

“System, what increases would I gain from the quest?” I asked

You do not have access to that information.

…what was with the double prompt? It was as if someone had superimposed one prompt on another, hiding the content below…On a hunch I asked once more

“System, what increases would I gain from the quest?” I asked


You do not have access to that information.

The same. Perhaps it was just the System emphasising? I sighed, it would seem that the decision would be left up to me alone. In the end the decision was easy, I had little to lose and much to gain. Well not much but still more than before.

“System, I accept the quest” I said


Quest SubSystem activated!

Quest gained: Be the first to complete your class this cycle!

Rewards: Increased rewards for the completion.

Penalty: Penalised rewards for the completion.

Quest Card created

And like that I had a Quest Card and a new notification that appeared in the right corner of my eye.


Quest Condition: Be the first to complete your class this cycle!

Rewards: Increased rewards for the completion.

Penalty: Penalised rewards for the completion.

And that was done. Now for the next thing, to get the army ready for the next part of the Trial.


The Realmwatch (The Artefact)

The Realmwatch was utterly astonished by the fact that it had returned to watching the little baby so soon. By its own predictions it would be a long while before the baby set off for the next Trial. And yet it found itself back here watching the baby.

And what did it find? A Quest! Oh of all the juicy things in the multiverse! They were always interesting and each seemed to come with its own little drama. As it watched, the baby tried to find the rewards for the Quest, an attempt that it knew was in vain. If the System wanted you to know the rewards it would tell you.

But the baby did get that noiseless list of things that the System gave as ‘options’. In reality, the System rarely if ever gave rewards from that list. Written in exactly the same colour in microscopic handwriting was the statement- ‘This list is in no way exclusive and the System may offer rewards from beyond the list at its discretion’


It was one of the pranks the System liked to play. But then the baby asked a question the Realmwatch did not expect him to ask.

“System, what increases would I gain from the quest?” the baby asked

As far as the Realmwatch knew, only a few thousand people had attempted the question, getting results from too vague to utterly useless. It had become something of a joke in the Multiverse. At least the parts of it that followed the System’s Path. An ever growing number that showed no sign of stopping.

The baby though received no reply, or rather, his reply was blocked. Blocked by the System itself, for only the System could alter its screens. It was not as if the Realmwatch and many others had not tried to alter them. That was sadly one of the few things in the System that seemed unbreakable.

And that begged another question, what was it about the rewards that had the System act? It could merely be that the prompt would break the norm and be clear or was it something more?

Little by little the Realmwatches interest in the baby grew. But it was content to merely watch, for now.



Trevor, being used to the still plentiful villages of India had presumed that the village of Relun would be little different. What he found however went against all his expectations. Instead of mud huts and thatched roofs stood rock homes and proper ceilings. The houses seemed unadorned but they were in no danger of falling.

“Uncle, if the villagers are so poor then how can they afford to live in rock houses?” Trevor asked

“Why would they not be able to afford rock houses? They are the cheapest after all” Uncle Leanor said

“But wouldn’t mud be easier to source and build with?” Trevor asked, confused at how it would somehow be cheaper to build with rock.

“Mud? Easy to source in this valley that rarely receives rain? The only source would be the riverbed and that would not be enough to provide for the village. And as for building, maintaining the building would be such a chore that it would make building such a thing a waste. It will fall apart in a decade!” Uncle Leanor said.

Trevor had forgotten that to the residents of Launeior with longer lifespans a decade was too small a time period.

“Besides, with Earth affinity becoming more and more common it won’t be long before the rockhouses are easier to build than mud ones. Mud takes more mana apparently.” Uncle Leanor said as we arrived at the village proper.

The village was, as predicted, mostly deserted. Only a few people wandered about and all of them had guarded expressions on their faces. Their hands never strayed far from their weapons and their clothing was noticeably armoured. This was not a village at peace. This was a village ready for war. Good thing we weren’t here to give them one.

Uncle Leanor turned to one of the men and said, “Greetings friend, may we enter to trade with your fair village?”

Huh, I recognised that style of speaking from somewhere.

“You may enter friend. But first you must state your affiliation.” The man replied

“I am but a member of a group of survivors looking to source some food for my group.” Uncle Leanor

“You are not the first to request such a thing”- Suddenly the man drew his sword- “Sadly for you the last person to do so is quite dead.” The man said.

As soon as the man had finished speaking, Uncle Leanor leapt forward, fast enough that I could not track him with my eyes. Seemingly from nowhere, a dagger appeared in his hand and he held it to the man’s throat.

“Are you sure you want to do it this way Nicholas?” Uncle Leanor asked, his tone threatening.

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