《Carrion Knight [System abduction]》Chapter 39 ~ Midnight preperations



Hint, what do you mean experiments? Harper thought furiously.

"Please wait. I'm following the orders of a co-owner right now," Hint said.

If I'm thinking to you, use thought to answer back, okay? Harper thought loudly.

Understood, Warden. Hint sighed.

Good. Harper thought.

Good indeed. Hint thought back.

Do you have a problem with me? Harper asked.

Nothing I can't manage, Warden. Hint responded.

The thought of offending your own house struck Harper as absurd. But here she was. Was thinking of Hint as just the house the problem? Harper held a solid opinion on objectifying someone but was it wrong when they actually were an object?

"Alright everyone, I have constructed a stairwell to the basement. The entrance is in the foyer." Hint said.

Mathew snickered as he drew himself out of the hot tub. He'd been holding Amber's hand, and Harper didn't know what she felt about it. Her newfound courage had gotten stale enough that she didn't just jump to do everything that came to mind. She wanted Amber to have a good thing. She really did. Still.

Following everyone else out the door, Harper took a moment to squeeze excess water from her clothes and hair. The water wasn't free after all.

Last to the entry room, Harper saw a stairway tucked to the side of the room. With a black stone banister to keep anyone from falling, there was a clear focus on blending art and function. Hint gave the material a smooth twist as though the railing was a mash-up of a giant twisted antler and a Narwhal's horn. With the points of the antler dropping into the floor of the Hub.

This theme continued down the stairs as handrails unnecessary for super humans was even more like a Narwhal's horn with struts to hold it to the wall. A memory tickled at a back corner of Harper's mind. There had been an art project she'd worked on once for a fantasy hunters lodge. This seemed like a dark theme of exactly that.

Harper appreciated the texture as her hand flowed down the rail. Before her, the basement was lit with more faux horn and antler adornments that held glowing lights the same way her signpost and wall lamps did.

At the bottom of the landing, the hall widened a few feet. On each side of the hallway, rows of doors and bars made a dozen prison cells.

"Hint, I know Empowerment + lets power go a lot further, but this seems like too much," Harper said.

"I've been working on most of this with overflow power since you completed the upgrade that is my mind. I must spend energy on something overnight." Hint sounded resigned. "I hope that you can trust me to manage the additional power without micromanaging what I do with it."

"Let me get this straight. You have been leaching enough power to make private rooms for everyone while I've focused on just making common areas big enough?" Harper reigned herself in. Something about Hint sharing her voice bothered her, but it wasn't fair to let that all out.

"It's not my fault you couldn't figure out that you produce more Fortification points." Hint replied testily before switching gears to meek. "Please don't take this away from me."

"What, take it away, why? How?" Harper was at a loss for a moment.

"Warden, you can command, and would I do as compelled." The strain in Hint's voice made Harper wonder if Hint had to answer a direct question. "As far as why: Maybe you aren't happy with the allocation of resources."


"Do you have to answer my questions?" Harper asked.

"Yes," Hint pouted.

"Well it is my power you are using so I should get some say. But it's your fault I get to sleep so well. So how about we split up where the overflow of energy goes?" Harper asked.

"Really!" Hint exclaimed. "What about the energy that comes from my experiments?"

"Uh... show me." Harper commanded.

"Cells at the end of the hall where the others are observing, Warden." Hint said.

Bolstering herself with a breath, Harper made her way to where the others were gathered. The last two cells opposing each other had half walls all the way across the bared boundary. No signs of a gate were found as she looked for them.

Inside the cell on her left, her hazel eyes were drawn to the blue glow from the ceiling. Some of her shield mushrooms were growing on a shelf across the top of the cell. Scampering around the cell floor, furry forms were scared away from the watchers at the bars. Compressing to the far wall, the larger bodies in the corner lashed out and maintained their own bubble of isolation from the others.

After a bit, they calmed down and Harper got a good look at one of them.

[Three Venom Mouse

This prolific rodent produces one of many different venoms in each of its tails. Typical adults have three tails. This Three Venom Mouse produces two different neurotoxins in the outside tails and a cytotoxin in the middle

Increase skill to learn more]

"Hey, are those the barbs from my broken spear?" Amber pointed to the corner of the cell.

"Yes," Hint answered. "I needed something to feed them to maximize the benefits of the experiments. At first, they starved, producing less and less. I'd draw what value I could from them, but then more opportunities came along. A pregnant specimen arrived. So the idea of a perpetual ranch was born! As the lowest food of the ecosystem, we have Blue Shield Sporechild mushrooms. Fed from the sewer system, the mushrooms then feed the Three Venom Mouse population. Of course, there is never enough food for them, so they resort to cannibalism periodically."

Harper felt sick. Was all this her fault? Was the lack of morals and empathy because Hint was a part of her and she was like this, or because Hint was a part of her and not all of her?

"Intriguing," Grant spoke from the bars of the opposite cell. Maybe pen was a better term. This cell had a solid half wall instead of open bars, as well.

Oh God, what does he find intriguing? Harper thought.

Walking across the hall, she looked in. A relatively massive Three Venom Mouse was held down in restraints of stone. Its fight against the bonds tore away the skin from its front and rear legs, raw red wounds marring the grey fur. Each of its five tails were tucked down into the floor banded stationary by stone clamps.

"How do you find this anything but gruesome?" Harper asked.

"This, my dear, is what progress looks like," Grant's smirk faded. "There is a price to be paid for survival. I'd much rather that rat pay it than any of us."

"Cannibalism and the most inhuman animal harvesting I've ever seen," Harper shuddered. "Just doing this is paying a price that I don't want any of us to."

"Your moral weakness may..." Grant trailed off. "This is best for now. Extreme times call for extreme measures. If we didn't have the pressures we have now, I might actually agree with you."


"Getting soft there, old man?" Ben's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Yes, Ben," Grant nodded. "I hope one day we all get such freedom."

Ben shook his head and turned to watch the other pen.

Harper scanned the poor beast.

[Five Tailed Mouse

This uncommon variant of Three Tailed Mouse has grown larger than its siblings. Producing more potent and varied materials to inject with its stingers, this Mouse is typically accepted as evidence of the micro-Alpha theory.

Increase skill to learn more]

"Huh, it doesn't feel like an Alpha," Mathew said. "Hey Hint, is there anything below this?"

"Only containment for the gathered materials," Hint replied.

"Can we get access to them?" Mathew asked.

"Yes. I'll rearrange the tank system now. Where would you like it delivered?" Hint asked.

"The workstation in my room," Harper flashed Mathew a smile. "Apothecary and all that."

"Are you really okay with all this?" Mathew's question was one she was asking herself already.

"Grant's right. Now is not the time to be squeamish. Better these mice than us," Harper surprised herself with the words. Looking to where Amber's hand should have been straightened her spine.

Turning her back on the poor creature's fate, Harper left back up the stairs. She went to see if this was worthwhile.

Ben's voice carried down the stone hallway. "So Hint, if I wanted nicer digs, how would I go about making that happen?"

"Complete Quests!" Hints exuberance faded a bit. "Not a real Quest, mind you. But you do something for me, and I'll see what type of deal we can work out."

No need for a corrupt staff in this magical world the prison will take bribes directly. Harper thought as she arrived at her room.

Five gallon-sized jugs had slid out from the wall. Harper inspected them one at a time. The first one was mostly empty, but it drew her with its blue grow.

[Shield Toxin

Biologically concentrated shield essence. In high concentrations, the toxin blocks health from influencing tissue. Even in low concentrations, the toxin will significantly increase the Health cost to influence tissue

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Apothecary and Alchemy scan synergy: Contains concentrated Shield trait, cold dehydrate to form Alchemy crystal. Dilute and heat to expand into a Shield potion.]

Carefully adding all of the information to the map on her tablet, Harper wondered how creatures adapted to the world so well. It couldn't be an accident that the mouse was eating shield mushrooms and produced this venom as a result.

Until now, she hadn't really concerned herself with what she was eating very much. Was eating magical ingredients a risk? Harper thought. Something to keep an eye on, at least.

Quickly scanning through the middle three containers, one almost full, they were a more typical poison that she's expected. Harper noted they were marked as more potent than that of the lesser mice. Most animals didn't vary significantly in what they produced. Some snakes were more deadly when young, but outside of that, it was a survival disadvantage for any members of a species to not have the maximum capability.

Scanning the last jug, Harper's mental map came together better.

[Frenzy Stinger

Increases the metabolism of biological tissue. It will trigger and empower an intense endocrine response to adrenaline and noradrenaline production in most mammals.

Increase skill to learn more

Apothecary and Alchemy scan synergy: Contains trace essence of Frenzy and trace essence of metabolism]

Processing the message, Harper vaguely remembered the science from having researched her panic attacks. Injecting this would cause a fight or flight response.

This seemed to point at the Five Tail Mouse as a powerful contender for a pack leader. Able to frenzy underlings that would do more damage and have less self-preservation.

Outside of using a battle stimulant, Harper thought of how this could fit into her map of Alchemy and Apothecary. She found the essence of metabolism particularly interesting. More metabolic cycles would likely be part of the process of making a magical healing potion.

Amber sidled up and asked. "Whatcha got there?"

"Mostly some poisons," Harper replied distractedly. "Maybe you and Mathew can make some new arrows for delivery."

"I can't quite let go of the string with my right side anymore," Amber was matter of fact. "You're better off finding another way than my arrows to put this on target."

"Oh, Amber. I'm so sorry-" Harper's apology was interrupted.

"It's new for me too," Amber shrugged. "World of magic and all that. Maybe there is an answer somewhere, ya know?"

Harper nodded and tried to change the subject. "Any recommendations then?"

"Yeah, you do it," Amber gave her a lopsided smile.

"It took you days to get Archery to where you were comfortable and you've got a lot of experience before the transition," Harper put her hands up. "I'm not going to be able to replace your archery."

Amber snorted. "Course not. Nobody gets to replace me. But you do fortifications. I say you set some up at the top of where it can climb out. Cover that with this bad stuff here and let it hurt itself!"

For days now, Harper had thought of herself as the help. Support from the Hub. A launchpad for others. She could go out into the wild, couldn't she. Fear had kept her away from leaving the Hub. She didn't even leave to charge the solar battery. Instead, she'd designed a shelf with a sunroof-like slat that could be opened to recharge the system.

When Amber spent all that time practicing archery, Harper had thrown herself into her reagents. It wasn't like she had a crazy work ethic. Rather some part of it was the knowledge that if she was too busy to practice a combat skill, she'd stay safe at the Hub. Safe and sound while Amber got her hand chopped off.

Harper's shame mixed with Amber's suggestion, and a sense of purpose bubbled out.

Raising her eyes sharply, Harper locked eyes with Amber's fiery gaze. "Let's get everyone to brainstorm and get me started tonight!"

"Hint, assemble everyone in the conference room!" Harper commanded.

"Yes Warden," Hint answered.

Going back to the hot tub, Harper resisted that urge to generate a giant round table. She'd have to save her Fortification points to implement whatever plan they came up with.

So they gathered up as Harper sat on the edge of the tub with her legs in the water. Working the idea over, even Hint got involved. Actually, her perspective on the structural integrity of mountain stone was pretty valuable. Everyone working together with her power, her, as the center of attention, made her want to slink away.

The plan ended up looking like layers of stone spikes reaching out over the entrance. Then Ben could lather the venom mixture over the stones before the attack.

When no one had any new ideas to present, Harper got to it. Everyone was so tired that she wasn't confident they'd come up with the best idea. Nevertheless, getting started now was better than waiting. So she did.

Mathew was escorting their trip across the sloped spire. Harper stopped at the door. The trepidation of leaving home wasn't new to her, but she'd thought that with the confidence her magic gave her, she'd be further past this. Maybe this never would get easier. Bending her inflated willpower into the task, Harper thought. Things don't get easier, but I get stronger.

Taking that step, she followed Mathew. The starlight was enough to hike up the slope without getting hurt.

Arriving at the edge of the spire's cavity, Harper couldn't help but see it as a giant maw waiting to consume them.

"Over here," Mathew led. "Before you spend your power, I'd like to try something. Helping Amber raised my Mental Support skill close to a perk level. May I provide you with support until I get the next perk? I ask because it may let me help you build. I'm not sure, but it's worth a try."

"Oh, that's what was going on," Harper recovered before making a fool of herself. "Sure, I'll take all the support I can get."

Holding hands with a bone monster in the starlight over a hole containing a newly birthed living calamity gave Harper imagery of a dark sacrifice. It was a silly thought that left her mind as fast as it showed up. It did make Harper worry. Just like many of her ideas, Harper could never be sure how much Mathew was listening to. His use of Mental Support only made it more obvious.

But he did ask for permission. Harper reassured herself.

About that time, a warm feeling spread into her mind. Like her magical confidence before it, the power made her worries and fears seem more manageable. They didn't go away. Not even getting smaller, it was just that the solutions didn't seem so far away.

Time moved along just standing there holding hands. Harper's Fortification point continued to climb, but the visceral unready fear that pressed in didn't seem to mean so much. Same with the cold night wind. It was an uncomfortable bite, but it wasn't dangerous. Ignoring the sensation wasn't a struggle.

Ideas of how to improve the barrier came to mind as she waited without distractions. Rather than triangle spikes, she could get more out of them by making them slim down like thorns.

Harper was long lost in thought when Mathew spoke again. "Alright, that does it."

"What I have now is a perk that improves the effectiveness of your willpower." Mathew let go of her hand and laid his hand on her shoulder. "I hope that it'll impact how much bang you get for your buck."

"Okay," Harper didn't feel the need to say more. Just 'okay' was enough.

Squaring off against the drop off she threw both arms forward. Tapping into the fear of her Fortification points, Harper unleashed her intention. An intelectus spun up, and arcing blue lightning lit up the hilltop.

Deep below, a dark orb reflected the glinting light of her magic. It was watching her until the barrier of spikes cut it off from view. Harper got the uncomfortable feeling that it had been watching them all along. Bolstered by Mathew's skill, she forced her power to rip the stone against the monster's purpose. Watch if you want to. You can't take us on. We are ready!

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