《Carrion Knight [System abduction]》Chapter 34 ~ Cut and run



Tremors shook the entire Night stalker spire again. No matter how much Hint told her the Hub was not in danger, Harper worried. It wasn't just the mountain face breaking house-sized slabs free under whatever seismic influence the world was experiencing. Everyone she knew in this new world was gone.

She was left behind. Did they have any idea how much she would worry about them? It was a selfish thought she admonished herself for but it was true all the same.

Having put everything she could into preparing their adventure helped. More than a hundred chill powder arrows plus the mirror liquid. What more would they need after their exhausting adventure?

Having grown tired of thinking loud to Hint and quietly to herself, Harper went ahead and installed speakers throughout the Hub.

"Hint?" Harper asked.

"Yes, Warden?" Hint said.

"How is hot water coming?" Harper said.

"Friction heating is intensive work on my part with only slow results so far." Hint's voice was just on the polite side of contempt.

"Hmmm," Harper checked her building intelectus.

["Hub" Prison - valid target

Empower + (4824/5000)]

When there wasn't a need to keep growing the size of the Hub, Harper had focused extra points into the only enhancement she had left. Pleasantly surprised by her progress, she emptied the rest of her power to fill in the rest of the requirement.

["Hub" Prison - valid target

Empower + (4972/5000)]

Not quite there yet, but she'd have it topped of soon.

Another tremor shook the spire the Hub was attached to. Harper had to lean on the wall to keep from falling over.

"What is that!" Harper snapped.

"As I said before, I don't know, Warden." Hint replied.

"I wasn't talking to you," Harper said.

"Who were you talking to, then?" Her own voice asked her.

"Eh, forget it." Harper leaned into the feeling of her empty magic and relaxed.

Leveling up had increased her willpower enough that she didn't feel as much like she had to spend her magic all the time. To keep training, she'd let her power build to keep more pressure on herself. Letting the weight go allowed the muscles of her mind a break.

Recovering from mental exertion was reminiscent of other exercises for her. Rewarding her with muscle burn and a deeper relaxation than you could get without an entire spa treatment.

Taking her relaxed mind to an equally calm task, Harper studied her Apothacary and Alchemy maps. Most of the time, she'd dive into a deep analysis, trying to find patterns and resolve meaning from the chaos. This time she just held the ideas in front of herself and tried letting her mind work in the background.

Slowly her unfocused eyes seemed to be figuring something out. An answer to not just how they slotted together but why they did so.

"Warden?" Hint asked.

The imminent enlightenment fell apart. Maybe it was her imagination anyway. With a sigh, she answered. "Yes, Hint?"

"You should have the points necessary to finish my next upgrade, is all." Hint said.

After finishing the fortification magic, the options changed again.

["Hub" Prison - valid target

Empower ++ (0/50,000)

Hibernation +(0/10,000)

Metabolism (0/6,000)

Reinforcement +(0/2000)

Plumbing +(0/1000) ]

By her memory, these were all just upgrades on earlier options except for hibernation + and metabolism.

"What do you think, Hint?" Harper asked.

"Wow! I'm smarter, faster, stronger, and better in every conceivable way, except humility! Thank you!" Hint exclaimed. "I mean, the world still limits me to being a prison. I can't stretch into the skies and crust of the planet yet. It's only a matter of time, though. I already have the best inmates of any prison I know."


"Uh, we aren't inmates," Harper rolled her eyes.

"Not right now," Hint agreed.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Harper asked.

"Yes, a grand hall and some maximum security cells," Hint sighed wistfully. "Like your cell, but they will only allowed to be awake once a week."

"No, oh my god, that is awful," Harper shook her head. "We need hot water, showers, and laundry just to start with."

Another tremor shook the spire again. A seed of worry took root.

"Can you tell better what that is now?" Harper asked.

"Some. Oh dear, it isn't some fault line or earthquake. This is the percussion of something powerful. Like explosions, happy massive explosions," Hint was as pleased as Harper was worried.

"Where is it coming from?" Harper asked.

Hint answered, "Best I can tell from the spire itself."


Exiting the lab to the light of day, he took a deep breath. Things had shifted. This was what he'd been working for. The distant threat of death changed from a certain era to uncertain perpetuity.

Closer to this moment, danger grew around him. Every second held mounting risks.

Making his way over to the City Hall, Grant opened the door. Stepping inside and shutting the door, he felt for the change in threat. Disturbingly it didn't drop off like it had before when he'd entered the immutable fortress.

Without 4-2 growing into the furnace to power the fortifications, it was only a matter of expending the remaining charge in the defenses. Then the gingerbread house would fail, exposing everyone within.

Ben and Amber were recovering. Grant recognized the absent minded focus on Ben's face. That Ben would return to using his recovery crystal warmed Grant's heart. Meanwhile, Amber cradled her severed hand against its stump, tears running clean trails down her face.

Deep in enemy territory, they should be focused on reality. Grant bit back speaking his criticism of Ben. But he should have told her the truth right away.

He was too valuable to alienate, though.

"Ahem, Amber dear," Grant plowed ahead. "That isn't going to work for you. I'm very sorry to be the one to tell you, but your hand won't just magically stick back where it was before."

"Why should I believe you?" Amber's voice dripped venom.

"Because this time I'm not lying to you," Grant replied. "There may be an option to make you whole, though. We'll have to see if Mathew is willing to share it with you."

"What? Share what with me?" Amber's pained face shifted to confusion.

"I should really let him tell you," Grant pretended to be uncomfortable and indecisive.

"Tell me!" Amber glared at him.

"He can share being a Hybrid," Grant leaned in conspiratorially. "Not just his Carrion Beast Hybrid either. Anything. If he shares the power, we could put any monster hand at the end of that stump for you."

"And what do you get out of this?" Amber asked.

"Why nothing," Grant replied.

"Heh, that's how I know your lying," Amber lay back. "Just go away. We're recovering just fine without you here."

"Things have changed. This whole complex is in danger, and we need to leave as soon as possible." Grant stood to his full height. "Let's get ready to move as soon as Mathew returns."

Ben shuffled to his feet. "My mind is very limited right now, my net seriously needs repairs, all I really have left is stealth magic."


"Regardless, we will need to get past a wall of monsters," Grant said.

"What are you jumping for every time this self-serving jackass calls?" Amber asked Ben.

As a conversation between the two of them, Grant stayed out of it.

"If you want to live, he's the ticket," Ben gripped his crystal tightly. "No one else stays alive, Amber. Not her, probably not you."

A hard edge returned to Ben. Grant hadn't seen it since waking. It was nice to see him embracing what it took to survive this new world.

"He's just using you. You know that, right?" Amber was quiet.

"Yeah. But so long as I'm valuable, he'll take care of me," Ben replied.

Grant couldn't have wished for a better endorsement. Before long, he'd have Amber and Ben pulled over to his side. With enough numbers, they could pressure Mathew into handing over his power. At this rate, he wouldn't have to wait for Mathew to go crazy and die to retrieve the Artifact.

In the meantime, it'd be good for him to earn some goodwill. Reaching into the a hidden fold of his coat, Grant withdrew a finger sized vial with a wooden stopper.

"Here," He shoved the vial at Amber. "We, ehem, need you up and functional."

Adding a few facial tics to his genuine lack of care would make him look like he struggled to stay detached.

"What's this?" Amber didn't sound accusatory.

"That is a health regeneration potion. I only have a vial of the stuff with me, but it's better than nothing," Grant said.

She opened the cap and, after a pause, downed the drink.

"Bleh, I knew there was a downside," Amber's shoulders dropped. "Ah, that is so much better."

"I take it you are in moving condition then?" Grant asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever Mathew needs, I'll be there." Amber nodded.

Of course, she still feels guilty. Grant felt pretty shortsighted. Oh well, all the more reason to use the potion as a bribe, converting her would be an uphill battle.

The door opened behind Grant. Confidence from the lack of threat spiking kept him from turning around. Best to seem trusting or so in control, that he didn't show fear.

"Mathew!" Amber called out.

"I'm sorry," Mathew said. "It won't go back on will it?"

She shook her head, and Mathew gave her a hug. No way his bone armor was comfortable to hug.

After a moment, they broke away from one another. "We need to get out of here. The neighboring Alphas are on their way." Mathew said. "And they are bringing their armies."

"Back to the Hub?" Amber questioned.

"Yup," Mathew said. "Let's go."

Following his armored back they made way to leave the ruins of the Originals. Given the fact that the magic furnace wouldn't be powering the structure anymore, everything would be broken down under the influence of whatever Alpha took over. Grant turned back to the complex halfway up the ramp to the wall.

"Goodby," Grant whispered.

Thinking of all the people who had passed the torch of hope on to him along the way. He'd been so short sighted to try to end his life. The other Originals and the rest of the survivors who came before would not be able to rest in their graves until the work was done. He had too much to live for.

Leaving his old home behind forever, Grant caught up to the others. Mathew turned and looked at him.

"Here," Mathew handed him a binder.

Grafting Magic its cover read.

"Thank you?" Grant responded.

"There never was an artifact," Mathew said, casually as if it was no big deal. "Says so right there."

No. That wasn't how this worked. Doc never let anyone to the Artifact but Grant had seen the results there had to be one. I've seen the Hybrids, helped make them even.

Opening the binder, Grant read the familiar writing of his old friend. Then he reread them. Damn you, Doc.

What now? For once, he didn't have a direction or a plan. Reaching the post above the gate, Mathew opened up his canister of Alchemical acid.

Dripping it down over the edge of the gate the glass beasts that hadn't scattered from the loss of their Alpha died.

It wasn't a fight, it was extermination. As it should be, no honor, no praying for the dead monsters. No mercy. Watching them struggle and die from a source they couldn't comprehend, and those that could understand couldn't reach, Grant thought about his new goals.

Mathew was a Hybrid. Despite the loss of the Artifact, Grant still felt a change in his eventual mortality. For the second time, his death date had been pushed back. Grant could shore up under Mathew's influence while he came up with a more permanent plan.

Using his scan, Grant confirmed the last monster's death. Dropping off the wall, he shifted his free passive power into defense. Landing on the hard stone, his bent knees absorbed enough of the force that he wasn't harmed.

While the others took the stairs, Grant started scouting. Ghosting across the ridges of the black rock dunes, he focused for hidden enemies. Back and forth, him clearing the way was more than twice the work it had been with Ben holding up half the scouting position.

Nearly halfway back to the Hub, he spied their first obstacle. The Field Cat Alpha. It was zeroed in on their group attacking even without its army to help it invade.

Grant clenched his jaw. Sometimes you just had to cut and run.

Rushing back to the survivors, Grant called out clearly, no need to hide. "An Alpha is headed straight this way. We have no chance to kill it. Ben with me, we are leaving."

"Take Amber with you," Mathew said. "I can feel it hunting me. Use the distraction, get away and take her with you."

"Enough talking, Ben with me, now!" Grant turned to leave. As the local threat began to spike uncomfortably.

"No! Not this time, we take Amber like he said, please." Ben begged.

"Hell no! We ain't sacrificing anyone." Amber protested over the top of Ben's pleas.

Moments of chaos where so many critical things collide could be like this. The key was being decisive. Channeling his willpower into his stealth, Grant slipped away from the straight line path between the Alpha and its prey.

Sometimes you had to cut and run.

Ben grabbed Amber and her protests disappeared under his magical veil.

Mathew standing alone, raised his skeletal sword as the Field Cat Alpha bound into view. From the side, a white cannonball slammed into the Field Cat's ribs.

A figure strode out of the woods. Grant rubbed his eyes. He couldn't believe it, she was there. Drawing a blood red saber, she attacked. The train of her dress flowed behind her.

Trading blows with the other Alpha, she beat back the incoming swipes and reposed with her own thrusts. It truly was a fast cat dodging a venomous opponent. Both little more than a blur.

Slinking further away, he heard her voice. That was impossible.

"Run, you fool."

Mathew followed directions and started lumbering towards the Hub. Too close to the Field Cat. A casual swipe and its empowered blow descended to Mathew's armored form. She blocked it for him driving the attack past him.

Taking a powerful blow extended like that was not what the cutlass was made for. Jarred free from her grip, the Field Cat Alpha watched the weapon fly over a dune like edge.

"Here," Mathew handed over his blade.

Using his weapon, she deflected several attacks, but it was clear to Grant that this wasn't her weapon. Before, she moved freely at ease. Now all she could do was stand her ground.

Spiders broke from the tree line and began to attack. While they weren't Alphas, the Field Cat had to respect it.

Well past the point he should have left, Grant retreated. Putting all of his passives except threat sense into movement speed, he left with all haste. Only stopping to pick up the Alphas peculiar blade.

After his enhanced speed burnt through his stamina and left him laboring for breath like the old man he was, Grant again shifted his passives.

Balancing speed enhancement with recovery. This is what survival looked like. Running away and cobbling together the scraps. Not everyone would appreciate it, but this was how the torch of past victories was passed down.

Arriving at the foot of the Night Stalker spire, Grant saw it torn apart. Splits scratched their unsteady lines down the mountain. A great shaking broke more cracks as the top of the spire collapsed inside, leaving a crown of jagged rocks stabbing at the sky.

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