《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 55- Where we see a character return.


“I added water magic to the fire…but it didn’t work…” Carmil replied

“Oh? And do show me what ‘water magic’ you added” I said, this should be fun, I had heard of people adding water, not ‘water magic.’

Carmil made a deep bas e sound, causing the surrounding water molecules to coalesce…and with it all the other chemicals in the air. The idiot was using Air magic and calling it Water magic. How nice.

“That is air you fool, water is different. You added air to the fire that then fueled the fire. The colour is puzzling however. Likely a consequence of your and Arlun’s mana co-operating.” I said.

“Now, how are the two of you casting magic, maybe I can start teaching you how to not burn things sometime today.” I continued

“After I was able to cast the same way as in the nightmare, I thought maybe Carmil could do the same. And he could! Both of us just sing our magic!” Arlun said, trying to sound excited.

“What you are really doing ïs equating the movement of mana as a waveform similar to sound, but music works for sure.” I said

I then went right into my mind to look for a suitable casting technique. Hmm…The Neversong, Foreverend, Loveners, Raiselmore, Fortex and Meisernel were all good ones. I suppose I should just let them choose



“Here are a few options fro the Casting techniques” The Prince said, allowing him to see a list.


A singularly songlike casting technique, it is renowned for many great spells. It is one of the mightiest in existence in sheer power but lacks in flexibility. One must sing a song thus restricting one to only sing a set number of songs they have in memory, it does have great control however.


A destructive technique, it is also extremely powerful, even has a decent versatility as all it asks is that you visualise the act, but it is known for being hard to make non-lethal. It has limited control in all regards and its use tends to require server training.



It is an emotion driven cast that works best when the caster has emotion attached to it.The control, power and flexibility scale with the emotion. I would suggest only learning this as a side casting technique. It is too unpredictable for a main and too useful to not learn.


A cast of want, it revolves around calling upon the elements to do your bidding. It is quite useful overall and is balanced.


A technique that was developed by a swordsman that later became a song caster, it revolves around using the song like a sword, imagining each line as a move. Suitable for Carmil especially


Uses the body as base, it spreads outward in a circular pattern. He waves can be made to change direction to cast the spells. Can be inefficient but is useful in battle. Suitable for Arnul the reckless, at least then he can change any mistakes midway

…And the Prince just had to criticise him? Was he really that bad? It was just one little fire! Well, not that little but still…Though being able to change stuff did sound like a good ability…even if it had bad efficiency or whatever. Apparently he had been dealing with much worse for a long time.

Both Neversong and Foreverend did not really appeal to him. Having one attribute be weak was not something he wanted, even if it meant that none of them were strong. Balance, he believed, was what mattered the most. If his physical stats had been more balanced than he would never have been injured so gravely. There was no way he was making the same mistake again.

If he had to choose he would choose Loverners, it seemed very balanced, and he was sure that he could always summon enough emotion to make it powerful. But ignoring the Prince’s advice was also foolish, it was not as if the Prince was telling him not to choose it. Just to choose another.

Meisernal it was then. Arnul showed his intent to the screen, expecting to gain the information hidden within. Except, nothing happened.


“Your highness…This sheet is not working…” Arlun said

“What do you mean, not working?” The Prince asked

“The sheet is not showing me the information when I will it to do so.” Arlun answered

The Prince sighed as he answered, “ That is because it is not supposed to be doing that, which did you choose? I’ll give the information to you…”

“Meisernal and Loverners…” Arnul said

The Prince then conjured a few pieces of paper and started writing on them. You would think a baby would be a slow writer, he was not. In five minutes the baby had produced a few sheets of paper.

“Here, these will tell you all you need to know about the casting techniques” THe Prince said as he handed over the papers.

The Prince then turned to Carmil and asked, “Have you decided, Carmil?”

“Yes, your highness, I will take Fortex and Loverners.” Carmil answered.

The Prince once more made the sheets of paper and handed them over. Now it was time that he and Carmil started studying…Could they maybe go train instead?

Alforien Arlford

After the two left, I started planning the army’s training. There was no time to learn anything major, no formations, special moves or group activities. It was unlikely they could even get basic training in. It had to be tried though, some of the Battalions were completely untrained.

I had decided that the Battalions would go through a varied training that included Jogging, weapons training…and only that. There was no time for anything else. For security purposes, there would be at least three battalions within the camp at one time and the rest moving in groups of three also.

This made it so that three Battalions always traveled together, making them a harder target. It was still an ambushable target for another army but that was a risk that had to be taken. Now to let the Quartermaster in on the plan and get it running…


Raina (The lady mage in Launeior)

Raina was quite shocked at how quickly things had changed. At first she had presumed that she would be the only one that would be staying with the family, oh how wrong she was. It had not even been a week before others started ‘stumbling’ on the bunker.

It was soon clear that many of the families that lived around the bunker had known about it and had treated it as a secret hideout. Perhaps her family had needed to invest in better hiding spells?

It was no wonder they had been happy to accept her into the bunker so easily. It would have made no sense to deny her when so many knew. Well, at least they did not treat her badly, in fact they treated her almost like family.

It was getting more and more crowded in the bunker however, with 13 families now hiding in it, the Kitchens and stores just weren’t enough. To prepare for the eventual coming of more people, they had chosen to limit each family to a single room. That had been an excellent decision as there had thankfully been no shortage of rooms.

But with the situation in Launeior getting worse it was just a matter of time. And that was if none of the Factions decided to go to this bunker. Otherwise it would be utter chaos.

If there was one thing that everyone in the room agreed on, it was that the factions were scum and should be avoided at all costs. Outside the bunker that was impossible, but it was still doable within these walls. For now.

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