《Children of Nemeah (epic progression fantasy)》Victor's Bounty - Chapter 11


Siegfried idly stroked Haylee’s hair as she laid atop him. They had made love until they were both exhausted and now rested on the towels they’d brought.

It had been different from anything he experienced with a woman before. Passionate and without restraints, yes, but it hadn’t been about seeking pleasure for themselves. This had been about giving and receiving love, and it left Siegfried satisfied and whole like nothing before. He kissed Haylee’s forehead, eliciting a content sigh from her.

“I wish we could stay like this for the night, but we’ll have to get back before everybody starts worrying. Let me up so I can shift again.”

Siegfried furrowed his brows. “About that… you know you didn’t have to—”

“Shh,” Haylee put a finger on his lips. “I know that you accept me either way, Siegfried. But I still think this is my most natural form, and I wanted our first time in human form.” She gave him a lopsided smirk. “Call it sentimentality or whatever— it was just something that I wanted. And apart from that,” she paused, wrinkling her nose. “Wet fur smells something fierce.”

Sieg had to laugh and released her waist so she could stand up and shift into her feline-human form. They headed back to the fortress hand in hand, and the content smile wouldn’t leave his lips until they reached their destination.

Upon opening the wooden entrance door, Sieg found Ryden sitting at a table with a man he hadn’t seen before.

The stranger had feline features though they matched nothing Sieg had seen before. His stature was broad and muscular, albeit a bit emaciated. This wasn’t the built of a silent killer but a proud warrior. A majestic golden mane framed his scarred head, and his voice was a deep rumble when he spoke.

“An honour to finally meet you, Siegfried. My name is Kazarkhou, though you can call me Kaz.” The feline stood up and dipped into a graceful bow— his right hand hovering over his stomach while the left arm hung to his side and ended in a stump at the wrist.

But even the missing limb didn’t take away the dominating presence of Kaz. This man was born to lead. His stance was confident, his feral smile dazzling, and his voice tugged on Siegfried’s soul.


It wasn’t enough to compel Sieg to defer to Kaz, but it certainly felt like more than just natural charisma.

“And you must be Haylee. A vision of beauty just like the rumours said,” Kaz purred in a deep bass.

Haylee actually blushed— her dark-champagne coloured face darkening at the cheeks. She gasped and clung to Siegfried's arm in a startled motion that was totally unlike the confident woman.

Sieg instantly hit Kaz with a glare that would have any human cower in fear. “Are you using an ability on Haylee?” the warrior growled, his shirt nearly bursting from its seams as his muscles coiled in anticipation.

“I am not,” Kaz assured him calmly and held his arms out in a placating gesture. “It is just an effect I naturally have on most people and especially felines.”

“I can vouch for that, Siegfried,” Ryden intermitted. “I have studied the different races and ability holders for a long time, and it was always either one or the other. Either a physical change that is tied to a specific animal or an ability that is scientifically explainable. Kaz is, as far as I can tell, a lion hybrid.”

“Lion?” Sieg asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Something like the king of felines,” Ryden explained. “I never saw a lion, but my mentor Cain mentioned them. They are the only cats that live in prides like wolves do in packs. Typically there are several female lions and only a single male lion that leads the pride. Kaz must be such a lion, and as he is part human, I believe his pheromones changed to affect different species, especially those with a close relation to his own.”

Siegfried still held a murderous glint in his eyes which caused Kaz to sigh.

“I apologise for not mentioning it right away. But I can assure you that this is not some kind of brainwash,” Kaz rumbled. “Female felines are attracted to me, but it’s still their choice if they want to act on it. Haylee instantly grabbed your arm and distanced herself from me,” he reasoned.

Only now did Siegfried see the fierce look that Haylee showed while clinging to his arm. It was a look of defiance and distrust, showing clearly that those pheromones only made her wary.


Despite being in the presence of a male that naturally attracted all females of the feline races, Haylee only took that compulsion as an unwanted distraction.

Following Kaz word, the cat-girl turned to Siegfried, clearly wanting to clarify her feelings on the situation, but Sieg just took her lips before she could get a word out. His eyes softened, and a wordless conversation of trust was held between them.

“Okay,” Siegfried addressed Kaz again, “so you’re the guy who speaks for the rest of your old team instead of Bahsah. Is that correct?”

Kaz straightened. “Bahsah surely is the leader now that we are free again,” he clarified. “She and Kazzhid led our clan to great heights. I was always responsible for holding our people together. But they were the masterminds that assured our victory and kept us in a strong position. I can inspire people, but I can not lead them into battle or organise a whole faction like they did,” Kaz admitted.

“By the way,” Ryden called out. “Bahsah told me the new recruits would be able to take over in three to four days.”

“You are impatient,” Kaz mentioned.

“We both are,” Sieg intoned. “Ryden has a mentor that apparently entered Victor’s Bounty not long ago. And I have my own reasons to make haste.”

“Understood,” Kaz replied without inquiring further. “I assume you need to get to the upper levels?”

“Yes, Bahsah told us we should wait at least until she has the new recruits for this area sorted out.”

“I see. Then we will help you to reach your target,” Kaz declared.

Siegfried furrowed his brow, contemplating the offer.

“We will not take a no from you, Siegfried,” Kaz warned. “You have freed us from endless torment. You even fittingly sought revenge, and I want to thank you for all of us.”

A spark of rage flicked across Siegfried’s features at the memory. “Nothing to thank me for, Kaz. I only followed my own urges there.”

The lion-man grunted in acknowledgement. “Still, you will need us, Siegfried. Proceeding from here, everything is a bit more organised. You can’t just waltz into the area of another faction like you did here. There are rules and obstacles, and you’ll need inside knowledge to make it through. Especially if you have to hide your true strength,” Kaz intoned with a knowing glint in his eyes.

Siegfried glanced at Ryden, who held his hands up in a show of innocence.

“Ryden didn’t tell us anything,” Kaz assured. “Some of us helped clean up the mess you left behind. There were a few silent tellings,” he winked with a grin. “like the wounds that didn’t match the sword you sometimes carry. Or the massive boar man that was embedded in the wall. When they pulled him out, there was a second body smeared into the wood— you’d need the weight of a clawbear to manage such a feat.”

“Hrn, you can trust them, boy,” the gravelly voice of Bahsah guaranteed as the older feline entered the room. “They are loyal to a fault, and those who can still fight are fearsome in battle. I believe Ryden and Kaz were discussing a way to arm our brothers and sisters.”

“You have access to weapons?” Sieg raised a brow. “I haven’t seen a scrap of iron or steel since we came here.”

“No, and won’t find anything like that on the lower levels, “Ryden explained. “There are few who know how to work metal because iron is only found in the mountain around the City of Nemeah. I thought about your original offer, Siegfried. And though I can’t fuse your bones with their bodies, we could still fashion weapons with enamel coating if you are willing.”

Sieg mulled over the possibilities and eyed Kaz with a sigh. “I’ll need a lot of meat if we’re going to try this. Fill me in on your plan.”

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