《Children of Nemeah (epic progression fantasy)》Victor's Bounty - Chapter 8


††† Siegfried †††

Siegfried walked through the entrance of the fortress once again. His steps were measured and goal-driven, his eyes locked straight ahead. The severed body parts of his enemies littered the ground, but he paid them no attention. His mind was lethargic, and he was content to let his body walk on its own as if he was just a passenger, traversing through the long corridors of the building.

Until he stopped in front of a heavy door crafted of a single piece of wood. A sudden wave of dread washed over him like a torrent of ice-cold water, ripping him from his torpid state.

The unlocked door swung open by itself, releasing a gust of foul-smelling air. Siegfried wanted to scream, but no sound left his lips as his body descended the stairs. He tried to turn or at least close his eyes, but he had no control. He reached the last turn and walked into the dungeons.

He ignored whatever creatures suffered in the cages to his sides and focused immediately on the one prisoner that mattered.


His sister was strapped to the angled table in the middle of the room. Her lips parted in a voiceless scream as the bloody stumps of her four limbs wiggled uselessly.

From one second to the next, Siegfried suddenly stood in front of her mangled body. His left hand clutched a scythe of bone that dripped with fresh blood.

"No more! Please, Siegfried, no more! "his sister cried in anguish, tears of blood running from her eyes.

††† Haylee †††

Haylee woke up to the sound of Siegfried's whimper. She had asked for a room right next to this, and though the wall was massive stone, her delicate hearing picked up his voice immediately. She jumped out of her bed and into the corridor as a wordless scream of despair hit her whole being.


Siegfried’s voice sounded so raw, so vulnerable and hurt, that her eyes began to tear before she even reached his door. Fortunately, she decided to stay in her partly feline form as another feline woman was racing towards her from the other side of the corridor. Haylee motioned her to leave silently.

When she opened the heavy wooden door, Siegfried did not react to the sound. He was sitting up straight in his bed, breathing heavily.

Haylee fumbled with the lantern that hung from the ceiling until it lit up.

His gaze was unfocused— his mind still caught up in the nightmare he just lived through. It was the first time Haylee saw him in such a vulnerable state. Even back in the forest, he was at least fully conscious when he woke up.

„Siegfried,“ she whispered. "It's okay. You are safe here. You just had a nightmare!"

His breath was still heavy, but at least his eyes focused on her for a spell. And then they reverted to a glassy stare once more.

"Sieg. I'm here, "Haylee said, not sure how to console him. „Hey,“ she said, cautiously touching his cheeks with her hands. „Hey, it’s me,“ she whispered as she straddled his waist.

Siegfried’s eyes focused on her once more, and he shuddered.

„Haylee,“ he breathed, closing his eyes in shame. „Haylee,“ he shook again with his head bowed.

Haylee would have none of it and lifted his chin to face her. She kissed away his tears tenderly. „I am here, Siegfried,“ she breathed. „Let me be here for you.“

Siegfried wrapped his arms around her, and his muscles began to relax as Haylee stroked his back affectionally.

††† Siegfried †††

Siegfried was still shuddering slightly, but most of the trembling had ebbed away when he embraced Haylee. The contact grounded him, gave him something to hold onto.


He was ashamed to have Haylee see him in such a state. Another shudder shook his frame, unbidden.

“It’s okay, I’m here”, the sweet voice of the beautiful cat-girl assured him.

And it did assure him. Siegfried swallowed the angry piece of pride that wanted to deny him happiness and let himself drown in Haylee’s love.

He felt the cat-girl snuggle her sleek, furred cheek against his, absorbing the last of his tears into her. Sieg held her tight and luxuriated in the feeling of her warmth against him.

Since his sister was taken from him, Siegfried did not yearn for comfort from anyone. He had turned his pain into strength over the years, but that path came with a cost. Even with Bolvar, who gave him a chance in life without wanting anything in return, Sieg never fully opened up.

But Haylee was different. Even if she followed Euridike’s wish, Sieg knew her good enough to see that the survival-driven cat-girl would never sacrifice herself just for anyone. She had sacrificed herself for him once already.

And now she held him in his darkest hour. And her body trembled with sadness at his pain. The amount of compassion in her embrace humbled him.

He laid back down and made some space so they could lay side by side, facing each other.

Haylee smiled happily. “You don’t have to through any of this alone,” she said and cradled his head into her chest. “You are not alone as long as I am here.”

Despite his stubborn pride, Sieg let himself go and wept until exhaustion put him to sleep again.

††† Siegfried †††

Siegfried woke up refreshed in Haylee’s arms. Her sleeping face was exotic and angelic at the same time. She was different in this form, yes. But more beautiful than any human he ever met. She was wearing a long, plain nightgown that looked like an oversized white shirt. It looked comfy and cute, and Sieg marvelled once again how fate rewarded him with the presence of such a beautiful creature. He kissed her cheek softly.

“Hmm?” Haylee hummed sweetly. Her yellow eyes opened, and the pupils shrunk immediately, adjusting to the light that still shone from the lantern. “You good?” she purred sleepily.

“Yes, I’m good,” Sieg chuckled, stroking her cheek with his thumb.

Haylee’s expression quirked up into a lazy smile that warmed his heart. Shoving at his shoulder, she turned him on his back and sprawled herself across his chest. “Good, then you can be my pillow for a while,” she demanded, closing her eyes again.

Sieg chortled as he pulled the blanket over them both. “Whatever you wish, Haylee. Whatever you wish,” he whispered, content with watching her drift into sleep once more.

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