《Adaptive Morphosis : Dawn Break》Chapter 65 - [DRAFT]


I can edit the matrices already so I tihnk that part would be fine, if it was something that created the matrix it might be easier than creating the members or orgns everytime I change the power I want to use in the matrix but not even knowing how it would look show that im not quite there yet in terms of knowing what im doing.

It will be important to put alteranative sources of energy, it wouls be idea if it had some sort of battery or stockpiling and I could imput it to get energy from my body and from electricity and the sunlight, slowly building its own source of energy so I could use some attacks or direct powers in battles.

Dans power not only abosorbed the sunlight but use that energy and the energy from his own body to sloly grow, I can combine that with leds power, wihich uses an amount of energy as a fuel source and make it so its filled by those other sources.

I think it could manifest as a part of my body, I could then combine it with the way victors powers emerges combiend and sychironuzed with the matrix, creating an extension of it into the mutation site.

It would probably be tentacles that I could then manipulate at my will, changin their matrix would then change the tentacles in the real world, i can easily make them act as any thing I copy from victors powers and id probably be able to extend my armors and tranformationt to them as they’d be part of my body.

Okay this is looking good, I’ll go later see dans matrix again to seeeexackty how his matrix tells his body to grow, this will be the piece for making my body respond to my matrix, ill create then a power matrix with all the charachteristcs above and have it slowly grow intertwinined with the matrix, in essense creating a new power for myself.

How far I’ve come huh, this is a huge step forward. I set to meditate again, focusing deeply into the tiniest bits of my matrix, the most profund details, dans powers gre in his palms and earlobes, I could just use the same thing and have mine grow from there.

But why do that if I could be more functional, if theyre going to be like tentacles most of the time, although I should train to make much more diverse shapes with them in the future, then they coming from my back would be prbabyl one of the best placements.

I searched where I knew all my skin grow from and modified my matrix to create tiny nudges of armored skin in places I though would be clsoe to where I wanted to put the mutation eventually

i was doing this to search for the exact place where I would want to put all the aparratus that would give me the new power, I chose in the middle of my back, a mix between a tail and a tantacle between my escapulas, in there it would gave me some range and more option of mobilities and being just one would be quicker to create.


That done I needed to then create the power itself, using my utmost focus and starting from the smallest pieces, it would need at first an extension of my matrix, added togethers with the other alterations to my body. The specific ability I would put there would be to create flesh interlaced with a matrix.

The flesh would need to be carefully told which types of cells it needed to have and in what orders, id be making something similar to a tail, but much more powerfull with muscles to give it range of motion in all directions, if everything worked out I might try and add a surprise at the tip of the tail, if the overall design didn’t get too complex.

For the matrix that would be created in conjuction with it, it would have all its abilities, of acumulating energy from various sources, interpreting the various materials, and plenty of flexibility for me to change powers that I could use with it quicly, mostly close to the base

So I could use it to create the serum or to send buff using the energy it had accumulated.

With the plan made I spent all the free time where I wasn’t training and working out with the others, doing my portion of the chores once a week in the base, or making serums that we’c been ussing to training, designing how the power would look and function.

Frist I had to figure out how to make the initial site, the focus point and what would send some energy to my core from the power, the rest intended to be suplied by the own powers capacitqy to store energy but some of it needed to be given up front.

Something that was interesting and mostrly why this was working was that my matrix was focused in creating changes tom y body, and tha twas eacly what I was doing, adapting myself. My powers didn’t resist these guided changes although when I had bad results it wouldn’t become permanent.

But there was no signs of the core energy refusing to go in this line, that could be because power were intrinsically separated and a mutation power always could function together with a non mutative one, or that the tranformation aspect of the flesh beding was close enough to the initial purpose of my matrix that it happily supplied the energy.

Whatever was the case I was able to finish this part eventually, creating a new area in my matrix, like squibbles in the middle of a masterpiece, my simple lines lay there. distinctive? Yes, of course. but close enough that you could tell it was written from the same alphebet

Next was creating a miniature version of what I wanted, and I wuickly formed a shaky apendage, extending from the middle of my back. But from the get go a lot of problem became apparent.


I touched the new apendage it was really small about two or three centimenter in leght for now and it was already a disaster, made of only the armored skin it was tactless, had no connetion to my nervous central system, there wa sno bones or ligaments or muscles this sure as hell wasn’t going to move.

And then the cells at the tip were probably already dying, as there were no veins or ways to the cells to get nutrients that far out of my circulatory system. All of this I would need to fix before aving something funcitonal.

I sighed, well we gotta start somewhere. What I neede for this was a blueprint. For as much as I knew about biology it wasn’t nearly enough to teach a metaphisical mosaic of fractals how to build a limb.

So I searched in my matrix for whole sections relating to members, my matrix had reconstructed my body whole, and not even once so I thought it proper that it kept some kinda of blueprint around, altohugh it rebuildign it could have to do to resseting it to a previou state or using my dna as the blueprint, it could use something like my memories or my soul for all I knew.

But the lekeliest thing going from how everytihng else worked was for it to have a perfect copy of how my body was construccted here, just so that it could then modify it with the diverse temporary mutations that I could acquire.

And sure enough I only had to change my perspective, as even distance wasn’t completely proper here the fractals had meanings inside meanings so seeing them at different distances granted them differed connotation revealing details about what they encompassed,

going away from the area i was i could see a whoe protion mf my matrix that meant my body, and I focused quiclçy in differetn parts of it, seeing that as i approached at diffeernt distances and different angles I could accesparts that dealt with different things, I recognized a part that dealt with the material from my celss and my healing where I had put rebecas powers, and also matrix blueprints for my bones muscles, and every organ. Every type of cell was described here.

Rebecas pwoers could function on their own to heal into the different cells but wmy power having the blueprint here it oculd direclty redirect them to grow in any way it wanted, which was how it healedd me so quickly utilizing the bluepring in here, changing it in response to the damage and then shoving it into existence again.

In this sea of information I eventually found what I was searchign for, a blueprint for an arm, I was going to use this to test and then as a base for furher modifications if it worked out.

I took a breath, keeping my exitment in check and using my modifed version of davids power to copy this area of the matrix, taking the arm with me I went back to the area of my first experiment, wiping ways my failure from the first time I copied here the arm bluepring in its place, making sure that it still contained instructions to grow from the right area.

All good then. I opened my eyes, wizing at the harsh lights. Blinking away the pain I got up, I could feel in my back the wiggling of muscles and bones as my matrix put into reality what I had added into it.

Reaching my hands to touch the new apandage was weird, even more so because I could feel it. It connected to my brain and my nervoues system and I oculd feel thought it, and what I could tell form the start was besides the strangeness of the new source of feeling a clear disconcfort from it.

It wasn’t sitting right on my back, not in how it conected and not in how it stayed flopped over my back. I tried moving it then but it just twitched at first, being wholly stubborn into moving at all, it wasl like telling your trying to move only my pinky toe, or separate my hand into the star trek signal when i still hadnt learned.

A complete lack of muscle memory, something that I would need to deal with regardlees I imagined, and the disconfort would be fixed as I constructed the actual limbs design. Which I inteneted to be more of a tentacle anyway, having complete rage of motion.

I twithced the limb with more and more force, just trying to move it at all, and it jerked and struggled in the confines of my tshirt, I gave it a final pull putting all my strneght into it and it finally came free, snapping the shirt away and streching fully form my back as I curved forward in effort, the hand strecching as if to grab on air or as if something was trying to claw its way out of my body.

Aaaaahh, I hear the scream before turning in its direction seeing a shocked still swordjuice in the door to the marble room.

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