《Adaptive Morphosis : Dawn Break》Chapter 64 - [DRAFT]


Spotlight was the firts to opt out of the fight, even having fought with the constructs hand to hand with sworjuices cloack until he was too tired. Victor was doing huge destruction to the mechas, rapidly firing away at them and kept a lot of the constrcuts at bay as glassmetal couldn’t fix them as quicl, his battery run out soon enough though with the intensity he was attaking at,

he cursed but decided to keep going using the rest of his shrouds energy to fight the mechas, having to take the attacks he was soon put out of the fight as well though

They had endured dor a really long time much longer than the y would have just awekk before, the new muscles that they all were spornting really helped with everything, the ones who trinaed more were still goingotgether with me.

Swordjuice depyed all her bombs during the fight, they destroyed mid flight most of the time and she ddint bring ones with the strneght to destroy the room we were in again, so when detonated mid flight the mechas avouded most of the damage they would cause.

Even then she fight fiercily agsint them smashing and slashing them away, but the army tha tglasmetal had created was an endless wave, the destroyed pieces that we smasehd form the mechas were absorbed by the gorund and then flowed back into the machines,

But it wasn’t for nothing as now galssmetal was just keeping seven of the constructs, threeto fight me and two to the other two, they moved much faster and well controlled with the directimput of glassmetal I suspected.

It was like fighitn me in a sense, was long as my mind allowed me and my energy didn’t end I would keep going. As long as we stood in this marble room glssmetal ocnstrcuts couldn’t be borugh down.

Of course there were probably a lot of powers that could circunvent most of the defenses he had put into place or just obliterate eveything with pure power, but as it stood now to us he was a n immovable wall.

And eventually after hours of intesen fighting led and swordjuice were figjitn only one mecha eahc, tthey kept a good amount of finesse still in their movements by virtue of being just this much, otherwise I think glassmetals attention was already extremely srtained.

I was still fight three of the marble robots, pummeling them and being pummeled in turn, doing this for so long had strealined my tranformation increasing its effeciency so I wasn’t expending som uch energy even going fightin this long, the repetitivesness of the fight played very well to my strenghts.

While I was receiving almost no damage and only had to heal bruises from time to time glassmetal had to keep reconstructing his mechas, and some of the material wastnt recuperated as it semed at the start, noticable by how the gournd was a couple centimeters lower where we were fightin than in the rest of the facility.


Led and swordjuice couldn’t fight anymore and galssmetal dissolved their mechas in to the ones he ws using to fight bulking the three equally, so now I was fightin some heavy hitters.

He diceded to go all out it seems noticing that we were simply in a stalemate and while that was fine the idea of training is to push everyone.

The mechas started changin them, their claws turning into heavy balls covered into spikes as the gun in their arms disappeared, additional ones forming over their shoulders, even a lens akin to an eye appered in the middle of their roud heads.

That wasn’t for seeing as I discovered as they started spiweing a laser even while still trying to gorge me our with their fists.

My skin scorched and then healed back with the reflective mutation i had made against glasmetals firing a laser at me not too long ago. It scattered the attack back at the marble giants who stayed unfazed at that, only a black mark where the laser pased over to indicate it had happened.

It did gave me a little of energy back, but it didnt stay for long, the laser stopped as the guns afixed on the constructs shoulders started spwing bullets at me in rapid fire.

And so it went, I created tougher armor, he changed the guns to baslts of fire, I made my skin interpret freezing energy a capability I had copied form victors power, cancelling out with the the flame attacks.

When he ttacked with electricity I got a boosst of energy back, while at the same time hitting back at him with a whip of shicking shadow, he learned to not use that particular element.

The fight went on with him changing the wapons at every moment, forcing me to do minute adjustments each time, but i was addpating to switch between this particular tranformations quicker.

His meachs were starting to slow down down, as I felt myself start to get tired, my energy down to about half, one of the mechas dissolved into the floor and he didn’t even bother incresing their sie agin, they kept firing at me, never usgin the same type of wepoan between them.

Our fighted draggen on some more then, at this point I was addapted to defensing any two type of atatcks tha he could throw at me at the same time, it did spent my energy every time I had to change the interpettaion i was using ir recreate my defensive skin that kept gtting hit.

Glassmetal was forced to go down to just one mecha then, it was fighting as well as a person would, even as it sometimes missed attacks or took too long to act, a sign of his mental energy being almost completely spent, fighitn just the one enemy was easier to me though, as I had to addapt to only one type of attack at a time.

Before having to keep changing and addpating I had been foghtin for around two hours, and wasn’t spending much energy at it, my body always in peak phisical condition and being refreshed didn take much energy the same as staying with a tranformation after it happened, I had come a long way from when i got my powers in this area.


Now with the constant changes I had only been fightin for at most another hour and my energy reserves were already dwindling, I don’t think I woud be able to stay ytranforming this much for another half an hour, maybe I could go for another entire one as I was fhgint just one mecha now.

I was contemplating chanign to an evasive strategy, which would work really well against only one oppennt and I wouldn’t need to mutate nearly as much, But galssmetal got completely tired first. the Mecha stopping mid swing.

I had won but I could see that against an enemy stronger or one that I had to change constantly I would be able to fight more than an hour.

A whole hour is pretty good as most fights don’t normally go for that long, but that is me in a purely defensive possition. If i cant take down an enemy with my power, admitedly superhuman, then it was a battle of attrition and endurance all over again.

Every time I wwould be waiting for my enemy to tire themselves before I did or that help arrived for me, because I was purely defensive, once more I need to focus in building my mutations so that I can have some manner of attack power, I am on this road to get to the top after all.


Glassmetals constructs would have advanced fucntions without his imput but basic shapes stayed the same so he stayed in his defensive dome until he himself woke up, getting out of it groggrily some 15 minutes after the end of the fight

We all had stayed around, as I went to talk to the others ones and wait for him to get out himself, we got a good laugh of him statying locked in his ball but it was a good thing if he wa sin an actual figh, although we imagined anytihing that could force him to spend all his mental energy like this probably could get though the dome, it had taken hours of fighiting after all for him to finally pas out.

Gllaemtal stumbled our way and gladly accepted a bottle of water.

Oof, my head is killing me

At least you arent all sore

You barely fought spotlight payback said, he had come to watch us fight after hearing about it, spyglass was here too I noticed

The two of them had decided to also take on the training with the serum, only so that they had an advantage over other people, as long as they kept training so they didn’t lose muscle mass the was pratically permanent, as the modified cells would multiply into modified cells.

This was a really good training led said clapping glassmetal on the back

Yeah man, it pushed even me, I really want to finish those mutation now

I need to work on my powers as well victor said making a fist. Theres sure a lot of ways to grow even more

That’s the spirit sworjuice said bumping his fist with hers.


Dirign the fight with glassmetal my matrix had used the freezing energy and the pure fire that victors power had, but instead of creating them as the materials thesemlves it instead could act like those materials.

It was a part of victors powers, it basically worked with modifications to the silver metal and one of those possible modifications was interpret a material that it had analysed.

It made it possible for me to increase the amount and versatility of my tranformation without compromising the actual form I had taken. The ones I had acces to were plasma, freezing energy, a liquid that caught fire violently and a field that gave a magnetic charge to closeby metals.

It was hard that my matrix would use most of them together with my tranformations as it focused in defending only and only when I was attacked with fire that it thought it proper to cover me in freezing nergy.

But there was something that I had been testing recently, create mutations that would contain powers that I coulsndt normally use.

I had stashed in me leds manifestation of matrix, rebecas serum creation (anytihng else?) and then victors power of interpret, revert, enhance and ?. then integrated in my matrix I had a plethora of ways of identfying other powers and how they worked, from energy tyes to concepts and the powers I had copied along the way.

I could form connections to other powers copy their matrices withoout painstainkilling studdying them in their entirety, I could passively detect attention that was directed to me, I had my cells tranformed permanently into a better version of themselves and I had acces to leds buff permanently. That was it if I wasn’t forgetting anything of course. From dans power I took the light as a new energy type and is where im getting these dieas from

I want to create a mutation thatll be able to use diverse energy sources, be connceted to my biology and allow me to activate it at will, firing some manner of attack.

What im tihnking of trying to do, as a long term goal, is use leds manifestation of matrix and somehow combine it in a mutation that lets me manifest my matrix in the real world,

if it would be as phisical members or not I don’t know but what I want is to put differetn powers into that matrices and be able to use them that way

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