《Adaptive Morphosis : Dawn Break》Chapter 62 - [DRAFT]


It charged in long seconds qhere I just kept my focus, seeing the region already absrobing enrgy, probably bacause I knew there was an attck coming.

The pain came abruptly, almost disrupting myself from what I was doing, but I was focusing direclty at it putting my mind to the sole objective of undersatingn what was going to happen, the moment the pain hit me i culd see the matrix altering itself, in huge ways a familiar tranforamtion springed forth.

Then the pain was gone and i could see the complete tranformation, it a different, way before when I was firt testing my powers glassmetal and victor had shot me with a laser weapon, my power had created a reflexive layer then and even touhhg I dindt have nearly as much experience and breath of powers to analyze the tranformation and my matrix then I could tell that it was differetn this time, much more comples and sophisticated.

it was familiar in a differetn way, and it probably was because it was a tranformation of my skin, mort mutaiton I went though were like that, almost all of them at least initially started with some type of tougher skin, which made sense it was where the attacks came from usually.

I coul tell as well tahat my power could do some much more sophiticated things, this matrix was intricate just like any of the most ocmplex power I had enoucntrerda and it intereacted with my skin in a deep way.

A way that was nt unlike that of dans powers, which was to be expected if were taliking about a mutation, the other times I might ve not realized because i dindt have this piece of finformation,a fter all the sensation to me is minimal, its a matrix in my own body just like all the rest.

It was curious that it didn’t need to be exclty overlaid with my skin as dans matrix in his mutation wre with his body.

I would need to do this more times, even working with my enhanced perpection it was a too brief and quick moment when the tranformation ooccured.

Sometihng that I was glad to of course, it was what kept me alive but it would make this more difficult to work with, Ill try this in second plane while I try to get better at constructing matrices, after all even if i could grasp exactly where to mutate to put the new matrices in place i want to be able to create something well done that conncets with my biology perfeclty.

This coating of skin for example I could tell that it was reflexive and heat resistant, a complex overlaying of solid material that made it reflect light because of its phisical shape in a microscpic scale, and then there was the fact that my matrix made it absorb some of the lights energy, combining that ability I copied from dans plant and his seed pods and the general energy reading and abosobtive properties I had normally.

To make a cooncetion this intricates with the other powers, like leds manifestation of matrices or craeting substances like the metal that victor made or being able to extract properties like seorjuice, I would need to change the matrices to have a biological connected way of acting on the real worlkd through my body and then sending that response back.


I think I can break it down in a couple of layers, first is making or adding to my matrix a component that says, this part is going to develop in this way and be coonceted with that part, and in the body part I create the matrix power and concnet them together. Yeah that’s it.

Lets get to training them I opnened my eyes and told glassmetal about my fidnings telling him that he could rela that I ouwldn call him to shoot me everyday as I wanted to train the other thing fisrs.

But for today he accepeted to still shoot me with different types of weponry as he was already there.


I encountered victor and glassmetal at the lab while going down to the marble room the nexts day, I was pllaning on trainign more how to create matrice pieces that would result in biological tissue in parts of my body but what they were doing seemed in tersting as well.

Vicotr was staining over a long line of different and bizarre wapons as glassmetal looked on slight bored sitting in a bench by the side.

I spproached him to know what was going on

VIctor is analyzing some tinkere weapons we have here, they normally have intersting firing methods of craazy ecnergy sources.

I see, htats pretty cool he analyzised how much already

Hes in the first one glamssmetal said, bored.


Ryah, for three hours alredy.

Jesus, he really can only do this outside of combat



Oh, it’s a flamthrower we have here, mor like fireball thrower. Its one of the best and coolets we have here so he wanted to try that again

Wow, that sounds crayy man, no wonder hes taking that long, do you tihnk hell be able to use it though?

Well, his power should be able to just copy anythin the weapon has that makes it works, even if it is a power, the problem is that tinker powers are fickle things right, don’t it works on just belief sometimes,

Yeah, I hear about it, that the technology is inrepicable., but before I had never heard of powers with matrix right, maybe the tinkeres are imbuing part of hteir powers into their weapons.

Well it works out, it is their powers that are craeting them after all, sometims from scrath. It would make sense

At that victor opneed his eyes, he seemd tired but also happy, so he must have gotten soemtihng interesting from that.

Oh, got someithng then?

Yeah, I tihnk so , he said as he raised the silver liquid to his eye level, mutatint it so it took on the muzzled of the gun on the table a long metal cable filled with holes all menaicng looking.

Hey dont fire that here glassmetal said shooting up alarmed

Hey calm down, I wouldn do that

Oh wouldn’t, it because its you that I am worried.

Sheesh, okay lets go to the testing area

I folowed them to the marble romo just though the door and victor immediately pointed the gun at the oppsite wall, letting it spill out a ball of pure flame,held together by whatever means, it flew in a slight arc, as if it was a baseball trown quite gently


It impacte dthe wall with a wumph of dialocated air and a uge swath of flames painted a huge portio of the wall and floor fomr the point of impact.

Hte flames dances glued whwre they were for a couple of seconsds efore slowly going away.

Pretty cool, it ends quiet equick though right..

Yeah, the duration of the flames is consisten with how much energy you put into it, the original gun had a fixed setting, the original tinkerer probably could modify it as well. But yeah

That’s prety good, but we came back again at a more high energy costs.

Yeah, it’s a shame but nothing I can do , only keep trainign more and more

That’s true. i wonder what ill be able to do with it. I laughed

He glared at me in a show of fury before laughing as well

Ill go copy more weapons, there an ince one that eill give me quite a bit of covarage and felxibility, im looking foward to enxt training session

Grant us covarage you mean

Fucking leech

I laughed, knownig it was witohu heat, and setteld to train myself as well while he and galssmetal wnet back to the lab


The lab was the same when I entered this time toughthere was only victor there, seated in front of yet another weapon, looking at the table it was probably his fourth, unless they had changed the order. Did that mean that I trained for more than six hours or was the time diferent for each weapon?

I decided to wait aournd for him to finish, waintig to know what types of wepos he got and copy the improvements for myself, something that I woudlnd simply pass up on

My own trainign was startgin to lead to results as well as I was now able to create bumps in my skin just from altering my matrix, staritng with the skin because it was something i was used to seeing happenign the most.

This could not seem lke muh, comparing it with the complex and whole tranformations that my power did on its own, ut so was the naure of things. Even the tiny bits that I was able toacomplish now was trough laying down thousand of lines f matrix, creating and weaving a comples networs of shapes.

Victor opened his eyes then, having finished with the wepaons he noticed me and I smiled in gretting

Hey, how long you’ve been doing this?

Oh, for about five hours I tihnk

Hmm,so it doesn’t take as long as the fireball gun for every weapon

Yeah, it semes to be getting less with time, some tihngs areconsistent thoughtut the weapons, probably because theyre all guns that fire projectiles, I only nee to copy the new stuff each time.

Hmm , I see and what di d you copy

Victor smiled in satifaction pointg at the guns as he said what each one was, i got the fireball that you already saw, and then a freezing beam one, that took about three hour as well, then I got a normal energy shots weapon, common stuff, I think its plasma or something and this I just finished with is basically a normal gun, as in the differential isnt the ammunitoon but the gun itself, it gives the ammunition a electric charge.

Ooh rally rounding down your possibilities, can oyu use the electric one at the same time with one of the fancy projectiles,

I can, my power lets me mix and mathc all the different effects if its possible, so its even prettyeasy to do what you said because the componests are on different parts, so I can create agun with the two prey easily.

Now, if I wat to create a gun that combine like two specific types of projectiles then I might have more fifficulty.i tried and wasn’t able to create a gun that combined the freezing beam and the fire shot at all nor the pasma.

But, combining the plasma and the fireball was possible,altohugh at a high cost of energy, i guess it has to do with being the same kinda, like shot vs beam.

I see, is it impossible to get the elemets though, like imbuing a projectile with the frezing effect of the beam

Hmm, I havent tested that, it might be possible, id need to try and do it with a normal projectile, the ones i create myself, another tihng I wanted to test is if i can change them up like I can with normal projectile, making them scaterrgin or more penetrating.

It should be, you just need to figure out the mechanics, I mean the way a phisical bullet change to be scattergin is different from how you would need to change a blob of energy or contained fire to do the same.

Yeah that makes sense, I can probably whip osmetihng in testing and then go tweaking it. If theres a casing of enegy that then explodes it would be easier as that can be more analogue to a bullet, the beam is way easier though, as I can change the shape of the muzzle.

I copied the relvatn parts fro mhsi metals matrix as we talked more about the possiblities, he could make any gun with any of those setting as parts of it, being able to shoot them at will, and of course the invert mod that he was able to put into it as an effect could really be a game changer or take someone by surprise.

On my own side there wasn’t any new interesting materias as all the guns were really made out of metal,

there was gunpoweder there as well and plasma and the liquid fire the freezing analogue to photons and a weird type of magnetic field? Electric field maybe, I really didn’t understand these mecanics, but it would imbue nay metal passing though it with a n electric charge.

these would be much more interesting when I could start start implementing them in more active mutations, thsese would be perfect as separate elemental pieces purely focused on attack tha tcould be matched to other matricces, fow now thoguh I could use the interpereting or acting as power of victors matrix to make my tranformations have the effects of these materials.

Jesus I need to start listing these up.

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