《Adaptive Morphosis : Dawn Break》Chapter 59 - DRAFT


We laughed and left his house making the trek though the forest again, this time without payback who we assured didn’t need to come, the intetion of the training wasn’t to hurt anyone.

It was more about team tactincs and coperatin that was the idea at least, going there we talked about theories on powers, swordjuice keeping to her life force ideia while spotlight said it was mana I interjected conteuntirng their arguments and raising anew possibilities like soul strnghth, but not really ocmmiting or defending any of them.

Led just wast that interested and mostly kept to himself, altohugh he would counter a point where he found a hole in sometimes.

We arrived at the empty lakebed again,everyone stoppping spread apart in a circle.

“okay, today we’ll do the last one against all fight. Now matrix you can take up almost anything but you don’t really go on affensive, so that’s what I want you ot focus on.”

I nodded a tthat seeing his point, my powers werent that geared to being offensive but that didn’t mean that I couldn’t be more proactive in fights

“what are you waiting for then” led asked mockglkily

I shiokk my head puming myselff in my head, just sarting an enganement like this out of nowhere felt weird but well lets go.

I jumped into action quickly vcovering the distance toward spotlight, spotloght for his part wasn’t idle, expeting this exact situation, ehe started moving away even as he tried messing with my ttentiotn

My matrix respondent immeaditely, I knew this, sthis situation this power. And then, I knew what to do.

The trnaformaiton was immediate, my matrix changing the way my attention worked actinveitng the enhanemtn of processing speed so that I could detect meddlign with any of my area of attentions.

Spotlight tsked as it didn’t work anymore and I went for a straight punch, he bloched with both arms, the strike too fast for him to avoid.

Spotloght grunted as he was taken down frowinign in pain

I left him there not going forward with my attacks as that wasn’t rally the point, sowrdjuce was taking her pills and I could try to take her down now before she took it in or more than one or try and make led not able to buff the team as he was quick enough to be already buffed himself.

I decide going for sworjuice was the best option, as the amount of atack power she coild dish out was way higher.

She had finished taking on a pill in the seocnd it took for me to reach her, but I was strking even as her shroud starerd forming all out of control.


I punched directly into it, swordjuice as always having good reflexes blocked my punch from hitting her face, stumbling away from the force, my baseline of strengh was hgher than a normal human and my power always recreated my body in a peak state.

The cutting along my arms told me that the type of energy swrodjuice had chosen was the cutting one, maybe trying to dish out more damage quickly, once again touhhg I felt that sensation again, it was akin to dejavu, and a simply prompted made me equipped in a set of protective scales.

But not only that as it seemd that my experience against other powers werent limited to the type that I had just encounterd, I knew for myself that sworjuice also had explosiong and the blunt force and my tranformation already recraeted me with the under layer of protectiio against those forces.

Sworjuice counter attacked with her good arm, the one she used to block craddled against her body.

I blocked the slash, the strenght enough that it cut into my protection that was better at dealing with actal bladess that could be redirected to slid along the surface.

Eventhen it only left a mark not really that deep and my matrix agitated itself, preening and changing , like color passing trhough a cardume in the sea.

This time it implemented the new adtion of victors powers, making the scales behave as if they were made of metal, even while keeping their felxibility.

I really dindt know if they were made of chitin bone or teeth enamel, not hainvg stopped to analyze the tranformation that oonly occurred in the middle of the figth, it was only a curiosity.

Sworjucie sent my way anotehr barrage of flying cuts as led came from her side, getting close enough o give her an overall buff, sworjuice iimediately tok out anotehr pll

Her custs were doing pratcially noting to me now, and I went ahead to engage her before the new power took effett,

But led jumped in front of her, redirecting my fist to the side, smar of him to not take it fully on. I smiled at him, having fun with the situtation.

I staretd a relentlees attacking pattern as led tried his best to slid off all my attacks, not really being able to, taking some punches, I could see his forearms bruinsing from the constant blocking and redirection of my still like skin.

He disengaged jumping away as seorjuice behind him came forward, ig my guess was right she had been anle to put the two shrouds under her control with leds buff.


She attacked, the energy of the attacks coming forward like a suns coronal explosion, it had the shaprness and the brute force, maing me take a step back

It seemd that like the energies of the same type acumulated when she used two at the same time in the same object, in this case herselfm they also helped each other, evidenced by my cut arms.

The damage healed over, using a litle bit of my energy in the process, I was still in good shape, not really expending much energy with anything untill now. The things that used more energy were refomring my body, large portions of it, and craeting new mutations to resit new things.

Both of which werent happenign in this fight.

I attacked this time, enterign again in contact with the energy, my matrix active as always was totally in sycn with my mind, it was ever weird still seprating it from me so much, for as much as it was my power it was also me. Not a separate part but something that cunctioned in tandem with my mind.

The scales started to shif, my power taking advantage that it could make anything in me as hard as metal to instead of using a slick desing to help take the strengh off of edges investing in a smooth and thick skin, that would resist the impacts that the shroud send while it being metal like would make it more resistant to cuts.

It worked, the cuts she made now being much shalower.

Soerdjuice was frowing as she fought me, realyign heavily in the shourd to preotec herself, led dindt let her fight me on her own, assiting from the sides tryign to haress me into an opening or get a luck attack in.

Really, I couls stand in place and they would be able to do much to me, it was bizerre how strong I was now, and I would just keep getting stronger.

But they werent cmonig down as well, and I had optino to deal with this, now entering an almost flwo state I was copeltely in sycn with my matrix an th emodification it did, feeling hwo it altered my body by altering all its fdifereten apects.

I incresed my muscle mass, bulgind a bit then incresed the density of my bones,.

The eys of the two fghting widekning as my attack redouble in heaviness and force, sendnig htem atumblugin away cradling the arms they used to block.

This expended energy but it was interesting to see that I could direct my trranformations so much while in a ifght.

it was at this luil that i felt spotloght trying to sneak up on me, not having forgotten about the sneaky specialit and habing a modification that made me passively detect any alteration to my attention I could detect when my mind jept slidding of a certain area.

I just rotated thwoign a punch in the direction, feeling spotloghts attenpsts stopping, just as my fist stopped a couples centimeters from his torso, as i wasn’t going for the head in just a friendly brawl.

spotlight had stopped with his arms ups, knowing he was caught.

“yeah, I tihnk that’s enough.” led called as he appraoched me in a slow pace.

“we had no chance from the start spotloght said sighing

Oof matrix you stronger than yesterday.

Yeah, vicotrs power helped me along in a big way, and they still have more possibilities, im at a ponti where I can start branching out with more strategies in a fight.

Yeah I can see that,

Well, from now on its more training, to get used to our powers and to ech other, you have some healing liquid right matrix

Yeha, ive been creating some before sleeping, they can heal people overnight if taken at nigh, but you’ll get purple patches if it heals any visible part.

That’s doesn’t mind, does it he asked the other ones who shrruged.

Even so, lets try and not hurt each other too badly.

Yes of ocurse, it more as an insurance and so that we can fight and train everyday

For that I do think its great I told them, the cells healed by this method are better and stronger than normal ones, so as it should do great as a suplemetn to a hevy training routine.

Okay, then, swordjuice needs to work on her contrl led said, and you can really benefit for pushing yourself with the suplement of the purple healing potions, stronger muscles will help coversome of your stamina and base strneght issued

Swrodjuice nodded at that a determined look on her face.

Spotloght, need some fighitn lessons, your terrible hand to hand. Spotloght only revirou his eyes

And yu matrix, I gues youll want to keep trainign your powers.

Yeah, testing things getting better and faster at making the rght choices in the middle of battles, and yeah, that’s prretty much it.

Good lets go then.

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