《Planetary Cultivation》Chapter 32: An Open Forum


Board – Seeker General

Topic: Open Forum

Posted by: NicoleFiren

April 17th​

The Dantian Seeker forums are now open for general use, thanks IT guys, with edits to the wiki restricted to Seeker members. I’m dropping links on all the sites I’ve been on, please drop links for anyone else as well. Our initial paper and new research released by DARPA will include links to here as we’re sourcing any and all information we can.

Please help everyone by contributing anything you’ve discovered. I’ve put in a handful of things that we’ve seen nearby. You will get full credit for your findings!

Nicole Firen

Lead Researcher

Dantian Seekers

Board – Seeker General -> Weird Stuff -> Australia

Topic: Great Barrier Reef

Posted by: DownUnderWarrior2001

April 18th​

I’d figured by now the rains would have gotten water back over the reef, it’s crazy. If you can deal with the rubble, you can walk out to the reef. That poor coral, even all this rain didn’t keep it alive. Guess it’s just a great barrier now, huh?

Speaking of walking out to it, I was out there yesterday looking for dinner, since a lot of animals seem to have migrated to what’s basically a bunch of standing stone and soft sand. Nearly lost a leg to a crab, probably three feet long. I thought harlequin crabs only got a few inches long? I got a picture of him, hiding in a pool of rainwater. Looks pretty well fed if he got that big. I’m going to have to bring something bigger back to get him tomorrow. I wasn’t expecting crabs like that guy.

This the sort of thing you’re looking for here?

-> NicoleFiren

Replied: April 18th

Yeah! Are you able to sense if it has energy? Can you tell what it has?

-> DownUnderWarrior2001

Replied: April 18th​

Isn’t that the thing listed under second breakthrough? I’ve only gotten one, but I’ll see if I can find someone who will go.

-> DownUnderWarrior2001

Replied: April 19th​

Holy hell. It took a couple of twelve gauge slugs to stop that thing, it actually chased my buddy and me. The shell is hard as hell. Buddy said it had water energy. Almost 3 kilos of crab claw alone though, not bad for one guy. There were a few smaller ones in the pool too, so I’ll keep an eye on the area.


-> NicoleFiren

Replied: April 19th​

Thank you! I’ve updated the wiki under abnormal creatures. If you want your actual name on it, message me.

Board – Seeker General -> Safety -> Asia

Topic: Lava Rifts

Posted by: Forager

April 21st​

I’m shocked your site works. They’ve really been screwing with the Great Firewall out here and they’ve been conscripting people like mad. Your paper basically became required reading and instructions over here though, so congrats?

I live near one of the fault lines, so figured I’d post for anyone that’s worried: the rifts are actually fully cool. I got stuck with a job of carefully drilling into one, about four miles into the rift. (Don’t ask, please.) It’s cool all the way down, at least a couple hundred feet. The lava rock is a weird mix of hard chunks, almost like obsidian, and silt, like it’s been broken up already. Some neat geodes out of it, but they all got confiscated. Here’s a pic of one that got cracked before it was taken. Some weird powder was in the center hollow.

-> NicoleFiren

Replied: April 21st​

Don’t take too many risks if you can? Thank you for the picture! I’m happy you’re safe!

-> CaliSurvivor13

Replied: April 22nd​

I’ve found a few of those stones myself, trying to pick through rubble outside Oakland. Didn’t realize they were geodes.

-> NicoleFiren

Replied: April 22nd​

Oh wow, are you OK?

-> CaliSurvivor13

Replied: April 22nd​

Yeah, after everything stopped shaking and splitting. San Francisco Bay is like another ten miles from us now. San Francisco’s been split in two, too. Really strange. The bay is more like a lake too, but the rains have been filling it back up.

We’re camped out in a tent city nearby, lots of military and soup kitchens out here.

Board – Seeker General -> Dantian -> General

Topic: Breakthroughs

Posted by: NicoleFiren

April 25th​

I’ve been poked by a lot of people about breakthroughs and what do I know about them. Beyond pointing out the wiki where we did upload a model of my dantian and breakthroughs, I’ll post answers to questions I’ve been asked here. Yes, any random trivia knowledge will get formalized and released appropriately to the wiki and other places instead of having to dig it out of replies.


1. What order do the breakthroughs go through?

a. Heart, Sternum, Neck (Spine), Shoulders.

i. The shoulders seem to be two different breakthroughs and I basically accidented into them at the same time. We haven’t had anyone else get to the point of trying for their fourth, so I don’t have further information on it at this time.

b. I can tell there are more, but I don’t know how many/where. There’s been some other people researching how to tell, but since we haven’t figured out how to get a needle through my skin, I’m out on self-testing that.

2. Why are breakthroughs with external energy Dantians more difficult?

a. Internal dantians were built from some internal power people had, we don’t know what that power is yet. External ones use whatever power the Earth has, so our best guess so far is once you get past the Earth’s breakthrough level it’s harder.

3. Issues with Breakthroughs.

a. Please see the wiki entry from the large scale recording of testing if you’re having issues. If yours doesn’t match, I’m willing to help/discuss/whatever to try to figure it out.

-> IrishDantians

Replied: April 27th​

So yeah, your point three? External Dantian here, made it through first breakthrough. I’ve tried several times to make the second one and haven’t been able to. That ‘pool’ you clear out just kept getting sludgier and sludgier, and now it’s basically a brick.

I might have been a little hasty the first couple of times, but what can I do to fix it?

-> NicoleFiren

Replied: April 27th​

One of the people on my team, Melissa, didn’t manage to clear her first breakthrough the first time either. She had to clear out the power she’d put into it the first time before she could clear the actual block. That’s why there’s so many notes to make sure you’re completely full on power before you try.

I’m not certain what to tell you without something to look at though. The only thing I could guess right now is wait until you are completely, completely full to try again.

Private Message

NicoleFiren, IrishDantians

Subject: Bad breakthrough


April 28th​

I don’t know how easy it would be, but if you could get some sort of scan? CT, PET, or fluoroscopy scans have shown the dantian and breakthroughs, so if you get one of those I can make better guesses?


April 29th​

Yeah, I can’t just show up at the hospital and get one of those, and no doc’s going to agree I need one. I have been building up everything I possibly could for the past couple of days and tried again this morning. Pretty much didn’t move. Any way I could just restart the entire dantian/breakthrough thing and try again from scratch? I’ll do it right next time if I can.

-> NicoleFiren

April 29th​

I’m honestly not sure. That sounds dangerous. But I guess no more than anything else we’re all doing with it. If you try anything, please let people around you know so they can check on you, and anything you do please also let me know?

But I’m seriously not condoning just randomly trying stuff, OK? At least put together a plan of what you want to do, let me see it, and maybe we can put more than one head into thought?

-> IrishDantians

April 30th​

Yeah, on my own head be it. I just hate that I may have screwed this up and can’t fix it. I’ll send you something.

I closed the message out and sighed. The forum was quickly picking up users and I wasn’t going to be able to talk to everyone with a problem pretty soon. IrishDantians wasn’t the first person to rush and mess something up, but he was the first to float the idea of trying to restart this. That was definitely a question I couldn’t answer and I hoped he didn’t do something even worse to himself.

But even if he just took his power away from himself, what was the worse thing? He would have to restart? Maybe not be able to do it again at all? It wasn’t like losing a limb or something.

I paused at that. I’d gotten used to the extra power myself already, would I like to go back to ‘normal’? No. So that would suck. Hopefully he’d at least outline what he wanted to do and we could bounce it around here too.

How would you restart it anyways? It’s not like an external dantian had issues with the rings you could purposely fail to repair and have collapse, like an internal one.

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