《A Terran Space Story: Academy Days》Chapter 28: Spring Break Conclusion


Wednesday. 11:00 Mansion Pool

John, Thomas, Andern and Kevin just got back to the house. John was wearing similar gear except this time it was a mixture of bright yellow and green colored. Alice pinched the bridge of her nose when she saw him. She swore he looked like a clown.

“Alice, I’m telling you he rocks those outfits. Everyone compliments him.” Kevin shouted over at her.

“I don’t get golf at all.” Thomas said.

“HOLE IN ONE BITCHES!” Andern shouted.

“Shut up.” Theresa said.

John just shook his head. “This asshole bladed a shot on the second hole. It didn’t get more than three inches off the grass and was like a laser right at the god damn pin. But appearances don’t matter when it comes to aces.”

The four that didn’t go golfing came over and gave Andern congratulations. John went up to the bedroom and changed into some gym clothing. He was going to get a workout in. On his way back downstairs, he saw Andern in the kitchen and fist bumped Andern for the achievement.

About an hour and a half later John had finished his workout. He was sore and hungry. Alice and Theresa were making lunch today. Fish tacos and a zesty salad were on the menu. John was the last one to the table, but he started with the salad. Salads weren’t his thing, but it was a lovely salad according to the girls. They added some crushed walnuts in the salad to add some crunch to it which was a nice touch. The fish tacos themselves were very tasty. He didn’t know what fish was used but it was cooked to perfection.

After lunch John went upstairs and changed into some swimming trunks and hopped in the pool to relax and give his muscles some time to heal. Theresa and Alice went for a walk. Andern, Thomas, Kevin and Nathan went for a run along the hiking path that was behind the houses.

Jessica walked over to the pool, sat down on the ledge and dipped her legs into the pool.

“John, can I ask you for some advice?”

John knew what was coming. “Sure, fire away.”

“I’m sure you know what’s been going on.”

John nodded. “Yup, a whole lotta nothing.”

“So, what would you recommend?”

John didn’t want to give any advice to Jessica. Mostly because he had already talked to Andern, and he knew more than he should. John was playing with a stacked deck, and it wasn’t a level playing field. It didn’t help that this wasn’t exactly his area of expertise either.

“What do you want? You need answer that question first. Do you want to be friends, lovers, something casual? Without an answer to that first then you’re just going to spin your wheels.”

“I really do like Andern, but I’m not sure if it should go beyond friends. I’m not sure I want a relationship or can even handle one now. Basically, my family messed with my head growing up.”

John shook his head. “So, if I was in his shoes I’d want to know where I stood. From my perspective the question ‘Do you want to be with me?’ leads to three paths. Rejection, Acceptance, and I need more time. The third is basically a continuation of the current dynamic.”

“So, you’re saying I should just be honest. What if I just don’t know.”

“That’s effective answer number three, and its ok if that is your answer. But doesn’t he have a right to know where you stand?


“He probably assumes it. But if that’s the direction I want to go that means he could reject that right?” Jessica was looking worried.

“Yeah, and it’s his choice to walk away from this too. Put yourself in his shoes. Would you want to be kept waiting without knowing the answer to the question?”

“No, that’d be pretty selfish and petty to do. Would it be alright to just stay friends?”

“If that’s what you want sure, but again you need to tell them that. Not saying that isn’t good.” John sighed. “There isn’t a right or wrong answer here. Only you can answer what you want.”

“I’m just worried that I’m not ready for anything serious and then he might find someone.”

John looked at her. “You can’t have it both ways. There’s a risk that could happen.”

“But if he finds someone else.”

“Then that chapter would close but another would open and be yours to write. Do you think the two of you could be friends if you strung him along without giving him an answer for a year or more?”

“Things would likely get weird or hostile right? How is it that you guys made it work?”

“That would be my assumption. It just worked I guess.” John shrugged in the pool. “We made that first leap, then worked together to keep getting closer after that. But the important thing was we made a decision and ran with it. It’s ok if you don’t want a relationship, but you have to accept that your position is effectively rejecting that person and they may not be a romantic option for you in the future.”

“Thanks John. I mean it. I wish I grew up in a normal family. My dad wanted nothing to do with a daughter and my mom only ever wanted a lesbian as her daughter.”

“You were dealt a bad hand for sure. I really do wish nothing but the best for you. Speaking selfishly, I hope the end result is that things don’t get awkward and you two are still friends after you two have a serious chat. Good luck in whatever you choose.”

John had the distinct feeling that Andern wasn’t going to like the answer Jessica was forming in her mind. But it was clear that Jessica wasn’t ready for anything serious. The only thing he could do is answer the questions he was asked truthfully and provide his take on things. Andern was ready for a relationship but skittish about asking the question. Jessica wasn’t ready for a relationship but seemed willing to ask the question.

14:00 Smoker

John had the smoker fired up and had four chickens cooking away. It’d take about two and half hours to finish them. He was sitting in a chair with his legs kicked up on another chair upwind of the smoker. Andern walked over, John reached into the cooler for a beer and tossed it to him. He also unhid a small humidor with the best cigars he had brought with.

“So, if the look on your face is anything you got rejected.” John pulled out two cigars and handed Andern one. “You’ll need this too.”

“Yeah, but I figured this was coming.” Andern was dejected as he sat in the chair next to him.

“Well shit. I know you liked her in a way but still sucks to have your heart broken like that.”

“This happen to you?” Andern took a sip from his beer.


“Of course. And to answer your next question, I got over it by focusing on activities and then looking for someone else. Nothing ever said it’d be easy to find anyone to date.”

“Yeah. She said she’s not ready for any relationships and it wasn’t fair to ask me to wait for her to make a decision.”

“Well, that’s a mature stance. So now you got two paths open to you. Wait for her or move on.”

“Easier said than done dude.” Andern looked defeated.

“Of course, you’re in a sort of mourning right now. That decision shouldn’t be made today. But that’s the question that you do kinda need to answer in the near future. But hey, life goes on and you’ll be ok. Plus, you did get a hole in one today jackass.”

“Yeah, hey I meant to ask; how many do you have?” Andern puffed on his cigar.

“Nine.” John answered nonchalantly. “Plus, I have three double eagles, one of which being an ace too.”

“Naturally. Dammit, I thought I was going to beat you at something.”

The friends laughed and enjoyed a couple beers together. Andern’s spirits were obviously low, but he’d bounce back. When the time was right John was going to give a hint to Andern that Kristin was interested in him. He had found that out by accident when Kristin was practically eye humping him during practice up at the station. Wouldn’t be appropriate to start being a wingman tonight.

Dinner that evening was a pretty simple affair. Carrots, green beans, smoked chicken and a salad. They finished the last bottles of wine that were at the house and the debate over John’s golf attire continued. The four guys made plans to golf again in the morning. But that would be it for golfing until the weather got nicer and they had some free time back in Annapolis.

20:00 Campfire

Alice and John were sitting at one of the fire pits at the estate. Alice had found out that Jessica turned down Andern. They’d still be friends but wouldn’t be more than that. John had to remind her that while she wanted the two to be an item, it wasn’t up to her. And ultimately Jessica either didn’t want or couldn’t be in a relationship then. Why that was the case didn’t really matter that much.

“So have you thought how big your fantasy wedding would be?” John asked.

“Oh my god. I wrote a paper all about it in high school.”

John started laughing. “Of course, you would.”

“But now, I’m kinda thinking something a little less ostentatious.”

“Now I’m curious, how much smaller is this wedding?”

“Well before there’d be like almost a thousand guests and like fifteen on each side of the wedding party. But now I think something more intimate would be more fun. Like one or two hundred guests and five or six in the wedding party. What about you?”

“Well, that second wedding but scaled down a good bit more from that would be ideal for me I’d suppose. I could be convinced for something that big.”

“So would I be presumptuous to ask when that may happen?”

John smiled and gave her a kiss. “I’d like that to happen sooner than later. But that’s a couple steps beyond where we are at currently. But I’d say under three years is a solid bet.”

The couple watched the fire and continued chatting about their future together.

Thomas and Nathan were trying to cheer up Andern with alcohol. It was working but the three of them were way past the point where one gets sick from overindulging. All three would come to regret their actions that night.

Friday. 15:00 Mansion

Andern went golfing with John and Kevin that morning but was looking and feeling very rough around the edges. John very nearly set a course record that morning. Both he and Kevin also nearly made aces but being close only matters in horseshoes and hand grenades.

John packed up and shipped his golf clubs back to where he had them stored. The rest of the morning and afternoon they relaxed, swam and started to clean the shared spaces. John and Alice got a good workout in before dinner as well.

The bad news that everyone received was in an email before dinner. Their flight had been changed from 12:00 to 04:00. This was a punch in the balls that no one needed or wanted. It basically meant an early end to the trip. But as John had told the group, all vacations eventually come to an end. It was time to head back to reality.

Dinner that night was basically a smorgasbord of leftovers to clean out the fridge. Spirits were generally up. Everyone was feeling great after the week they’ve had. Conversations were centered around what they could expect from classes until the end of the term.

John went upstairs and began cleaning up the bedroom. Alice came up shortly after and began helping him. It didn’t take long for them to finish up. The two then headed out to the patio area around the pool and began helping Thomas and Nathan clean up the area and put things away.

Within an hour everything was put away and tidied up. John arranged for a pair of cabs to be at the house at 01:30 to pick the group up. He implored everyone to set alarms and get some rest.

Alice and John retired to their bedroom and went to bed. Cleaning up seemed to sap a lot of their energy. Sleep was exactly what was needed. They had a great trip. Neither were in a rush to head back to the academy, but it was time to get back to reality.

Saturday. 03:30 Savannah International Airport, Delta Lounge

Coffee, cappuccino and espresso were drunk in excess by the group. Everyone weas exhausted and none too pleased about getting up that early. John had just come back from the bathroom when the attendance notified them that boarding was about to be called.

“Good god, it is entirely too early to be awake.” John was tired but mostly awake at this point.

“So, anyone going to put a bet on when John’s gear shows up back home?” Theresa asked as they walked out of the lounge.

“One hundred bucks on being dead ass last.” John said deadpan like.

“That’s a sucker bet.” Thomas laughed as they walked down the jet way.

The group got settled into their seats on the plane. When the plane got up in the air everyone except John got some sleep. He was researching some mutual funds to move some money into. He also began reading a book he needed to finish for Command Tactics.

The group woke up a few minutes before the plane was on its final approach. They were the first ones off the plane headed down toward the baggage carousel. John told the first four to get their gear to head back, no sense in waiting for him. And true to form John’s bag was the second to last to be made available to pick up. A loud “FUCK” was yelled when he picked up his bag. Alice, Kevin and Thomas couldn’t keep straight faces and started laughing.

Sunday, 14:00 Dorm Lounge

John and Andern were playing cornhole in the lounge. Everyone else was out running errands, sleeping, or working out. Those two did that this morning so were already set for the day.

“How ya feeling?” John asked.

“Well, I’m fine. Truth is I was expecting this answer. But it still feels like I got kicked in the nuts. It is what it is right?”

“Soooo, what do you think of Kristin?” John figured now was as good a time as any.

“Anderson from Platoon Four?”

“Well technically she’s in our platoon these days. But yeah, she’s the one I’m referring too.”

“Cute, smart, doesn’t tolerate fools lightly. Saw her kick some dude’s ass for getting handsy with her roommate.”

“She your type?”

“I mean aside from her being able to kick my ass, yeah mostly.” Andern stopped and looked at him. “Wait, what do you know?”

“What, I don’t know anything.”

“Bullshit, out with it now.” Andern wasn’t throwing the bag until he got an answer.

“What, I don’t. But maybe you should talk to her.”

“Because you know something?”

“Because maybe you talk to her? Remember that whole risk-taking convo?” John just shrugged.

“What about Jessica?”

“She said she wasn’t ready right?”

“Nah, she said she couldn’t get into a relationship with me.”

John winced, that was a little harsher end than he thought it was. “Well, a decision was made. I mean I wouldn’t rub it in her face. That’d be rude as hell, but her saying no to you doesn’t mean you can’t go out and live your life.”

“I got Tactical Operations with her in the morning. I’ll try and sit next to her or lacking that talk to her.”

John gave him a thumbs up.

“Dude, you look weird as shit.” Andern shook his head and tossed the bag.

“Jackass. Ah man. I am not ready for classes again.” John shook his head. Andern laughed at John being the whiney one of the group.

The group eventually got together for dinner that evening. Afterwards they hung out in the lounge. Alice and John played a few games of cornhole. She had a hard time admitting to John how fun the game was. Alice showed some pictures and video she took of John and his golf outfits trying to convince John that he needed to change his clothing when he went golfing. Three out of four cadets said he rocked it. Eventually she just came to the realization that everyone else but her was insane.

And with that that spring break was over. Alice was confounded by her lover’s absolutely insane choice in clothing attire for golfing. She gave up with the argument and just said she wouldn’t try to convince him he looked goofy. She retained the right to laugh at him though. John just shrugged and showed her some other color combo’s he had but she hadn’t seen yet. The group had another day to get well rested before the last part of the semester. The next six weeks would fly by.

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