《The Empty Valley Cries Unheard》Extra 2: Love Carrot


Extra 2: Love Carrot

I heard of this neat method from my friend. If you're too embarrassed to buy onahole or your parents prefer you hiring whores, just buy a big carrot. Put it in the secluded part of your fridge lest your mother would use it for tomorrow's soup.

When your parents were away and your siblings were asleep, take out that big carrot and defrost it a bit. Carve a hole through it, until it's depth were a bit longer than your penis. Needless to say, if you have a short penis, it'd save the trouble. This method was preferable for short and small penises.

After that, heat up the microwave until it's about enough to make it comfortably warm. In my experience, around 30 seconds should be enough; no more than a minute.

You know the drill.

Stick your dick in and enjoy the pleasure. Feel free to let out your seed into its orifice.

...but when I tried it, the carrot got pregnant the next day.

Glad I lived alone. Now I was wondering what kind of baby would it produce?

If you're not looking forward to its baby, don't forget to use condoms if you're cautious, or just feed liquid contraceptives to it.

Learn safe sex practice; buy your own carrot right now.

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