《The Empty Valley Cries Unheard》Isekai are (the) shit


Chapter 32 : Isekai are (the) shit

So you died one day for being run over by truck. That was unfortunate, so as an apology, the gods offered you a new life, where you'd get run over by the truck again.

After that, your next life would be of a truck driver.

The next on after that you'd be the truck.

After that, you'd be the truck's mother-in-law.

What happened after that? Don't ask me.

Isekai stories are shit because there's not enough trucks in the story, although they're the ones who caused it in the first place. Better yet, if the truck end up dead and became the MC. Especially to atone for its sins of not getting enough screen time.

Isekai stories are shit because they call their powers 'Cheats' but the user did not get condemned for abusing it to become the strongest. Was this a single player game? Just call it a 'Godly Power' instead!

Isekai stories are shit because beastkins got treated like shit, the women were always there to be the objects of rape. Step up your game and describe the scenes of the men getting raped too! I'd also like to see humans get treated like shit by the beastkins and sold as their slaves in exchange!

Isekai stories are shit because they were eternally stuck on medieval Europe, why didn't they set it at Renaissance Antarctica?

Isekai stories are shit because their only goal was to beat Demon King, but what they did were chasing after lolis. I prefer if their goal was to beat up lolis and chase after Demon Kings.

Isekai stories are shit because only the girls got pregnant. I appreciate gender equality so please give us stories about the men getting pregnant.

I appreciate the extensive development of romance of female leads with other girls or males, vice versa, but I need the story about a genderless protagonist chasing after the love interest who have all genders. Besides, this was Isekai anyway, was there any need for it to be so hung up with Earth's logic?


Too many of those world were like Earth, as we knew, the best planet was Namek.

The magic systems were all similar; I wish for actual magicians like David Copperfield and Harry Houdini to kick their ass off. Or simply pray for The Nameless One to fire a Mechanus Cannon and delete their entire world.

Swords are overrated and overused; we all knew the ultimate weapon are Bricks.

Dragons are also overrated as the ultimate beings while rabbits were just regular animals. The truth was otherwise, Monty Python could testify.

Isekai are shit because you cannot perform a mass murder by writing a joke in their own language.

Isekai are shit because you cannot jump on top of buildings by riding a bicycle.

Isekai are shit because you cannot delete someone by talking them to believe they did not exist.

Isekai are shit because you cannot create someone from nothing by lying about your own name.

Most of all, Isekai are shit because they cannot change the nature of a Man.

Which was apparent, even though it was shit, I kept reading it anyway.

Alright, let's start again.

You were ran over by a truck...

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