《The Empty Valley Cries Unheard》Yuri Planet - Part 1


Chapter 28: Yuri Planet – Part 1

It was one certain day. A point when I felt the loneliest ever.

I returned from work and saw couples everywhere. There's even a pair of cute girls holding their hands and blushed as they faced each other. As I stared at them, they immediately gave me a creeped out look.

It was a given, to them who were about high-school years, seeing an uncle like me would naturally bring out those feelings. Before they could call the police, I went on my merry way. Thanks for the treat.

My steps became heavy as I entered my apartment.

I was really lonely. My face wasn't exactly ugly per se. It might as well be quite handsome, but even as for now, I couldn't seem to get a girlfriend at all. My work was really busy and when I came home, I immediately played games, watch anime, read the manga and light novels—something like that.

I had no motivation to pick up girls as so far I've concerned, no one was interesting enough for me.

Maybe if I was a cute girl, it would feel good to date another cutie. Playing dress-ups together, eat sweets, drink tea and discuss chicken and egg.

Wait, the last part seems a bit...

In any case, my main source of predicament was a mental sickness.

I love Yuri a lot. To the point, I'd like to imagine myself as a girl and romance other girls, a really fluffy and cute kind, sometimes stupid and childish. I'd like to imagine myself as a beautiful and elegant Onee-san kind with a voluptuous body or a flat loli that's such a cinnamon roll. Sometimes I even made them be a futanari, a girl with both genitalia attached just so I could imagine having a different kind of sleazy time with them inside my delusions.

Me, as the Onee-san type, start with a sisterly bonding with my also voluptuous, twin-tailed Chuuni younger sister. How I use the Chuuni excuse like training to hold hands together, hug her tightly in bed, take baths together...end up doing pro-wrestling in her bed every night.

It might creep you out big time, but I was really helpless. I could not even talk to a psychiatrist about this matter since it was so embarrassing.

To top it off, my interest towards a 'normal' romance between men and woman already went poof.

It went to the extent when I saw a romance anime, instead of thinking how fluff was the relationship between the female and male lead, I started to imagine the female leads romancing each other.

It was especially wonderful if the girls hate one another; it was a recipe for even more burning love. They loved the same guy but it turns out, their hatred was a form of denial of their repressed desires towards the other party, even if they're both girls.

Sorry about that, I was really helpless today and I felt like dying.

Work was truly boring and I couldn't help but fill my head with perverted thoughts all the time just to keep this drudgery from killing me inside.

As I closed the doors to my apartment and locked it, I immediately lost all energy and collapsed on the floor.

It took me everything just to take a quick warm shower and finally slept in my bed. I felt damn tired and depressed; gaming could wait 'til next morning since it's day off anyway.

For now, I just want to sleep early.



I didn't know if this was a pleasant dream, but when I regained consciousness, I found myself in a dark room and I could feel the loss of something beneath.

The dream was very strange.

There's only a pitch-black darkness. My chest felt rather liberated compared to my expectations. It didn't stuff my clothes at all. Judging from the fabric, it was a kimono or so.

There's something twitching in the top of my head as if alive, plus there's also the soft, fluffy feeling on my butt like there's stack of pillows; the furry thing seems alive and I could move it at will.

As I tried to get up, my head bumped into a hard object.


My voice turned into a loli's.

It was all soft, high-pitched and gave me a mushy feeling. That was enough to alleviate the bit of pain in my forehead which made me felt as if the world was spinning around.

I notice I could push this 'ceiling' aside. Exerting a bit of strength to move it aside, my hands manage to shift this stony object, revealing the beautiful visage of night.

In the sky, twin moons could be seen, one white and the other was of bloody crimson. Both were at its full moon phase. Countless stars filled the sky—it seemed to congregate around the two moons. The moon and stars painted the night in a plethora of colors, if I could see this loli's face right now, her eyes would be glittering you want to take her home.

Speaking of which, where was I?

As I lifted out the stone object covering the place I was sleeping—after getting myself preoccupied with the skies--I notice I stood in a peculiar garden with various kind of exotic grassy plants surrounding me. The place I slept in looked like a stone coffin. To my left and right was a stone platform with a majestic looking nine-tailed fox sitting atop it.

Behind me was a huge boulder with some words I couldn't read at all. It glowed as the moonlight shone upon it. The entire back area was enclosed so I couldn't walk further.

I stepped out of the coffin and put the stone lid back. Even as I was barefoot there seems to be a patch of fur covering the soles of my feet—it was even comfier to walk compared to wearing a sandal.

The fur didn't seem to be visible as my feet looked exactly the same as a human's.

There was a road paved with stones, to my left and right were various trees which emitted strange light upon the moonlight's fall. The trees let out multi-colored balls of light and it all gathered at one particular area within the distance.

The roads stretched for long until there was a tall and wide wooden archway. Standing atop it was a wooden fox statue. The arch had a signboard titled:

'Sacred Shrine of Immortal Fox Deity'

I unconsciously swallowed my saliva. As in 'Immortal Fox Deity' did that mean me? Did I somehow end up in the body of someone incredible when I was dreaming?

I didn't walk much, I just stepped outta the coffin and my eyes could see the text from far away.

I notice, nearby the coffin was a small pond. With no rivers around it seem connected to an underground stream. As the moon shone brightly upon it, I could clearly see the visage of the skies. At first, I was intoxicated for a moment because the night was so pretty, but my curiosity to see what I looked like took more priority.


When I glanced at the reflection, I couldn't help but lost all my breath.

There was an incredibly beautiful fox girl. She had a silver hair which shone with elegant luster, with a pair of animal ears on the top of her head. Her glimmering amber-colored eyes let out a magnificent glow, as staring at its reflection made me imagine sinking gently to the sea of gold.

The loli fox wore a white-colored kimono with intricate floral patterns and its sash was of golden hue, with a carving of a nine-tailed fox in it.

Yet, the fox girl's expression was....I couldn't put into words--she let out such perverted smile and I couldn't help but laugh. The fox girl on the pond's reflection also let out cutely giggles.

As I calmed down, the fox girl's expression also returned mild and she gave out such a warm smile. I couldn't help but felt my cheeks burning. So cute...

As the fox girl also heavily blush, it truly made my heart beat so fast...calm down, it's not like a loli fox wants to confess her love to me.

It's just a reflection and this was inside a dream. I was sure when I woke up, I had to prepare for the same old boring work.

I let out a sigh and the girl's expression also fell.

...this, was far too realistic to be a mere lucid dream. Moreover, this loli fox's expression was just too fun to watch.

Speaking of which, when I twirled my side, I saw bundles of nine fluffy tails. It's like my butt had lots of soft cushions attached. When I concentrated my mind a bit, the tails began moving on their own.

Ahhnnn...those movements healed my heart.

Before I woke up, I need to mofu mofu! I started by caressing the animal ears on the top of my head. I also had my own human ears but even with two pairs of hearing apparatus, I heard things like usual. Well, somehow I was also more perceptive but it's not by much.

Touching the animal ears, I felt the comfy fur brushing against my hands and my ears also felt a bit of ticklish sensation, but it's great.

Maybe being a fox girl was great since you could enjoy the mofu mofu on both sides.

Next, I lay sprawled in front of the pond and extend my tails. It was a silver-grey colored fur and the size of each tail was quite big especially compared to my small stature. I reached my hand to caress it.


S-so good...

The fur was really soft, I could slide my hand back and forth for a long time without getting bored. At the same time, rubbing my tail felt like I was fondling my sensitive parts or so. In addition, I also saw the treat of a loli fox moaning and making ecstatic expressions while going tail-fapping on the pond's reflection.

Just as I was going into cloud nine, I felt the presence of someone from far away and immediately retracted my hands.

...must stop the mofu mofu.


The figure came to view, with fast, blinking movements she appeared right in front of me.

It was a young girl with black-hair reaching as far as her shoulders. Her appearance was also top notch with those massive racks which seem to desecrate the homely shrine maiden outfit in white-reds that she wore.

The shrine maiden held lots of talisman paper in both hands. On her belt was a wooden bow, with a quiver loaded with engraved arrows on her back.

"...ummm....is it me you're referring to?" I was still kinda lost it since I seem to drift in the state of orgasm after the mofu mofu.

Hearing my reply, however, the shrine maiden immediately kneeled down.

"P-pardon my insolence, my name is Mikoto. I am the caretaker of this Fox Deity Shrine...."

"No need to be so polite."

"..but, Kohaku-sama, you're the Fox God who had lived for more than a thousand years and blessed this nation since it's founding. After being secluded for so many years...this foolish me who should be more pious were so insolent to not receive you properly. I am ready to atone with my life."

I began to panic as the shrine maiden began to take out a short sword and pointed it at her neck.

Me? More than a thousand year old? In seclusion for many years? I couldn't care less about that—I don't want this girl to throw her life away for such silly reasons.

"Oi...oi. Don't be rash. I don't even know who I am or why am I here. I just woke up in this place without any memories. I may not be your Fox God at all. For now, please put the dangerous thing down and let's talk slowly."

"...but, you couldn't be anyone other than Kohaku-sama. That dreamy silver hair, blue eyes—that kimono and most importantly, your nine tails. Only a Fox Deity that had lived for a very long time could have nine tails."

For a moment there, the girl seems to have a hint of lust when she looked towards me.

She might be the same kind of pervert as me. Was she also a Yuri girl?

Since I was revered by her, naturally I didn't want to ruin her fantasies.

"Errrr.....but I talked like a modern person, right? When I use pronouns, I didn't even reflexively use 'waga' or 'onushi' or something like that?"

"Well, that might be true but...Kohaku-sama. There's an explanation—while your body was in seclusion, your soul might have been inside the body of a modern human and you lost all your memories upon being reborn in their body. That's how your speech patterns began to drastically change upon your soul returning. As for now, you inherited all of their memories and forgot your original one."

Did she mean, I wasn't a degenerate otaku in the first place but a fox girl?

Though, I didn't tell everything right away since after all, I've just met her today.

"More importantly, Kohaku-sama. Please lend us your powers!"


"According to ******-sama's prophecy, the moment that the twin moons were in Full Moon phase, the Moon Beast Dragon would emerge from its slumber and wreak havoc. Only the Immortal Fox Deity, which is none other than Kohaku-sama, could defeat it. I originally wanted to go towards your shrine to awaken you but..."

Who's *******, the High Priestess?

"How am I supposed to defeat it? In the first place, until yesterday I've always been a normal human!"

"I believe in you, Kohaku-sama. Please go and defeat the monster!"

Just as she finished her words, a violent roar of a dragon burst forth from above!

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