《The Empty Valley Cries Unheard》Cute Girls doing Cute Things


Chapter 26: Cute Girls doing Cute Things

This was a story of three high-school girls.

Their names were: Chinko, Unko, and Manko.

All of them had an adorable face and pretty features.

Chinko was the tallest and the boyish one in the group. She had short blue hair and always wore oversized clothes since it felt comfy for her. She was the one who paid the least attention to fashion, but when the girls did a makeover, she was overflowing with girl power so much the other two could only cry. Her figure was stylish and her cup size was also the biggest, I think it was an A cup, the same with her school grades.

Unko was the rich girl of the group, with natural wavy blond hair with drill-like ends like your usual ojou-sama. She was short, petite and love wearing gothic lolita styles. Her appearance was of a soft and fluffy loli but she like lots of shounen/seinen things and she especially loves to eat ramen and curry. Rumors that she had a vacation house with the shape of a curry bowl and her helicopter were similar to a UFO. Her height was 198 cm.

Manko was the normal girl of the group and the easiest one to approach and make friends with, but for some reason, of the three, the boys asked her out the least. For the other two, they rejected them all since both Chinko and Unko prefer girls a lot more. Manko had shoulder-length black hair and average physique but her face was top tier, like the Empire State Building.

I think she just got out the mental hospital not long ago. I knew because I was on the bed beside her, although I've been there a bit longer I got discharged a bit later.


Manko's hobbies were of a typical normal girl, like staring at the wall and talking to imaginary friends like Cthulhu and Tinky Winky so let's just skip it--

"Hey! Don't just ignore me right away."

...among the three, she was also the one who didn't stand out that much.


Hey, don't cry. Please don't cry alright?

"Te...ach? You know what it means when you make mai waifu, Manko—cry, right?" Unko went full yandere just now.

"I'm not your waifu! Besides, we're both girls!" Manko went all ballistic; forming a fist and flapping it around like a penguin.

"Ah! That classic line which marks the flag of a forbidden love, I, Unko, has unsealed the cursed mark in my right hand and continue the conquest of my past life—ooof.."

While my brain seems to short-circuit at her chuuni talks, Chinko smacked her with a paper fan.


"Er, girls? I really didn't understand what this club was about. Even if you want to make me the advisor, it's not like I was a teacher here. Is this even legal?"

Chinko re-adjusted her hat and said in a cool tone:

"Teach, it's not like you had to be the teacher in here. You just have to fill in for us."

"...so it's like a ghost-advisor, huh. Alright, so basically, what did you guys do?"

"What if we don't wanna tell you? As you're not our teacher you couldn't force it outta us anyway. If you report to the staff room, they'd kick you out and probably throw you in a jail." Unko started yammering while embracing Manko.

"I don't wanna know then."

Later on, I regret staying with them so much, getting thrown into a jail might be much better.

It brought me so much trauma, all I could remember was, even dropping a soap in the jail could be considered pleasant in comparison.

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