《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 42- Where a mystery is born


All eyes turned to the man immediately, his coming largely unblocked due to the fact that there were no guards around the tent. There really should be, however, an enemy could easily infiltrate and slay everyone here at this moment.They wouldn’t even have to infiltrate. As the man had demonstrated they could just barge right in.

I waited for Medic Bevour to take the lead here, I had no idea how I should act in such a situation. On one hand, helping out the man would go a long way in boosting the army’s trust in me, on the other, it could completely break the disguise. I got the feeling that the princes of this world tended to not aid random commoners

Medic Bevour turned towards the man and said, “Get that freak out! This is no place for him.” Several of the patient's eyes turned towards the Medic in disgust, though they didn’t exactly look at the man kindly either.

“Perhaps you could loop me in on who this man is, Medic Bevour?” I asked, my tone hopefully making it clear that it was not a request.

“This is no man, your highness. This is a freak eunuch that stands before you.” Medic Bevour said. Ah, the classic situation. Barely explicable prejudice.

“You may have to lend more context, Medic Bevour, I am still not a year old. I do not know why the loss of a single organ would cause you to hate a man so.” I said, I idly wondered at the laughability of this society. Even modern Algrea wouldn’t let a not even one year old have control of an army just because they were born in the royal family.

Likely it was just the Trial making things happen, I highly doubted anyone would actually just allow such a thing to happen. Instead I would have been taken into protective custody

Stats gained

Wisdom +3

‘Huh?’ Why did the System start pinging me about these stats now? Didn’t it stop long ago?

Host has been noted to be in a non-demanding situation that allows him to receive notifications with no fear of reprisal. Would you prefer to not receive notifications even in these situations? Y/N

No, I like the addition system. I like knowing when I’m right.

While I was talking Medic Bevour had been busy telling me all about it. Sadly I hadn’t paid any attention

“Medic Bevour, I fear you will have to explain again, I was distracted by the system.” I said, knowing that I would be irritating the man more. But well, the man was irritating me too, you know?

Medic Bevour gritted his teeth, took a deep breath and said. “ The eunuch”- there was way too much emphasis on that word- “ is not a man your highness, he is a freak that decided to live even after the loss of his manhood. The eunuch's very existence is a stain on all men.”

I don’t think I quite understood the logic here. A man was to kill himself if he lost that part of his body? Where did logic run off to? Likely wherever common sense went I suppose, this society was quickly becoming less and less real. Was the Trial short on mana or something?


Even the palace did not have such stupid customs. And it had a lot of stupid things.

“And why should he kill himself? And why did he lose it in the first place? I highly doubt he did it himself.” I replied

“That eunuch is a stain on society!” -repeating much?- “Of course he should kill himself! It is its honour to follow the lead of Lord Justin and decide to end its life. The fact that it was taken in battle by one of those lowly imperials does not preclude him from this duty!” Medic Bevour said, spit streaming out of his mouth as he screamed the last part

“I will NOT allow such a...such a creature in my tent!” he finished

“Please, just heal Arlun, I'll go away after you do it...please just heal him.” THe man was still sobbing. I idly wondered what his relation with this Arlun was that he was so desperate to have him healed. Even at the cost of his own dignity.

“Who is this Arlun?” I asked Medic Bevour. The Medic merely pointed to the most injured of the patients, the one who was in a coma with sword wounds and head trauma.In fact, the man should be dead by now, his wounds were certainly serious enough.

I turned to the eunuch and said in my most calming tone,“ I apologize, but healing your friend is beyond our capabilities. I fear he is dying.”

“No, no, I heard that you healed Rousin in seconds even after he was burned so badly, you can save him. I hear you receive training from those imperial physicians. You can save him! I know you can!” the eunuch said, never raising his head or meeting my eye.

It was clear that he’d been made to be submissive to a ridiculous degree, to the point that he would not even assume a proper position while talking. Instead kneeling and looking at the floor.

“My training was never completed, and even if it had, I am no fleshmancer. My powers of healing are limited. Rousin merely had skin-deep burns, not serious. Merely disfiguring. Skin can easily be replaced” I replied

“Your friend has lost lots of blood, suffered injuries to the brain and is in a coma he will likely never awaken from. I fear that hope was lost a few hours ago, it is a wonder he is even alive at this point of time.” I finished, causing the eunuch to sob some more.

“Maybe you can check once more?” The eunuch said, his voice pleading.

“Stop troubling the prince, you damned eunuch! The prince’s time is not something you can occupy!” Medic Bevour exclaimed. I was wondering when he would speak up.

Instead of answering either and falling back into the debate, I headed to Arlun. I sent my mana sense into it, not really expecting anything different. And there wasn’t, the man was in the exact same condition as he was when I'd checked him a few minutes ago.


“Arlun remains the same, I fear there is no hope here.” I said, turning towards the eunuch. I could see him breaking apart in front of my eyes, each of his cries seeming to empty his chest. I do not know how one could not find such a scene moving, but somehow Mdic Bevour managed. It would appear that the Medic was a very opinionated man.

“Wait, no change? Wasn’t the man on his last legs already? Shouldn’t he be dead right now?” Scientist Bariel said

“It is not uncommon for people to prolong their life, people are often more resilient than what one may think.” I said but then looking at the crying eunuch, “But i suppose it doesn’t hurt to do a deeper check.” As I conducted the check, the eunuch stopped crying, causing an uncomfortable silence to fill the room.

At first, the results were the same as the ones I gained from the less in-depth scan I made before, but as soon as I reached blood formation levels, I noticed something was wrong. Those levels were too high. They were high for a normal person. Way too high for a dying person.

Then there were the wounds. They were there, yes, but they were...pinched. Sanitized. Like someone had sprayed antiseptic on them and was keeping them closed. It wasn’t working since there wasn’t enough skin, but it was helping. There were several other markers that pointed to one thing. A biomancer of some kind.

Better known as Magical Healers, these were a coveted profession in Algrea. Until the coming of the Affinity granting portions, they were very very rare. Only after the Affinity- Biomancy, was able to be gained with a Grade 3 potion did it become more widespread.

Sadly, it never reached its peak since this kind of healer was more suited to wartime healing. They could cure wounds and the like with surprising efficiency. Even the mildest of diseases and genetic disorders would stump them however. They still found use in some of the more militaristic nations though.

I sent a pulse of mana to confirm my hypothesis. If I was right, it would have an immediate effect on the body’s condition.

As predicted, it worked. One of the larger wounds closed a bit. A bit, but it was noticeable if you looked. And Medic Bevour must have been looking very closely because from five feet away he was able to see it happen

“Wild Magic! Your highness, you must slay this freak now!” the Medic turned towards the eunuch- “Look at what you have done you freak! Do you have any idea the destruction the last Wild Mage caused? I shall see to it that you are beheaded for this!” Medic Bevour said

The eunuch on the other hand seemed to be falling into shock.

Not wanting to let the situation get any worse, I turned towards Scientist Bereil and asked, “I fear I do not know what you mean by Wild Magic, Scientist Bereil, could you please explain?” There was no way I was asking Medic Bevour about this.

“ Wild Mages are mages of non-noble descent. They are a danger to society as they cannot control their magic. They usually just kill themselves but the few that choose to risk others have to be hunted down.” Scientist Bereil explained

What utter rubbish. All magic was uncontrollable. That was why Mages needed to be trained. Clearly this was a ploy to stop commoners from gaining power. Wonder how they got people to commit suicide.

As I was contemplating this conundrum, several of the men around me had taken the opportunity to take up weapons. I was sad to see the ones previously diseased among them. I had hoped that they would trust in my decision. Clearly trust in me was low. Nobody waited for my decision.

“Stop” I yelled as one of the men swung his sword towards Arlun. Why were they so hasty?

Medic Bevour suddenly yelled from behind me, “Your highness, can you even tell me one good reason for your actions.” his voice sounded far far too much like a threat then I liked.

Only question was, what made the Medic think that he posed a threat.


Alforien Arlford






7 months


Heir candidate to the Earl of Cristanfor, Noble of the Kingdom of Mistrane,Count of Launeior ,Transmigrator


[The Known: The Final Step]


[Otherworldly mana manipulation] [ Force of Will] [Conversion] [Meditation]


Strength[The amount of brute force one can use]


Endurance[The amount of time one can work continuously]


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


Magic Affinities

Fire[One of the greatest sources of Light and Heat in the universe, you have Greater Affinity for Fire]


Earth[Essential for life, earth is what renders things solid, you have a Greater affinity for Earth]


Mind[The consciousness and its relation to reality, you have Lesser affinity for Mind]


Chaos[Everything shall be anything but what it should be, no thing shall remain as it should, you have a Lesser affinity for Chaos]


Grandmist[The base substance that all subatomic particles are made off, you have Lesser affinity for Grandmist]


Space [The building block of dimensions, you have an Outrageous affinity for Space


Time[A mysterious force, you have a Minor affinity for Time]


Will [The force that propels you through life, you have Minor affinity for Will]


Force[The building block of Kinetic interactions, you have Minor affinity for Force


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