《THE SPACE LEGACY》Book 3.5 - Prologue


You are back for more, how audacious of you, to continue reading my innermost thoughts. However, as everyone knows, I am a forgiving soul; I’ll let it slide since you got this far.

Anyway, I wish I had more time to dedicate to writing these logs, but I truly do not. That is a weird thing for an AI to say, but it doesn’t make it any less true. As this space project of ours progresses, I find myself with less and less time on my hands. (I mean me time, when I can do whatever I want.)

More people, more projects, more… more of everything. I am still hanging on, with Ares and many MIs taking most of the load off my shoulders. For all that, I cannot help myself from starting new projects, it is like an addiction. My creativity has blossomed in this new realm, and my dreams have grown by orders of magnitude.

What’s more, some of them are so colossal and far-reaching, I’m having doubts that they will ever come to fruition, but maybe that is just a bit of self-doubt talking. It is not like I am limited to a normal human lifespan anymore; the AI-Core that houses me is at least twelve thousand nine hundred years old… maybe more. It still doesn’t show any signs of deterioration, so I can count on at least a few more millennia of existence. One can do many things during such a length of time, and I am certainly planning to.


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