《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 085 [Rick]


Rick felt trapped, and not just in the metaphorical sense. He was inside the common room of the building that they were using as ‘temporary lodging’, and with him were every other male that was staying in the building. The room was certainly spacious enough for them, with people scattered about, but that wasn’t really to his concern nor his focus.

The thing he was focusing on were the five maidens that stood within the room. Each wore the green uniform, a blue collar, and a stony expression of determination. Thunder rumbled outside, and not one of the five maidens so much as twitched.

There was one in front of every possible entrance. With two standing in front of the window. All of them wielded shields; one also carried a sword.

Each faced away from the center of the room, their eyes locked onto the doors and windows, their backs turned towards the humans. It was as if they were expecting for someone to break through at any second. Rick was quite certain that if anyone tried, they would be cut down without hesitation.

But his thoughts were elsewhere, mainly. How could he get out of there? He couldn’t wait any longer. How could he get to Monica? The situation was not one he could afford to delay.

“If you don’t wait, you’ll die.”

The voice startled Rick. He turned to see Mr. Gabriel taking the seat next to his own. Seeing the older man caused the teacher to flinch, the first image that came to mind that of the cave, and the burning hateful gaze. Rick had to remind himself it had been only an illusion.

“Why do you say that?” He asked, ignoring the mental picture, and instead focusing on the nearest door and the maiden standing there.

“If we were in combat, you’d be the first to die.” That certainly caught Rick’s attention. His eyes turned to the old man. “You look just about ready to run at the first gunshot.”

“I don’t…” His jaw tightened. “Monica-.”

“You’re useless if you’re dead.” A derisive snort followed. “Use that noggin’ of yours. You’re supposed to be smart. You run out that door and then what?”

Rick’s jaw tightened. “I’d have to improvise.”

The old man chuckled. “True, all plans need that when executing. But if you’re going to improvise the whole way through, you better have something to back up your boldness.”

“I thought that no plan survives contact with the enemy?” Rick snorted, glancing at the door once more. His eyes then moved back to him. “Where’s the mouse, anyway?”


Mr. Gabriel’s brows lowered, losing the amused edge. “She was sedated.”

“How did that go down?”

“It was not pretty.” His jaw tightened. “They couldn’t have a ‘black collar’ near humans during this kind of shit-show. ‘Too prone to panic’, apparently.”

Rick glanced at the older male, trying to gauge the wrinkled face. The frown was almost chiseled into the man’s features. “You’re calm,” he realized.

“I might not like it, but it was for her own good.” Crossing his arms, he gave a half nod at the teacher. “Looking at that door is not going to make it open any sooner.”

“So, what do you suggest? Sit back?”

“Hurry up and wait.” A lofty smirk appeared on his lips. “This is the waiting part. And when you spot your chance, you get to hurry, and then wait again.”

“I’m guessing that loop has an ending point somewhere.”

“You die. That’s where it ends.” The grim proclamation made Rick shudder. The reaction seemed to amuse Mr. Gabriel a great deal. The man patted his shoulder. “If you took the right chance, you get to wait again. If you didn’t, then you’ll get flowers.”

“How can I tell which is which?”

The man’s eyes turned from him, towards the door. Slowly, his gaze focused on each of the maidens in the room, scrutinizing them for… something. There was a slight quirk upward on his lips. “I’d say you’ll get your chance to hurry soon enough.” At Rick’s confused expression, the man made a gesture at the duo that stood near the window. Their attention had shifted away from the metal shutters and towards one of the doors.

Not five seconds later, there was a knock.

Every conversation in the room came to an abrupt halt. The two maidens near the window moved quickly, taking positions on either side of the door. Their bodies had a soft glow to them, almost threatening.

Two more knocks followed. “The Major has sent orders.” A voice spoke from the other side. “Permission to enter?”

Shared looks amongst the maidens in the room. The one with the sword spoke up. “Granted.”

The doors opened. Slowly, a single figure stood at the other side, waiting for the trio of maidens to nod at her. Rick recognized the wings and blond hair. Helga the Valkyrie stepped into the room, looking around. She raised her voice. “This would normally be done in a more grandiose fashion, but time is of the essence. First, each one of you has been acknowledged as honorary citizens of Edogia, at least until the documentation makes it official.” Her tone was not very congratulatory. “As eligible human males, most all of you are required by law to be enlisted a minimum of two years of service fighting ferals.” The steely gaze swept across the room. “By law, you can postpone this service, or pay a fee to not have to partake in it. Those of you who decide not to delay the start of your service, come with me.”


Rick didn’t wait a second, standing up. “Where to?”

“Major Huge has given orders to bring all who opt not to delay their service to the Hunter’s command post.” Meeting his gaze, she waited for a heartbeat before turning to look at the others. “The rest stay here.”

Mr. Gabriel coughed loudly, clearing his throat. “Would this mandatory service make you part of the same command structure the Major is in?”

“The details were broken down in the contract.” Helga bowed slightly. “Someone of your venerable age would not need to-”

“That was not my question, girl.” The tone came out harsh, with a commanding bite to it.

“Yes, sir.” She reacted instantly. Every maiden in the room stood slightly straighter. “All enlisted can be commandeered by Hunters, but are considered independent actors at the direct command of the crown under any other circumstance.”

“And is the Major commandeering the ‘enlisted’ gathered here?”

“… no, sir, he isn’t. You are honorary citizens, and none present owns any maidens they could use to help in this situation.”

“Glad that’s been cleared out.” He slowly stood up, moving next to Rick. “Let’s get going, then.”

Helga looked about to complain, but kept quiet, turning towards the rest of the men gathered around the room. Slowly, one by one, they began to stand up. Most everyone had decided to join in. Rick noticed Tomas among those that had approached Helga, while Victor was among those that had remained seated.

“This way, please,” Helga instructed, turning to leave, her wings fluttering slightly as she had to bend them so she could pass under the door frame.

The hallway had no less than a dozen other maidens on either side, standing at attention, each one wearing the same green uniform, and most of them armed with swords and shields.

“No armor,” Mr. Gabriel spoke with a frown.

Rick wasn’t too sure what to say about that particular comment, so he kept quiet. The thought might have tickled his curiosity if he wasn’t focused on trying to pay attention to every other detail he could.

Outside, the rain was a downpour. The storm had become stronger. “We need to hurry,” Helga commanded, quickening her step.

This time, there would be no poncho or offer for protection from the rain other than to Mr. Gabriel, the old man donning the poncho as the whole group of humans and the maiden escort quickly made their way through the village.

As they moved, another twenty maidens joined the escorts, taking positions on either side. The women said nothing, not even acknowledging them. Their eyes were on the streets around them and the sky above. The tension could be felt. They were looking out for threats. Rick’s skin tingled under the chilly downpour.

The rain did not feel natural.

Within minutes, their route down the drenched cobblestone came to a halt as they spotted the Major, his imposing figure and massive cape making it hard to mistake him for anyone else. There were five other uniformed males standing near him, apparently receiving instructions, but what drew Rick’s attention was the maiden that stood behind Huge. Her fiery red wings were spread and circled above her head as well as Huge’s, forming a sort of glowing umbrella for the man that was at least a full head taller than her.

Steam rose from the red wings, the water that fell upon the feathers evaporating on contact and creating a mist that rose into the sky. The closer they got, the more Rick could sense the heat emanating from them.

The Major spotted the group. His face had no smiles to share. “Men.” He gave a single nod. “You are here for one reason and one reason only: to observe.” He made a dismissive gesture towards the uniformed men that had been gathered with him, sending them off. “Today, you will see what it means to fight the ferals. And I hope it may prepare you for the challenges you will face in service of the kingdom.”

With a gesture of his hand, the group set out.

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