《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 083 [Mark]


Mark sat on the ground, his back against one of the dozen or so crates that littered the cave. His eyes lingered on the woman that sat opposite to him. Noah. The once male human was now a mousy maiden, in quite the literal sense.

She was asleep, slumped forward, wrists tied behind her back with metal wire. Her body was devoid of any clothing, left naked by the other two that had beaten her black and blue day in and day out. Now the only trace of the treatment she’d been given being the purple lines that adorned her body.

Mark’s focus lingered in the black collar that had been strapped around her neck.

His eyes turned to the side, to the two wardens that kept him trapped and were also his only choice to make it out alive. They were playing a game of cards, hunched over a small box, tossing the cards and throwing insults at one another whenever someone appeared to be taking the lead.

Brye’s ear was firmly aimed his way, the vulpine appendage almost rooted in place. And Shery would turn to glance his way from the corner of her eye every other minute or so. They weren’t attempting to hide that they were keeping a close eye on him.

Growling, the young man turned his back in their direction, focusing on the mouse instead.

He shuffled forward, the sound making the mouse’s ears twitch. She opened her eyes and looked at him, twitching and jumping backwards, her head hit the metal pole that kept her rooted in place. She froze, breathing hard, chest heaving air and wide green eyes. A twitch of her ear, her attention snapped towards the two maidens playing games, then at Mark.

It was like watching someone trying to swim through mud. Slowly, ever so slowly, the focus came to her eyes. “Fuck… you…” She squeaked the words, very slowly making out the sounds with her lips, the snarl faltered.

Sighing, Mark clapped.

The sound made her jump, back of the head banging against the tube again, wincing.

“Hey.” He said, keeping himself just close enough he could reach her, but not enough she could kick him if she started fighting against her restraints again. “Do you want to die?”


The mention of the word caused her body to seize up.

“I’m guessing you don’t want to die.” Mark nodded slightly, frowning. “But you can’t escape. You’re trapped.”

“Fuck… You…” Her eyes shot towards the metal door, closed, locked in place. She turned back to Mark, heaving air quickly, short fast breaths, hyperventilating.

“You’re trapped.” Mark replied. “And you’re losing your mind, you can barely speak. I’ve been out in those woods, with the ferals, and you’re starting to act like one.”

A sharp gasp, the scowl returned. “Fuck….”

“Fuck me, yes, I know.” He nodded. “What’s your name?”

Her eyes widened. The short breaths became gasps, her focus turned to the side, then the other. The maiden began to struggle against the wire, she screeched, squeaking and gasping, ramming her hands against the wire and pulling, legs kicking every which way. It became louder. “You!” She screamed. “You! You! You! Fuck You!”

Unfocused deranged eyes flung side to side, never fixating on any one thing. Gasping for breath, her head slumped to the side, face growing pale as she tried to heave, pulling as much air she could into her lungs.

With a flutter of her eyelids, her eyes shut, head slumping forward.

A sound behind him made Mark turn to see the card game had come to an end. Shery had shot to her feet, appearing to have almost jumped in his direction. Brye had stopped her, grasping the grey woman’s wrist and keeping her there.

The fox did not turn to acknowledge him, but there was a smirk there, playing on her lips.

Grunting, Mark focused back on the mouse, taking the leather water-skin and pouring some water atop the mouse girl’s head. Her short brown hair draped over her face as she jolted awake again.

“Hey.” He said, moving back to sitting in front of her, watching as she looked around. “Do you want to die?”

Her scattered focus returned to him like a laser, eyes wide.

“You’re going feral.” Mark spoke calmly. “You’re losing your mind.” His voice was calm, his attention severe. “You don’t even remember your name. It’s Noah.”


The eyes widened further, a sharp breath, followed by several quick ones. She looked down at herself, eyes widening further. With a grimace, she looked back at Mark, a pained grimace. “F-f-fuck…” She drew a trembling breath. “Y-y-y-you…”

“You’re not going to go anywhere, you can’t do anything.” Mark reached out, patting her foot and watching her recoil, drawing her legs against her chest, curling into a ball as best she could despite her hands tied behind her. “Let’s end this.”

Confusion crossed her face. The confusion came to an end as she saw the thin metal disk that was on his hand. The disk with a ‘5’ inscribed onto its surface. Noah’s expression turned to dread. Her legs kicked against the dirt, kicking and trying to get as much distance as she could, but unable to move so much as an inch.

Hyperventilating, she locked her eyes on the coin the young human was wielding, it didn’t take her long to slump again. Sighing, Mark waited for a minute, quietly looking over the naked woman as she sat there, unconscious once more. He waited, moving to splash her again.

A sharp breath, she woke once more.

“Hey Noah.” He looked into her green panicked eyes. “You’re going feral.” He sat down calmly, meeting her gaze squarely. “We’ve had this talk a couple dozen times already.”


“You’re exhausted.” The young man frowned. “You can barely breath, you’ve been struggling against that post for hours. You’re bleeding.” His eyes focused on the mouse. “No one deserves to go like that, losing their sanity.”

He raised the coin, showing it to her.

“Let’s end this, Noah. You won, the bitch didn’t get what she wanted out of you.” He calmly nodded, watching her mirror his gesture. “Would you rather watch yourself go insane? You’re at your limit.”

The words made her lower lip tremble, she nodded. The scowl was clearly an effort for her to maintain, her breath coming in and out in tiny squeaks.

“Do you want to die?”

A sharp breath, the mouse closed her eyes, nodding.

Mark’s shoulders slumped, he sighed and nodded in return. “Alright.” His grip tightened on the coin, watching it for several long seconds. Was this really what he should do? His gaze turned towards the other two, watching the anger and panic playing in Shery’s face while a scowl remained on Brye’s.

The fox had her hand clenching her companion’s wrist with a white knuckled grip. Both ears had flattened against her skull and she was watching him with a singular burning eye.

He turned back towards the mouse, moving to stand and watching her twitch. “I’m going to approach now.” He spoke calmly. “You can keep your eyes closed if you want to. Just don’t attack me.”

The nod was a quick panicked thing, lips curled tightly and eyes shut.

The young man nodded in turn, taking a step, watching carefully in case she lashed out. She only twitched and tightened further. “This will only take a second, it will all be over soon.”

Leaning down, he caressed her cheek, her eyes snapped open, looking up at him with wide eyes.

“Do you trust me?”

Gulping, she took in a sharp breath, and nodded.

A tingle ran through the palm, up his arm, and traversed his body. Mark’s grip on the coin faltered as he blinked in surprise. Slowly, his arm pulled back, placing the coin into his pocket.

A hand brushed against his back, a soft breath blowing into his ear. “Give her a name.” Brye spoke. “Before the bond finishes settling.”

“I don’t give a shit.” He shrugged his shoulders, prying himself away from her touch. With a grunt, he looked down at the wide-eyed mouse that had not so much as blinked. “Noah.” He said, frowning as he looked down at her.

She nodded slowly, the tingling in his arm dying down and focus returning to her eyes.

Slowly, the mouse looked at Mark, then at Brye. Her brows furrowed.


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