《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 35- Where a Mother shows abnormal priorities


What? What was that woman talking about? No way was I making Launeior part of some Empire. Besides, it would add a lot more work.The laws of this Empire did not seem particularly easy to use. Like, what government had a clause by which you could dethrone the king if you were better than him at something? No. No way was I doing so much work.I did not have the time to learn every single profession and become the best at it.

Worse, why was the woman moving to remake a dead Empire? No Nation had fallen since the creation of the AWC in the beginning of the Second Age, so the Empire had to have been dead for 17000 years. Why did it matter now? What did she have to gain?

Either way, the first thing I had to do was to protest, “ No. Launeior will remain a County, that is my decree as its Count.” I said as loudly as I could.

“Well dearee, I think these oldies here haven’t told you the entire thing, as Emperor you will have much more bonuses, you can practice the many arts like Alchemy, Smithing…” My Mother said, the woman apparently had a prepared answer. No way was I about to let her say her stupid things, so I interrupted her

“Nope, Don’t want those. I can already do Alchemy and that's enough. Don’t want another job.” I declared

“Now, now, don’t act like a baby, you are a Primal Grade now, you need to think about the future…” My Mother said, did she think I understood nothing?

“I am thinking of my future, and I think I’d prefer it to not be full of me desperately trying to keep ahead of everyone in the Nation. It sounds like a recipe for disaster.” I replied, “ And even if you somehow manage to change the law, are you sure there isn’t another stupid law like that in your constitution?’”

“There are a few hundred of them” Meemauy said in a matter of fact manner. “Perhaps it's time you cough up the real reason you want to remake the Empire, perhaps your son will be supportive then?”

“My reasons are the same as I have told you for the last 17 millenia, I believe that you must remember it by heart by now, Princessà.” My mother said, calling my mother by a very very old name for ‘princess’ it was apparently from the Bygone Ages, if my memory serves me right. It might not though, or maybe the book was wrong. Story books weren’t exactly known for their accurate information.


“Well I still hold that it is a nonsensical reason. You and I both know that the Empire, even its prme was a haven to Slavery, Poverty and Misery. Not just as truths but as actual elements to the Dark Casts. In fact weren’t these deplorable casts cast under the Empire? An Empire that sustained itself only because it's ruler routinely massacred the victims of its system to gain illicit power is hardly a good one.”Meemauy said.

“We still defeated your little kingdom, Mee-mauy” My mother said, pronouncing the last words in a strange manner.

“The Kingdom of Alruan was a peaceful one before your wretched father ruined it. But that is not the topic at hand here, I will not let you force a child to destroy the lives of millions just for this wretched purpose you have devoted yourself to.” Meemauy said, growing defensive.

“Oh please, show someone else your little facade Meemauy, I still remember when you ordered me dead all those years ago. All because I was the Daughter of Emperor Meroun, just for the blood that flowed through my veins you ordered me dead. “ My mother said...Did Meemauy really do that?

“And I still think that it was the correct decision. I have lived with knowing that my Nation was dead. And that I was now living the Lands of those that killed it. I did not want you to have to suffer that same fate.” Meemauy said

“Doubtful. I remember your cold eyes Meemauy, they were not those of a person trying to prevent suffering, they were those of a person looking for revenge. But we’ve been having this argument for years. I suppose you are not going to relent now either?”My mother said

All around me I saw people whispering, no longer did they merely observe. This was apparently hot gossip now.

“My decision is final, mother, I want nothing to do with whatever Empire you are going on about. Now get out.” Saying that, I tore a hole in space, something I could barely do, and just for a split second as the hole closed back on itself. It was still an effective show of intent as it had my Mother looking at it in shock and...was that hurt? What right had that woman to be hurt?

“That is quite a showy spell son, but a little space tear won’t be enough to stop this, you are the Prince of…” My Mother began but was interrupted by the Lord of the Farewell Lands who said, “I tire of this, a space tear may not be enough, but I am sure a Space Vortex will suffice, Imperialis Muran.”


As soon as the Lord of the Farewell Lands finished speaking, a vortex appeared and swallowed my Mother completely. There was no resistance, no wait, the Vortex simply swallowed my Mother.

“Now, how about we move on with the Ceremony? I do believe next up is the singing of the Poem of Names.” The Lord of the Farewell Lands said

“Yes, I shall begin” The Patriarch said. I on the other hand was confused, what was this poem?

“Don’t be scared but act like you are nervous, it is tradition to prank the baby by not telling them about the song” Valuris whispered to me, calming a bit.

There was only one trouble though...how exactly did a confused me act? While I was thinking over this rather troubling topic, the Patriarch had begun singing

“On this day most precious,” he said

“In this world most spacious” The Lord of the Farewell Lands said

“At this time most right” Meemauy said

“Under this sun most bright” one of the other oldies said, by now it was clear that the order was being decided by either Grade or power ,

“We name those that should be named”

“By deed or even what they said”

“Immortalized in this Poem of the Name”

“First we name”

“Balmane of the Flame”

“For he found the Spirits and gave them their name”

“Then we name”

“Malric of the Rain”

“For she found Magic under the Rain”

“Then we name”

“Mausin of the Claim”

“For with he founded his Nation with his Claim”

“Then we name”

“Arsen of the Bane”

“For he found War by declaring all things his bane”

“Then we name”

“Marnel of the Crane”

“For with she found Poetry musing by a Crane”

“Then we name”

“Farin of the Lame”

“For she gave us Education after being called lame”

“Then we name”

“Quertè of the Fame”

“For he found among us the Nobility through his fame”

“Then we name”

“Parador of the Gain”

“For he taught us Industry and how to always make a gain”

“Finally we name”

“Donald of the Fair-Game”

“For he taught us Equality and how to play a fair game”

“And so these nine we name”

“Through this Poem of Name”

“And remember their Name”

“For as long as we the Banmeru remain”

“And our memories grow not stale”

Like that it ended. But the Ceremony had just begun for the poem had caused a large stage to appear in the centre of the hall, on it was a single pillar. Thin and short it was more of a stick and I would have deemed it so, if not for the fact that it was made of bright, fluorescent gemstones.








7 months


Heir candidate to the Earl of Cristanfor, Noble of the Kingdom of Mistrane,Count of Launeior ,Transmigrator


[The Known]


[Otherworldly mana manipulation] [ Force of Will] [Conversion]


Strength[The amount of brute force one can use]


Endurance[The amount of time one can work continuously]


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


Magic Affinities

Fire[One of the greatest sources of Light and Heat in the universe, you have Greater Affinity for Fire]


Earth[Essential for life, earth is what renders things solid, you have a Greater affinity for Earth]


Mind[The consciousness and its relation to reality, you have Lesser affinity for Mind]


Chaos[Everything shall be anything but what it should be, no thing shall remain as it should, you have a Lesser affinity for Chaos]


Grandmist[The base substance that all subatomic particles are made off, you have Lesser affinity for Grandmist]


Space [The building block of dimensions, you have an Outrageous affinity for Space


Time[A mysterious force, you have a Minor affinity for Time]


Will [The force that propels you through life, you have Minor affinity for Will]


Force[The building block of Kinetic interactions, you have Minor affinity for Force


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