The Greatest Beast Trainer: Building A Nation On The Back Of A Dragon Chapter 30


That's right, Solomon had indeed opened a secret door.

The sound of the gears moving was very low, and it did not attract the thieves who were patrolling outside.

Solomon walked into the secret door, and there was another room inside.

There were no decorations inside, only a table and a shelf.

The decorations were straightforward.

"What is this?"

Solomon noticed that there were some carapace shells on the table.

He walked forward and picked up the carapace on the table. What he saw were densely packed words. They could be said to be very different from the words he usually used. Nevertheless, there were still some connections.

However, Solomon found that these words seemed to have been seen somewhere before. They looked very familiar.

"Oracle bone inscriptions?"

A word like this appeared in Solomon's mind.

He combined it with the oracle bone inscriptions in his mind. In addition, these words were indeed engraved on the shell of an animal. So it really was oracle bone inscriptions!

At this moment, Solomon was completely dumbfounded.

He did not expect to see oracle bone inscriptions here. After all, the existence of oracle bone inscriptions was too long ago. Now that he had seen such hieroglyphs in this world, how ancient was this world.

Moreover, what was with the vegetables and whatnot.

Solomon's brain started to work rapidly. Could it be that he had come to a parallel world?

"Forget it. Since I've come, I'll just settle down."

Solomon put the shells into his backpack and prepared to study them when he returned. Maybe Nicole at home could help.

He had almost guessed the language system of people in this world. It was probably similar to the oracle bone inscriptions.

Solomon stopped thinking and continued to search the room.

However, he did not find anything this time, so he had a little harvest.


Solomon left the room and returned to Jack's room.

He found another door next to it.


As expected, the door was not locked. Solomon easily opened it.

Sure enough, sometimes being too confident was not a good thing. Jack was a typical example.

"So many barrels?"

Solomon entered the room and saw all kinds of barrels. At a glance, there were more than a hundred of them.

He walked to one of the buckets and shook it gently with his hand. The sound of water hitting the buckets could be heard.

"Looks like these buckets are filled with water."

Solomon was also a little surprised. If his guess was correct, there were more than a hundred buckets of water!

At this moment, Solomon heard some banging sounds.

He walked around the buckets in front of him and arrived in front of a large wooden bucket. The banging sounds came from inside.

Solomon was suddenly very curious about what was trapped in such a large wooden barrel.

He gently removed the heavy object on top of it and then removed the lid of the wooden barrel a little.


An object drilled out from inside and was directly held in Solomon's hand.

He looked at the water in the wooden barrel and then looked at the fish in his hand. The water droplets condensed from the fish's body would not fall.

Could the water in the bucket have been produced by this little fish?

No wonder the black-robed woman asked him if he was a bounty hunter. She must have come for this little fish.

After all, it was a little fish that could produce water. No one knew how many people it could save. So, naturally, someone would pay a high price to hire people to rob it.

Solomon randomly found a smaller bucket and threw the little fish in. Then, he closed the lid and put it in his backpack.


Then, he came to the door of the third room.

When he pushed the door open, a strong smell of smoke assaulted him.

"So much jerky!"

Solomon looked at the scene in front of him and unconsciously swallowed his saliva.

This could be said to be the most jerky he had ever seen.

He estimated that it could be enough to feed a thousand people for a month.

It was no wonder that the Jack Bandits could recruit so many people and still be so obedient.

After all, these things that could survive were all in Jack's hands.

Solomon picked up a piece of jerky, put it in his mouth, and chewed it.

He realized that the quality of this smoked jerky was really good, at least much better than the ones from the camp leader.

The main problem now was how to take away so much jerky from here.

If Solomon wanted to take away so much jerky, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

"We can't waste so much jerky."

Solomon said and used his will to get the Rainbow Snake to rush over. Since he had the ability to turn invisible, there was no need to be afraid.

When the Rainbow Snake came over, he would evolve to level-4 and fly away.

While waiting for the Rainbow Snake to come over, Solomon did not waste any time. This time, he carried an extra-large backpack and stuffed some smoked jerky into it.

He even ate a few pieces when he stuffed it in. So the taste was really good.

Solomon could not help but give himself a thumbs up. The decision to move this time was really great.

Not long after, the Rainbow Snake arrived beside Solomon. The Rainbow Snake had fifteen empty sacks on his body.

These sacks were all prepared by Solomon in advance. So it was more than enough to move all these things out.

"System, allow the Rainbow Snake to evolve to level 4."

Solomon said to the system.

"Ding! Successfully evolved rainbow glass snake to level 4."

"Ding! The Rainbow Snake innate skill evolved into mimicry snake scale hardening."

"Ding! Deduction of 1,000 animal evolution points from the host."

The Rainbow Snake's body grew larger again, and the scales on its body also became hardened.

Solomon approached snake one and knocked on snake one's scales.

It was very hard, as hard as a mountain rock.

It seemed that this was the advantage of the Rainbow Snake's new talent skill.

He gave snake one a full set of armor.

Now, the Rainbow Snake was four meters tall, and he had both attack power and defense.

Solomon discovered a problem. Every time he awakened a new talent skill, it would retain the characteristics of the previous skill, and it would be strengthened on top of the previous skill.

This gave Solomon an advantage.

Solomon also obtained the Rainbow Snake's new talent skill.

With a thought, Solomon's arm also had three scales.

These scales could also be used as weapons to attack others, because they were hard enough.

This was somewhat similar to the Little Fire Dragon's new talent skill.

Solomon now had some expectations. What would happen if the Little Fire Dragon rose to level 4.

Solomon took off the sack on the Rainbow Snake's back and began to fill it with smoked jerky.

The Rainbow Snake ate a few pieces of smoked jerky just like Solomon.

After a while, all fifteen sacks were filled.

The jerky inside had also disappeared. It had been picked clean.

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