The Greatest Beast Trainer: Building A Nation On The Back Of A Dragon Chapter 6



Solomon was puzzled. This was the first time he had heard this name being mentioned.

Without waiting for the young man to explain, Nicole continued the topic, "Jack is the leader of a bandit camp nearby. He specializes in robbing some small camps or something. He kills people and commits all kinds of evil. He is simply a devil!"

Nicole said angrily. It was obvious that she did not have a good impression of this Jack.

When the young man heard Nicole's words, the timidity on his face disappeared and was replaced by a proud expression. He said to Solomon, "Hehe, kid, you better let me go. Otherwise, our boss will definitely not let you go!"

Seeing that Solomon did not answer, the young man thought that his boss's name had frightened the people in front of him. So he regained his usual arrogant and domineering demeanor. "When my boss comes and steals your camp, I will let him kill the two of you!"


Attack the camp?

And it's our freaking camp?

"You're saying that your boss is going to attack our camp?"

Solomon asked faintly.

When the young man heard Solomon's words, he started to panic for no reason. He seemed to have said the wrong thing!

"No... you must have misheard... haha!

"Don't think too much. You must have misheard. The four of us are only out to hunt. How could we possibly rob your camp!"

The young man was panicking to death. If his boss knew that he had leaked the secret, he would definitely be chopped into nine pieces and fed to vicious beasts!

Thinking of this, the young man could not help but tremble a few times.

Solomon naturally would not believe what the young man was saying.

"You are already panicking to such an extent, and you still dare to say no?"

The secret had been leaked, but not completely!


"No, listen to my excuses, bah! Listen to my explanation!"

When the young man saw Solomon's gaze, he became even more flustered.

"You still don't want to say it?

"Looks like you're still a loyal dog, then I'll send you on your way first!"

Solomon picked up the bone knife that had fallen to the ground and directly held it in front of the young man as if he was about to chop him down.

"Don't! I'll say it, I'll say it. If you have something to say, say it. But, don't do it. I don't want to die yet!"

Seeing this, the young man panicked and immediately compromised.

Solomon held back the bone knife. He had already achieved the effect he wanted. Now, the most important thing was to know when this so-called Jack would attack their camp. That way, he could be prepared!

"When will your boss attack our camp?"

Solomon asked fiercely.

"I really don't know. He only asked the four of us to come here to patrol. He didn't tell us the specific time of the operation!

"Sigh, I really don't know. But, please don't do it!

"It should be around these two days!"

Solomon knew that under such circumstances, the young man in front of him would not lie.

Therefore, he decided to end this young man and reunite him with his three companions.


The bone knife directly pierced through the young man's heart and ended his life.

"Solomon, what should we do? Jack has actually set his eyes on our camp!"

Nicole was so anxious that she was about to cry.

She knew how terrifying Jack was.

"Tell the people in the camp to pack their things and prepare to escape."

Solomon said.

He had been in the camp for a few days and had roughly understood the information about the camp.

There were about 450 people in the entire camp, and most of them were old people and some brats. How could they be a match for the bandits? They would probably be killed in an instant.


"No! We can't escape. Jack is really terrifying!

"Do we really have to wait for death?"

Nicole squatted down directly. Her tears fell on the ground, creating ripples.

"We still have at least two days. Go back and tell the camp leader about the situation here. He will believe you.

"If we don't run, what awaits the camp will be death. There is still a chance to escape.

"Even if there's only a glimmer of hope, we shouldn't give up."

Nicole nodded her head heavily.

She had to tell the camp leader about the situation here.

Even if the leader did not believe her words!

After all, she had been in the camp for quite a long time and had developed feelings for him. So, naturally, she would not just watch as Jack's gang of thieves destroy their home.

"I'll go talk to the leader."

Solomon comforted Nicole.

He had already thought of a plan in his mind.

He could use this opportunity to test his newly inherited ability, the rainbow snake transformation!

"You have a way to solve this?

"Do you need me to do anything?"

Nicole jumped up from the ground and looked at Solomon with a face full of surprise like a little rabbit.

"Hmm, I have an idea. I'll wait until tonight to see if it's useful.

"Just think about it. Do you want to leave this place with me?"

Solomon replied.

"Yes! I want to go with you. I'll go wherever you go!"

This time, Nicole did not hesitate at all and directly answered Solomon's question. Previously, it was because of the problems of the camp and her sister. However, now that the camp was almost gone, she had no reason to stay any longer.

Solomon handed Nicole a piece of jerky, which was obtained from the bodies of the four dead youths.

"What's with these two ears of yours? Is there anything special about them?"

Solomon pointed at the two pink rabbit ears on Nicole's head and asked curiously.

"Oh, you mean this? I'm a mutant. These two ears are where I mutated."

"As for being unique... it means that I can run faster, hear farther, and jump higher. The rest is nothing."

Hearing this, Solomon nodded.

Nicole had awakened the rabbit's ability.

Then everything could be explained, such as Nicole hunting small animals alone.

If not for such a skill, Nicole would not have survived in this apocalyptic world.

"Solomon, what happened to the fireball just now? Did you release it?"

Nicole asked curiously.

She had seen with her own eyes that a fireball was shot out, and then the two young men turned into dust.

Nicole could feel the heat contained within!

"Hmm, have you forgotten? I am the chosen one, and this fireball is the skill that I awakened!"

Solomon replied.

Naturally, he would not hide this from Nicole, but he definitely would not reveal the awakening system to anyone!

"Let's go, plunder everything from these people."


Hearing that she was going to plunder, Nicole rolled up her sleeves and started walking in the direction of another youth.

There must be a lot of good stuff in the bandit gang!

"Solomon, come over and take a look. It's a beast core!"

Nicole shouted in surprise.

Solomon was excited when he heard Nicole's words.

Beast core! It was something that contained energy!

He took the beast core.

"Ding! Energy substance has been detected in the vicinity of the host!"

"Do you want to convert it into an animal evolution point?"

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