The Child is Loved By The Holy Constellations Chapter 12


Translator and Editor: Nana and Nabi


Chapter 12

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ said they already gave you the guidebook. ]

‘Don’t you have any conscience? After kidnapping me, you should’ve at least done that much.’

I muttered to myself as I watched Sophie put firewood into the fireplace.

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ gives the ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ a glance. ]

[ Are you saying that we should give you a gift? ]

‘Of course.’

To be honest, when it comes to nicknames and gifts, I am at an advantage. Besides, if it’s useful to me…

‘I can help the Duke.’

Nothing is free. And, if we get something, I have to give something back, too. Even though I am not a parent, I know that it is not easy to take care of a child. So, even if it’s only until I become self-reliant, isn’t it better to build a friendly relationship?

‘So, if they don’t give me a gift, I won’t give them a nickname.’

I can at least do this much, right?

[ The two constellations put their heads together and are contemplating. ]

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ is looking at you with a smile. ]

Then, I looked at Sita, who was licking its front paws with its tongue. The red ribbon swayed slightly at its’ action.

“Miss Beatrice, should I bring you a fairy tale book?”


“All right, I will bring it to you soon.”

As they said that, I saw the maids who had been watching me with happy faces from the side leaving the room. Even if I read that, I have to wait and see what kind of gift the Gods will give me. Until then, I decided to watch Sita instead.

Ah, right.

“Sophie, Sophie.”

“What’s wrong, Miss Beatrice?”

“It’s still cold, is it spring now?”

“Ah, yes. The northern part is higher than the capital, and there are many mountains, so it is cold.”

“Then, is there snow on the mountain?”

“Yes, did I mention that the sugar tree sap was also rolled into the snow? It was made there.”

Saying so, Sophie pointed to the mountain she saw through the window.

“Ooh, it’s exciting! It tasted sweet.”

“Did you like it?”


“Actually, it is only eaten in the North.”

As if telling a great secret, she whispered, I opened my eyes wide at Sophie’s words and asked back.



“Sugar trees are very, very hard to find. Moreover, if you go down a little from the North, the taste changes easily, and it becomes bitter.”

I covered my mouth with those words. Whether this was the right thing to say or not, Sophie said with a happy smile.

“You don’t mind the bitter taste since you eat vegetables well, right?”

“It’s not bitter! You’re lying!”

“Won’t you hate it because it’s bitter?”

I nodded.

Of course. Even if they eat vegetables well, there are no kids who like bitter things.

Meanwhile, Sophie seems to like my response because she nodded her head while smiling happily.

“Don’t worry. If you eat here, it will only taste sweet.”

I nodded at that again. Now, Sita is relaxing in front of the fireplace.

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ says it’s decided. ]

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ also said that he chose it after much contemplation. ]

The message window reappeared when I was reading the second book of fairy tales brought to me by the maids. Looking at it, I was a little glad to hear the news after looking at the pictures inside the book.

‘What are you going to give me?’

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ will give you a blessing. ]


What kind of blessing?

[ If you receive your blessing, you will receive the favor of the mountain trees. ]

As I narrowed my eyes not knowing what this meant, a message window popped up in a hurry.

[ We recommend that you refer to the guidebook for details. ]

…All right, then what about the rest?

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ will give you Gias Shield. ]

Oh, an artifact! Though… a shield?

[ You don’t know when or what will happen, so it would be better if you had a way to protect yourself. ]

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ protest that he’s being cheap. ]

[ ‘The librarian of Nipur’ replies that the gift will remind you of himself. ]

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ stomped away. ]

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ shrugs. ]

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ watches them both quietly. ]

What a rowdy bunch. I turned the page while sympathizing with Sakpata’s feelings.

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ and ‘Librarian of Nipur’ ask if you like the gift. ]

‘Hmm, well…’

I’ll have to refer to the guidebook for the blessings later, still, the shield is definitely worth using. It’s a way to save lives.


‘All right, I’ll give you a nickname.’

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ rejoices as she jumps from place to place. ]

[ The ‘Librarian of Nipur’ smiled and threw away his book in the air. ]

[ The ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ hurriedly runs away to avoid being hit by the book. ]

…Well, this is my personal opinion, but I think it would be fun to film a sitcom about them, no?

‘When are you going to give me a present?’

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ says I will give it to you when no one is there. ]

[ ‘The librarian of Nipur’ says it would be better not to stand out. ]

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ is making a fuss. ]

‘Hmm, it seems difficult.’

Who knew they would suddenly give me that? It seemed like I’ll get the present later at night.

“Miss Beatrice, it’s time for a snack.”


Anyway, let’s eat some snacks first since there’s still some time left before it’s night.

All of the sudden, the quiet Duke of Creighton’s mansion was buzzing with life in the blink of an eye just like that.

“How’s this, Miss Beatrice? Do you like this snack, too?”

“Yes! You eat those well!”

“Thank God! After Sir Eurenia and Jerome went to study, the mansion was quiet, wasn’t it?”

“That’s right, but Miss Beatrice, who is called the child of fate, has arrived…”

In the northern part of the Hilsen Empire, the Duchy of Creighton had a small population compared to other territories due to its poor environment.

The fact that the Duchy had such a strong power despite the small population that even the emperor could not offend was thanks to the abundant resources from minerals, mountains, and the tamed monsters.

The monsters that follow them are like gentle sheep. Besides, they were all the works of the Duke, an outstanding swordsman, and tamer.

“I am a little worried.”


“I mean about Miss Beatrice. She’s so gentle. It’s convenient to serve her, but…”


“What’s the fuss, everyone?”

When another maid appeared, the other dazed maids quickly adjusted their posture. Seeing them like that, the maid shouted.

“Be careful with your words! You guys are the maids of the Duke of Creighton!”

“I’m sorry.”

“As for Miss Beatrice, it’s up to the Duke to decide. So, focus on what you have to do.”

Looking at the other maids hurriedly scattered, the maid sighed. It was not that she did not understand their concerns.

‘Miss Beatrice is not like a child…’

She’s a child suddenly brought from the temple.

As a child of fate, as long as they are someone with an interest, they can’t openly disobey the temple’s words. If they go against them, they’ll get the stigma of colluding with the demons. So, even the Duke couldn’t openly oppose it even when she arbitrarily picked out a list of portraits of nobles at the temple.

The child came here. She had probably heard of the rumours about the Duchy at least once. This place is a desolate place filled with monsters, after all.

‘But, she’s too calm.’

The child is calm and careful.

No… she watched her a lot. It was hard to believe that she was just five years old. At that age, isn’t it the age where kids have a lot of accidents? Eurenia and Jerome had passed that age, but there was never a day without trouble.

“Maybe it’s because she grew up in the temple?”

Another maid carefully guessed and shook her head. Still, this thought is presumptuous.

In the end, all decisions rested with the owner of this mansion, the Duke of Creighton, not just a maid.

With that in mind, the maid moved on. Since she was in charge of the other maids, she had a lot of work to do.

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ bless you. ]

[ ‘Librarian of Nipur’ gives you the shield. ]

After pretending to be asleep, I chased away the maids and received the gifts while holding Sita in her arms.

‘Is Gias shield a tattoo?’

A faintly sparkling blue tattoo was on the back of my hand. It was a mysterious pattern that seemed to appear in mythology.

‘Do I have to see this every day?’

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ says that it is visible only to the eyes of the Creator. ]

‘Hmm, how do I use it then?’

[ The explanation seems to be rather long, so please refer to the guidebook. ]

…Is this guidebook really useful?

‘Who made this?’

When I grabbed the guidebook and shook it lightly, a message window popped up.

[ They say that the Gods combined their strength to make it. ]

The fact that the Gods worked together to make this small notebook is weird, but in a way, it’s like a cheat sheet, so it’s a great thing. I also needed to know about the blessing, so I hurriedly opened the guidebook.

The guidebook was a blank piece of paper as it was at first, though soon the letters started to appear.


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