The Child is Loved By The Holy Constellations Chapter 11


Translator and Editor: Nana and Nabi


Chapter 11

The Duke’s expression was unexpectedly warm. Well, I guess I was mistaken. He’s surprisingly generous.

[ The constellations are eating popcorn. ]

Seeing the message window that came out after a long time, the atmosphere was shattered.

Ugh, it’s annoying.

‘But, the Duke smiled, didn’t he?”

When I asked a question, the message window quickly popped up again.

[ The constellations agree that you knowing everything would be boring. ]

‘You guys, I’ll see you later…’

I made a promise to myself and gazed back up at the Duke.



“It’s dinner time. Let’s eat together.”

What? So suddenly?

I widened my eyes in surprise. Then, the Duke blinked and placed his hand on my head. Slowly but carefully, he stroked my hair.

“Let’s eat together. Don’t be nervous.”

The Duke’s eyes softened slightly. I nodded my head as it seemed like he was putting in a lot of effort.

“Yes, Duke.”

At that, he nodded his head before stretching out his hand… Is he asking for my hand?

As I took the Duke’s hand, he briefly clicked his tongue and said,

“Your hands are red.”

Because of that, I looked at my hand. Since I took off my gloves to touch the cat, my hands were red from the cold.

‘Is it because it’s a child’s body?’

I was warm, but it was surprising how quickly my body reacted to the cold. With that thought in mind, I glanced at my hands blankly, and the Duke grabbed my hands.

“You better get in quickly.”

Suddenly, my body shuddered and swayed. It was because he held me in his arms.

“T-the cat…”

The cat meowed, stood next to Sophie as it moved its tail. It was as though it said that there was nothing she could do.

“Don’t worry about the cat.”

The Duke spoke bluntly. However, his actions were soft and cautious, unlike his voice. He supported my body, but my upper body kept shaking. So, I carefully reached out and grabbed the hem of his coat.

Even though he didn’t look at me, he gently patted my back as if I did a good job. For some reason, I felt strangely relieved by the touch, and let out a small breath.

The feel of the fur wrapped around the palm of my hand was very soft.

The table was not at a height suitable for a child, so they adjusted the height by giving a cushion on the chair. All of the food that came out took my attention.


Playing with the fork clumsily, I stole a glance at the Duke. Seeing him eating was enough to bring out admiration, it was as if he came out of a painting.

‘Why does he have to make a contract with the demons and even install a gate?’

I know this is a stupid question. I set the Duke as the villain, though it doesn’t make sense that I didn’t know the reason even though I had devised it.

‘It’s because I didn’t set it up in detail…’

The reason I set the villain was because of tension. Of course, the story would flow even if there were only male and female characters, although I needed some tension.

Therefore, I set him as a Duke, and in order to aim for the throne, it was set that he could even make a contract with the demons.

Background? Do you need something like that?

Even if villains with complex circumstances are attractive, there are already too many characters with complex backgrounds. Rather than giving the villain a background story, it was easier to make him a simple villain.

Although it was the villain I made, the Duke’s every action was very unfamiliar.

He is quick-witted, so it’s not bad, and he’ll take care of my food, clothing, and shelter. Besides, he tells me not to ask for more than that.

But, his actions are different…

On the contrary, I feel like he’s acting like that because she doesn’t know what to do. He acted differently from his initial intentions. Since before, he said he would give only what I needed. Despite that, he is a great protector, he didn’t intend to throw me away and get angry.

I think I misunderstood him just because others said he was a cold-hearted man…

It won’t be hard for him to send me back to the nursery and it’s a waste of money to raise me anyway.

He could get angry and raise his voice easily, though he didn’t. I know not everyone is like that, but at least the people I know did such a thing.

“Is everything not to your liking?”

I suddenly realized that I had stopped eating, then the duke raised his head and asked a question.


I hurriedly moved my fork and tried to eat the meat.

Is he upset…?

Because of my clumsy movement, I couldn’t even stab the meat properly.

‘These damn gods! I don’t really have to be clumsy like a five-year-old, do I?!’

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ screamed that it’s so cute. ]

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Fields’ and ‘Librarian of Nipur’ nod their heads. ]


‘Really, I won’t let you go later!’

Thinking about this, I moved the fork once again, when a large fork suddenly poked the meat.

“Open your mouth.”

No, I already opened my mouth due to amazement.

…The Duke wanted to feed me—?

I felt like he was not good at expressing himself, but really?

As the meat slipped into my mouth, the fork came out of the meat with some of the sauce.

Contrary to my surprise, the Duke’s expression was always somber. As if I had done something for granted, I started to focus on eating again.

I moved my jaw and chewed the meat.

Everything was delicious.

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ is watching with delight. ]

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ grumbles that he can feed you, too. ]

[ The ‘Librarian of Nipur’ says that it would be difficult. ]

Ugh, these people…

I lightly ignored the message window and focused on the meal. Let’s eat it.

And so, I ate it with gusto until there was nothing left to eat.

I was able to leave the dining room only after eating dessert with the duke. No matter how hard I tried, I was clumsy and spilled here and there, but the Duke just watched me quietly.

No, he offered me many other desserts while I was still eating. It was something I couldn’t have imagined when I first met him.

‘Didn’t he hate the temple?’

There is a possibility that he acted coldly because I was from the temple. He was originally scheduled to make a contract with the demons, after all.

‘Then, why…?’

I don’t know if it’s another temple, but Rachel’s temple is where Sakpata, the God of Agriculture and Abundance, is worshipped. The North, where the Suke lived, is barren, and there’s not enough food to feed everyone.

So, there is no reason to stay away from the temple, who worships Sakpata. On the contrary, they should be close.

Oh, so he’s not gonna kick me out?

If I think that way, it makes sense.

However, when I think about it like that, why did he treat me so coldly in the first place?

It’s completely contradictory, isn’t it?

Tilting my head, puzzled, a message window suddenly popped up.

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ says it’s because the North is barren. ]

Oh, so it’s because he wants a child to go to a better environment?

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ nods. ]

I opened his mouth slightly…

Isn’t he a villain? Though how can he be so kind and caring?

He gave me a hug, and gave me permission to keep a cat… When I think of that, it’s surprising.

“Miss Beatrice, what do you think?”

I came out of my stupor to Sophie’s question with a soft smile.

“The Duke’s action.”

“Why the Duke?”

“He didn’t know you’d stay with him…”

Saying that, Sophie nodded her head. “You’ve only eaten in your room until now.”


“Hm, how is the cat? I put a ribbon on it.”

Meowing and crying, the mackerel-patterned cat hopped and jumped over the sofa. The red ribbon swayed softly.


The green eyes, mackerel-patterned fur, and red ribbon matched really well.

And, as if it knew it, the cat purred loudly with its eyes twinkling.

“What are you going to name it?”

I thought about that for a while. What would be a good name?

[ Guardian of the Golden Field is looking with anticipation. ]

I’m now under a lot of pressure.

[ Everything would be good as long as your intention is good. ]

The cat purred with its head on my lap.

I have a hard time naming names. I don’t know how many times I’ve searched the site even when naming the characters. So, the cat’s name is…

“I’ll call you, Sita.”

The abbreviation for Sakpata is Sata. However, naming it exactly was a little bit too much, so let’s call it Sita.

“That’s a good name, Miss Beatrice.”

Sophie grinned and stroked Sita the cat.

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ rejoices. ]

I don’t know why he was happy. If I think about it, shouldn’t he feel bad when I gave someone an abbreviation of their name?

[ He is delighted by the name the Creator has given, it’s like a nickname. ]

‘Oh, I see.’

They might think it was a nickname, so I nodded my head and the message window went up.

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ asks for a nickname for herself. ]

[ The ‘Librarian of Nipur’ looked at you. ]

What should I do with these childish Gods?

‘Huh? Wait for a second…’

At the idea that came to my mind while I stroking Sita’s back, I grinned a little.

‘I don’t want to give you a nickname for free.’

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ and ‘Librarian of Nipur’ are startled. ]

‘Don’t watch me all the time, then I’ll do something for you like Sakpata.’

Sakpata sent Sita to help me. So, even if you don’t get anything, it’s not like the two of you help me.

Therefore, if you want to get a nickname, give me anything.


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