The Child is Loved By The Holy Constellations Chapter 10


Translator and Editor: Nana and Nabi


Chapter 10

The gentle spring breeze brushed my cheeks. The weather here was very strange.

‘The mountains were still full of snow as well.’

But, despite the strange weather, it was better for me to live here.

Today, I went out to the garden carefully. It was because the Duke had never given me permission to come out to the garden, and I had no intention of going out either. To be honest, the mansion was wide enough that I didn’t have to go there to amuse myself.

“Miss Beatrice, let’s go outside and get some fresh air.”

Sophie said so determinedly and changed my clothes. If it wasn’t for her, I would stay in my room quietly.

“I think spring has already come. The wind is getting warmer.”

Sophie said with a laugh.

Hmm, objectively speaking, it’s hard to say.

‘It’s warmer than winter, though.’

Still, it’s a bit cold. With that in mind, I slipped my hand into the sleeve of my shirt.

As the Duke had promised, he would provide food, clothing, and shelter, which included children’s clothing that were thin but warm and soft.

I put on my gloves, bringing warmth to my chilly fingertips.

“The flower has bloomed. It was a little early this year.”

After saying so, Sophie knelt down and pointed to a flower blooming on one side of the garden.


Pretending to be interested, with a brief burst of exclamation, I walked over to Sophie’s side. Then, I squatted and looked at the flowers.

It was a small white flower. Although small and shabby compared to other flowers in the garden, it was one of the earliest flowers to bloom.


I turned my head to the sound of rustling.

“Oh, my.”


I turned my head to the sound of the cat’s cry. A mackerel-patterned cat shook its head and body to clean its body from grass.


The cat walked over to me before purring softly and rubbed its face against my leg.

“So, the cat stayed here?”

Sophie said so and pulled something out of her pocket.

“Here, eat this.”

The cat ate something like a dried fish that Sophie offered. Skillfully eating it, as expected, it was the cat from the nursery.

“Do you know the cat?”

“Of course. It’s the cat that came into the room last time, right?”

“Dwid you owften give it something to eat?” (Did you often give it something to eat?)


“Oho, I do it secretly. This cat is nice to people.”

As she said that, the cat rubbed its face against Sophie’s hand.

Well, at least, it won’t go anywhere and starve to death. Though I was truly amazed. Is the cat acting cute on purpose in front of Sophie?

The cat wiggled its tail and purred happily, then flopped down on the floor, as if saying it wanted me to pat it.

“Miss Beatrice, here.”

Sophie handed me a dried fish. Seeing that, the cat jumped up from the ground.

“Go ahead.”

I put my hands together and looked at Sophie. Then, Sophie blushed and scurried through her pocket.

“Here it is, Miss Beatrice.”

She had a bag full of dried fish in her pocket?

I don’t think it can eat all of this…

An unbelievably large bag was placed in the palm of my hand. It’s lighter than I thought, but how did she carry it around without being noticed?

I opened the bag and took out what was inside. As I thought, it was full of dried fish. It was a little annoying that a small amount of powder was stuck to my gloves, but I’ll shake it off later.

“Cat, here.”

It was delightful to see the cat sitting quietly, taking it carefully and chewing it.

“Isn’t this cat your favorite?”

Instead of answering that, I took off my gloves and stroked the cat’s head. I’m not really sure if it’s my favorite because I hadn’t met other cats yet.

‘But, I like it, though.’

I wish I could grow alongside the cat. It’s brave and loveable. Most of all, it’s the cutest! Before possessing this body, I couldn’t raise a cat.

Lost in thoughts, I could feel the cat’s smooth fur on the palm of my hand and the warmth. Meanwhile, Sophie reached out and touched the cat. It purred softly and accepted her touch.

However, the cat abruptly stood up. I was confused at its sudden action.

“What are you doing?”

I almost jumped in place at the unexpected voice, startled.


Sophie hurriedly got up and turned around. The Duke was looking at us with his silver fur coat.


The Duke strides forward. Taking turns to look at me and the cat. The cat was crouching and wary of the stranger who suddenly appeared.

“What is that cat?”

“Duke, this is a stray cat that has come into the mansion in the last few days.”

Sophie quickly bowed her head and answered. Seeing the Duke’s eyes narrowed at those words, I gulped.


…Did he hate animals? Is he going to chase the cat away?

I don’t have the authority, but it’s not very pleasant to just watch the cat get kicked out. So, I hid the cat behind my back. Seeing that, the Duke’s eyes narrowed further.

Then, Sophie slowly added.

“The cat is very friendly to people, so I gave it some food with Miss Beatrice.”

He didn’t answer. Instead, the Duke took a few steps closer to me, knelt down on one knee, and met my gaze. Surprised by the Duke’s actions, I hold my breath. The hem of his coat was on the floor, although he didn’t seem to mind.


I was even more surprised by his behavior when he called my name. This was the first time the Duke had called my name.


I quickly responded as he called my name once more.


“Do you like cats?”

How should I answer him?

Ugh, okay. Since I decided to live quietly, let’s avoid asking for too much. Just because the Duke is surprisingly friendly, there is no guarantee that he will allow me to raise animals…

“I won’t touch it.”

I put my hands behind my back and said so. Because of that, the Duke shut his mouth. He looked at me as if he was worried about what to say.

…Did I do something wrong?

Eventually, the Duke opened his mouth again.

“That’s not an answer to my question. Do you like cats?”

As I hesitated to answer, the Duke added,

“Be honest.”

Is he going to berate me if I lied? Or, am I just prejudiced because the Duke was a villain…?

“…I like it.”

And so, I decided to speak frankly like what he said. No, I can’t lie when he’s looking at me with those eyes.

When I said I like it, the Duke looked at me.

“Do you want to raise it?”

…He asked, but I shouldn’t lie again this time, right?

“Is that okay?”

“Why do you think you can’t?”

…Excuse me, Duke. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, though as a father with two children, isn’t it too difficult for me to talk with you?

I rolled my eyes.

Well, isn’t it obvious?

“I would feel bad.”

Even though raising it would be fun, I didn’t have the confidence to. It was because I didn’t have enough resources to do so. In addition, it would be troublesome if I got into a conflict because of the cat.

I suppressed the past that was trying to come at the wrong time. Now, this isn’t important. I’m currently a five-year-old child who only needed to answer the Duke’s question.

“I can’t be a bad kid that does whatever I want.”

I said carefully, as to make sure there wouldn’t be a slip of the tongue. As my words continued, the Duke’s eyes twitched and trembled.

“Because the Duke doesn’t like it…”

I have no desire to get into a conflict with him because of it.

What I want is for the Duke to make a contract with the demons so they don’t open the gate. I only need to focus on that. Even if the male lead and the female lead do something, it is not my business.

I’m only an extra, regardless. Besides, I also had no plans on meeting the main characters.

Why would I do that, anyway? Isn’t that like digging my own grave?

I’m going to stop the Duke and eat popcorn while watching the main characters quietly. Therefore, I must not do anything that would be hated by the Duke. If I do, he would be likely to listen to what I said and wouldn’t act like the original…

So, I have to pretend to be a good kid. Isn’t a good kid better?

At that, the Duke went silent. Sophie seemed to be uncomfortable around him and clenched her fist tightly.

“Didn’t I tell you to tell me if you want anything?”

That’s right. But, this wasn’t included in the food, clothing, and shelter that he said he would provide for me… However, if I answer that, wouldn’t that make me look like an adult instead?

“Still, what about the cat’s food…”

The Duke smirked.

“It’s not about the food.”


“What I’m asking is, do you want to raise the cat?”

“I want to.”

Judging by his attitude, I didn’t think he would say no. Finally, the Duke nodded his head slightly and spoke.

“Sure, you can raise it if you want.”


“Didn’t the maid tell you to say whatever you wanted?”


I didn’t know the Duke would do this. A smile was naturally painted on my face, it was a dream I hadn’t had the chance to fulfill before.

“Thank you, Duke!”

I smiled broadly and politely as I put my hands on my stomach and bowed my head. It was satisfying just to live quietly, but how could he be so generous!


At his words, I raised my head and gazed at the Duke.

Was it an illusion?

I think he was smiling at me…


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