The Child is Loved By The Holy Constellations Chapter 7


Translator: Nabi


Chapter 7

“Hello there, child. My name is Sophie.”

Inside the room that the butler directed me to, many maids were already waiting. After nodding in response to the maid’s greeting, I immediately took a warm bath.

‘It felt good.’

I couldn’t tell whether it was because of their excellent service or for some other reason. However, nothing is bothering me at the moment. Honestly, I never really expected that the Duke would pamper me, anyway.

[ ‘The Queen of Flower and Nymphs’ said such a person could become a fool for his daughter if you put in enough effort. ]

But, it’s not a novel. Such things are unlikely to occur in real life.

[ ‘The Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ said that this is a world created by the Creator. ]

‘Still, this is real life to me.’

In addition, reality can be cruel at times. After giving it some thought, I changed my clothing with the assistance of the maids.

‘Also, even if the author of a novel possessed someone within it, there’s hardly anything they can do.’

In the end, we’re just human. Is there even any difference when the Gods are keeping an eye on my actions? After all, they have limitations and couldn’t do excessive intervention as well.

[ ‘The Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ clenched her fists and was ready to intervene whenever she wanted. ]

‘No, please don’t try to intervene.’

What if the intervention goes wrong? Don’t even think about it!

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ becomes sullen. ]

I ignored the message window and focused on my clothes instead.

“It was handed to you by the Priest.”

I nodded at the words. It was identical to the one I wore in the temple, too.

“Child, try this.”

Sophia stuck out a stick. It was a thin wooden stick that had been rolled up with some caramel-colored liquid. On the surface, it was sprinkled with white, shiny powder.

“What’s twis?” (What’s this?)

“It is made by boiling the sap of the sugar tree and rolling it over the snow to harden. It can be eaten, and it’s delicious because it’s soft when we bite into it.”

I quickly put it in my mouth. Then, the sweetness, which was a different kind from sugar, spread throughout my mouth.

‘Wow, it’s delicious.’

I never imagined that boiling a tree sap would produce such a thing. In addition, it was snow, and not sugar was sprinkled on it. It’s delicious because it was cold and soft. It tasted like caramel and candy at the same time. How fascinating…!


As I was eating the sugar tree sap, I could hear the maids’ chatter.

“So, this is the rumoured child of fate?”

“I heard it’s the first time all of the temples gave the same oracle.”

“They found the child of fate in the God of Abundance, Sakpata’s temple. I hope God will give abundance to this land.”

Aha, so that’s why they accepted me? Well, the north is a barren land, after all.

“Don’t chatter mindlessly in front of the child.”

Sophie spoke to them sternly, and the maids quickly shut their mouths. As the maids became quiet, Sophie bent her knees and made eye contact with me, who was eating the snack.

“Child, may I ask your name?”


“Beatrice, do you want me to read you a fairy tale when you’re done with your snack?”

I agonized over it for a moment. Hearing children’s books at my age would be strange, but… it’s not a bad idea as I could understand this world better.

Although, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a cat’s cry.


“Oh my goodness, a cat?”

I turned my head and peered out the window; the familiar cat sat by the window with its green eyes.

“How could it be? We’re on the third floor.”

“Even by climbing a tree, it would be difficult, too…”

I walked away from the maids who were gasping in disbelief and headed towards the window.


I reached out and tried to open the window, but I was unable to do so. My arms trembled as I struggled to reach the window’s latch.


“Miss Beatrice, let us do this kind of thing.”

Saying so, Sophie opened the window. The cat came into the room and immediately rubbed its face against my feet, and purred.

“How dwid you follow me?” (How did you follow me?)

I was genuinely curious.

The north was very far. I also sat in the carriage for a long time. How did this cat come all the way here…?

Regardless, the cat was rubbing my feet with a happy face as I caressed its back. It’s nice to see it again, though. Even though you’re not a person.

“I dwon’t think I can rwaise this cat, though.” (I don’t think I can raise this cat, though.)

Sophie and the maids exchanged a glance at one another.

“Miss Beatrice, I think you can ask the Duke for that.”

She said as she bent her knees and made eye contact with me. Nonetheless, I don’t think the Duke will agree…


I gazed down at the cat with disappointment. The cat, who remained motionless, stared at me.

“I’m sowwy, cat. You can’t be hewe.” (I’m sorry, cat. You can’t be here.)

I can’t raise a cat without permission. Let’s not raise any conflict.

“Miss Beatrice, is this your favorite cat?”

Sophie asked as she gazed at me alternately with the cat. Well, it wasn’t hard to see if the cat followed me all the way here.

“Yes, but this is the Duke’s house.”

I should ask the owner of the mansion’s permission, but I don’t want any conflict to arise because of it. Even though this mansion is vast, I would still be caught raising it secretly. If that was the case, I’ll get in trouble or get kicked out.

I don’t want such a thing to happen.

The cat appeared to be aware of what was going on. After crying out loud, it licked my hand with its prickly tongue a few times. Then, it jumped up to the window, wagged its tail, and went out.

“My cat, bye-bye.”

I waved at the window with disappointment. Then a message window popped up.

[ ‘The Guardian of the Golden Field’ said you should ask for permission. ]

It’s all right. I don’t want any conflict to arise.

[ ‘The Guardian of the Golden Field’ said that the cat would live nearby.]

That’s a relief. In the Duke’s mansion, there must be plenty of food that’ll be nice for the cat.

“Miss Beatrice, the Duke had summoned you.”

At those words, I opened my eyes wide.

The Duke? Did he want something…?

I wondered, though I didn’t have the right to reject it, so I followed Sophie calmly. What’s going on?

There, he sat on the sofa with his hands clasped together. The atmosphere in the room made me uncomfortable.

‘It’s uncomfortable! It’s uncomfortable!’

I wanted to shout, “Why did you call a child who knows nothing?” but I just held it in.

I didn’t want to screw up when I had just arrived. Let’s be sensible. Anyway, I chose him, so I’ll take responsibility. I chose this person because I don’t want to get involved with the main characters.

“You don’t need to be so nervous.”

I flinched hearing him. It was surprising that the duke spoke to me first after a long silence.

“This is the northern part of the Hilsen Empire. In this barren land, children are precious.”

I didn’t understand the Duke’s intention to say such a thing.

Seeing my reaction, the Duke clicked his tongue, pushed the cookie plate towards me, and said, “I’m just saying that I won’t be kicking you out as long as I’m in charge.”

…Ah, so even if he doesn’t have any affection towards me, he has a sense of responsibility to raise me, right?

I stared quietly towards the Duke.

Even though he still had the same cold expression, it wasn’t as severe as when I first arrived here with Rachel.

He flinched when I stared at him. He lowered his head slightly.


The Duke lightly clicked his tongue before opening his mouth after a brief silence.

“Is the service here unsatisfactory?”


It’s the truth. Compared to the places I’ve been into before, this place was simply heaven.

“Do you want to say something?”

I think for a moment about his words.

…What else should I say? I can’t ask him about raising the cat. Hmm, well, there’s only one thing I can say in this situation.

“Thank you, Duke.”

I continued slowly so that my pronunciation would be clear.

“I’ll be nice and won’t cwomplain.” (“I’ll be nice and won’t complain”)

The Duke was silent. But, the silence was brief, too.

“After you finish eating those cookies, you may leave.”

He said so and pointed at the cookie plate.

The Duke of Crayton sat in his chair and thought for a moment.

The little girl in front of him was very malnourished and didn’t look like her age because of her thin arms. She was also self-conscious, and she was very mature in her choice of words.

All of the facts about her make the duke feel unsettled. Even the kids in the north were unlike her, even though they grew up in barren land. No, rather, the children in the north were strong and active. That’s why he didn’t know how to treat the passive child.

“It’s frustrating…”

She wouldn’t be like this if she were raised in the temple. Thinking so, the Duke narrowed his brows.

“…I won’t bother you.”

He couldn’t stop thinking about the child’s words.

“She won’t bother me….”

As he muttered and repeated those words, he frowned.

“I tried to bother you, but you’re good at talking…”

She kept reminding him that she wouldn’t bother him, although he doesn’t think it would be annoying if the child bothers him a little more.

With that thought in mind, the Duke picked up his pen nervously.

There were a lot of documents to process, but he couldn’t concentrate as usual.


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