The Child is Loved By The Holy Constellations Chapter 4


Translator: Nabi


Chapter 4

A small whisper. Then, as I felt my back gently swaying, I forcibly lifted my heavy eyelids.


“Oh, you are awake.”

I rubbed my eyes with my hand at the sound of the muttering in embarrassment.

“If you are sleepy, sleep more, Beatrice.”

“No, no…”

Wait, it is because I was more curious about where we have arrived. Swallowing my words, I glanced around.

Inside of the building was filled with the stone walls, which were smoothly exposed. Marble was also visible, but the surface of the building, which seemed to have used other things, was polished and clean.

“Oh, my. It seems that I woke up Beatrice for nothing.”

A voice of an old man?

When I turned my head, I could see a kind-looking grandfather with a long white beard, sweeping down his beard.


“Ah, kitty.”

As I peered down to see the cat meowing with its green eyes twinkling. The cat sent by Sakpata has gorgeous mackerel-colored fur.

“Can you take me down, please?”

When I asked to get down, Rachel carefully lowered me down to the floor. As soon as my feet touched the ground, the cat gently rubbed itself against my leg and groaned softly.

“Heh, it seems like Sakpata’ messenger like you, Beatrice.”

At his words, I turned my head to look at the grandfather. Maybe this person is the High Priest? Let me ask still, though.

“Grandpa, who are you?”

“Oh no, my greetings are late. I am the servant of Sakpata.”


“Oh, um… I have been here the longest.”

It is convincing. The High Priest must be one of the longest-serving people in the temple.

“Then, why am I here now?”

“Sakpata told me to bring you here.”

“And what about the others?”

“Of course.”

Well, I am glad to hear that the children came to the temple, but is it really true? Why, there are people who interpret the words of God according to their taste. People like that are often called heretics or cults—

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ says that if there is such a person, he will punish them himself. ]

Oh, the God who gave the oracle is here himself. Well, then it is reliable.

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ pounds his heart, saying that his followers are trustworthy. ]

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ grumbles that it is the same for her followers. ]

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ says that his followers will also not lose if they have faith. ]

How would the priests react if they knew that the Gods were playing like this? With that in mind, I looked at the message window with cold eyes. Come to think of it, these Gods were the Gods in the novels I wrote, right? What was I thinking in the past?


As I sighed briefly inwardly, the High Priest said,

“Beatrice, it would be better to clean your body first.”


“Because when your body is clean, your meal will taste better.”

Hmm, what kind of reaction would a five-year-old child have here? Ah, I feel like I’m solving an essay-type test question…

“I know that.”

“You are a good child. Rachel will help you.”

Saying so, the High Priest glanced at Rachel. Rachel then said, bending her knees and meeting my eye level.

“Would you like me to carry you, Beatrice?”

“It’s okay, I can go alone.”

“But, I want to go holding hands, can’t we?”

I know she is just saying that in case I fall. Yeah, well, I’m five years old in body, not five in spirit, so let’s move on.

Instead of answering, I held out her hand and Rachel gently smiled. She carefully took my hand and thought to myself as I walked with her.

‘Oh, peeking in the shower is prohibited.’

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ is disappointed! ]

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ is disappointed! ]

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ asks if she is all right. ]

You can’t see either.

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ sighs sadly. ]

Even though the reaction is like that, I have to say one more thing because they might secretly watch it.

‘If you look, I will hate you all.’

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ is screaming! ]

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ is screaming! ]

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ is screaming! ]

…I am glad I said that.

After washing my body clean with warm water and changing into the prepared clothes (it was a priests’ uniform because it was a temple), I finished eating.

‘I feel good.’

I was a little embarrassed when I washed myself clean in pleasantly warm water. Even though the situation at the nursery was bad, the water color…

Anyway, as I changed into neat clothes and had an incomparably rich meal, I met the High Priest again.

“Beatrice, you will be here for a while.”

For a while? That means… you mean I am not going to be here all the time?

“I can’t stay here?”

The High Priest nodded his head.

“You are going to a better place.”

“A… better place?”

“Sakpata said that Beatrice should be in a better place, not in a temple.”

What?! I just want to live while sucking honey! A temple is a place where the influence of the Gods is strong! Can’t I just stay here?

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ says it’s difficult. ]

It was absurd to say that it was difficult. No, why is it difficult? I do not think there is a place safer for me than here. Besides, didn’t you say I am the Creator? Are you going to just throw the Creator away, now?


[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ is sweating profusely, looking around and asking for help. ]

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ looks at you and says that being in the temple is difficult. ]

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ advises the Creator to proceed with the story. ]

…Story? What are you talking about?

Don’t tell me, this story…?

[ The constellations nod their heads in unison. ]

I felt my head throb at the sight. That is why you brought me in, right? These kidnappers.

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ sighs in regret. ]

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ laments that she seems to have lost her credibility. ]

I sighed and shook my head, feeling uncomfortable to deal with this situation at the moment.

First of all, it seems to roll similarly to the original plot. Beatrice never described when she became a child of fate, so I do not know if it is the same or if it is a little twisted.

But, where is a good place? It’s not a temple, so what, an imperial palace or something like that?

[ All constellations staring at you nod their heads. ]

What, really?!

[ Everyone gives a revelation and opens their hearts, saying that tomorrow the people will come. ]

It is understandable for me. No, otherwise, I would have just been left at the orphanage, and they wouldn’t have sent the cat in the first place. However, it is not like people are coming in, right? I am not asking you to go there and decide who is going to raise me.

Besides, the options are fixed.

Regardless, I can’t go in like this because I’m the adopted daughter of a count.

I recalled the original story. No, to be honest, the original plot was so poorly written, but let’s think about it for now.

The female lead is a child of ‘real’ fate and is connected to the male lead, the Crown Prince.

Of course, because she is a female lead and overflowing with charm, not only the Crown Prince, but also the Demon Lord, the Paladin, and the best assassin on the continent, fall in love with the female lead as well. It is like a reverse harem waste.

Beatrice is known as a fake, so the female lead returned to her original position. The villain is the Duke, though I remember that it was a very cliche role in which he made a contract with the demons, opened the summoning gate, and tried to become the Emperor.

That is why I screwed up.

Now that I think about it, this might be why the novel was ruined. Or, maybe I just didn’t write it well enough. Ugh, anyway, this is not important right now.

Looking at Beatrice’s age, the female lead, the male lead, and the sub-male leads should all be as old as me. So, it is impossible to ask the main characters to raise me.

Then, all that’s left…

The Imperial Palace or the Duke’s? It doesn’t seem like they will raise a child well in the tower, and the temple… I don’t think the Gods will allow it, so I will pass.

So, does that mean I will go straight to the original?

Realizing that this method was not good enough either, I hesitated.

Wait a minute.

I have forgotten a more important premise than this, haven’t I?

Being possessed as an extra in a novel I wrote—

It was the God who set it up, or the Gods brought me together. Besides, the reason is to advance the story.

‘Hey, explain in detail what exactly it means to move forward with the story.’

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ advises you to read the guidebook. ]

I wondered what would happen if it was written nonsense like before, but there was nothing else I could do.

And so, I slowly opened the notebook. There were only brief phrases written on it.

—End the unfinished world, the unfinished story.

—The only person who can do that is you.

‘What are these? Can’t you explain it more precisely?’

[ If I explain in detail, I am troubled that the intervention could be so severe that the world could be out of balance. ]

‘Still, isn’t it helpful when it’s really important?!’

I was speechless, looking at the notebook in front of me that does not make any sense. No, I feel like my head is going to explode… No, wait—

“…Is it over if I just die, then?”

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ screams, saying that is not okay. ]

[ If the ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ becomes a god who harms the Creator, she prepares to bury her nose in the water and die. ]

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ is praying. ]

“Why? Then, it will be over.”

What is the problem with me ending the story like that, you damn Gods?

[ I’m begging you to let it slide just once. ]

[ Now that you are already here, you should try to play around and see if we are tempted. ]

[ Unlike the world you lived in where you can do whatever you want, I earnestly ask you not to do that. ]

you guys are Gods… Can God have favoritism?

[ “The Creator is an exception,” they all say together. ]

[ They say they want to see how the world that the Creator started ends. ]

‘It is good to be an exception, but if it’s like this, you can complete the story without bringing me in in the first place…’

All of you are Gods, but why did you pull me in here?

As I frowned since I could not understand their minds at all, letters appeared in the guidebook.

—Dream of the impossible. ☆

Don’t even put an asterisk on it. That doesn’t make you look any cuter.


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