The Child is Loved By The Holy Constellations Chapter 3


Translator: Nabi


Chapter 3

The priest was not alone. Behind her stood men in flashing armor.

She did not even glance towards the director, who had her waist bowed so deeply that I thought her nose might touch the ground.

“No, Kitty.”

The cat was crouching and moaning as it had been hit hard by the broom earlier. As I approached the cat, which was constantly licking its side, it meowed helplessly and rubbed its head at its feet.

What should I do? If it got hit very badly, I need to treat it right away…

Although it was sent by Sakpata, it is still a cat. A cat with no special powers.

As I swept the back of a moaning cat in pain, the cat blinked its green eyes for a moment then buried its head in its leg again.

I did not know what to do. Even if the priest came and the director was distracted, that did not mean I could cure the cat. There are no drugs, and…

It was then that an unfamiliar hand suddenly reached out.

Big hands.

As I was startled by the hand, a soft voice touched my ear.

“Don’t be surprised.”

Oh, the priest? When did she get here?

I hesitated and gazed up at the priest. Why is the priest staring at me like this…?

Even though I have the attention of the Gods, to anyone who knows nothing, I am just one of the children in the orphanage. The child on the verge of being assaulted by the director. Compared to such a child, the priest had a very high status. So, this attitude was very unfamiliar.

The priest gently curved her eyes. Then, she spoke in a low, hoarse voice.

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

“…I’m not hurt.”

Even at this moment, there is a short tongue sound, which is embarrassing. Thinking so, I turned my head towards the cat.

The cat was straightening its back. Even now, it was paying attention to a stranger approaching me even though it was severely hurt.

At the small growling cat. The priest, who alternately gazed at me, nodded her head slightly and reached out to the cat. Her hand was shining faintly.


The cat flinched. Its body lit up for a moment, and soon, the cat got up as if the pain was all gone. Looking at the priest, I blinked in shock, wondering if I saw that correctly.

Then, the priest’s hand brushed the air near the cat for a moment, before gently grabbing my arm. It was the arm that the director grabbed.


“ It is bruised. This must hurt.”

How am I supposed to answer this, so that it is appropriate for a five-year-old child?


And so, I rolled my eyes and peered at the director, who was still glancing at this side and the people in armor with a restless attitude, not fully straightening her back.

Yeah, of course, she is afraid. The director is not someone who raises a child with love, isn’t she?

Anyone could tell just by looking at what she did to me. She may be exaggerating to scare me, but that does not change the fact that she is telling a five-year-old to be in solitary confinement for a week. This is downright abuse.

“I’m not bleeding, so I’m not hurt.”

After my words, the priest paused. However, just moments later, she smiled softly and gently stroked my bruised arm.

“But, it still hurts, doesn’t it?”

Instead of answering, I nodded. At the same time, the pain disappeared from the bruised arm. When I saw that even the bruises had completely disappeared, I was amazed that my mouth was opened in surprise.

“Your hair is a mess.”

The priest said, reaching out her hand and carefully arranged my messy hair. It was the hair that the director had roughly grabbed and had become sporadic.

“Little girl, what is your name?”


“Okay, Beatrice.”

Lowering her knee to meet my gaze, she did not mind that the white hem of her robe was stained with dust and grass.

“Would you like to come with me? It’s a place where you would get neither hurt nor hungry.”

This lady must be a priest serving Sakpata. After the oracle was given, she must have come to pick me up.

I glanced at the director. It was pitiful to see her staring at me as she was sweating profusely.

“What about the others?”

“Do you want to take them all as well?”

“The director is angry. If other kids can’t go, I don’t want that.”

The priest nodded her head. Even after hearing my request, it was a little surprising that she didn’t get angry right away.

“I will let the other children come with me.”


“Of course. I can promise you.”

Saying so, the priest held out her pinky.

“Shall I promise you?”


I put my little finger out and waved it a little. The priest, who waved her hand with a rather serious expression, suddenly said,

“Would you like a hug, Beatrice?”

I paused for a moment. Well, hugging—It would be okay, right? And if she hugged me, the priest would know that I’m lighter than average children…

Hesitatingly, I eventually approached her and stretched out my arm. The priest hugged me easily. Suddenly, my vision widened and I grabbed the hem of her robe tightly, as a soothing hand patted my back.


[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ stretches out his chest proudly, saying that his followers are like this. ]

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ says her own followers would be more attentive. ]

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ rebukes an adult who touches a child. ]

Shut up you people, you mood breakers.

“A director who is responsible for hurting a child…”

“P, Priest! It’s not like that…!”

“We will take Beatrice. And all the children in the orphanage.”

The priest’s voice was calm, as if announcing what had already been decided. However, contrary to her words, I could feel the strength in her arms.

“Your treatment of the children—I will report to the Imperial Family about you directly.”

“Pr, Priest!”

“How dare you put your hand on a child who has received an oracle.”

The director’s face turned blue at the word oracle.

“I can’t do or say anything to you right now, so I’m holding it in right now.”

Saying so, the priest turned around as if the director wasn’t even worth dealing with anymore.

After glancing behind her, I could see the director sitting on the floor with a tired complexion like a corpse. While the cat that follows the priest with its tail held up proudly.

“Are you hungry, Beatrice?”

I blinked at the priest’s question in a quiet voice.

…Am I hungry?

“…I ate bread and soup earlier.”

“Is that so?”

At that, I nodded my head slowly. I got to eat earlier since no one took my food. Though it’s not that I am full, I am just not hungry at the moment.

As I was pondering about it, something suddenly popped out in front of my nose.

“Would you like to try it?”

It was a lollipop that touched my nose. Transparent, red candy.

“What is this?”

A child at an orphanage would never have eaten something like this, so I pretended to ask her.

“It’s candy. It’s sweet and delicious.”

“Is it mine?”

“Of course. If you eat it all, I’ll give it to you again.”

The sincerity of the person who gave it was also sincere. The sweet smell from earlier made me salivate. As I opened my mouth, the sugary taste filled my mouth with the strawberry scent.

“It’s yummy.”

I mumbled softly with the candy in my mouth. Seeing so, the priest smiled faintly.

“Did you like it?”

I nodded my head.

Is it because it’s a child’s body? Usually, I don’t like sweets that much, though I could not get the candy out of my mouth.

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ is gazing at you with joy. ]

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ is screaming happily. ]

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ takes note that you like candy.]

This is an invasion of privacy, you damn Gods…

[ I protest! I am just watching because I’m worried. ]

I thought to myself, ‘Is that so,’ and sighed inwardly. Thanks to Sakpata’s help, I got out of trouble, but what exactly was the oracle that caused the priest to act like this? She came not long after the blinding lights lit up, didn’t she?

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ says you will know everything when you go to the temple. ]

You can just tell me now—

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ says surprise gifts are the best. ]

Just being possessed here is enough to startle me, these kidnappers.

I peered down at the cat, ignoring the shocked message window. The treatment was completed and it was walking elegantly. While sucking the candy, I then turned to the priest this time. She was a beautiful woman with smooth flowing brown hair and elegant lines.

“What’s wrong, Beatrice?”

As if feeling that I was staring at her, the priest immediately turned her head to meet my gaze, and asked affectionately.

Oh, sister. She looks so pretty.

“Name, I don’t know…”

“You mean my name?”

I nodded at her question.

The priest smiled softly and said, “It’s Rachel.”


I then continued my question. “Where are we going?”

“We are going to the temple. It is a place where Sakpata, the god of crops and agriculture, is enshrined.”


“The bread and soup that Beatrice eats come from the ground. He is a very, very high person who presides over them.”


“Sakpata told me to bring Beatrice. So, that is where we are going.”

“Is there any bread there?”

“Of course, there is a lot.”

“How about soup?”

“There is so much that it will not disappear even if you eat it.”

“Is it enough for the other kids to eat, too?”

“Yes, there is a lot.”

“So, do not worry,” Rachel said, kissing me lightly on the cheek. I was a little relieved by those words.

Although the bullying kids were not to my liking, the children in the orphanage were all starving and lacking. It is fortunate to say that we will get away from such a ledger and receive the protection of the temple where we can eat to our fullest.

Feeling relieved, I rested my head in Rachel’s arms. Was it because of a series of crazy events? Or maybe it was because she held me in her arms without malice…?

I was getting more and more sleepy. Even though I tried not to fall asleep, at some point, without realizing it, I drifted off.


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